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7、计。(8)在地震中受损的桥墩,轴承和限位许多地震的维修和改造工程已经开展,这些工程将在不久的将来完成。(9)抗震和大跨度钢桥梁工程是将来的发展趋势。(10)大型桥梁的假设和现有钢桥的改造、加固、修复及维修,将成为未来钢桥市场的重要组成部分。(11)桥梁建造时要重视安全规范和统一设计荷载。直到最近,政府还是无法实现桥梁和周围环境的完美统一。(12) 如今,许多现有的桥梁钢表现出某种形式的恶化,如腐蚀、钢构件疲劳裂纹。钢板和钢构件通过许多超重的车辆。(13)许多现有的桥梁需要大量的加工和修复工程。(14)很多司机驾车行驶在一个很长的桥梁时,往往会产生视觉错位,这会使他们紧张和不舒服。除此之外,许多






13、附件2:外文原文considerations on recent trends in, and future prospects of, steel bridge construction in japanabstract:in this paper, consideration is given on recent trends in, and requirements for a bright future of, steel bridge construction in japan. as far as recent trends are concerned, it is observe

14、d that the construction of long and big steel bridges has practically been completed. consequently, the focus of recent main works is the maintenance of superannuated (overaged) bridges and the seismic retrofitting of existing bridges. the refreshment and regeneration of some superannuated bridges i

15、s also needed recently in order to mitigate the uncomfortable influence of these bridges on their surrounding environment. as for a bright future in steel bridge construction, first and foremost it is emphasized that the steel bridge industry should be able to attract, train and retain better studen

16、ts and engineers. for this purpose, maintenance and retrofitting works should be economically reasonable jobs. the necessity and importance of these works should be understood by the nation through retrofitting existing bridges against disasters and mitigating the unfavourable influence of bridge st

17、ructures on the bridge environment on the basis of the code of ethics for civil engineers promulgated by jsce. moreover, bridge engineers should seek better social status and the bridge engineering field should become attractive to young students who will bear the future of this field.keywords: stee

18、l bridge construction; maintenance; bridge environment; civil engineering ethics; bridge indust.1. introductionthe akashi kaikyo bridge is now crossing the akashi strait with a centre span length of 1991 m, making it the longest suspension bridge in the world. tatara bridge, the longest cable-stayed

19、 bridge, with a main span length of 890 m, is standing now on one of the cross-sea routes connecting the honshu and shikoku islands. technological and financial backgrounds have permitted the accomplishment of many large projects pertaining to the construction of these large-scale steel bridges in b

20、ay routes and cross-sea highways. at the time of their inception, japan was still a developing country and more infrastructure was needed. these days, however, the planning for the construction of long-span steel bridges has practically finished due to serious economic recession. in the civil engine

21、ering field (which should be distinguished from the building industry), new construction is not large scale; in the fairly well developed japan, it is no longer considered a main industrial sector .in japan, many bridges were intensively constructed in the 1960s80s, during the period of high economi

22、c growth, with the number of bridges constructed per year decreasing recently to half of the overall peak. more specifically, the steel bridge industry reached the golden age in the latter half of the 1960s. however, the latest data indicates that the recent number of constructed steel bridges has d

23、eclined to approximately 40% of its peak, though the number of constructed rc and pc bridges remains almost constant from the beginning of 1960 to date. after the construction of many bridges as one of the important infrastructures, bridges were constructed predominantly in places of direct need. re

24、cently, it is observed that various kinds of damage have occurred to many bridges mainly constructed in the 1960s. especially following the investigation of damage to steel structures due to the hyogo-ken nambu earthquake which occurred in 1995, importance has been attached to seismic design for the

25、 construction of new bridges and to seismic retrofitting for existing steel bridges, aiming to utilise the ductility of steel bridge members and structures. many repair and seismic retrofitting works of bridge structures damaged as a result of the earthquake have been carried out and these works are

