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1、决胜2020年中考英语压轴题全揭秘精品 专题13状语从句【考点一】时间状语从句when的意思相当于at that time(在时刻),从句的谓语动词通常是短暂动词,也可接延续动词,这时从句往往用过去进行时态,表示某一时间段内发生的动作。while用作时间连词时,意思相当于during that time(在期间),从句的谓语动词通常接延续动词。as通常表示主、从句的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边一边”的意思。since引导的时间状语从句,表示“自从以来”,常用结构为:“It has been+since从句”或“It is +since从句”。until常用的句型结构有:1作为连词引导从句时的句

2、型:主句的延续动词until从句的短暂动词;2 作为介词接名词短语的句型:延续动词until时间点(不是时间段)。as soon as表达主句的动作和从句的动作相继发生,两者之间的时间间隔不长,相当于汉语里“一就”的意思。1. (2019 甘肃省兰州市)Tom watched the World Cup _ 11:30 last night.A. when B. unless C. untilD. as soon as【参考答案】C【解析】句意:汤姆看世界杯直到昨晚11:30。A. when什么时候;B. unless除非;C. until 直到为止;D. as soon as一就。根据Tom

3、 watched the World Cup _ 11:30 last night. 汤姆看世界杯_ 昨晚11:30。结合选项可知,应该选择until 直到为止;符合语境。故选C。【考点二】条件状语从句条件状语从句的引导词是if和unless。连词if表示“如果”,unless表示“如果不”或“除非”。另外词组as long as也可引导条件状语从句,表示“只要”。1.(2019 山东省青岛市)Friends are like books. You dont need a lot of them _ they are good.A. orB. and C. as long as D. as s

4、oon as【参考答案】C【解析】句意:朋友就像书籍,不在多而贵在好。A. or或者,否则;B. and和,而且;C. as long as只要;D. as soon as一就。此句话的字面意思是只要朋友好你并不需要许多,本句表达的是深层含义as long as引导条件状语从句,故选C。2.(2019广西梧州) Kitty, youll fail the English exam_ you study hard.A. because B. when C. if D. unless【参考答案】D【解析】句意:Kitty,如果你不努力,你的英语就会考砸。 考查条件状语从句。if和unless都可以

5、引导条件状语从句,但意思是有区别的,连词 if 表示“如果”,unless 表示“如果不”或“除非”。结合句意可知,应该选择unless 如果不;符合语境。故选D。【考点三】原因状语从句because的语气最强,只有它才能用来回答why的问句,所引出的原因往往是听话人所不知道的或最感兴趣的。since表示人们已知的事实,是不需强调的原因,所以常译成“既然”,通常放在句首。连词as与since的用法差不多,所引出的理由在说话人看来已经很明显。1(2018 湖北黄石)I always get up early on weekdays, _Im afraid I will be late for s

6、chool.A .because B .so C .though D .than【参考答案】A 【解析】句意:平时我总是早起,因为我怕上学迟到。考查连词辨析题。because因为,表原因(前果后因式);so所以,表因果(前因后果式);though尽管,表让步;than你,表比较。本句前果后因,需用because连接;根据句意语境,可知选A 。【考点四】目的状语从句常见的引导目的状语从句的连词有:so that, in order that和that。1. (2019 广东省)We should take care of the earth _ we can make a better worl

7、d to live in.A. so thatB. untilC. even ifD. while【参考答案】A【解析】句意:我们应该关爱地球,为了我们能创造一个更美好的世界。so that为了;until直到;even if 即使;while当时候;根据We should take care of the earth 和we can make a better world to live in之间的关系是表示目的;故选A。【考点五】结果状语从句常用的引导结果状语从句的连词有:so.that,so that和such.that。1常用句型:so+形容词/副词+that从句 so+形容词+a/a

8、n+单数可数名词+that从句such +a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that从句 such +形容词+复数可数名词/不可数名词+that从句2so和such的搭配规律:such修饰名词或名词词组,so修饰形容词或副词,so还可接many, few, much, little等。1. (2019 江苏省连云港市)StorySign is _ a useful app _ it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to read bedtime stories.A. so . thatB. such . thatC.

