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1、宁波大红鹰学院 毕业论文外文翻译所在学院: (小3号黑体) 专 业: (小3号黑体) 班 级: (小3号黑体)08财管/国贸1班 学 号: (小3号黑体) 姓 名: (小3号黑体) 指导教师: (小3号黑体) 年 月 日(小3号黑体,数字和字母为Times New Roman体加粗)译文:State-owned commercial banks to create the first of retail banksRetail banking refers to the commercial banks use modern management theory, relying on high

2、-tech Shouduan, to individuals, families and small and medium enterprises integration offered, integrated financial services, includes deposit loans, settlement, exchange, investment and wealth management business. Retail banking business is not short for a particular business, but the general term

3、for many businesses. It has a wide range of business areas, both the traditional banking business, may also be new business; both business asset may also be a liability business and intermediate business, it can be on-line banking and so on. In the West, retail banking is the most important source o

4、f profit for commercial banks. Chinas retail banking business is currently facing great development of the situation. The current development of the retail banking business is the main obstacle faced by banks within the body perfect, the market operation mechanism is not perfect and imperfect credit

5、 laws and regulations.As Chinas financial industry to enhance international level, as Chinas domestic demand-led economic growth model of the mature, doubling national wealth, our commercial banking business the focus has moved from production services to consumer services, in the high-end consumer

6、are becoming an important source of bank asset growth, the source of profits in the form of banks increasing share of possession. Therefore, how to further speed up Chinas commercial banks to retail banking business, the financial sector has become the major theoretical and practical issues. 1, the

7、development of retail banking in China and problems ofIn recent years, Chinas banking industry clearly the retail banking as one of the main strategic directions on the agenda, the bank is proposed to create the first retail banks of the strategic goals and developed a detailed strategic plan. Agric

8、ultural Bank of China to the retail business market transformation as the focus of share reform, the Bank of China Royal Bank of Scotland main attack in hand of private banking and wealth management business, China Construction Bank to strengthen the SME loans as an opportunity to accelerate the con

9、struction of retail banking. In view of the retail banking business in 2007 on the contribution of bank performance, into 2008 years, the main attack force the banks have made the retail banking business, competition in Chinas banking industry officially entered the era of close combat.But behind th

10、e rapid development of retail banking, we see Chinas retail banking from commercial banking wholesale backward from the various risks emerged from the womb, and especially in marketing, is not a priority for many banks and retail customers, but the credit and risks. In addition, they and customer co

11、ntacts are usually transactional, and therefore, banks tend to focus on trading efficiency, rather than service and sales. Chinas banking industry understanding of the retail banking there are four errors:1, can not be scientific and reasonable customer segments, customer can not provide differentia

12、ted products and services, customer management loose. State-owned commercial banks retail banking business is still in the stage of mass marketing, thus causing the high cost of product marketing. Evolved from a commercial bank management model does not meet the needs of the retail business. Can bri

13、ng different profits for clients of the differentiation strategy is adopted, the difference of the service and other issues, there is no effective management maintenance system, the lack of matching of the operation and management agency. 2, a single financial product, the lack of products to choose

14、 from the rich. Swarm agent funds from last year to this years difficult market situation of financial products, shows very clearly that operate over a single retail banking products, added value. Banks this year launched personal finance products, competition, the race to improve customer profitabi

15、lity, ultimately squeezing their profit margins of banks to make huge profits which should have a personal financial products become the weak.3, single channel marketing and service. Single-channel marketing and service is reflected in two aspects: one referring to the same products, marketing and s

16、ervice channels, single, retail banking is essentially based on the counter and ATM sales and service, although telephone and Internet banking in evolving, but the service cumbersome and function of the single makes its application is limited, but the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chinas Interne

17、t banking is an exception, a strong and secure service that allows its Worlds Best Internet Bank in the title is not either substance.The other is the retail banks marketing and service channels are not fully used up, a single marketing product.4, brand missing. ICBC, the numerous variety of financi

18、al products, bank cards only have a dozen kinds of products much, but people know is that Peony credit card. Abstract slogan your side of the bank, reliable bank is very hard to understand, much less pleasant to experience. Than the Western countries, Chinas retail banking business there is obviousl

19、y inadequate: only from the view of the profitability of bank card business, foreign bank card from the difference in interest rates, fees, overdraft interest income were 10% and 70%, 20% , and the three corresponding national income accounted for 70%, 20%, 10%, mainly income from the interest rate

