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1、购买决策的参与:消费价值观的探索性研究每个消费者每天都会面临作出同时购买多种产品的决定,有很多的因素在影响消费者进行购买决策参与程度,其中的一个因素是消费者在生活中的个人价值观或者消费偏好。这些价值观,会影响消费者在购买各种各类的产品时作出的决策。本文试图通过访问分别在两个年龄组(1824岁和3035岁)的200名消费者,以了解消费者购买决策的参与度和个人价值观之间的关系。 在贸易自由化之前,市场上的产品特点是低质量、高价格和很少的可供选择的产品类别。随着经济的全球化,大量优质的具有竞争力价格的产品被提供。因此,今天的消费者可以挑选不同类别的产品。 这种选择各种不同类别产品的行为,在消费者行为

2、研究中被称为购买决策。因此,消费中不同的参与程度被称为购买决策的参与。对消费者关于产品购买参与的市场研究理论的建立,可以应用于企业关于品牌定位策略和促销策略。laurent、kapferer (1985)认为,应该是在与消费者的沟通中了解购买决策的认知来源,并获得消费者在消费过程中主动观察的动态画面。 消费行为的研究人员一直试图界定和描述购买参与,但一直没有统一的想法或意见(cohen,1983;laurent、kapferer,,1985;mittal and lee, 1989)。根据mittal和lee (1989),参与被认为是反映个人与他的基本价值观、目标和自我概念 (engel、

3、blackwell, 1982)的程度。同样,greenwald、levitt(1984)认为,参与是指个人的相关性或相关产品的重要性。而mitchell(1981)提出的参与是一个内部状态变量,表示感知,兴趣和诱发需求的一个特定的刺激或情境;park、 mittal(1985)将它作为一个目标导向的激励能力。 从上述定义,可以将参与概括为动机、激励、或者兴趣的状态,这种状态存在于购买过程。它的形成动力是当前环境、产品或通讯(外部变量)和过去的经验、自我中心值(内部变量),它会影响产品搜索的类别、过程和决策。根据mittal、lee (1989)的定义,参与是从需求、动机和利益上直接涉及到目标

4、对象。 因此,消费者的购买行为可以分为复杂的、习惯性的,单一的和多样化的,取决于买方的参与程度和品牌之间的差异程度。消费者进行复杂的购买行为是因为在高的消费参与和购买的产品品牌之间有较高的差异性。单一的购买行为是因为消费者在高参与下,产品的价格高但是风险少,并且消费者看到了产品品牌之间的差别并不大。消费者购买行为趋于习惯性是因为低的消费参与和显著的品牌差异。消费者进行多样化的购买行为是因为低的消费参与品牌之间没有显著的差异。据观察,消费者往往偏向于积极的产品信息搜索,投入大量的时间,审慎评估可用的信息,他们是高参与到购买决策中。虽然这种行为有一定的风险,但是不同的消费者,参与程度变大往往是根据

5、以下任何一个条件: 1、消费者缺乏满足他们需要的产品的替代品的信息 2、需要大量的购买资金 3、该产品具有相当大的社会意义 4、该产品被视为具有可以提供很大的效益的潜力虽然理论研究本身似乎一直在向前发展,但是它一直难以实施,因为参与本身的概念和测量都在发生很大的变化,没有一个唯一的,被普遍广泛接受的含义。因为参与这个词一直没有被仔细地定义和概念化。有个文献评论将参与确定为五种类型:自我参与、承诺参与、沟通、购买重要性的程度和信息的搜索。另一种观点认为参与理论与产品广告和购买决策有关。一些研究人员认为,人、产品和位置是参与的重要组成部分。其他定义认为低参与的购买情况下,很少对产品有关信息进行搜索


