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1、本科生毕业设计(论文)( 2010届 )题 目: 高中生对运用语境理论进行词汇教学的认知程度 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语 职称: 合作导师: 职称: 完成时间: 年 月 成 绩: 本科毕业设计(论文)正文目 录abstract:摘要:1. introduction42. literature review on context72.1 definitions of context72.1.1 overseas scholars studies of context82. 1. 2 chinese scholars studies of context92. 2 tapes of co

2、ntexts92. 2. 1 linguistic context102. 2. 2 non-linguistic context102. 3 the role of context in english vocabulary teaching103. research methodology113. 1 research questions113. 2 research participants134. results and discussion155. conclusion18work cited19 senior high school students awareness to th

3、e use of context theories in the vocabulary teachingzhang danfengabstract: teaching vocabulary in senior middle schools is not an easy job due to its complexity and speciality. vocabulary teaching poses a big problem to english teachers. the purpose in this thesis is to construct a framework for usi

4、ng the context theory to improve students vocabulary learning. in order to make theory and practice linked, an experimental study is carried out to test how the students context awareness affect their use of vocabulary. finally, the result shows that the average score and passing rate of the experim

5、ental group in which vocabularies are taught through systematic context - based approach is much higher than those of the control group in which vocabularies are taught mainly through word lists. there is a significant improvement of students performance in the experimental group. the result of the

6、post - test has also shown that the students in the experimental group benefit from effective context - based approach. the author, therefore, discovers that learning vocabulary in context is more helpful to senior middle school learners in improving their vocabulary application. moreover, it can im

7、prove the students interest in vocabulary learning and has a positive effect on developing their vocabulary learning strategy. key words: context theory; senior middle school english; vocabulary teaching 高中生对运用语境理论进行词汇教学的认知程度摘要:由于词汇教学的复杂性,所以高中词汇教学并不简单。高中英语教师深受其苦。本文的主要目的是应用语境理论构建一个框架来提高高中学生的英语词汇学习。为了

8、使理论和实践结合,本文进行了实证性研究来检验高中学生的语境意识是如何影响他们的词汇学习。结果显示,接受系统语境理论方法教学的实验组平均分和及格率比控制组高,且实验组的学生表现有很大提高。实验结果显示实验组的学生从语境教学中受益很大。因此,作者发现用语境进行词汇教学对中学生提高词汇运用很有帮助,除此之外,还能提高中学生学习词汇的兴趣,并对改善中学生词汇学习策略的运用有积极的影响。关键词:语境理论;高中英语;词汇教学senior high school students awareness to the use of context theories in the vocabulary teach

9、ingxzc 2010 (03) (english) zhang danfengtutor: ding xiaowei1. introductionenglish, as the most widely used language in the world, attracts tens of millions of chinese to take it up. as is known to all, in learning a language, it is very important to acquire enough words. in other words, a large and

10、useful vocabulary is the basis of ones language ability. words to an essay are bricks to a building or molecules to a substance. small as they are, unimportant they are not.vocabulary plays an irreplaceable role in english learning. without enough vocabulary, english learners can never make solid pr

11、ogress in their basic language skills, including listening, speaking, reading or writing. d. a. wilkins (1972: 111) once said, “while without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” horwitz (1988) found that a substantial number of the esl students complet

12、ing her questionnaire either agreed or strongly agreed that the most important part of learning a foreign language is learning vocabulary. mccarthy ( 1990 ) also pointed out “ no matter how well the students learn grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of a second language are mastered, with

13、out words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in the language cannot happen in any meaningful way. nation (1994) stated that “vocabulary knowledge is generally considered an important factor in the comprehension of language; the number of known words is related to skillful language u

14、se”. some researchers even believe that the success of language learning depends largely on vocabulary learning, which is something more than memorizing glossaries of words.vocabulary learning is one of the most important parts in language learning, and it naturally has the same important position i

15、n language acquisition as vocabulary has in a language. “it has been said that learning a second language means learning its vocabulary” (gass: 325). from this, it could be argued that vocabulary is one of the core elements of language, as well as of language learning, language teaching and language

16、 learners.in a word, vocabulary functions as the core of a language, but it is the most difficult and unsuccessful in language learning at the same time.the importance of vocabulary learning suggests that it is quite significant for english learners to acquire vocabulary in large quantity and good q

17、uality. nevertheless, vocabulary acquisition is a difficult and long - term task. at the same time, vocabulary teaching is one of the primary tasks in the whole procedure of english teaching. as the basic part in english teaching practice, vocabulary teaching has long held the attentions of instruct

