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1、关于英语朗诵短文3分钟朗诵是将静态的文学作品转化为有声语言的再创造的一种语言 表演艺术。整理了关于3分钟英语朗诵短文,欢迎阅读!a woman named emily renewing her drivers licenseatthe county clerks office was asked by the womanrecorder to state her occupation. she hesitated,uncertain how to classify herself. "what i mean is,"explained the recorder, "

2、;do you have a job, or are youjust a . "一位名叫埃米莉的妇女在县办事处给驾驶执照续期时,一名女记录员问及她的职业。她犹豫了一下,不敢肯定应 如何将自己归类。“我意思是说你有没有工作,”那名记录员解释说,“还是说你只不过是一名…… "of course i have a job," snapped emily. "im a mother." “我当然有工作,”埃米莉马上 回答,“我是一名母亲。”"we dont list mother as an occupation

3、. housewifecovers it," said therecorder emphatically. “我们这里不把 ‘母亲 ’看成是 一个职业 ……‘家庭主妇 ’就可以了。” 那名记录员断然回答。i forgot all about her story until one day i found myselfin the same situation, this time at our own town hall.the clerk was obviously a career woman, pois

4、ed,efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "official interrogator" or "town registrar." "what is youroccupation?" she probed.这个故事听后,我就忘了。直到有一天在市政厅,我也遇到了同样的情况。很显 然,那名办事员是位职业女性,自信、有能力,并有着一个类似“官 方讯问员”或“镇登记员”之类很堂皇的头衔。“你的职业?”她问道。what made me say it, i do not

5、know . the words simplypopped out. "im a research associate in the field ofchild development and human relations."至今我也不知道,当时是什么因素作怪,我脱口而出:“我是儿童发育和人类关系研究员。”the clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in midair, andlooked up as though she had not heard right. 那名办事员愣 住了,拿着原珠笔的手也不动了。她抬头看着我,好像没有听清楚我

6、 说什么似的。i repeated thetitleslowly,emphasizingthemostsignificantwords.theni staredwith wonderasmypronouncement was written in bold, black ink on theofficial questionnaire.我慢慢地把我的职业再重复一遍,在说到重要的词时 还加重语气。然后,我惊奇地看着我的话被粗黑的笔记录在官方的问 卷上。"might i ask," said the clerk with new interest, "just wha

7、tyou do in your field?" “我能不能问下,” 这名办事员好奇地问,“你在这个领域具体做什么?”coolly,without any trace of fluster in my voice, iheardmyselfreply, "i have a continuingprogram ofresearch, (what mother doesnt), in the laboratory and in the field, (normally i would have said indoors and out). im workingfor my mas

8、ters, (the whole darned family), and alreadyhave four credits, (all daughters). of course, the job isone of the most demanding in the humanities, (anymother care to disagree?) and i often work 14 hours aday, (24 is more like it). but the job is more challengingthan most run-of-the-mill careers and t

9、he rewards aremore of a satisfaction rather than just money."我非常镇定地答道: “我有一个不间断的研究项目(哪位母亲不是这样呢?),工作地点包括 实验室和现场(通常我会说室内和户外)。我在为我的学位努力(就是我 们一家人),而且已经有了四个学分(全部是女儿)。当然,我的工作是 人类要求最高的工作之一(有哪位母亲会反对吗?)我通常工作一天14 小时(24小时更为准确)。但这项工作比大部分普通工作都具有挑战 性,而它通常带来的回报不是金钱,更多的是满足感。”there was an increasing note of res

10、pect in the clerksvoice as she completed the form, stood up, andpersonally ushered me to the door.刃b名办事员在填完表格 后,站起来,亲自把我送到门口。在这个过程中,她说话时流露出一 股敬意。as i drove into our driveway, buoyed up by myglamorous new career, i was greeted by my labassistants - ages 13, 7, and 3. upstairs i could hear ournew expe

11、rimental model, (a 6 month old baby), in thechild-development program, testing out a new vocalpattern.我回到家,把车停在家门前的车道时,还 对自己响亮的头衔觉得飘飘然。我那三名年龄分别为13岁、7岁、3岁的实验室助手正在等着我,从楼上传来我们的新实验模特儿(六个月大的婴儿)的声音,她正放开嗓门,测试着新的声音模式。i felt triumphant! i had scored a beat on bureaucracy!and i had gone on the official record

12、s as someone moredistinguished and indispensable to mankind than"just another mother."我感到欢欣鼓舞!我竟然 打败了官僚机构!如今,在官方的纪录上,我成了人类超群出众、不 可或缺的人物,而不仅仅是一位母亲。motherhood . what a glorious career! especially whentheres a title on the door.母亲 …… 这是 多么光荣的职业啊!特别是现在这已经成为官方记录了。doesthismakegrand

13、mothers"seniorresearchassociates in the field of child development and humanrelations"and great grandmothers"executive seniorresearch associates"? i think so! 这是不是说奶奶和姥姥就是“资深儿童发育和人类关系研究员”,而曾祖母则是“高级研究员”呢?我想是这样的!i also think it makes aunts "associate researchassistants".我

14、想,小姨子也因此成了 “研究员助理”。关于3分钟英语朗诵短文篇二 dufficulties arise in the lives of us all.生活中困难在所难免,what is most important is dealing with the hard times,coping with the changes, and getting through to theother side where the sun is still shining just for you.最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你 终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。it tak

15、es a strong person to deal with tough times anddifficult choices. but you are a strong person. 只有强者才能 勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。而你正是这样一位强者。it takes courage.but you possess the inner courage tosee you through.要有勇气。你拥有披荆斩棘的勇气。it takes being an active participant in your life. but youare in the drivers seat, and

16、 you can determine thedirection你必须在这场游戏人生中积极主动you want tomorrow to go in.而且你正在驾驭这场游戏,并决定着自己明天前进的方向。hang in there. and take care to see that you dont losesight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful,andtrue: 坚持再坚持,别让你的视野迷失了那不变的美好真理:everything will be fine-andit will turn out thatwaybecause of t

17、he special kind of person you are.切者 b 会好转的-因为你是如此的与众不同。so.beginning today and lasting a lifetime through-hang in there, and dont be afraid to feel like the morningsun is shiningjust for you.因止匕, 从今天开始,至u生命的终点-坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。关于3分钟英语朗诵短文篇三 a friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.some

18、times in life,you find a special friend;someone who changes your life just by being part of it.someone who makes you laugh until you cant stop;someone who makes you believe that there really isgood in the world.someone who convinces you that there really is anunlocked door just waiting for you to op

19、en it.this is forever friendship.when youre down,and the world seems dark and empty,your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes thatdark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.your forever friendgets you through the hard times,thesad times, and the confused times.if you turn and walk away,your foreve


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