7、泛接受的。 laurent、kapferer(1985)总结,没有一个单一参数的可以很好地描述,解释,或预测参与。因此,建议研究人员在分析参与时应该更充分的研究消费者的个人资料和产品类别之间的关系。因此参与有五个方面,这些方面是:他的产品感知重要性,感知误购的消极后果的重要性、误购的主观概率、享乐价值的产品档次、知觉符号产品的价值。 engel、blackwell、miniard(1993)做了相关研究,提出engel、blackwell、miniard(ekb)模型作为消费者行为理论框架,提出影响游客纪念品购买行为变量之间的关系。ekb模型的提出,确定产品购买决策评估过程的四个关键组成部件:

8、信念,态度,评价标准和意向。此外,影响产品的评价的个体特征,包括个性,生活方式、动机、价值观、规范和参考群体(engel、blackwell、miniard 1993)。在此模型的基础上,实证模型制定了上述研究,纳入购买决策的参与和纪念品评价影响的变量。消费者的一般特征,如个人的价值观和对其他文化的态度,预计到影响他们旅行的具体特点(旅游业风格)。从上述研究中预测,个人的价值观,反过来也会影响三种产品的购买决定,即房子、汽车和娱乐用品。 从上面的回顾,它可以将影响购买决策的参与可视化,并制订个人的价值观和购买决策参与之间的关系。在这里的个人的价值观的偏好会指导他们的生活。rokeach(197

9、2)定义的个人的价值观值为一个持久的信念,有一个特定的行为或存在状态模式,个人和社会是可能存在相反的行为或状态或逆向模式。从这个定义,它是明确的,有不同的价值,过程值和终端值。过程值是结束的手段,他们指导行动的预期目标,但如果他们违反意愿创造了痛苦、愤怒和内疚的感情。另一个过程值,如道德价值观,人际关系。同样终端值是有关指导个人行为的终止状态或所期望的目标,可能有个人或社会取向。如果一个人内心和谐和感恩,那么重点就是放在个人内部的水平,而如果一个人内心是给世界和平与平等,然后重点的方向是对人际关系。因此可以这样理解,这两种类型的价值观影响一个人做任何活动(kalhe,1983; rokeach

10、,,1968,1973)。许多研究都发现,价值观在时间上是一致的或持久(beatty,1985)的。方法论 分析:这是一个使用探索性研究的调查方法,找出购买决策的三个影响因素如年龄、价值观、产品类别。 示例:它包括200个lndore 和allahabad的受访者。在1824岁和3034岁年龄组,采用随机抽样技术。平均年龄的受访者是18.27年和32.76年分别。 措施:两个工具被用来衡量受访者个人价值和购买决策的参与。该工具由kahle(1983)测量上9点规模,“1”=非常不重要到,“9”=非常重要。使用mittal(1989)开发的工具来衡量购买决策参与,它包括四个项目范围从“1”=最不

11、关心,“7”=高度关注与响应。数据的收集是有一定的管理措施,确保受访者他们阅读问卷每个部分的指示说明,确保完成问卷所有题目,确保他们给予每个产品类别答复。 数据分析:对数据进行分析,使用t检验和相关分析,包括每个产品类别,跨年龄组和重要价值。结果与讨论 从表1显示,不同的两个年龄组在房子以及汽车产品的购买决策的参与差异上是不显著,既不在0.05的水平,也不在0.01的水平。这可能是因为事实上,在他们的生活中购买房子和汽车对年轻人和中年人在支付上有同等的重要性,因为它涉及巨大成本和长期投资。而购买娱乐用品,两个年龄组之间的在0.01水平上有显著性差异,普遍认为,因为年轻一代更重视乐趣和享受。 结

12、果在表2显示,将高度的责任感和成就感做为受访者一种价值观,发现这类消费者在所有产品类别比较和决定时有较高的购买参与,这种价值观表现为消费者的自我尊重和安全。由此可以得出结论,成就感是影响购买决策参与的,因为它是一个最终状态(标记为终值),每一个人都会去努力实现(rokeach,1982)。 同样,比较个人价值对整个配对产品类别的影响,很明显在表2看出在房子和娱乐用品上,受访者在以安全为主导的价值时,在0.01水平的水平上,购买决策参与方式之间存在显著性差异。可以推断,人们无法通过购买娱乐来获得安全,而可以通过购买房子获得安全,因为房子在每个人的生活中是非常关键的。 同样的受访者以成就感为主导的