18、ors. the present situation also calls for more emphasis on vocabulary teaching. textbooks for students are more frequently changed than before. its an obvious fact that english as a subject is more demanding than ever before, the most evident sign of which is that vocabulary in the new series of tex

19、t books is much richer than in the past. the new criterion of english course in senior middle school also makes great demands on vocabulary in language studies. vocabulary teaching is a fundamental and an integral part of language teaching. as maiguashea (1993) points out, the study of vocabulary ha

20、s changed from being “poor relation” of second language education in the past into the role of “guest of honor” at present.in a word, vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to the typical language learner.as everyone knows, vocabulary is of critical importance to any typical la

21、nguage learners, especially when vocabulary research has undergone dramatic changes in the latest decades. in china, for most english learners, especially for beginning learners, english vocabulary has long been their major obstacle to learning. nowadays, much more attention has been paid to vocabul

22、ary teaching, which constitutes an integral part of any language teaching program. vocabulary teaching in china has gradually shifted from the traditional methods which are dominated by a teacher-centered, examination-oriented and grammar-based method to multi-method. various teaching approaches hav

23、e been introduced, and especially communicative approach has contributed much to the development of english language teaching in our country. nobody can deny these contributions. many vocabulary teaching approaches strongly emphasize the significance of vocabulary teaching and learning.but there are

24、 still some problems in vocabulary teaching in senior middle schools in china today. in the present english classroom in china, there are two models of words to be taught and learned. they are all the results of teacher-centered way of vocabulary teaching. firstly, the teacher asks the class to read

25、 after him the whole word list in the text, followed by the teacher s interpretations of each word in the list. secondly, the teacher chooses some basic words and paraphrases them or gives the chinese equivalents. it is common to hear the complaints from the students that they forget almost the new

26、words that they have recently memorized. meanwhile, for the teachers, they often complain that they cannot bear to see so many mistakes in students speaking or writing or whatever due to lack of vocabulary competence. as usually, teachers only teach students english words and their chinese equivalen

27、ts in texts or reading materials, and students only rigidly memorize what their teachers tell them, though they understand the meaning of the new word, yet they are not sure while using it, regardless of understanding it. great efforts have been put in vocabulary learning and teaching, but the resul

28、ts are not satisfactory for the time being. the trouble the students meet with is that they are not able to communicate with others in english freely or understand many reading or listening materials even though they have a good command of grammatical or phonetic rules. changing this situation is no

29、t only the job of learners but also that of teachers.to sum up, considering the complexity of vocabulary teaching as well as the main problems of the senior middle school students word acquisition, the present study devotes to the study of the application of contextual theories in english vocabulary

30、 teaching.as we have entered the 21st century, the acquisition of vocabulary has assumed a more important role, and as some would argue, it is the central role in learning a second language (lewis, 1993). for students, studying english is not only the necessity for examination, but also the tool to

31、exchange information, so the final vocabulary teaching purpose is to help students learn how to continue to acquire vocabulary on their own. at such a point, it is necessary to explore an effective way to improve our vocabulary teaching. only by this way can english teaching meet the requirements of

32、 the new standard of national english curriculum.with the development of applied linguistics and functional teaching approach, linguists have become increasingly aware of the important role of context in language studies and language use. words exist in a certain context. in dealing with the word me

33、anings, the connotation cant be determined without the help of the context. more attention should be paid to the part that context plays in vocabulary teaching. this paper, therefore, makes a study of effective vocabulary teaching which focuses on context in the use of vocabulary. the purpose is to

34、call upon english teachers to be sensitive to the various contexts with which learners assumed to confront, arouse the students interest, get a deeper understanding of the word meaning, stimulate students to think actively, strengthen their memory, help them make use of the relative context to grasp

35、 the connotative meaning of word completely and accurately, choose appropriate words to express themselves in writing or communication and improve students word power. teaching vocabulary combined with context also helps to create linguistic atmosphere, develops the ability of using english and ling

36、uistic sense. therefore, it is very important to teach students words in context and guide them to learn english word from context by themselves.the study of context in vocabulary acquisition is of great significance obviously from two aspects. firstly, in the theory, on the basis of careful study o

37、f the scholars at home and abroad, the author makes general introduction of the contextual theories; secondly, in practice, the author makes a tentative study of the application of contextual theories in english vocabulary teaching, and we often find that, the meanings of the english words are elast

38、ic. english is considered as a language that has great adaptability and plasticity meanings of words which rely on context a great deal. therefore, we should combine word meanings with situations, pay attention to the relation between context and vocabulary,vocabulary learning will be easier and mor

