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1、产品质量保证保险条款clauses of product quality bond insurance总则general provisions第一条 为促进产品生产者、销售者重视和提高产品质量,维护企业产品声誉,保护消费者的合法权益,特开办本保险。clause i this insurance is specially set up to promote producers and distributors to pay attention to and improve product quality, so as to maintain the reputation of products,

2、 protect the legal rights and interest of consumers.第二条 凡经国家产品质量检验机构检验合格、批准生产和销售的产品,生产和销售企业(以下称被保证人)都可以按本条款规定向本公司投保。clause ii all the products that have been accredited and authorized by product quality inspection unit to be manufactured and freely sold on the market, producers as well as distributo

3、rs, hereafter referred to as the warrantee, can apply for insurance to our company.保险责任insurance liabilities第三条 在保险期限内,被保证人对其当年生产销售的产品,依照中华人民共和国产品质量法。对由下列原因产生的,应由其承担的修理、更换、退货责任,本公司对被保证人负责赔偿80%的损失,累计最高赔偿金额在保险金额10%以内赔付,具体赔偿限额在特别约定中列明。clause iii in insurance period, for all the liabilities for repair,

4、replacement and withdrawal of the products, produced and sold by and should be assumed by the warrantee according to law on product quality, caused by following reasons, our company will pay for 80% of the warrantees loss, while the total premium should not pass 10% of the insured amount. the specif

5、ic limits of indemnity will be listed in the special agreements.(1) 不具备产品应当具备的使用性能而事先未作说明的;article 1. do not possess the performances the products should bear and have not been narrated in advance.(二)不符合在产品或者包装上注明采用的产品标准的;article 2. have not reached the standards indicated on the products and packag

6、ing.(三)不符合以产品说明、或实物样品等方式表明的质量状况;article 3. fall short of the quality status indicated by the product instruction or the sample.(四)经本公司事先同意,由于本条(一)至(三)款责任引起的应由被保证人承担的合理的运杂费及其他有关费用。article 4. rational transportation and other relevant expenses brought about according to article 1 to 3 of this clause t

7、hat should be assumed by the warrantee.第4条 经本公司和被保证人特别约定,在被保证人因经营不善停业整顿或法院宣布破产时,本公司才负责本条款第三条保险责任。clause iv. according to the special agreement of our company and the warrantee, our company will undertake the insurance liability of the third article only when the warrantee is in bad management and st

8、op operations for rectification, or suspended by the court.除外责任exemption of liability第5条 本公司对下列各款不负赔偿责任:clause v. our company is exempted from liability in following articles.(1) 除本条款第三条规定的法律责任外根据合同或协议应由被保证人承担的其他责任;article 1. other liabilities, except for the legal liabilities prescribed in clause i

9、ii, should be assumed by the warrantee according to contract and agreement.(2) 出厂时未经检验的产品或虽经检验属于不合格产品(包括次品、处理品、废品等)以及无法确定出厂日期或销售日期的产品;article ii. products without ex-factory inspection, products have not passed the inspection, including the inferior, disposed and discarded, as well as the products b

10、oth the date of shipment and sale date cannot be traced. (3) 用户和消费者(下称权利人)不按照产品使用说明书要求安装、使用或经权利人自行拆装、修理过的产品;article iii. products that users and consumers, hereafter referred to as the obligee, have not installed or used abiding by the instruction, and the products that have been dismantled and fixe

11、d by the obligee himself.(4) 出口到境外(包括港、澳、台地区)的产品;article iv. products exported overseas, including hongkong, macao and taiwan.(5) 产品造成使用者或其他人的人身伤害和财产损失;article v. personal injury and property loss caused by the products.(6) 产品的自然磨损,运输、仓储过程中产品的损失,销售企业自进货发票开出之日起,超出一年半之后出售的产品以及超过保质期所致的损失;article vi. we

12、ar loss and the loss in transportation and storage of the products, products sold 1 and an half year after the incoming invoice date, as well as the loss caused by excessing the date of minimum durability (7) 违法生产或销售的产品;article vii. products illegally produced or sold.(8) 被保证人不符合产品实际情况的产品宣传引起的损失;art

13、icle viii. loss brought about by the warrantees promotion inconsistent with the products.(9) 被保证人因经营不善所致停业整顿或法院宣告破产以后销售的产品;article ix. products sold after the warrantee is in bad management and stop operations for rectification, or suspended by the court.(10) 其他不属于本保险责任范围内的损失。article x. other losses

14、 not falling within the scope of coverage of the policy.保险责任期限insurance period第6条 自产品由权利人在保险合同期限内购进被保证产品之日12时起,到次年同日12时止,期限为1年。产品标明的安全使用期或失效期在保险责任期限内的,则以标明日期为终止日。clause vi. insurance period is 1 year, from 12:00 of the day when the obligee purchase the insured products in insurance period, to 12:00

