



1、英语(新标准)(三起)第五册module 4 possessions一、教学内容module 4 possessions 二、教学目标1.知识目标:使学生能听说、认读单词mine, yours, argue, matter, wear, hers, his, line, clean, whose,; 能了解字母和字母组合在单词中的发音; 能准确理解并能演唱歌曲children of the world;能准确理解并熟练地运用“its mine/his/hers/yours/.”2、技能目标:通过活动体验,在交流中学会谈论物品的所属关系,发展综合语言运用能力。3、情感目标:培养学生关心他人,尊重

2、他人,懂礼貌,团结友善,乐于助人,遇事冷静的品质。三、教学向导1.语言功能:说明物品所属关系2.教学重点和难点:在真实情景中灵活运用新知识说明物品所属关系。正确使用名词性物主代词和名词所有格。四、教学程序unit i its mine. warm-up【热身复习】1、演唱歌曲 the london eye. 营造英语学习氛围。 2、free talk 讲述你一次难忘的旅游经历。qs: where did you go? when did you go? how did you go? what did you do? .pre-task【任务呈现】找主人1、师: mrs smart did h

3、ousework last weekend. she washed many clothes. but whose are they? do you know? can you help her?教师事先准备好活动3的四幅图片或更多,请学生找出物体的主人。如:师:whose skirt is it? 生:its mrs smarts. /师:yes, its hers/his/ sams/amys/.通过此环节复习服装的单词,教学名词所有格和名词性物主代词,教师并用自己和学生的衣物教学mine/yours.2、同桌两人一组,帮mrs smart找到衣服的主人。如: s1: this is li

4、nglings。s2: yes, its hers.while-task【任务实施】1、视听结合,有声有色。师:“today, mrs smart has another 2 t-shirts, can you find whose they are?”播放课文录音,教师进行听法指导,让学生听录音完成课堂活动用书练习1,选出每句话的人物。教师分段播放录音,请学生回答问题,通过各种方式教授新单词,解读课文难点。如:q1: whats the matter with amy and sam?a: theyre arguing. (教授argue /matter)q2: why are they a

5、rguing?a: because sam took amys t-shirt.q3: what colour is amys t-shirt.a: its red.q4: whose t-shirt is it?a: its linglings.(教授linglings)q5: where are sams and amys t-shirt?a: they are on the line. 教授(on the line)q6: did lingling wear her t-shirt?a: no, she didnt. its clean,(教授 wear/clean)教师再次播放录音,请

6、学生跟读,教师给予适当的指导。2、角色扮演表演课文。.post-task【任务展示】1、教师搜集一些学生的物品,让学生根据物品的颜色、样子、大小等特征来判断物品的主人,并请主人到“失物招领处”认领。如:师:look! whose pen is it?生: its toms. its black.师:tom, is this yours?.tom: yes, it is. its mine. thank you.2、学生四人小组共同完成该活动,填写失物招领表,并将物品归还给主人。如: objectsmath bookpeneraserbagchainownerstom向全班公布找到“失主”的统计

7、v.homework【作业超市】1、完成课堂活用书练习2,连词成句和练习4,阅读填词。选做:1、根据课文为amy 或sam 写一份寻物启示2、比较自己与小组成员的物品,写下不同点与相似点。如: we all have t-shirts. toms is blue, mine is black. hers is greenunit 2 this bag is hers. warm-up【热身复习】1、greeting.2、free talk谈谈自己今天的衣着,并与同学的进行比较,说出不同之处:look at our t-shirts! mine is red, yours is white. h

8、ers is blue. his is black. miss lus is pink.pre-task【任务呈现】失物招领1、导入教师搜集一些学生的文具和书,请学生找出物品的主人。师:theyre from the lost and found room. there are many things here. can you find whose they are?看谁找得最多,并在小组开展此活动。如:he blue pen is toms.2、任务呈现师:“can you write a lost and found notice for them?”lets go to the los

9、t and found room.while-task【任务实施】1.播放课文录音,让学生从中找到的物品找主人,教授名词所有格sbs ,并完成课堂活动用书练习1。q1: whose bag is it?a: its linglings.q2: whose t-shirt is it?a: its sams.q3: is this jimmys sweater?a: no, it isnt. its amys.q4: is the cap jimmys?a: yes, it is.播放录音,让学生跟读。学生两人一组,为物品找主人,完成课文活动2。a: whose bag is this?b: its linglings bag.为课文活动3的单词找到家。板书 cake, bike, boy, house, rope, plane, rice, point. fower, boat, 将他们分类,分别找到划线部分字母的读音,学唱歌曲children of the world, 并进行表演。.post-task【任务展示】1、描述所要写失物招领的物品。如:what color is it?long or short? new or old?等2、在失物招领上选择一件或两件以上物品,为其写一份失物招领。如:found: pen.its black, its long and ne


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