Chapter5 Disney, Walt (说课稿)_第1页
Chapter5 Disney, Walt (说课稿)_第2页
Chapter5 Disney, Walt (说课稿)_第3页
Chapter5 Disney, Walt (说课稿)_第4页




1、chapter5 disney, walt (说课稿) 您现在正在阅读的chapter5 disney, walt (说课稿)文章内容由收集, 请记住本站网址:.以便下次访问!本站将为您提供更多的精品教学资源!chapter5 disney, walt (说课稿)一、说教材 (一)教材的作用和地位 “牛津英语教材把语言结构、语言功能和主题内容有机地结合起来,所以语言的信息输入量大,选材广泛、主体有序、内容集中,学习内容非常贴近学生的生活实际和思想实际。本课主要让学生了解迪斯尼乐园,了解华特迪斯尼,这两项内容也是学生较为熟悉和感兴趣的。课文本身内容比较简单,所以我要求学生直接借助于网络进行查阅相

2、关资料,并在此基础上进行归纳,使学生的信息量有了大大的增加,由学生的被动的接受变成了主动的学习. (二)教学目标 1、知识目标:学习单词create,character,amusementpark,应该说这些单词的掌握并不难,开学初我已把单词全部教完,在此只是重现和巩固。 2、能力目标:提高学生自然运用英语进行交际的能力。 3、情感目标:通过香港迪斯尼乐园明年将在香港开幕这一契机,让学生扮演一位经理在开幕式上发言,通过这一环节,增强学生的民族荣誉感。 二、说教法 (一)教学设计的原则 1坚持“自主学习,合作学习”的教学原则 教师打破了以教师为中心,单项灌输的陈旧模式,在课堂教学中尽可能发挥学生

3、的主动性和合作精神,营造了良好的学习氛围,更重要的是在频繁的交流中,学生的语言表达能力提高了。 2遵循英语教学的交际性原则 交际性原则是英语教学中的一个指导性原则,教学最终的目的不仅要使学生掌握知识,更重要的是使学生在理解的基础上,在交际性练习中培养交际能力,而培养这种交际能力,就是反映在课堂教学中学生以主人翁态度,积极、主动、大胆地参与英语课堂练习活动的主体意识上。 3追求和谐的课堂活动 学生主体性的发挥,要在民主,平等的氛围中体现,更要在科学,和谐的教学活动中进行.课堂教学不仅要处理好老师、学生、教材等关系,还要尽可能地发挥三者各自的特长,这就是教学的最优化。在课堂教学中,既要有意识的让学

4、生去感知、理解,又要让学生不断地感悟。 4拓宽学生的视野 现代外语教学理论认为,一定量的语言输入是语言输出的基础,即语言的输出有赖于语言的输入。只有在大量吸收的基础上才能提高表达的技能,也只有在吸收信息和表达自己意愿的过程中才能培养语言交际的能力。因此,教师根据教材做了很大的扩展,要求学生尽可能用英语向同学展示你学习后的成果,你的爱好及缘由等,使教学更趋向真实。 (二)教学手段 1、直观性:本课时最大的特点就是运用副语言行为,即通过教师亲切的语调,鼓励的目光、幽默的举止,自然的消除学生的紧张情绪,克服交际中的心理障碍。另外,运用多媒体辅助教学,用一些色彩艳丽的图片,吸引学生的注意力,培养学生的

5、直接兴趣,使学生更加踊跃地投入到教学实践中去。 2、趣味性:对于课程学生非常熟悉,但是如果一味让学生说,学生就会感到枯燥无味。因此,教师尽可能把枯燥的内容形象化,把课堂知识由学生的间接需要变成学生的直接需要,引发学生的学习积极性。 三、说教学程序 step1pre-taskpreparation 教师围绕本课的内容,先通过一段学生喜欢的卡通片引出课文中出现的人物,并让同学们进行亲切的交流,谈论他们最喜欢的卡通人物,缩进了教师和学生的距离,带着轻松的心情融入课堂 step2while-taskprocedure 通过卡通人物的呈现,顺利的导入waltdisney,让同学小组讨论waltdisne

