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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!开心工作的秘诀双语 根本上,你越喜爱这工作,干活时就越快乐。不过一些小方法也可以提升你工作欢乐程度。其中有一些特别小,但是改善境况这行为本身都能让你更欢乐。接下来,我给大家预备了快乐工作的秘诀双语,欢送大家参考与借鉴。 快乐工作的秘诀双语 1. check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute1. if your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright. 检查是否有眼疲惫。方法是将手放在前额呈敬礼状。假如

2、这时候你的眼睛感到放松,那么你的办公空间就太光明了。 2. sit up straight with your shoulders down every time i adjust my sitting position, i instantly feel more energetic and cheerier. 坐直、放下肩膀每当我调整完坐姿,会立即感到更有精神和更开心。 3. get a phone headset. i resisted for a long time, because it looks so preposterous2, but its really much more

3、 comfortable. also, it lets me pace while i talk on the phone, which also looks preposterous, but is energizing3. 戴上电话耳机。我对此抗拒了很长时间,因为这样看上去很傻,可其实却很舒适。而且,它让我在打电话的时候能踱步伐,虽然这也很傻,可是却提神。 4. dont keep candy on your desk. studies show that people are much more likely to snack when a treat is within easy re

4、ach, and a handful of mms each day could mean a weight gain of five pounds by years end. 不要在桌子上放糖果。讨论说明,假如零食在顺手可得的范围内,那么吃零食的可能性会大大增加。每天吃一把巧克力豆,到了年末体重可能会增加5磅。 5. never say yes on the phone; instead, say, ill get back to you. when youre actually speaking to someone, the desire to be accommodating is v

5、ery strong, and can lead you to say yes without enough consideration. along the same lines. 肯定不要在电话上说好, 而是说:等一会儿再和你联络。当你和某人交谈时,会有很强的迎合冲动,而且会让你不经充分考虑就容许对方。同理. 6. when deciding whether to say yes, imagine that youre accepting a job that youll have to do next week. dont agree to something just because

6、it seems so far off that it doesnt seem onerous4. 当你打算要不要说是的时候,把它想象成这是一件你在下周就得要做的任务。别仅仅因为它好像看上去很遥远而且繁重,所以你就去容许。 7. dont let yourself get too hungry. the big man goes without eating for hours and hours at a time, so once, trying to be helpful, i bought him a big bag of granola to keep in his desk. he

7、 ate the whole bag in one day and ended up sick as a dog. lesson: eat regularly. 不要让自己太饿了。大男人一次可以长时间不吃东西,处于好心,我给他买了一大袋麦片作为办工食物补给。结果,他一天就把一袋都吃光了,结果生了一场大病。教训:饮食要有规律。 8. take care of difficult calls, tasks, or emails as quickly as possible. procrastinating5 makes them harder; getting them done gives a

8、big boost of relieved energy. 对于难解决的电话、任务或电子邮件要尽快处理。拖沓会增加它们的难度。把它们搞定会极大进步轻松度。 9. if youre feeling overwhelmed, think hard about how you spend your time. be honest. how much time do you spend surfing the internet, looking for things youve misplaced, or doing a task thats really someone elses job? als

9、o. 假如你感到忙不过来,认真想想自己的时间都花到了哪里。对自己老实点。你花了多少时间上网、多少时间去查找乱放的东西、多少时间去做其实是别人的工作?另外. 10. let yourself stay ignorant of things you dont need to know. 假如不需要知道,就别去知道。 11. go outside at least once a day, and if possible, take a walk. the sunlight and activity is good for your focus, mood, and retention6 of inf

10、ormation. 至少一天到户外一次,假如可能的话,散个步。阳光和运动对你的留意力、心情还有记忆存储都有好处。 12. say good morning to everyone. social contact is cheering, and if you feel that youre on good terms with all the people in your office, youll be happier each day. also, its polite. 对每个人说早上好。人际接触令人开心,假如你感觉和办公室里的每个人都和谐,那么你每天都会更欢乐。另外,这也是礼貌。 扩展

11、:活在当下 this week i got some really sad news, my friends wife died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. one day she was here and vibrant1 and in an instant there was a different story to tell. this made me remember how my mother reacted to the news of someones death. shed always say, thats why you have to li

12、ve for today. thats a great sentiment but how often do we any of us live into that idea? id say, not often enough. 这一周,我接到了一个非常令人哀痛的消息,我伴侣的妻子由于脑血管瘤突然死亡。前些天她还在这里,布满活力,瞬间间就物事人非。这让我回忆起我母亲对死亡消息的反响。她总是说:所以啊,我们得活在当下。 这是肺腑之言,但是人们会在现实中做到吗? 我说大家做得很不够。 news of a accident, sudden illness or death gives us mome

13、ntary2 pause when they dont impact us directly. we do a quick inventory3 of our lives and vow4 to do better but rather quickly were back in our regular routines. but when the issues strike closer, lives can be forever altered-impacting how we live, breathe and act. in addition, to shock, anger and g

14、rief theres also self-examination (sometimes extreme self-examination). but turning those findings into actionable ideas may take more energy than youve got in such a challenging time. 对我们没有挺直影响的事故、突发疾病或死亡的消息让我们临时停下脚步,快速盘点一下自己的生活,宣誓将做地更好,但很快我们又回到了老样子。当假如这些不幸和我们是相关的,生活可能被永久地转变。我们的生活、呼吸和行为的方式都会受影响。除了震

15、惊、生气和悲伤,我们开头自省(有时候是极度的自省)。但是在如此具有挑战性时期,你的能量或许缺乏以将这些发觉变为可执行的想法。 so how does one live for today? 那么如何才能更好地活在当下呢? we start by not waiting for something bad to happen to spur us into action. and we commit to this as part of our daily lives. here are four questions that can start you on your way: 不要等待不幸来

16、促使我们实行行动。我们要将决心作为习惯融入生活。以下是要问的四个问题: do i know what really matters to me? 我知道对我来说究竟什么是重要的吗? do i know what brings me joy? 我知道什么能带给我欢乐吗? are there things in my life that need to go to make room for whats important? 生活中有什么事情可以被搁置,以便为重要的事情腾出空间? what am i waiting for? 我在等待什么? i start with these questions

17、 because you need to know what matters at your core in order to have a more fulfilling life. what makes you happy? what makes you uncomfortable or even angry? although we cant avoid some of the mundane5 tasks in life we can couple them with things that bring us joy. 我用这些问题开始,因为你得先理解你心里什么最重要,才能过上改善的生

18、活。什么让你欢乐?什么让你感到不舒适甚至生气?虽然我们无法回避生活中枯燥的活动,但我们能将欢乐和无聊交融起来。 you also need to identify the people, places and things that drain you emotionally, spiritually and physically6. if you cant eliminate them entirely7 from your life you need to find ways to minimize your exposure to them and their impact on your life. 你还需要发觉从情感上、精神上、体力上熬煎你的人、地点和事情。假如你无法完全把他们从你的生活中消退,你需要想方法削减和他们的接触,将他们对你生活的影响最小化。 hone


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