



1、incident title事件标题incident tracking number事件跟踪号码group集团division部门sub division分部site where incident occurred事件发生地点air products premises? (yes or no)if no, indicate the exact addressapci工厂?(是或否)如果不是,请指明具体地址incident date事件日期incident time事件时间name of injured/ill employee受伤/生病雇员姓名age年龄job title职务time in j

2、ob function现岗位工作时间workplace of record (if different than site where incident occurred)可记录的工作地点(如果与事件发生地点不一样)group(集团): division(部门): subdivision(分部): facility(工厂): home address家庭地址incident description事件描述immediate corrective action立即采取的改正措施.overnight hospitalization (yes or no)通宵住院治疗(是或否)name and ad

3、dress of physician医生姓名和地址name and address of hospital or clinic医院或门诊部的名称和地址investigation start date调查开始日期process knowledgeable?对工艺有认识的?investigation team调查组company/department公司/部门yes/no是/否witness name, address, phone number证人姓名,地址,电话号码investigation summary调查小结1.was employee diagnosed with an occupat

4、ional illness?雇员是否被诊断为职业病?(i.e. hearing loss, cumulative trauma or repetitive stress injuries, etc.)(如:失聪,劳损或反复性压力损伤,等)2.did injured employee lose consciousness?受伤雇员是否失去知觉?3.was prescription medication prescribed or supplied by physician for more than one dose application? if yes, identify prescript

5、ion/duration.医生开出/提供的治疗处方是否多于一剂?如果是,请说明处方剂量/持续时间。4.did injury involve 2nd or 3rd degree burns, cutting away dead skin, removal of foreign bodies from the eye by tweezers or scraping, a positive x-ray diagnosis or require sutures, butterfly bandage, or steri-strip(s)?是否为2级或3级烧伤,切除坏死皮肤,用镊子从眼中取出其他物体或碎片

6、,确实经过x光诊断或需要缝合,使用蝴蝶绷带或消毒绷带?5.were hot/cold soaks or compresses, whirlpool bath therapy, heat therapy or application of antiseptic required during second or subsequent visit to medical personnel?是否热/冷浸泡或热敷?涡流浴治疗,热疗或当第二次或随后对伤者的探视中需要使用消毒剂?6.did injury/illness cause restriction of work or motion?受伤/疾病是否

7、导致工作或行动受到限制?7.was employee transferred to another job because of injury/illness?是否因受伤/疾病该雇员转换到其他的工作?8.did employee miss his/her next or subsequent scheduled workday due to injury/illness?该雇员是否因受伤/疾病而使得他/她未能在下一个或随后的即定工作日上班?9.was injury/illness fatal to the employee?受伤/疾病对该雇员是否是致命的?10.recordability ty

8、pe (recordable injury, recordable illness, or first aid)可记录的类型(可记录的工伤事故,可记录的疾病,或急救)11.recordability category (medical treatment, restricted duty, lost time, or fatality)可记录的范畴(医疗治疗,工作受限,失时工伤事故,或死亡)12.if a lost time incident, number of complete work days lost (estimate)如果为失时工伤事故,完全不能工作的天数(预计)13.if a

9、restricted duty incident, number of restricted work days (estimate)如果为工作受限事件,受限的工作天数(预计)14.describe treatment/therapy:处理/治疗描述:note: if you answered yes to any of the first 9 questions, then the injury is probably recordable and must be recorded on the site osha 200 log within 6 days, pending final d

10、etermination. if medical treatment was (or should have been) provided and a yes answer was not logged, then consult your safety professional for determination of recordability.备注:对于前9个问题,如果你对任意一条的回答为“是”的话,则该工伤很有可能为可记录的,并且在6天内必须记录在现场osha 200 log中等候最终的决定。如果施行了(或必须进行)医疗治疗,且未被记录为“是”,则依照你对安全的专业知识来判定是否为可记

11、录的工伤事故。answer yes or no to the following questions regarding factors that were directly involved at the time of the accident.在事故发生时,对下列与直接因素有关问题进行“是”或“否”的回答:1.was air products product involved?与apci产品有关吗?2.did the injured/ill person assume a risk previously identified as a hazard?伤者/病人是否在事故发生前已认为有危险

12、?3.was the injured/ill person wearing required protective equipment?伤者/病人是否已经穿戴防护设备?4.was the injured/ill person engaged in horseplay/fighting?伤者/病人是否参与了嬉戏/打闹?5.was the injured/ill person performing unauthorized work?伤者/病人是否未经批准进行作业?6.was the injured/ill person rushed/in haste, under stress, or distracted?伤者/病人是否在匆忙中,在压力下,或是在心烦意乱中贸然行事?7.did the injured/ill person appear to be under the influence of alcohol/drugs?伤者/病人是否在酒后/服食毒品后进行作业?8.did the injured/ill person violate rules/permits/practices/regulations?伤者/病人是否违反了规章制度/操作条例?9.was the injured/ill person a victim of another workers actions?伤者


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