26、 due to finish in the near future. damaged parts in steel bridges were mainly classified into piers, bearings and restraining parts protecting bridges from falling down.recently, the seismic retrofitting works of long-span steel bridges has started. for example, the seismic retrofitting work of the

27、minato bridge in osaka, a big cantilever truss bridge with a main span of 510 m is now under way, with an estimated budget of 6000 million japanese yen and a works duration of 5 years. the maitani bridge located in nara prefecture, a deck-type steel girder bridge with the span length of 112 m is als

28、o undergoing seismic retrofitting .nowadays, many existing steel bridges exhibit some form of deterioration, such as the corrosion of steel members, fatigue cracks in rc slabs, steel decks and steel members due to the passage of many overweight vehicles, much heavier than those specified in the japa

29、nese specifications for highway bridges (jshb), and so on. as a result, many bridges require substantial strengthening and repair works. instead of the construction of large and long-span bridges, the retrofitting, strengthening, repair and maintenance of existing steel bridges already constructed w

30、ill take an increasingly important part of the future steel bridge market in japan .in japan, many bridges have been constructed to establish an efficient highway network since world war ii. attention has been, however, paid mainly to the construction of safe and standard bridges with, as far as pos

31、sible, uniform quality with regard to design loads. until recently, governments could not afford to consider the harmony between the bridges and their surrounding environment. for example, it is very difficult to have a clear and unobstructed view of the beautiful and historically important osaka ca

32、stle due to the high-rise buildings and elevated highway bridges. this is an example of the undesirable influence of elevated bridges on their surrounding environment.on the other hand, many drivers complain about the uncomfortable feeling in driving over some bridges, as a result of big gaps and mi

33、salignment at their expansion joints. many neighborhoods along some superannuated bridges also register complaints with regard to the noise and vibration stemming from existing bridges . considering these circumstances, the refreshment and re-creation of some superannuated bridges is needed because

34、of bridge safety as well as the uncomfortable influence of the bridges on their surrounding environment. another example of an uncomfortable environment can be found where a hospital is located near elevated highway bridges. these tight situations can often be seen in japan, since it is a mountainou

35、s country and has less flat land over which the infrastructure needs to be developed.in this paper, consideration is given to the requirements for a bright future for the japanese steel bridge industry by carefully analysing recent trends. the state of the art in bridge construction during both the

36、developing era and the fairly developed era, and the considerations towards a bright future in japanese steel bridge construction could be useful also to various other countries, including, in particular, earthquake prone countries, and for various situations of bridge construction.2. recent trends

37、in steel bridge construction in japan2.1. construction trendthe construction trend of steel bridges in japan can be summarised as follows:(1) technological and financial backgrounds in the develop-ing era enabled the accomplishment of big projects which led to the construction of large steel bridges

38、.(2) nowadays, however, the planning for the construction of long-span steel bridges has been almost finished due to serious economical recession.(3) many steel bridges were constructed during three decades (1960s80s) to support the quick economical growth in the developing era.(4) however, the numb

39、er of steel bridges constructed per year has declined to 40% of its peak approximately.(5) the number of constructed rc and pc bridges has remained almost constant from the beginning of 1960 to date.(6) recently, various kinds of damage have started to occur in many bridges constructed in the decade

40、 of the 1960s.(7) after the hyogo-ken nambu earthquake in 1995, importance has been attached to the seismic design of new bridges and the seismic retrofitting of existing steel bridges, taking into account the ductility of the steel members and structures.(8) many seismic repair and retrofitting wor

41、ks of bridge piers, bearings and restrainers damaged at the earthquake have been carried out and these works will be completed in the near future.(9) in the near future, the seismic retrofitting works for long-span steel bridges are due to start.(10) instead of the construction of large bridges, the

42、 retrofitting, strengthening, repair and maintenance of existing steel bridges will become an important part of the future steel bridge market.(11) during the developing era of japan, attention was paid mainly to the construction of safe and standard bridges with uniform quality because governments