39、e effective for the students. 2. literature review on contextin order to have a general picture of the theoretical framework of the present study, it is necessary to first review the literature on context. 2.1 definitions of contextcontext is an important concept in the study of language use and lan

40、guage function. the definition of context is still a controversial problem in linguistics. different linguists of different schools or approaches will define this term specifically. as a comprehensive concept in communication theory, “context” refers to all elements of a communicative situation: ver

41、bal and non-verbal context, the context of the given speech situation and the social context of the relationship between the speaker and the hearer, their knowledge and their attitudes.context means “the total environment in which a word appears” the new word interacts with other words and the reade

42、r can acquire its meaning from the context ( rumelhart, 1977 ) .goodman (1986) thinks that context can be defined as “information that reduces uncertainty about the elements of a text, their meanings, and the meaning of the text as a whole”.context is referred to as morphological, syntactic and disc

43、ourse information in a given text, which can be classified and described in terms of general features (nation & coady: 102 ) .from the above description of context, we may draw a conclusion and redefine context as following: context is the environment in which language is used and by which language

44、conveys its real sense. it refers to the linguistic knowledge and what is implied or related of non-linguistic knowledge belonging to the linguistic expressions in a language. overseas scholars studies of context context, a very important concept in modern linguistics, was first advocated by the pol

45、ish-born english anthropologist bronislaw malinowski. malinowski felt it necessary to provide information not only about the situation in which the discourses were produced, but also about the wider context, the total cultural background ( malinowski: 307 ) .when malinowski did the field work in the

46、 primitive culture of trobriand islands off eastern new guinea, he had to face the problem of how to interpret it for the english-speaking readers. to deal with these cases, he devised the concept of “context of situation”, which referred to the “environment of the text” (halliday: 6 ). the concepti

47、on of “context of situation” is important for his theory of language. he stated that language is embedded within a context of situation. after noting how words become comprehensible when one takes into account the larger socio-cultural frameworks within which they are embedded, malinowski argues tha

48、t the utterances itself becomes only intelligible when it is placed within its context of situation .we can see, malinowski led to a new way of studying language pragmatically and contextually. malinowskis study on context broadens our vision of the language, which cannot be studied outside the wide

49、 framework of human activity study, that is, it should be studied in connection with the context in which language is used.after malinowski, many linguists have made researches on different aspects of context and articles and works on the issue of context have come out one by one.the above section i

50、s a brief review of the context abroad. in the next section, we will come to see the study of context at home. 2. 1. 2 chinese scholars studies of contextchinese linguists have also made researches on context for a long time. though works on the subject are few, essays on it have mushroomed. in 1 93

51、2, chen wangdao pointed out that rhetoric should be considered on a basis of context of situation. in his book “xiu ci xue fan fa”, he stated that “the context of situation” refers to different types of concrete situations which can be categorized into six factors, namely why, what, who, where, when

52、 and how.zhang zhigong, a famous chinese expert, proposes that in a broad sense, society and the background information of participants could be included in language situation. so he divides context into three groups: pure context, social context and individual context. he zhaoxiong illustrates cont

53、ext as two kinds of knowledge: inner-linguistic knowledge and extra-linguistic knowledge. he holds that context can include the knowledge of and beyond the language. he ziran touches upon context when he talks about how to understand the language in use. according to his viewpoint, context is the en

54、vironment in which the language intercourse occurs.we have discussed the different views about context held by different scholars at home and abroad and evaluated the contributions they have made to the studies of it. we can see the role of context in language use is obvious from the discussion. in

55、language learning, it also plays a significant part.2. 2 types of contextwith regard to the classification of context, different scholars have different opinions. as early as the 1920s, malinowski divided context into context of culture and context of situation. according to firths viewpoint, contex

56、t should be classified into linguistic context, cultural context and situational context. in china, zhang weiyou divides context into the linguistic context and extra-linguistic context or non-linguistic context. bai jiehong divides context into static context and dynamic context on the basis of lin

57、guistic context and situational context. 2. 2. 1 linguistic contextlinguistic context is another aspect of contextual theory. it only involves the possibility that a word appears with another at the same time or matches each other.linguistic context, with reference to the co-text in which a word app

58、ears refers to the word groups, the clauses and the sentences in which a language unit appears and it may also cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book (he ziran: 210). there are mainly three linguistic contexts, namely the lexical, grammatical and verbal context.2. 2. 2 non-linguistic contextnon-linguistic context refers to all the factors relevant to th


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