1、..3.Multiple choice. Please choose the best answer among the four items.(10 x 1 = 10 )In American literature, the 18 th century was the age of Enlightenment.wasthe dominant.A. huma nism B. rati on alismC. roma nticism D. evoluti ons workThe short story “ The Lege nd of
2、 Sleepy Hollow” is take n from Irvi ngn amed.A. The Leatherstocki ng TalesB. The Sketch BookC. The AutobiographyD. The History of New YorkWhich of the followi ng isnot the characteristic of America n Roma nticismA. Rati on alismB. inner selfC. pers onal feeli ngsD. in dividualismThe short story“ Rip
3、 Van Winkle ”reveals the _ attitude of its author.A. optimisticB. pessimisticC. con servativeD. ironicStylistically, Henry James ficti on is characterized by.A. short, clear senten cesB. abu ndance of local imagesC. ord inary America n speechD. highly refined lan guageTran sce nden talist doctri nes
4、 found their greatest literary advocates inandThoreau.A. Jeffers onB. Emers onWhich is regarded as the“ DeclaratiC. Fren eauD. Mark Twainon of In tellectual In depe ndenceA. The America n Scholar B. En glish TraitsC. Oversoul D. Self-relia neeis considered Mark Twain s greatest achievement.A. The Gi
5、lded AgeB. Innocent AbroadC. The Adve ntures of Tom SawyerD. Adve ntures of Huckleberry Fi nnis not among those greatest figures in“ Lost GenerationA. Ezra Pou ndB. Robert FrostNaturalism is evolved from realism whe n the a less serious and less sympathetic but more iroC. Walt WhitmanD. Hemi ngwayut
6、hor sttasnniesvritingnic and more.A. rati onalB. humorousMultiple choice. Please choose the best a (10 x 1 = 10 )is the father of America n Literature.C. optimisticD. pessimisticn swer among the four items.A. Benjamin Fra nklinB. Philip Fren eauC. Pai neD. Wash ington Irvi ngis a fan tasy tale about
7、 a man who somehow stepped outside the mai n stream of life.A. “ Rip Van Winkle ”B. “ The Pion eers ”C.The Lege nd of Sleepy Hollow”D. The Fall of the House of Usherwas the most lead ing spirit of the Tran sce nden tal Club.A. Thoreau B. EmersonC. Hawthor neD. Whitman14. Which of followi ng is NOT a
8、 typical feature of Mark Twa in s Ian guageA. ver nacularB. colloquialC. elega nt D. humorous15. From Thoreau s jail experienee, came his famous essay,which states hisbelief that no man should violate his con scie nee at the comma nd of a gover nment.A. Walde nB. NatureC. Civil Disobedie neeD. Com m
9、onSense16. Which is re garded as the“ Declaration of Intellectual IndependenceA. The America n Scholar B. En glish TraitsC. Oversoul D. Self-relia nee17. Most of the poems in Whitman s Leaves of Grass sing of -heass” and the enas well.A. n atureB. self-relia neeC. selfD. life18. What did Fitzgerald
10、call the 1920sA. The Roar ing 20s B. The Gay 20sC. The Jazz Age D. The Lost Ge nerati on19. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author s tone in writing becomesless serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more.A. rati onal B. humorousC. optimisticD. pessimistic20. For Melville, as w
11、ell as for the reader and, the narrator, Moby Dick is stilla mystery, an ultimate mystery of the uni verse.A. AhabB. StubbC. IshmaelD. StarbuckII. Identify Works as Described Below (1x15 =15 ):1. The novel has a sole black protagonist who tells his own story but whose name in unknown to us.a. Native
12、 Son b.U ncle Tom s Cab inc.I nvisible Man d. Go Tell It on theMountains2. The main conflict of the play is the protagonist s false value of fine appearaneeand popularity with people and the cruel reality of the society in which money is everyth ing.a.A Street Car Named Desire b. The Hairy Apec.L on
13、g Days Jour ney intoNight d. Death of Salesma n3. It is an autobiographical play and Edmund in the play is based on the playwright himself.a. Long Days Jour ney into Night b. Hen ders on the Rain Kingc. The Hairy Aped. The Glass Men ageries4. The novel tells of how a black man kills a white woman by
14、 accident and how the society is responsible for the murder.a. Native Son b.Uncle Tom s Cabin c.Invisible Mand. Go Tell It on theMountains5. is one of the best works in American literature about the SecondWorld War.a.A Farewell to Armsb.The Catcher in the Ryec.The Red Badge ofCouraged. The Naked and
15、 the Dead6. The novel by Hemingway is the best of its kind about World War I.a.A Farewell to Arms b.The Sun Also Risesc.The Old Man and the Sead. The Naked and the Dead7. The novel is about how a family of farmers cannot survive in Oklahoma and travel to California to seek a living and how they suff