43、could not afford to consider the harmony between the bridges and their surrounding environment until recently.(12) nowadays, during the fairly developed era, many existing steel bridges have some problems, such as corrosion of steel members, fatigue cracks in rc slabs, steel decks and steel members

44、due to overweight vehicles and other factors.(13) as a result, many existing bridges require substantial strengthening and repair works.(14) furthermore, many drivers now complain about the uncomfortable feeling in driving over some bridges due to big gaps and misalignments at their expansion joints

45、. many neighborhoods in close proximity to some superannuated bridges also complain about noise and vibration from the bridges.(15) considering these circumstances, the refreshment and re-creation of some superannuated bridges seems to be needed to address issues related to bridge safety and to the

46、uncomfortable influence of the bridges on their surrounding environment.2.2. recent main works(1) construction of new bridgesin the new construction sector, there is severe competition between the steel bridge and concrete bridge industries. this is because the construction of long-span and big brid

47、ges, which occupied the steel bridge industry, has declined and, consequently, the steel bridge industry tries to win jobs mainly in the construction of mid-span bridges, typically with a span length of 4080 m. as a result, many economical, rational and mid-span bridges with new types of structures

48、have been developed by both steel and concrete bridge industries. the following new types of steel bridges were developed in seeking to expand the market for new construction, to include bridges with medium span length:plate girder bridges made of thick steel plates, with fewer stiffeners and less w

49、elding lines for cost reduction.continuous composite two-narrow-box-girder bridges strengthened by cables to increase their economical span length.cable stayed bridges with main girders of h-shaped steels.2.3. maintenanceregarding the maintenance of bridges, there are many issues that can be solved

50、by the bridge engineering community, though there are also many political and economical problems which cannot be solved by the bridge engineering community alone. issues and problems of bridge maintenance are listed below:(1) definition of terminology and life cycle.definition of bridge maintenance

51、.unification of the terminology on bridge maintenance.decision of the life cycle of bridges, members and their parts.(2) inspection and monitoring. labour saving of inspection for maintenance through monitoring bridges, members and their parts.rationalization and cost reduction of inspection methods

52、.education for maintenance engineers.collection and storage of maintenance data by utilizing it technology.(3) evaluation/assessment methods.establishment of methods for evaluating the safety and durability of existing bridges and the public announcement and communication of evaluated results.develo

53、pment of method for deciding the priority rankingof repair and retrofitting of existing bridges.2.4. new materials and technologiesnew high-performance materials are continually developed for bridges. examples include high-performance steel, high-performance bearings, high-ductility and high-strengt

54、h bolts, carbon fiber reinforced plastic sheets, carbon fiber reinforced plastic cables and so on. among them, carbon fiber reinforced plastic sheets are used for the repair of superannuated steel girder bridges and rc slabs, and the seismic retrofitting of steel bridge piers with circular cross sec

55、tion. however, it seems to be very difficult to identify structural members to which these high-performance materials can be properly applied. on the other hand, various high-performance technologies are being developed for seismic design, seismic retrofitting, cost reduction, control of vibration,

56、and so on.3. considerations for a bright future in steel bridge construction3.1. key pointsthe following key points should be considered to enable a bright future in steel bridge construction in japan to be realised: (1) vice-chancellor, professor dowling states in the february 2005 edition of surre

57、y matters that “first and foremost it is people, our staff and students that will make us a world-class university. it is essential that we are able to attract and retain the best staff and students from around the world”. likewise, it is essential that the steel bridge industry in japan is able to

58、attract, train and retain better students and engineers from not only japan but also around the world.(2) for this purpose, the maintenance of superannuated bridges, repair and strengthening of damaged bridges, and retrofitting works of existing bridges should be economically reasonable jobs, becaus

59、e these jobs will surely increase in the future.(3) the necessity and importance of the bridge construction and maintenance should be understood by the nation, because the bridge infrastructure is supported by the tax from the nation.(4) for this reason, existing bridges should be refreshed to mitigate the unfavourable in


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