13、价值观时,在购买房子和汽车用品是有较高的购买决策。可以看到这么一个事实,住宅是每一个人生活需要的基本部分,而汽车始终也是一个价格比较高的商品,人们很重视这两样产品,所以在支付时也会相对重视。 调查结果还显示,对于许多常规的低参与的购买,这部分购买行为具有买方价值不大,交易成本低的特点。事实上,这个过程可能是完全自动的。 而对于普通客户的交易,买方获得的产品或服务的一部分是在一些努力的情况下实现的,买杂货和空中旅行的费用往往是这种类型。在这里,买方必须施加一些合理的努力来获取货物或服务,并需要额外的服务才能顺利进行。客户努力增加意味着买家在购买过程中的获得更高的既得利益。 最后,高级客户的交易成

14、本发生时,需要顾客在购买过程中大量的投资。对于消费市场,他们高参与消费商品有房子,汽车或儿童的医疗保健等。对于这些产品,消费者投资大量时间,精力和金钱,此时完善的交易规则和服务是非常重要的。 因此,可以得出结论,购买决策的参与是依赖于交易成本以及买方拥有价值。结论 这项研究结果清楚地表明,个人价值观显著影响各种产品的购买决策参与,尤其是房子。这两个年龄组的研究中,对个人是至关重要的价值观:被充分尊重,安全感,自尊,成就感的九个值进行了测量。虽然很明显地从这项研究中得出价值观影响各种产品的购买决策参与,但还需要进一步研究,找出受访者价值体系是否存在交互作用,以做出购买决策。 除上述因素外,各年龄

15、组的范围从18到60岁,受访者的收入水平和性别也应加以研究,得出它们在个人价值与购买决策的参与之间一个适当的联系,这些可以作为一个中间变量。purchase decision involvement: an exploratory study on consumer values dr. rajnish k. misra , richa agrawal every consumer day in and day out is faced with taking decisions while purchasing various products. how far they are invol

16、ved in their decisions is dependent on many factors. one such factor is the personal values or preferences that an individual has in ones life. these values guide the consumer in making purchase decisions about various categories of products. the present paper attempts to understand the relationship

17、 between purchase decision involvement and personal values among 200 respondents belonging to two age groups (18-24 years) and (30-35years) respectively. the pre-liberalization scenario was characterized by low quality, high priced and fewer choice in different product categories. with the globaliza

18、tion of indian economy, large number of quality products is available at competitive prices. the consumers today are therefore, forced to choose from the variety of product categories. this choice of product from different product categories, in consumer behavior researches is referred to as purchas

19、e decision. thence, level of involvement for that purchase decision is called purchase decision involvement. the use of involvement theory in market research has helped to construct profiles of products and consumers and can therefore be applied as a promotional strategy for brand positioning and fa

20、cilitating the consumers in making better purchase decisions. laurent and kapferer (1985) were of the view that understanding the sources of involvement provides a dynamic picture of the consumers subjective situation and gives clues to the appeals that should be made in communicating with consumers

21、. consumer behaviour researchers have tried to define and describe purchase involvement, but it has always been referred as conglomeration of ideas and views (cohen, 1983; laurent and kapferer, 1985; mittal and lee, 1989). according to mittal and lee (1989), involvement is said to reflect the extent

22、 of personal relevance to the individual in terms of his / her basic values, goals and self-concept (engel and blackwell, 1982). similarly greenwald and levitt (1984) view that high involvement means personal relevance or importance of the product. whereas mitchell (1981) proposed that involvement i

23、s an internal state variable and indicates the amount of arousal, interest and lor drive evoked by a particular stimulus or situation; park and mittal (1985) viewed it as a goal - directed arousal capacity. from the above definitions, it can be summarized that involvement is a state of motivation, a

