1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!德国高校简洁的留学申请书 近年来,德国政府制定了较宽松的留同学政策,扩大了对外招生人数,许多中国同学也喜爱到德国留学。下面就是我给大家带来的德国高校简洁的留学申请书参考,盼望能关心到大家! 德国高校简洁的留学申请书 dear _, since an early age i have had an enthusiasm for learning and knowledge. ifind business, finance and economics fascinating and with everything i learn ifind i want
2、to know more. i am currently studying on the second year of a higher national diploma inbusiness and have been elected class spokesperson by both students andlecturers. before this i was studying accounting with aat for 2 years and gainedan as level in accounts alongside. to be a chartered accountan
3、t is still myambition; however i find the hnd has opened my eyes to economics and otherfinance related subjects. i find the banking world and the stock marketextremely interesting and would relish the chance to be able to speak about iton a more professional level. it never fails to amaze me how dec
4、isions made atthe top levels can have effects on such a wide range of people and i would beconfident to hold such great responsibility. i am glad that the hnd hasbroadened my knowledge of an array of subjects including law and marketing,subjects for which i had little previous interest but which i u
5、nderstand therelevance of now. in my younger years i gained 3 academic scholarships to the blue coatschool, edgbaston, the royal wolverhampton school and haberdashers monmouthschool for girls. i gained a further bettinson scholarship in my final yearsat blue coat, where i also reached grade 8 speaki
6、ng of verse and prose withlamda and grade 5 piano aswell as playing for the school netball and roundersteams. unfortunately however, my life hasnt always gone as intended. i was placedin care at the age of 14, a pivotal point in my education, when my mothersuffered from mental illness. as an only ch
7、ild with no father, i found myselfalone. they say every cloud has a silver lining and i have found that to betrue, this experience only served to make me more independant, mature, and moredetermined to realise my potential. moved from city to city, i have never lostsight of my goals and as a result
8、of my turbulent upbringing, i have developededucational and workplace skills of immeasurable value. a good strategist, i canwork around the most unexpected scenarios while keeping a level head, my timemanagement and organisational skills are of a high standard, my interpersonaland public speaking sk
9、ills have improved considerably as a result of the hnd andi work well within a team or individually. in my spare time i love to keep fit, often visiting the gym and going forruns. i keep up to date with current affairs, regularly checking the news andreading the economist. i have a passion for films
10、 and i enjoy a late night readof an agatha christie novel.i love social events and also enjoy cooking, i lovea challenge and like to try new things so i often hold small dinner parties forfriends. i am a determined individual who never fails to give 100% and i thoroughlybelieve my attitude and thirs
11、t for knowledge would make me an asset to anylearning establishment. it is my opinion that to be successful in academicstudies, you must have a genuine passion for the subject, a passion i certainlyhold for business and finance studies. yours sincerely, 德国留学高校分类介绍 一、德国留学高校分类介绍 1、综合类大学 综合类大学内
12、的学科众多,专业数量也比拟齐全,更注重于同学的理论学问和讨论力量的培育,培育的是讨论型人才,一般这里的同学有许多会选择进展更高层次的求学。 2、应用类大学 德国的应用类大学虽然更侧重于技能的教学,但是其教学不仅仅只局限于专业的训练,还会对同学进展综合素养的培育。从应用类大学毕业的同学,会更受企业和公司的欢送,因为具有双重的优势。 3、职业学院 职业学院中的同学的学历程度相当于宝贵的高中,其设立的目的是关心同学更早的进入社会开头正式的工作。 学校的训练实行双元制,让同学一半的时间在学校内进展专业素养的培训,另一半的时间进入社会进展理论,让同学在学校学到的学问,可以得到实地理论。 4、艺术学院 德
13、国对于艺术的培育也是特别重视的,要想要真正学好艺术,一个好的学习气氛特别重要,于是各类艺术学院应声而出。常见的艺术学院包括音乐学院、美术学院、戏剧学院、电影学院以及综合类艺术学院。 二、各类高校优势比照 综合类、应用类、职业类高校的专业性会更强,学校的同学都是学习同一种类的专业,教学的专业性会更强,而且在同一种学习的气氛之下,可以更激发同学学习的潜力和上进心。 其实许多综合类院校内会设立多个艺术类专业,这样学校的综合性更强,可以关心同学在理解自己的专业的同时,理解其他的专业,有些同学会在学习的过程中,会发觉自己的缺乏,甚至更合适其他专业。 三、留学德语考试 testdaf即我们常说的德福考试,
14、是许多留同学的首选,testdaf是德国全部高校都成认的语言等级考试,他的地位相当于英语等级考试中的托福和雅思。 德福考试主要针对的是来德留学或者前往德语区国家留学的同学,以及想要证明自己德语程度的一般人。考试的成果分为三个等级,分别是三级、四季和五级,其中五级为级,想要进入德国的高校学习,至少要到达四级,获得德福五级的同学可以适应全部高校的学习。 不同的等级对应不同的分数,德福考试的内容分为四个局部,分别是听说读写,每科总分值5分。四级的要求就是每科都拿到4分,总分16分,就有资格申请德国的大学了。 个别院校和专业的要求会高一些,尤其是优质院校和语言类专业。由于德语学起来比拟难,所以大局部的
15、留同学拿的都是有条件的录用,经过培训等待德语程度合格之后,再开头正式的学习。 德国留学申请贷款相关问题 1.借款人应具备哪些条件? 具有完全民事行为力量;在贷款到期日时的实际年龄不得超过55周岁;应持有拟留学人员的国外留学学校的入学通知书或其它有效入学证明和已办妥拟留学人员留学学校所在国入境签证的护照;应具有可掌握区域内的常住户口或其他有效居住身份,有固定住宅、稳定职业和收入来源。 2.贷款的额度和年限是怎样规定的? 留学贷款的额度不超过国外留学学校录用通知书或其它有效入学证明上载明的报名费,一年内学费、生活费及其它必需费用的等值人民币总和,不超过五十万人民币,最长期限不超过六年(含六年)。
16、3.留学贷款的担保抵押有哪几种: (1)房产抵押:贷款额不超过经贷款人认可的抵押物价值的 60%; (2)质押(国债、本行存单抵押):贷款额不超过质押物价值的80%。 (3)信誉担保:以第三方供应连带责任保证的,假设保证人为银行认可的法人,可全额发放;假设是银行认可的自然人,贷款额不超过20万元人民币。 4.借款人应供应哪些主要材料? 借款人及配偶的身份证、结婚证、户口簿或有权机构出具的有效居留证件原件及复印件;拟留学学校出具的入学通知书、承受证明信及其他有效入学证明资料及有关必需费用证明,同时供应本人学历证明资料; 已办妥拟留学学校所在国入境签证手续的中华人民共和国护照;供应具有平安民事行为力量的中国公民作为借款人的国
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