16、er hunger in California. a.The Grapes of Wrath b. U.S. A.c.Babbitt d. The Adventures of Augie March8. It is a trilogy including The 42nd Parallel , 1919, and The Big Money , with such techniques as biographies, newsreels and camera eye.9. It is a novel which uses the stream of consciousness techniqu
17、e and whose title is taken from Shakespeare s Macbeth .a. Absolom, Absolom!b. The Sound and the Furyc.A Farewell to Arms d. The Great Gatsby10. It is a naturalistic work about how a country girl is seduced and how she becomes a famous actress and how her lover falls into a beggar and finally commits
18、 suicide.a.An American Tragedy b. Sister Carrie c. McTeague d.Maggie, A Girl of the Streets11. The novel is set on the Mississippi with the protagonist telling us the story in the local dialect. It is a representative work of local colorism.a. Sister Carrieb.The Adventures of Tom Sawyerc. The Advent
19、ures of Huckleberry Finnd.The Portrait of a Lady12. The novel is a psychological study of a soldier (Henry Fleming) s reactions in the Civil War.a.An American Tragedyb. Sister Carriec.The Red Badge of Couraged. McTeague13. The poem is written in free verse in 52 cantos with the theme of the universa
20、lity and equality in value of all people and all things.a.Cantos b. The Raven c. Song of Myself d.Chicago14. The novel is about how a group of people on a whaling ship kill a great whale but themselves are killed by the whale, with the conflict between man and his fate.a. The Octopus b. Moby-Dick c.
21、 The Rise of Silas Lapham d. Leaves of Grass15. It is a philosophical essay in 8 chapters plus an introduction mainly concerned with the four uses of nature.a. Walden b. Nature c. The Scarlet Letter d. The American ScholarI. Choose the Best Answer for Each of the Following(1X15=15):1. An English shi
22、p brought 102 people from Plymouth, England on September 16,1620 and arrived in the present Provincetown harbor on November 21 in the same year. This ship was named .a. The Pilgrims b. Mayflower c. America d. Titanic2. is father of American drama and in his dramatic career he wrote 49plays.a. Tennes
23、see Williams b. Eugene ONeill c. Arthur Miller d. Elmer Rice3. was the first American writer to write entirely American literature.a. Anne Bradstreet b. Washington Irving c. Mark Twain d. Ernest Hemingway4. was the leader of American transcendentalism.a. Benjamin Franklinb. Washington Irvingc. Ralph
24、 Waldo Emerson d. Henry David Thoreau5. was the greatest woman poet in American literature and she wrote about1,700 short lyric poems in her life time.a. Pearl S. Buck b.Harriet Bicher Stowe c. Emily Dickenson d. Walter Whitman6. is father of the detective story and of psychoanalytic criticism.a. Wa
25、shington Irvingb. Ralph Waldo Emersonc. Walt Whitmand. Edgar Allan Poe7. William Dean Howells is concerned with the middle class life; writesabout the upper class society, and Mark Twain deals with the lower class reality.a. Stephen Crane b. Frank Norris c. Theodore Dreiser d. Henry James8. Which of
26、 the following is a naturalistic writera. William Dean Howells b. Mark Twain c. Ernest Hemingway d.Theodore Dreiser9. His writings are characterized by simple, colloquial language and deep thoughts.He is.a. Ernest Hemingway b. William Faulkner c. F. Scott Fitzgerald d. Mark Twain10. He wrote 18 nove
27、ls all set in Jefferson Town, Yoknapatwapha County in the deep south. He is .a. William Faulkner b. John Steinbeck c. Ernest Hemingway d. Mark Twain11. is Jewish in origin and in many of his novels the American Jews aremajor characters.a. Sinclair Lewis b. Saul Bellow c. Norman Mailer d. Jerome Davi
28、d Salinger12. is often regarded as the greatest American woman poet and she wroteover 1,700 short lyric poems in her life time.a. Anne Bradstreet b. Robert Frost c. H.D. d. Emily Dickinson13. is father of American drama and won the Nobel Prize for literature in1936.a. John Steinbeck b. William Faulk
29、nerc. Eugene O Neilld. ArthurMiller14. He was the first black American to write a book about black life with great impact on the consciousness of the nation and his masterpiece is one of the three classics about black Americans. Who is hea. Richard Wright b. Harriet Beecher Stowe c. Langston Hughes