6、y和disneylandpark,继而让他们在全班同学面前交流,这其实对是同学们通过网络自查和归纳总结的成果的展示,也是对他们自我学习,合作学习的一种肯定。随后让同学们通过回答问题,完成关于waltdisney和disneylandpark的表格,这样教师对他们学习成果也进行检查,从一定程度上也为课文的快速阅读并理解做好了充分的准备工作.在此基础上,边听课文边完成task1trueorfalse并进行校对.基于刚才的交流,学生对课文内容的理解已经迎刃而解.之后,学生读课文,进一步的加深对课文的理解和巩固.随后根据课文中的内容,完成task2clozetest,这其实也是对知识的巩固和运用. s

7、tep3posttaskactivity 为了调动学生的积极性,我抓住了同学们比较感兴趣的香港迪斯尼乐园这一契机,让同学们进行讨论,如果你是一个经理,你会在开幕式上如何发言,一定程度上增强了他们的民族荣誉感. step4homework 牛津英语的作业形式是多样的,开放式的作业是牛津教材最明显的特点,能充分发挥学生的内在潜能.我把课开始播放的一段动画片作为要求,让他们根据故事情节写一则故事,既锻炼了它们的写作能力,也符合他们的兴趣爱好,他们也乐意去做. chapter fivedisney, walt. teaching objects:1. improving the students re

8、ading skills.2. collecting the information from the materials they have read.teaching important points:words and expressions: create cartoon characters be famous for an amusement park .teaching aids:multi-media computer. teaching procedures:(students are divided into eight groups. each group has a l

9、eader.) 1. pre-task preparation an enjoyment of a cartoon “mickey mouse and pluto”. discussing the cartoon characters that students like best. a brief introduction about walt disney and fill in the table. a brief introduction about disneyland parks and fill in the table.(students have prepared for t

10、hem on the net.)2. while-task procedure listen to the tape of the text once and complete the first task.task 1: true or false exercise read the text together and complete the second task.task 2: cloze test ask the students to correct the answers each other.3. post-task activity situation: hong kong

11、disneyland park will be opened next year. suppose you are the manager of it and what will you say at the opening ceremony?4. homework oral work: recite the text. written work: a short story “mickey mouse and pldate: dec.16, 2004place: class five, grade eightwritten by: min xianghong from bayi middle

12、 schoolchapter fivedisney, walt . pre-task preparationt: s1, do you enjoy watching cartoons? s2, what about you? me too. lets enjoy a cartoon “mickey mouse”, shall we? (放映卡通片)t: how wonderful! after class, lets go on, ok? (展现卡通人物)t: what are they? i think they are all very lovely. do you think so?no

13、w, can you tell me which one you like best? why?discuss in your groups, then i will ask some of you to tell me, ok? only two minutes, be quick.t: who can tell me who created these cartoon characters? oh, yes. walt disney.(展现walt disney的照片)t: this is walt disney. he is mickeys father and they are all

14、 his draughts and sons. while-task procedure (展现search on the net)t: two days ago, i asked all of you to search the information about walt disney and disneyland park on the net. have you prepared for it? t: discuss in your groups, then i will ask some of you to introduce something about them to us.1

15、. introduce walt disney 2. introduce disneyland park t: thank you for your exciting introduction . i think all of you have worked very hard . thank you. you are all very excellent.t: now, would you like to know more about walt disney and disneyland park? ok, lets listen to the text and then finish t

16、he first task- true or false exercise.task 1(展现练习)true or false exercise 1. walt disney lived from 1910-1966. f 2. he created disneyland park because his parents were very rich. f 3. he drew cartoon characters for newspapers. f 4. his most famous cartoon character was snow white. f 5. mickey mouse b

17、ecame rich and famous. f 6. there is only one disneyland park in the usa. t 7. walt disney sold newspaper after he left school. t 8. mickey mouse isnt a real mouse. f 9. there are also disneyland park in japan and england. f 10. disneyland is a famous amusement park. t: now, open your books, lets re

18、ad the text together and then finish the second task- cloze test. task 2(展现练习)cloze testdisneyland parks are famous amusement parks . there are four in the world. two of them are in the usa of america and the other two are in japan and in france. now hong kong is going to build a disneyland park and it will be open in 2005. disneyland park was created by walt disney. he was born in 1901 and died in 1996. he was famous for hi


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