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1、Module 4 Great Scientists 毕生梦想消除饥饿毕生梦想消除饥饿 袁隆平:他是一位真袁隆平:他是一位真 正的耕耘者。当他还是一个乡村教师的时候正的耕耘者。当他还是一个乡村教师的时候, , 已经具有颠覆世界权威的胆识已经具有颠覆世界权威的胆识; ;当他名满天下当他名满天下 的时候的时候, ,却仍然只是专注于田畴却仍然只是专注于田畴, ,淡泊名利淡泊名利, ,一一 介农夫介农夫, ,播撒智慧播撒智慧, ,收获富足。他毕生的梦想收获富足。他毕生的梦想, , 就是让所有的人远离饥饿。喜看稻菽千重浪就是让所有的人远离饥饿。喜看稻菽千重浪, , 最是风流袁隆平。最是风流袁隆平。 200

2、42004年度感动年度感动 中国颁奖词中国颁奖词 20102010年年4 4月月2828日,在北京大学发布的日,在北京大学发布的 首届中国心灵富豪榜上,首届中国心灵富豪榜上,“杂交水稻杂交水稻 之父之父”袁隆平当选为袁隆平当选为“中国心灵首中国心灵首 富富”。主办方给他的评语是:。主办方给他的评语是:“他用他用 一粒种子,改变了世界;他创造的物一粒种子,改变了世界;他创造的物 质财富,只有两个字可以形容质财富,只有两个字可以形容无无 价。而他自己,依旧躬耕于田畴,淡价。而他自己,依旧躬耕于田畴,淡 泊于名利,真实于自我。他以一介农泊于名利,真实于自我。他以一介农 夫的姿态,行走在心灵的田野,收

3、获夫的姿态,行走在心灵的田野,收获 着泥土的芬芳。那里,有着一个民族着泥土的芬芳。那里,有着一个民族 崛起的最古老密码。崛起的最古老密码。” Marie described her thoughts in words much like this: “Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that , when we

4、 discover what this something is, we must work hard at it until we succeed.” Madam Curie Madam Curie 居里夫人居里夫人 Marie Curie never made money out of her research. She refused to treat these new discoveries as though they belonged to her, and instead shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific wo

5、rld. Today she is remembered and admired as a scientist. But she is also remembered for her determination and courage, her willingness to share her knowledge, her interest in womens rights, and her medical service during the war. . 品句填词品句填词 1. A large _(数量数量) of air conditioners has been sold since

6、the temperature is high. 2. Surgeons have made a great _ (突破突破) in the kidney transplantation. 3. We suggest that Smith be told about his _ (身体的身体的) condition as soon as possible. 4. With the development of modern _ (农业农业) and industry, more and more waste is produced. 自主检测自主检测 quantity breakthrough

7、 physical agriculture 5. He needs a high income to _ (养活养活) such a large family. 6. None of the passengers on board _ (逃脱逃脱) before the plane exploded. 7. The public should be _ (教育教育) in how to use energy more effectively. 8. The system will have to be tested before it goes into _ (产量产量). 9. She wa

8、s one of the _ (受害者受害者) of the road accident. supportsupport escapedescaped educatededucated productionproduction victimsvictims .重点短语再现重点短语再现 1.bring _ 培养培养;培育培育bring _ 导致导致;引起引起; 造成造成 bring _ 使恢复使恢复;使记起使记起 2.as a _ of因为因为;由于由于 _ to 因为因为 result 导致导致;引起引起 3._ brief简洁地简洁地 in _详细地详细地 4._ a living谋生谋生_

9、 a(n) .life过着过着生活生活live up _ 符合符合;不辜负不辜负 live _忍受忍受,容忍容忍 e to _掌权掌权;上台上台_ office上任上任,就就 职职_ power夺权夺权 upupaboutabout backback resultresultowing/dueowing/due inindetaildetail make/earnmake/earnlive/leadlive/lead toto withwith powerpowertaketake taketake inin 6.in every _ 朝四面八方朝四面八方_ of direction方向感方向

10、感in _ direction of 朝朝 方向方向 7.o _ 把把发射到太空发射到太空_ space在太空在太空 8.throw _ 投身于投身于throw _ 抛弃抛弃;扔扔 掉掉 throw sth. _ 呕出呕出(食物食物);使显眼使显眼 9. convert _ .转变为转变为 10._!干得好!干得好! directiondirectionsensesense thethe spacespaceinin intointo awayaway upup toto Well doneWell done 重点单词重点单词 1. quantity n. 数量数量 The p

11、rinting firm buys papers in quantities. 那家印刷公司成批买纸。那家印刷公司成批买纸。 Great quantities of fish are caught at this time every year.= A great quantity of fish is caught at this time every year. 每年这个时候都捕获大量的鱼。每年这个时候都捕获大量的鱼。 导练互动导练互动 It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality. 今年的电影无论从数