20、clearly reflects the fact that the profitability of our lack of bank card business; in consumer credit, consumer credit in the Western countries line of credit in the proportion of 20% -40% more than in between, some even as high as 60%.That the Chinese banking sector is not engineering, agriculture

21、, construction, in the tradition of the times the four lines, and retail needs of the brand and experience, Wal-Mart stands for Always low prices, McDonalds is synonymous with fast food, Starbucks to bring you unique experience. Our retail banking business has not one has its own unique brand.Second

22、, less developed credit system, the development of retail banking is the main constraint 1 Lack of credit system, leading to a bank - resident asymmetric information. At present, commercial banks and between the residents, in fact, there is a wide range of information asymmetry, namely the banks, co

23、nsumer-related information in the Silver - A transaction between the two sides complete and asymmetric distribution. Residents and asymmetric information between banks performance in many areas, such as banks and credit of the residents of personal income is very limited grasp of information, the re

24、sidents present and future personal income and spending and so on incomplete information. Consumer credit applications are personal income, the amount of property, liabilities, and whether any bad credit records and other personal credit information, bank decision-making is very important but it is

25、difficult fully informed of banks; or by personal research to learn but the high cost of information search, worth the candle. These show that China has been implemented in the current real-name system deposits, assets declaration system has not yet fully implemented, credit information system is al

26、most blank background, the two sides of the transaction, Bank - Residents is concerned, there is information asymmetry is almost a certainty .2, information asymmetry has hampered Chinas retail banking business. Asymmetric information can easily lead to adverse selection and moral hazard, that is, t

27、hose looking for consumer credit, the most active and most likely to get loans to consumers, credit is often poor, leading to bank credit customers make the wrong choices, this is adverse selection; borrowers have consumer loans, from the banks perspective, the risk may be very large and should not

28、be engaged in activities which involved changes in the bank and the borrower agreed to loan use, this moral hazard. Adverse selection and moral hazard to the bank to bring a higher uncertainty. In order to avoid exposure to bad debts, to reduce the possibility of loan losses, banks in handling perso

29、nal banking business to develop a more stringent provisions, the expansion of the personal assets of business more cautious on the consumer credit customers a more detailed review. The large decrease in consumer credit and other personal banking business supply, which restricted the commercial banks

30、 in the retail banking business in Chinas rapid development.3, the development needs of the retail banking credit system, boost. Credit system is built on the basis of personal credit information system, that is the specialized information center all information aggregated personal data, including t

31、he basic personal credit information and related records. Individual residents in the same bank, tax, and other economies to exchange, whether the credit information system will be honest and trustworthy as the credit data import database. Internationally, the specialized credit institutions accordi

32、ng to the situation recorded data can be divided into two categories, one is to retain only the bad credit history bad credit history usually records the number, time and place Which financial institutions with bad repayment record; and those of all financial institutions to retain personal records

33、of loan transactions, information is more detailed. Experience of developed countries shows that bank credit decisions based on credit, to a large extent, can alleviate the information asymmetry problem.Third, the state-owned commercial banks out of the retail banking business in the UniversitiesSup

34、ermarket will be a world-renowned office building in the channel next to the cash register, usually only half of the number of cash registers open access, when to the busy, the manager came out from the Office of the remainder of the cash register open channels cashier duties, such increased efficie

35、ncy on the one hand, cost savings, but the real important thing is to save the customers waiting time for customers to create a good experience. In contrast the Chinese banks and the retail outlets, I think most people have in there, waiting for the pain experience, hard work and memories. Therefore

36、, the retail banking industry to learn ways to focus the brand into the core of customer experience to improve and enhance, rather than focusing on changes in the appearance of the image.Therefore, brand building is a systematic, experience is the core, no one will give you a beautiful logo, catchy

37、slogan pay. People are paying is the purchase of quality products, to enjoy a satisfactory service, has been the best experience. But the brand mark and the slogan only you effectively communicate the performance of all of the visualization.1, business process planning, integrated marketing channels

38、.Banks in compliance with such marketing should be a road map: the target account manager - financial products and promote services - marketing channel security - customers to buy retail banks. Marketing account manager through a certain channel, the financial banking products or services delivered

39、to individual customers. That which involves a total of four components: the client manager, financial products, marketing channels and customer personally, so we start from the four areas of retail banking business development marketing plan.2, client manager selection.One is to establish a profess

40、ional etiquette of personal customer managers. Marketing team to target specific customers responsibility. Determine the client manager selection criteria, the implementation of open selection, and elimination of the system. The second is to establish ongoing training mechanisms, including marketing