9、too . toD. as . as【参考答案】B【解析】句意StorySign是一个如此有用的应用以至于能让聋的孩子和父母读睡前故事更 加容易。A. so+ adj./adv. +that+句子如此以至于;B. such a/an+ adj. +可数名词单数+that+句子或者such+ adj +可数名词复数/不可数名词+that+句子如此以至于;C. too adj. to do太以至于不能;D. as+ adj./adv.原级 +as和一样。根据两个空之间的a useful app可知,用such a adj. +可数名词单数+that结构,译为如此有用的一个应用以至于,故选B。【考点

10、六】让步状语从句常见的引导让步状语从句的词有though, although, even though和even if,此时,主句前不可用but,但可用yet或still。1. (2019 重庆市A卷)He could find the way home _ he was only three years old.A. thoughB. becauseC. whereD. if【参考答案】A【解析】句意:尽管他只有三岁,但他能找到回家的路。空格前后内容之间是让步关系,故用though。2. (2019 甘肃省武威市)_ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holid

11、ay.A. AlthoughB. Because C. Unless D. However【参考答案】A【解析】句意尽管雨下得很大,但是我们仍然享受我们的假期。A. 尽管(引导让步状语从句);B. 因为(引导原因状语从句);C. 除非(引导条件状语从句);D. 然而,但是(后加逗号)。根据句意可知,空前和空后之间表示让步,用although,故选A。1. (2019 山东省临沂市)A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, _ 34 percent believe that

12、they will make the roads mote dangerous.A. althoughB. becauseC. if【参考答案】A【解析】句意:最近的一项调查显示,44%的美国人希望使用自动驾驶的汽车,尽管34%的人认为这会使道路变得危险。although虽然,because因为,if如果;根据前后句意可知,这里表示让步,即虽然,尽管,故选A。2. (2019 辽宁葫芦岛)The football fans cheered _ they heard the exciting news.A. even though B. in order that C. as soon as D

13、 as long as【参考答案】C【解析】句意:足球迷们一听到这个令人兴奋的消息就欢呼起来。 考查时间状语从句。句意:even though虽然;in order that为了;as soon as一就;as long as只要。结合句意,故选C。3. (2019 江苏省连云港市)_ we didnt win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work.A. IfB. ThoughC. SinceD. Because【参考答案】B【解析】句意尽管我们没有赢得篮球比赛,但是我们对我们勤奋的工作感到很满意。A.如果(引导条件

14、状语从句);B.尽管(引导让步状语从句);C.自从(引导时间状语从句);D.因为(引导原因状语从句)。根据句意可知,主句和从句之间表示让步,译为尽管,故选B。4. (2019 四川省乐山市)Bike sharing is very useful in our daily life _ it still has some disadvantages.A. unlessB. becauseC. although【参考答案】C【解析】句意:尽管共享单车仍然有一些缺点,但是它在我们的日常生活中很有用。A. 除非(引导条件状语从句);B. 因为(引导原因状语从句);C. 尽管(引导让步状语从句)。根据空

15、前和空后可知,表示让步,故选C。5.(2019 辽宁铁岭) Mr. Smith knows a lot about China _he has never been to our country.A. although B. untilC. if D. since【参考答案】A【解析】句意:虽然史密斯先生非常了解中国,但是他从未来过我国。考查让步状语从句。although虽然;until直到;if如果;since自从。根据句意可知由although引导让步状语从句。故选A。6. (2019 辽宁抚顺)She didnt leave the school _she worked out this

16、 problem.A. as long as B. until C. since D. while【参考答案】B【解析】句意:“直到解出那道题,她才离开学校”。 考查时间状语从句。not until是固定搭配,意为“直到才”,故选B。7.(2019 广西贺州) _she is 3 years old, _ she can dress herself.A. Though; butB. Because; soC. Though; /D. Because; /【参考答案】C【解析】句意:尽管她三岁,但是她可以自己穿衣服。考查让步状语从句,though不能和but同时连用。故选C。 8 .(2019