12、量还是质量都说不上好。今年的电影无论从数量还是质量都说不上好。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 a quantity of 许多许多;大量大量 quantities of许多许多;大量大量 in large quantities 大量地大量地 in quantity大量地大量地 in large amount大量地大量地 1. brief in brief简单地说简单地说 to be brief简单地说简单地说,一句话一句话(用作插入语用作插入语) be brief with sb.简单地和某人说几句话简单地和某人说几句话 易混辨异易混辨异 in brief/in short (1)in brief “简单

13、地说简单地说”,着重于重点突出着重于重点突出,不拖不拖 泥带水。泥带水。 (2)in short“总之总之”,多用来指在较长的叙述后多用来指在较长的叙述后,长长 话短说话短说,带有带有“综上所述综上所述”的意思。的意思。 活学活用活学活用 He stood up and made a _ speech, short but to the point. A. simple B. brief C. easy D. dull 解析解析 根据句中的根据句中的short but to the point知应用知应用 brief表示表示“简短的简短的”。 B 3. escape n.安全门安全门 have

14、 ones escape cut off 被切断逃路被切断逃路 escape (doing) sth. 逃脱逃脱(做做)某事某事 escape from (out of)+sp. 从从逃脱逃脱/逃走逃走 escape from reality 逃避现实逃避现实 escape后常接动名词作宾语。后常接动名词作宾语。 注意注意 活学活用活学活用 1. How did your father deal with you? We were lucky to _ being punished. A. admit B. escape C. consider D. stop 解析解析 根据语境知是根据语境知

15、是“幸运地逃过了惩罚幸运地逃过了惩罚”, 故用故用 escape doing sth.。 B 2. The fox was lucky enough to escape _ the hunter. A. from B. catching C. from catching D. being caught 解析解析 escape from sb. “从某人那里逃从某人那里逃 脱脱”。 D项后若加项后若加by也正确。也正确。 A 3. In the end, the _ prisoner was caught in the desert. A. escape B. escaping C. escap

16、ed D. escapes 解析解析 escaped作定语修饰作定语修饰prisoner,表示,表示 动作完成,即动作完成,即“已经逃掉的罪犯已经逃掉的罪犯”。 C 2. clear v. (烟雾等烟雾等)消散;清除;消散;清除;adj.易懂的;明白的易懂的;明白的 After supper, my younger brother often helps mother clear away the dishes. 晚饭后,弟弟经常帮母亲收拾碟子。晚饭后,弟弟经常帮母亲收拾碟子。 They cleared up the misunderstanding and made up. 他们消除了误会,

17、和好了。他们消除了误会,和好了。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 clear away 把把清除掉;收拾清除掉;收拾 clear up 整理,收拾;天气放晴;消除整理,收拾;天气放晴;消除(疑疑 虑,误会等虑,误会等) clear off 迅速逃离迅速逃离 clear out 除掉;整理除掉;整理 clear ones throat 清嗓子清嗓子 make.clear 讲清楚;弄明白讲清楚;弄明白 易混辨异易混辨异 clear/clean 二者都含有二者都含有“使干净使干净”的意思,为同义词。的意思,为同义词。 (1)clear adj. clear water 清澈的水清澈的水; v. clear the

18、 table 收拾桌子收拾桌子(除去不必要的东西除去不必要的东西)。 (2)clean adj. clean water 干净的水干净的水; v. clean the table 擦干净桌子。擦干净桌子。 活学活用活学活用 The mystery was _ when he admitted he had been there all the time. A. cleared out B. cleared away C. cleared up D. cleared off 解析解析 clear up消除消除(疑虑,误会等疑虑,误会等);clear out除掉;整理,除掉;整理,clear aw

19、ay把把清除掉;清除掉; clear off迅速逃离。迅速逃离。 C 3. species n. 种类种类 单复数同形的词:单复数同形的词: means, series, sheep, deer Seven new species of birds have been observed recently. Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment. 4. bring down4. bring down 降低,降价;使降低,降价;使落落 下下

20、/ /倒下倒下 bring aboutbring about 引起;导致引起;导致 bring backbring back 归还;使记起;使恢复归还;使记起;使恢复 bring inbring in 赚钱,使获利;请来;引进;收赚钱,使获利;请来;引进;收 割庄稼割庄稼 bring outbring out 拿出;清楚地显示;说明;阐拿出;清楚地显示;说明;阐 明;出版明;出版 bring onbring on 端上(饭菜);引起;导致;端上(饭菜);引起;导致; 使使成长或提高成长或提高 How much do you suppose this set of equipment will_? Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often _ the best qualities of a person. His new suggestion _ at the meetin


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