15、of the same day of next year.保险金额与保险费insurance amount and insurance premium第七条 单件产品的保险金额按出厂销售价或商店零售价确定。clause vii. insurance amount of single product is determined according to factory price or retail price.第八条 保险费按被保证产品当年的计划销售额和本公司费率规章的规定预收,期满时根据实际销售额进行调整。clause viii. insurance premium is received

16、beforehand according to the planned turnover of the insured products and the fee clauses of our company, and will be adjusted according to the actual turnover.被保证人义务liabilities of the warrantee第九条 在保险合同生效日之前,交纳保险费和约定的其他有关费用。clause ix. pay the insurance premium and other stipulated fees before insura

17、nce contract become effective.第十条 认真接受本公司对被保证产品的质量检查、监督,向本公司提供必要的生产、销售、质检及产品修理、更换、退货等方面的数据资料与帐册,对本公司的防灾防损建议应付诸实施。clause x. modestly accept the quality examination and inspection by our company, provide necessary data and account books relevant with production, distribution, quality inspection and re

18、pair, replacement and withdrawal of the products, as well as actualize our companys advice on calamity and loss prevention.第十一条 被保证人在出售产品时,产品或其包装的标识必须符合有关法规的规定,并应同时附有注明产品生产日期和保险时效的保险服务卡及产品使用说明书。clause xi. when the warrantee sell the products, marks of the products and its packaging must conform rele

19、vant laws, and enclosed with insurance card marked with production date and insurance period plus instruction.第十二条 被保证产品在技术标准或工艺标准上的变动应事先通知本公司。clause xii. notify our company of any change of technology and craft standards of the insured products.第13条 配合本公司处理赔案,并负责维修、更换被保证产品。clause xiii. provide coop

20、eration in dealing with compensation cases and answer for products repair and replacement.第14条 保险合同期满后不再续保时,被保证人应从本保险合同终止之日起停止使用保险凭证、保险标记,剩余部分交由本公司处理。clause xiv. when the insurance contract terminate and is not renewed any longer, the warrantee should stop using the insurance certificate and marks,

21、and hand over the left to our company.第15条 被保证人如不履行上述第九条至第十四条义务,本公司有权拒绝赔偿,或者从书面通知之日起终止保险合同。clause xv. if the warrantee do not fulfill the above-mentioned liabilities from clause ix to xiv, our company will be entitled to refuse compensation, or terminate the insurance contract from the day of writte

22、n notice. 赔偿处理compensation第十六条 被保证产品如果发生保险责任事故时,本公司按下列标准的80%予以赔偿。clause xvi. when accidents of insurance liability accidents befall the insured products, our company will pay 80% of the following standards.(一)一般零部件、元器件失效后的修复费用;article 1. repair expenses of common parts and components failure. (二)因设计

23、、制造等原因所致主要零部件、元器件失效,而更换该件的重置价值;article 2. reinstatement value of the main parts and components because of the failure caused by design and production.(3) 产品发生更换、退货时,其单件产品的保险金额,如果更换产品的保险金额高于重置价值时,其赔偿金额以不超过重置价值为限;article 3. insurance amount of single product when replacement and withdrawal. the reinst

24、atement value of the replaced products should not exceed the insurance premium. (4) 零部件、元器件和整件产品的重置价值以生产企业的销售价格为准,但不能超过同类产品的当地市场价;article 4. the reinstatement value of parts, components and complete product should take the sale price as the standard and do not exceed the market price of similar prod

25、ucts. (5) 经本公司事先同意,因产品修理、更换、退货引起的运杂费及其他有关的费用的实际发生数额,但不得超过该件产品的保险金额。article 5. transportation and other relevant expenses aroused by the repair, replacement and withdrawal of the products, with the approval by our company beforehand, should not surpass the insurance premium of the product. 第17条 对本保险范

26、围内的赔偿责任,本公司认为必要时可以以被保证人的名义代位行使应诉或向第三方提起诉讼。clause xvii. as for the compensation liabilities under the insurance coverage, our company is entitled to exert the subrogation right to answer the lawsuit and to lodge a complaint to a third party.第18条 被保证人或权利人向本公司提出索赔时,必须提供保险凭证、销售发票、维修费用凭证,及本公司认为必要的生产或销售原始

27、记录、损失清单、质检鉴定等有关单证。clause xviii. when registering claims, the warrantee and obligee must provide the insurance certificate, sales invoice and maintenance costs warrant, plus the necessary original production or sales record, loss list, quality appraisal and other relevant certificates. 第19条 本公司一般通过被保

28、证人向权利人赔偿,在认为有必要时也可以向权利人直接赔偿。clause xix. generally, our company pay the obligee through the warrantee, and pay directly when necessary.第二十条 权利人在获得赔款时,应将向有关责任方的追偿权转让给本公司,并协助本公司追偿。clause xx. when receiving the indemnity, the obligee should hand over the relevant recovery right to our company and help to recover the loss.第二十一条 权利人从发生保险责任事故的当天起,2年之内不向本公司申请赔偿,不提供规定的各种单证,即视同自动放弃索赔权益。clause xxi. the obligee should fi


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