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1、常见的英语口语学习材料 英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。yjbys我收集了一些常见的英语口语学习材料分享如下,希望大家认真练习! 我得去看看question:问题:1) who invited the clown to the classroom?1)是谁邀请了小丑来教室的?2) where did many children stand?2)许多孩子站在哪?3) what did the clown do?3)小丑做了什么?4) was it interesting and exciting?4)它精彩、有趣吗?5) how long wa

2、s the show?5)这场表演有多久?alook at the classroom walls. the teacher put all the childrens names on the wall.看教室的墙壁。老师把所有孩子的名字放在墙上。why did she do that?她为什么要这么做?because all the children did their homework very well and they all got a star.因为所有的孩子很好的完成作业的话就能得到一颗星星。great! ive got to go and see their homework

3、.太棒了!我得去看看他们作业。bwhy are the children so happy?为什么孩子们如此开心?they are putting on a short play.她们正在进行一出短剧的飘檐。whats it about?是关于什么的?its about the animals on the farm.是关于在农场里的动物们。is it interesting?它有趣吗?sure. youve got to go and see it?当然。你要去看看吗?yes, i must go and see it now.好的,我现在就去看看。clook, why is everybo

4、dy carrying a gift box?看,为什么每个人都带着一个礼物盒?dont you know? they are going to give the gift boxes to the children in the countryside.你不知道吗?他们要给乡村的孩子们礼物。why did they do that?他们为什么这么做?they just want to help those children.他们只是想要帮助这些孩子。right. ive got to go and give them mine.对的。我的去看看然后给他们我的。dwhat are these

5、people doing?这些人在做什么?they are having an interesting class.他们在上一节有趣的课。who is giving them the class?谁给他们上这节课?new edison.新爱迪生。new edison? who is that?新爱迪生?那是谁啊?youve got to go and see him for yourself.你得亲自去看看。one, two.一,二。buckle your shoe.给你的鞋子搭上搭扣。three, four.三,四。knock at the door.敲敲门。five, six.五,六。pi

6、ck up sticks.捡起棍子。seven, eight.七,八。go home late.晚回家。nine, ten.九,十。do it again.再做一次。我的健康my healthhospital - 医院weight - 重量lose weight - 减肥put on weight - 增肥keep fit - 保持身材be on a diet - 节食cold - 感冒flu - 流感fever - 发烧headache - 头痛toothache - 牙痛stomachache - 胃痛,肚子痛sore - 疼痛的throat - 咽喉,喉咙sore throat - 喉咙

7、痛cough - 咳嗽sneeze - 打喷嚏feel dizzy - 感觉晕眩throw up - 呕吐make an appointment - 约诊blood pressure - 血压temperature - 温度heart - 心跳blood - 血get an x ray - 照x光exercise - 练习,训练get an injection - 注射take medicine - 吃药please take me to the hospital.请送我到医院。i think id better see a doctor.我想我最好是去看医生。my stomach is up

8、set.我胃不舒服。i have a pain in my stomach.我肚子痛。my ears are ringing.我耳鸣。my body aches all over.我全身都痛。i have no appetite.我没食欲。im going to throw up.我快吐了。i ate too much.我吃的太多了。i feel very hot.我觉得很热。i dont feel well yet.我还是觉得不舒服。i have a sore throat.我喉咙痛。one of my teeth is hurting.我牙痛。im sneezing and coughin

9、g all the time.这段时间我老是打喷嚏咳嗽。i feel very ill.我感觉很难受。im hot, my body aches and i have a cough.我发烧了,浑身疼又咳嗽。take care.当心。do you need to see a doctor?你要不要去看医生?i have a weak stomach.我的胃不好。im coming down with a cold.我感冒病倒了。do i need an operation?我要动手术吗?cover your mouth when you cough.咳嗽的时候捂住嘴。do i have to go to a hospital?我必须去医院吗?ill take


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