30、d. Ralph Ellison15. Hemingway wrote about American compatriots in Europe whereas wrote about the Jazz age, life in American society.a.William Carlos Williams b. William Faulkner c. John Steinbeck d. F. Scott Fitzgerald1. Choose the Best An swer for Each of the Followi ng(1 X15 %):2. The American Civ
31、il War broke out in 1861 between the Northern states and theSouth states, which are known respectively as the and the.a. N, S b. Revolutionaries, Reactionaries c. Union, Confederacy d. Slavery, Anti-Slavery2. was praised by the British as the “Tenth Muse in America ”.a. Anne Bradstreetb. Edward Tayl
32、orc. Thomas Pained. Philip Freneau3. Mark Twain was a representative of in American literature.a. transcendentalism b. naturalism c. local colorism d. imagism4. was the leader of American transcendentalism.a. Benjamin Franklinb. Washington Irvingc. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. Henry David Thoreau5. The gr
33、eatest American poet and the first writer of free verse is .a. Washington Irving b.Ezra Pound c. Walt Whitman d. Emily Dickinson6. is father of the detective story and of psychoanalytic criticism.a. Washington Irvingb. Ralph Waldo Emersonc. Walt Whitmand. Edgar Allan Poe7. Henry James is concerned w
34、ith the upper class life; writes about themiddle class society, and Mark Twain deals with the lower class reality.a. Stephen Crane b. Frank Norris c. Theodore Dreiser d. William Dean Howells8. Which of the following is a naturalistic writera. William Dean Howells b. Mark Twain c. Ernest Hemingway d.
35、Theodore Dreiser9. s writings are characterized by simple, colloquial language and deepthoughts.a. Ernest Hemingwayb. William Faulknerc. F. Scott Fitzgerald d.Mark Twain10. wrote 18 novels all set in Jefferson Town, Yoknapatwapha County inthe deep south. .a. William Faulkner b. John Steinbeck c. Ern
36、est Hemingway d. Mark Twain11. is Jewish in origin and in many of his novels the American Jews aremajor characters.a. Sinclair Lewisb. Saul Bellowc. Norman Mailer d. Jerome DavidSalinger12. is often regarded as the greatest American woman poet and she wroteover 1,700 short lyric poems in her life ti
37、me.a. Anne Bradstreet b. Robert Frost c. H.D. d. Emily Dickinson13. is father of American drama and won the Nobel Prize for literature in1936.a. John Steinbeck b. William Faulknerc. Eugene ONeill d. Arthur Miller14. was the first black American to write a book about black life with greatimpact on th
38、e consciousness of the nation and his masterpiece is one of the three classics about black Americans.b. Richard Wright b. Harriet Beecher Stowec. Langston Hughes d. Ralph Ellison15. first used the “Jazz age”as the title of a collection of short storiesa. F. Scott Fitzgerald b. William Faulkner c. Jo
39、hn Steinbeckd. ErnestHemingwayII. Ide ntify Works as Described Below (1 X15 %):6. The play is about a stoker whose identity as a human being is not recognized by his fellow human beings and who tries to find affinity with a monkey in the zoo and is finally killed by the animal.a. The Hairy Apeb. Hen
40、derson the Rain Kingc. Long Days Journey into Nightd. The Glass Menageries7. The protagonist in this play is a crippled girl named Amanda.a.A Street Car Named Desire b. The Hairy Ape c.Long Days Journey into Nightd. The Glass Menageries8. The hero of this novel tells about his own story to us but hi
41、s name is unknown.a.Native Son b.Uncle Tom s Cabinc.Invisible Man d. Go Tell It onthe Mountains4. It is an autobiographical play and Edmund in the play is based on the playwright himself.a. Long Day s Journey into Nightb. Henderson the Rain Kingc. The Hairy Aped. The Glass Menageries5. The novel tel
42、ls of how a black man kills a white woman by accident and how he is finally arrested and tried and sentenced to death.a.Native Son b.Uncle Toms Cabinc.Invisible Man d. Go Tell It on theMountains6. is one of the best works in American literature about the SecondWorld War.a.A Farewell to Arms b.The Ca
43、tcher in the Rye c.The Red Badge of Couraged. The Naked and the Dead6. The novel by Hemingway is the best of its kind about World War I.a. A Farewell to Armsb.The Sun Also Risesc.The Old Man and the Sea d. The Naked and the Dead10. The novel is about how a family of farmers cannot survive in Oklahom
44、a and travel to California to seek a living and how they suffer hunger in California.b. The Grapes of Wrathb. U.S. A.c. Babbittd. The Adventures of Augie March11. It is a trilogy including The 42nd Parallel , 1919, and The Big Money, with such techniques as biographies, newsreels and camera eye.12.