17、海南) We didnt cut the cake _ Amy made a wish.A. becauseB. until C. if【参考答案】B【解析】句意:“我们没有切蛋糕”“埃米许了一个愿”。考查时间状语从句。根据句意可推断,此空用until连接,与前面的not组成notuntil结构,表示“直到才”。故选B。9. (2019 黑龙江大庆)Jim, lets go out to play basketball.Oh, I wont do that _ I finish my homework.A. if B. until C. because D. since 【参考答案】B【解析】

18、句意:吉姆,咱们出去打篮球吧。哦,直到我完成作业我才会去。B 考查时间状语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格后面的I finish my homework是时间状语从句,由前面的否定词not可知是notuntil(直到才)的用法。if如果,引导条件状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句;since自从,既然,引导时间状语从句或原因状语从句。故选B项。10.(2019 黑龙江绥化) I think youll miss the train _ you hurry up.A. if B. andC. unless【参考答案】C【解析】句意:我认为除非你快点,你才不会错过火车。C考查条件状语从句。

19、and和;if 如果;unless除非。故选C。11. (2019 江苏南通)I still keep taking exercise every day _ I am busy with so many subjects.A. until B. unless C. because D. though【参考答案】D【解析】句意: 尽管我忙于这么的事情,我仍然每天坚持锻炼。考查让步状语从句。until 直到;unless除非;because 因为;though尽管。故选D。12.(2019 江苏镇江)Is your WeChat account(账户) safe?Yes, even my fat

20、her cant use it _ I tell him the password.A.when B. unless C. while D. if【参考答案】B【解析】句意:你的微信账户安全吗? 是的,连我父亲也不能用除非我告诉他密码。 考查条件状语从句。when当的时候;unless除非,相当于if.not(如果不) ;while当的时候,然而;if如果。故选B。13. (2019 内蒙古包头)It was the middle of the night _ the sound of the piano woke me up.A. because B. if C. when D. altho

21、ugh【参考答案】C【解析】句意:钢琴声把我吵醒时,是午夜。考查时间状语从句。because 因为; if 假如,是否; when 当时候; although虽然。由句子结构入手分析,空格处之后的句子在句中作时间状语,由此推知。故选C。14.(2019 山东东营) Remember to keep the dog on a leash (狗链) _ you walk it, honey! Sure. I wont let it hurt others.A. untilB. afterC. whileD. since 【参考答案】C【解析】句意:句意:亲爱的,当你遛狗的时候,记住把它用狗链拴着!

22、当然了。 我将不会让它伤着他人的。考查时间状语从句。while“当的时候”,故选C。15. (2019 山东东营) Im afraid e-books might be bad for our eyes. Hmm, but they will be helpful for us _ we put them to good use.A. as soon asB. as long as C. even though D. so that【参考答案】B【解析】句意:我担心电子书可能对我们的眼睛有损害。嗯,但是如果我们对其充分利用,它们将会对我们有所帮助。考查条件状语从句。as soon as“一就”

23、;as long as“只要”;even though“尽管;即使”;so that“为了;目的是”。故选B。16. (2019 辽宁盘锦)The old man leads a simple life, _ he has a lot of wealth.A. althoughB. soC. unlessD. because 【参考答案】A【解析】句意:老人过着朴素的生活,尽管他有很多财富。考查让步状语从句。although“尽管”,表示让步;so“因此”,表示结果;unless“除非”,表示条件;because“因为”,表示原因。由句意可知,前后两句之间有让步关系,故选A。17. (2019

24、山东日照) The sports meeting wont be put off _ it rains. A. until B. ifC. unlessD. whether【参考答案】C【解析】句意:运动会将不会推迟,除非天下雨。考查条件状语从句。until“直到才”;if“如果”;unless“除非”,相当于if not;whether“是否”。结合句中wont be put off和it rains可知应选C。18. (2019 云南) Im sure dreams dont work _ you do. A. ifB. untilC. when D. since【参考答案】B【解析】句意