24、rousal or interest. this state exists in process. it is driven by current situation, products or communication (external variables) and past endurance; ego or central values (internal variables). its implications are types of searches, processes, and decision making, while definition by mittal and l

25、ee (1989) directly relate involvement to goal object, and thus to needs, motives and benefits. consumers buying behaviour can therefore, be classified into complex, habitual, dissonance reducing and variety seeking behaviour, depending on the degree of buyer involvement and the degree of difference

26、among brands. consumers undertake complex buying behaviour in situations characterized by high consumer involvement in purchase and significant difference among brands. dissonance reducing buying behaviour occurs when consumers are highly involved in an expensive, infrequent or risky purchase, but s

27、ee little difference among brands. consumers indulge in habitual buying behaviour in situations characterized by low consumer involvement and significant brand differences. consumers undertake variety seeking buying behaviour in situations characterized by low consumer involvement but significant br

28、and differences. it has been observed that consumers often indulge in active information search, invest large amount of time, critically evaluate the information that is available, when they are highly involved in a purchase decision. although it is risky to generalize, as consumers are different, i

29、nvolvement tends to be greater under any of the following conditions- consumers lack information about alternatives for satisfying their need. a large amount of money is involved. the product has considerable social importance. the product is seen as having a potential for providing significant bene

30、fits. although the theories themselves appear to be straight forward, it has been difficult to operationalize them because of great variation in conceptualization and measurement of involvement itself. there is no single, widely accepted meaning of involvement because the term has been neither caref

31、ully defined nor conceptualized. one review identified five types of involvement: ego involvement, commitment, communication involvement, purchase importance and extent of information search.another review identified involvement theory with advertising products and with purchase decisions. some rese

32、archers see the person, product and situation as the major components of involvement. others define low involvement as purchase situations in which there is little information search and no attitude formation regarding the product prior to purchase. some studies have tried to differentiate between b

33、rand involvement and product involvement, others differentiate between situational enduring and response involvement. despite the lack of agreement about the definition of involvement, it is generally regarded as important consumer behaviour, which constrain and receive a great deal of research atte

34、ntion. but definition is not the only problem; there are also problems of measurement. researchers who regard involvement as a cognitive state are concerned with the measurement of ego involvement, risk perception, and purchase importance. similarly researchers who focus on the behavioural aspect of

35、 involvement measure such factors as the search for and evaluation of product information. some researchers consider decision time an effective measure of involvement. others argue that involvement should be measured by the degree of importance the product has to the buyer. before the degree of invo

36、lvement can be identified, the researcher must define exactly what it is that should be measured- ego, motivation, task involvement, situational variables, or what. it is clear that solid and widely accepted measure of product involvement need to be developed. laurent and kapferer (1 985) summarized

37、 that not one single parameter of involvement could satisfactorily describe, explain, or predict involvement. and, therefore, proposed that researchers should use an involvement profile to specify more fully the nature of the relationship between a consumer and a product category. thus, they produce

38、d five antecedents or facets of involvement. these facets are: perceived importance of he product; perceived importance of negative consequences of a mis-purchase; subjective probability of a mis-purchase; hedonic value of the product class; perceived sign (abstract) value of the product. in a relat

39、ed study done by engel, blackwell, and miniard (1993) proposed an engel, kollatt, and blackwell (ekb) model of consumer behaviour served as a theoretical framework for proposing relationships between the variables expected to influence tourists souvenir-purchasing behaviour. the ekb model proposes t

40、hat the product evaluation process leading to purchase decision consists of four key components: beliefs, attitudes, evaluative criteria, and intention. in addition, product evaluation is influenced by individual characteristics, including personality, lifestyles, motives, values, norms, and referen

41、ce groups (engel, blackwell, and miniard 1993). on the basis of the ekb model, the empirical model was developed for the above study that incorporated the purchase decision involvement and variables influencing souvenir evaluations. consumers general characteristics such as personal values and attit