45、It is a novel which uses the stream of consciousness technique and whose title is taken from Shakespeares Macbeth.a. Absolom, Absolom!b. The Sound and the Furyc.A Farewell to Arms d. The Great Gatsby10. It is a naturalistic work about how a country girl is seduced and elopes with Hurstwood and how s
46、he becomes a famous actress and how her lover falls into beggary and finally commits suicide.a.An American Tragedy b. Sister Carrie c. McTeague d.Maggie, A Girl of the Streets11. It is a novel with 135 chapters plus an epilog; in it a group of people on a whaling ship kill a great whale but they the
47、mselves are killed by the whale in the end, except Ishmael the narrator who survives by adhering to a coffin.b. Sister Carrie b.The Adventures of Tom Sawyerc. Moby Dick d. The Portrait of a Lady12. The novel is a psychological study of a soldier (Henry Fleming)s reactions in theCivil War, in which w
48、ound is called the red badge which symbolizes courage. a.An American Tragedy b. Sister Carrie c.The Red Badge of Courage d. McTeague13. The poem is written in free verse in 52 cantos with the theme of the universality and equality in value of all people and all things.a.Cantos b. The Raven c. Song o
49、f Myself d.Chicago14. The novel is about how a man falls economically and socially but who rises morally because he gives up the opportunity to sell his factory to an English Syndicate, which would otherwise mean a ruin to that syndicate.a.The Octopus b. The Rise of Silas Lapham c. Moby-Dick d. Leav
50、es of Grass15. It is a speech delivered at Harvard University. It is often hailed as the “declaration of intellectual independence ”in America.a. The American Scholar b. Nature c. The Scarlet Letter d. WaldenII. Match the followi ng(1 20%)A. Match Works with Their Authors1. Hugh Selwyn Mauberly2. Wa
51、lden3. Autobiography4. The Scarlet Letter5. Leaves of Grass6. The Raven7. The Rise of Silas Lapham8. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer9. Long Day s Journey into Night10. The Old Man and the Seaa.Mark Twainc. Eugene O Neille. Edgar Allan Poeg. Nathaniel Hawthornei. Henry David Thoreau k.Thomas Jeffersonb
52、. Ernest Hemingwayd. William Dean Howellsf. Walt Whitmanh. Benjamin Franklin j. Ezra Poundl. T.S. Eliot1. Hester Prynne3.Frederick Henry5.the Joads7.Holden Caulfield8.Yanka.The Portrait of a Ladyc. The Hairy Apee.The Sound and the Fury g. The Naked and the Dead i. Native Sonk.Invisible ManB. Match t
53、he Characters with the works in which they appear.2. Mrs. Touchett4.Benjy Compson6.General Edward Cummings7. Bigger Thomas9. Happyb. The Scarlet Letterd. A Farewell to Armsf. The Grapes of Wrathh. The Catcher in the Rye j. Death of a Salesmanl. Catch-22III. Match the follow ing(120=20)A. Match works
54、 with their authors1. Nature2. Rip Van Winkle3. Nature4. The Scarlet Letter5. Leaves of Grass6. The Raven7. The Rise of Silas Lapham8. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn9. Cantos10. The Old Man and the Seaa.Ezra Poundc. Mark Twaine. Edgar Allan Poeg. Nathaniel Hawthornei. Washington Irvingb. Ernest
55、Hemingwayd. William Dean Howellsf. Walt Whitmanh. Ralph Waldo Emersonj. Waldo EmersonB. Match characters with the works in which they appear.2. Captain Ahab and Starbuck 2.Isabel Archer3. Frederic Henry and Catherine4.Benjy Compson5.the Joads7.Holden Caulfield6.Ge neral Edward Cummi ngs8.Bigger Thom
56、as9.The Tyronesa.The Portrait of a Ladyc. Death of a Salesma n10.Willy Lomanb. Moby-Dickd. A Farewell to Armse.The Sou nd and the Furyg. The Naked and the Deadi. Native Sonk.Absalom, AbsalomV. Essay Questions (30%; cf. The Grapes of Wrathh. The Catcher in the Ryej. Long Day s Jour ney into Nightl. T
57、he Old Man and the Seahoose only ONE of the following three topics andwrite a short essay of at least 300 words. Note: 1Your essay should have at least 3 paragraphs; you are not simply to make a list of facts.2 You may give a title to your essay, but you are required to in dicate which of the 3 topic
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