房地产权证模板一(新版中英对照):总结 计划 汇报 设计 纯word可编辑_第1页
房地产权证模板一(新版中英对照):总结 计划 汇报 设计 纯word可编辑_第2页
房地产权证模板一(新版中英对照):总结 计划 汇报 设计 纯word可编辑_第3页
房地产权证模板一(新版中英对照):总结 计划 汇报 设计 纯word可编辑_第4页




1、房地产权证房地产权证property ownership certificate粤房地证字第 c xxxxxxx 号guangdong property ownership certificate no. c xxxxxxxxx 市人民政府市人民政府 房地产专用章房地产专用章seal of the peoples government of xx municipality (for property ownership certificate only) 权属人权属人property owner身份证号码身份证号码id card no.国籍国籍nationality房屋所有权来源房屋所有权来源

2、source of housing ownership房屋用途房屋用途usage of the house商业commercial占有房屋份额占有房屋份额share of the house 全部sole ownership 房屋所有权性质房屋所有权性质 property of housing ownership私有private-owned土地使用权来源土地使用权来源source of land-use right土地使用权性质土地使用权性质 property of land-use right国有state-owned 房地坐落房地坐落site of the house 建筑结构建筑结构a

3、rchitectural structure混合结构hybrid structure 层数层数floors竣工日期竣工日期completion date of construction建基面积建基面积area of the building basesq.m. 平方米平方米建筑面积建筑面积total building areasq.m. 平方米平方米其中住宅建筑面积其中住宅建筑面积building area for dwellingsq.m. 平方米平方米其中套内建筑面积其中套内建筑面积set inside floor area sq.m. 平方米平方米房屋情况房屋情况state of the

4、 house四墙归属四墙归属ownership of four walls东墙:自墙 东至:空地east wall: private-owned east to: vacant lot 南墙:众墙 南至:south wall: public-owned south to: 西墙:自墙 西至:west wall: private-owned west to: 北墙:自墙和众墙 北至:north wall: private and public-owned north to: 地号地号land no.图号图号picture no. 图 picture: 幅 breadth: 用途用途usage商用

5、commercial土地等级土地等级class of land土地情况土地情况state of land使用权类型使用权类型type of land-use right终止日期终止日期date of expiry使用权面积使用权面积area permitted by land-use rightsq.m. 平方米平方米自用面积自用面积area for private usesq.m. 平方米平方米共用面积共用面积area for public usesq.m. 平方米平方米使用权证号使用权证号land-use right certificate no.填证机关填证机关issuing autho

6、rity共有共有(用用)人人co-owner (co-user)占有房屋份额占有房屋份额share of the house共有共有(用用)权证号权证号property co-ownership (co-usership) certificate no. 房地产共有房地产共有(用用)情况情况state of property co-ownership (co-usership) 纳税情况纳税情况state of tax payment已完纳契税deed tax already paid 附记附记remarks登记字号登记字号registration no.登记机关登记机关registrationauthority:xx 市人民政府 房地产权证专用章the peoples government of xx municipality (seal for property ownership certificate only)登记日期登记日期date of registration:他项权情况他项权情况state of encumbrance权利人 obligee: 权利范围 scope of rights: 权利价值 value of rights: 权力种类 type of rights:


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