42、ude toward other cultures were expected to influence their travel- specific characteristics (tourism styles). it was anticipated from the above study that personal values, in turn, would influence purchase decision of the three products namely, house, automobile and entertainment goods. from the abo

43、ve review, it can be visualized the factors influencing purchase decision involvement, and draw the relationship between personal values and purchase decision involvement. here values are preference people have that guide them in their life. rokeach (1972) has defined value, as an enduring belief th

44、at has a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence, is personally and socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence. from this definition, it is clear that there are two types of values, instrumental and terminal. instrumental values are the means

45、to an end that is they guide the action towards desired goal, but if they are violated create pangs of anger and feelings of guilt. there are two instrumental values, like moral values, which have interpersonal focus, whereas competence values, are personal in nature. similarly terminal values are c

46、oncerned with guiding the individual actions towards end state or desired goals, which may either have personal or social orientation. if a person places importance to inner harmony and salvation, then the focus in at intra-personal level whereas, if importance is given to the world peace and equali

47、ty then the orientation of individual is towards interpersonal relationships. therefore, it can be understood that these two types of values influence whatever activity a person does (kalhe, 1983; rokeach, 1968,1973). numerous studies have found that values are consistent over time or enduring (beat

48、ty, 1985).methodology study: it is an exploratory study using the survey method to find out the implications of factors such as age and values people hold on the purchase decision involvement across three product categories. sample: it comprised of 200 respondents of lndore and allahabad. in the age

49、 group of 18-24 and 30-34 years using a random sampling technique. the average age of the respondents was 18.27 years and 32.76 years respectively. measures: two tools were used to measure the personal values of the respondents and the purchase decision involvement. the tool developed by kahle (1983

50、) for measuring the twelve values on a nine point scale ranging from 1 = very unimportant to 9 = very important. the other tool used to measure the purchase decision involvement was developed by mittal (1989). it comprised of four items with response ranging from l= least concern to 7 = high concern

51、. the data was collected by administering the measures on the identified respondents by asking them to read through the instructions carefully for each part, ensuring the questionnaire is complete in all respect. it was specifically mentioned to them that while filling the part b, they were instruct

52、ed to ensure that they are giving the responses for each product category. data analysis: the data were analyzed using t- tests and correlation analysis for each product category across the age group and important values. results and discussion as evident from table -1, the difference in the purchas

53、e decision involvement for both house as well as automobile product is not significant neither at 0.05 level nor at 0.01 level for both the age groups. this may be because of the fact that younger and the middle aged respondents pay equal importance to the purchase of house and automobile, as it inv

54、olves huge cost and a long term investment in their life. while purchasing entertainment goods, the difference is significant between two age groups at 0.01 level lending support to general belief that they give lot of importance to fun and enjoyment because younger generation are moved more by the

55、type and quality of music. findings in table -2 show that respondents with a high sense of accomplishment as a value have higher purchase decision involvement across all product categories in comparison to those having values of self-respect, security and being self-respected. it can be concluded th

56、at the sense of accomplishment is influencing the purchase decision involvement because it is an end state (labeled as terminal value) towards which every one strives to achieve(rokeach, 1982). similarly, on comparing influence of personal values across paired product category, it is evident from ta

57、ble-2 the difference between means for purchase decision involvement for house and entertainment goods is significant at 0.01 level in respondents with security as dominant value. it can be inferred that people cannot derive security by purchasing an entertainment good rather they go for purchasing

58、a house because the decision to purchase a house is very critical in every ones life. likewise respondents having sense of accomplishment as dominant value is also having higher purchase decision involvement for house than that for automobile goods. it can be viewed from the fact that house is part of the basic needs of every individual and therefore, while comparing the two it is important to see how much importance people pay to these products, and when ranked the automobile will always become a luxury in comparison to house. the findings implicate that as in buyer-seller exchange, it i


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