41、 skills, service etiquette training. Account Manager team is representative of the image of foreign banks, their quality is critical, and thus overall quality of the team should be the highest bank staff should be familiar with different areas of the financial sector, on different product lines shou

42、ld have a basic knowledge .3, referral services to link financial products.First, the recommendation of financial products to reflect professionalism. Account Manager will also need two technical support that product managers and related professional organizations, such as insurance, securities, fun

43、ds and futures companies. These things need to be focused through the client manager, deliver professional consulting to customers information.Second, China is an immature, unstable market, the latest market changes, financial product marketing stage and the relevance of other features. On stocks, b

44、onds and other market grasp; of national control policies on the mortgage industry, mortgage business of automobile; on the international market exchange rates, interest rate fluctuations on the impact of retail banking, financial products need to promote areas of service have a comprehensive knowle

45、dge reserves.Third, personal financial services to go beyond the scope of financial planning to expand to the customer every aspect of life, which the bank is even more closely with the customer contact. This requires that areas of service in product launches and more personalized services.4 marketi

46、ng channels.Now, banks in the marketing channel construction, the original network is divided into the following categories: financial convenience stores, general financial networks, financial centers, wealth management center. Banks for wealth management center is also invested heavily in renovatio

47、ns, with the best marketing manager and financial manager. In the lobby of the building business, banks are equipped with excellent hall manager to divert customers, insurance companies, real estate development company, also took the opportunity to stay at the banks network, forming a number of fina

48、ncial institutions to conduct a joint marketing situation. A network of business casual lobby day there are hundreds, thousands of traffic, but also all banks have accounts of customers, it should first be the object of financial product marketing. However, the human environment in the lobby design,

49、 unified corporate identity, business manager on relatively high quality of construction, the banks are working in the need for improvement.Second, in the special issue of bank Web sites and personal finance construction, the design of the domestic banking site not human, update a timely fashion. Mo

50、ney special issue of the content side fashion and leisure, and banking links not close. Only Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, for example, a single page on its Web site, special issue of loose fiscal and not more attractive, financial literacy and more ways to promote the single release, if

51、the focus and financial resources for the high-end customers to design beautiful, with collectible publicity pictures, the effect will be better.5, customer relationship management.Customer relationship management is the core of commercial banking market, now various commercial banks, the company at

52、taches great importance to maintain customer relationships, maintaining personal customer relationships is the lack of appropriate attention, especially for a large number of high-quality resources to the lack of effective management of individual clients. Not established the personal quality standa

53、rdized customer records management system. On the bank, his private banking customers slogan is: location end, high-end competition, nurturing potential. Private banking customers a standard classification of financial assets over 10 million daily average quarter; on high-end customers is the divisi

54、on of financial assets, quarterly average daily 100 - 10 million; on the end customer is the standard classification of financial assets quarterly daily average of 5 - -100 million potential customers on a standard classification of financial assets, more than 50,000 daily average quarter. The depos

55、it amount only to measure the division of the market to individual customers were also very shallow, there is no growth in the value of customer analysis, what kind of customers the level of the client by the Manager to maintain and provide what kind of products, but also a lack of standardization m

56、ode of operation. Also remain in the public marketing stage. Now, the conditions of banks, has been carried out through various channels to maintain customer relations, such as launching the financial seminars high-end customers tea party, short message sending holiday wishes and other activities. B

57、ut the marketing costs of the tensions, it is difficult to make customer relationship maintenance work to a new level. Four state-owned commercial banks have strong strength, can try to extend its services to the financial management of financial outside of other areas, such as internal customers ar

58、ound the topics, different forms of organized clubs, such as Swimming Club, Badminton Club and Bicycle Club and so on, through the club activities will be linked more closely to our customers.原文:国有商业银行打造第一零售银行的思考零售银行业务是指商业银行运用现代经营理念,依托高科技手段、向个人、家庭和中小企业提供的综合性、一体化的金融服务,包括存取款、贷款、结算、汇兑、投资理财等业务。零售银行业务不是某一项业务的简称,而是许多业务的总称。它有着广泛的业务领域,既可以是传统银行业务,也可以是新业务;既可以是资产业务,也可以是负债业务、中间业务,还可以是网上银行业务等等。在西方,零售银行业务是商业银行最主要的利润来源。我国零售银行业务目前正面临大发展的局面。目前发展零售银行业务面临的主要障碍是银行内部机构不完善、市场化运作机制不健全和信用法规不完善等。随着我国金融业国际化程度的提升、随着我国内需拉动型经济


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