外研版高中英语必修4Module2 language points in reading_第1页
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1、1. A be connected to B ( A与B相连接) = Connect A to B The newly built bridge connects mainland to the island. 或者: The mainland is connected to the island by the bridge. Eg:这座新建的大桥把大陆和那座岛屿连在了一起。 拓展: A be connected with B (A 与B有联系、关系) A have connection(n.) with B Eg:据说吸烟跟肺癌有联系。 It is said that smoking is

2、connected with lung cancer. 2. be/get stuck(trapped/caught) in (被困在) Eg:如果你陷于交通堵塞中了,一定要保持冷静。 If you are stuck in a traffic jam, do keep cool. 许仙被困在大雨中了,白娘子借了把伞给他。 Xu gets stuck in a heavy rain, and Bai lends him an umbrella. 3. Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. Be quiet! Dont mo

3、ve! Wash the dishes now. Lets go. Do(表强调) study hard. (1)省略主语you (2)以动词原形开头 (3)祈使句+and+句子,表示一个条件句,前后是顺 承关系,翻译成“就会/将会” (4)祈使句+or+句子,表示一个条件句,翻译成 “否则” 祈使句的反义疑问句祈使句的反义疑问句: (1)肯定祈使句+ will/wont you Buy a tricycle for me, will/ wont you? (2) 否定祈使句+ will you? Dont bother me, will you? Come here next Sunday,

4、 _? Dont smoke here, _? will/wont you? will you? 注意注意:1. 祈使句也可以只是一个名词短语,而后 面的陈述句一般用will do A little more effort and you will succeed. One more step and Ill fire. 2. 对于祈使句的回答: I will.(我会+动词) I wont. (我不会+动词) Tell me the truth. I will. (I will tell you the truth.) Dont tell him the secret. I wont. (I

5、wont tell him the secret.) 5. raise (vt.)提高;举起;抚养(bring up);筹集(资金) Eg: She raised me up. Raise your hand. Raise money to help the disabled. The salary has been raised. With price_, its harder to buy what we need. Eg:随着价格的上涨, 买我们想要的就更困难了。 rising 6. In no time 马上;一会儿 关于time 的短语: from time to time 偶尔 o

6、n time 准时 in time 及时 at one time曾经 at a time 每次 at times 有时 at no time 绝不(这类表示否定的短语位于句首,句 子要部分倒装) Exercise: 1. I usually watch movies on TV, but I also go to cinema to watch them _. 2. At no time _ break rules of our class.(我们绝不会违反我们的班规) from time to time will we 7. Display (vt. & n.) 展出,陈列,展示展出,陈列,

7、展示 (vt.): the art gallery is displaying Zhang Daqians works. (n.): be on display/ exhibition/ show 在展 览 Zhang Daqians works are on display. 8. permit (vt.) 允许,准许 (n.)许可证;执照 permission (n.)允许,许可 eg:铁路部门不允许在动车上吸烟。 Railway department _ _ _ on the bullet train. doesntpermit smoking permit sb to do sth d

8、oing sth(不能是permit to do) (变被动) (sb be permitted to do sth) 【类似用法有:allow,advise,forbid(禁止)】 9. supply/ provide sb with sth supply/ offer sth to sb offer sb sth provide sth for sb 10. get around/ about (1)到处游览,四处走动 Eg:你有三种可利用的交通工具来游览射洪。 There are three means of transport available for you to get arou

9、nd Shehong. (2)消息传开 Eg: 他被清华大学录取的消息全市都传开了。 The news that he was admitted by Peking University gets around the city. 11. get crowded. get+adj. 变得 补充:go+不好的adj 变得 eg:Moms hair goes gray.(变灰白) eg:Weather gets warm gradually. 12. Impressive (adj.) 令人印象深刻的 impress (vt.) 使留下深刻印象 impression (n.)印象 sb be im

10、pressed by/ at / with sth 某人对.印象深刻 eg: We are impressed by his _. leave a good/ bad impression on sb 给某人留下. 印象 eg:His _ left a good impression on me. 13. convenient (adj.) 方便的 (否)inconvenient (n.) convenience (I think 3 oclock will be convenient to/for us.) be convenient to/for sb 对某人而言方便 When shall

11、 we go? 我认为3点钟对我们来说比较方便。 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候 for convenience 为方便起见 Our house is near the park, which is convenient for us to take a walk. Eg:我们家离公园近,那对于我们而 言去散步很方便。 it is convenient for sb to do sth (sb方便做方便做sth) My hometown is a city that is worth getting around. worthy (adj.) be worthy of being done be worthy to be done The mo


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