25、:我敢肯定,梦想在你实现之前是不会(自己) 实现的。考查时间状语从句。if如果;until直到时;when当时;since自从。联系前面“我肯定”可知,此处指“”需用until“直到时”。故选B。19.(2019 辽宁本溪) Lingling, youll feel sleepy tomorrow _ you go to bed early.OK, Mom. Ill go to bed at once.A if B. unless C. though D. because【参考答案】B【解析】句意:玲玲, 你明天会感到困倦的,除非你早点睡。 考查条件状语从句。if如果,引导条件状语从句;unl

26、ess 除非,引导条件状语从句,though虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句。根据语境知选B。 20. (2019 贵州贵阳) Our eyesight will be become poorer and poorer _ we keep playing with phones.A. though B. unless C. if【参考答案】C【解析】句意:如果我们继续玩手机,我们的视力会越来越差。C 考查条件状语从句的用法。though尽管;unless除非;if如果。根据句意可知,前半句是结果,后半句是假设,应用if引导,故选C。 21. (2019 云南昆

27、明)_ we continue to kill elephants for their ivory, we humans will lose them in the end.A. If B. Before C. until D. Although 【参考答案】A【解析】句意:如果我们为得到象牙而持续杀死大象,我们人类最终会失去它们。 考查条件状语从句。if如果,引导条件状语从句;before在前,引导时间状语从句;until直到,引导时间状语从句;although尽管,引导让步状语从句。根据句意可知前面的从句是表示假设,应用连词if。故选A。22. (2019 黑龙江齐齐哈尔) The stu

28、dents of Grade 9 have to take part in the P.E. test.Yes, _ you want to pass it and be stronger, practice more.A. unlessB. untilC. if【参考答案】C【解析】句意:九年级的学生不得不参加体育测试。是的,如果你想通过它并变得强壮,一定要多加练习。考查条件状语从句。unless除非;until直到;if如果。多加练习是通过考试的条件并变得强壮的条件,故选C。23. (2019 广西贵港) Has the meeting begun yet?Not yet. We have

29、 to wait _ everyone is here.A. andB. untilC. orD. but【参考答案】B【解析】句意:会议已经开始了吗?还没有。我们不得不一直等到大家都到齐了为止。考查时间状语从句的用法。and意为“并且”,表示并列关系;until意为“直到为止”;or意为“或者;否则不然”,表示选择或转折;but意为“但是”,表示转折。根据“not yet”可知:等所有参会人员都到齐了才会开会。故用until。故选B。24.(2019 甘肃武威、白银) _ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. A. Although B. Beca

30、use C. Unless D. However 【参考答案】A【解析】句意:“尽管经常下雨,但是我们假期还是过得很愉快” 考查让步状语从句。it rained a lot和we enjoyed our holiday之间是一种让步关系,故选A。25.(2019 山东菏泽) _ My grandpa is over 80 years old, he still looks strong and healthy.A. Although B. Because C. Unless【参考答案】A【解析】句意:尽管我祖父80多岁了,但他看起来仍然强壮健康。 考查状语从句之从属连词。Although尽管,

31、引导让步状语从句;Because因为,引导原因状语从句。根据选项推测故选A。26. (2019 江苏苏州)Love your parents _ they are alive. Dont wait until it is too late.A. while B. though C. becauseD. unless【参考答案】A【解析】句意:父母在世的时候就爱他们,不要等到太迟了。考查状语从句连词。while当时;though尽管;because因为;unless如果不。根据下一句“不要等到太迟了”可知,此处表示“父母在世的时候就爱他们”,while引导时间状语从句。故选A。27.(2019

32、山东临沂) A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, _ 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous. A. although B. because C. if【参考答案】A【解析】句意:最近的一项调查显示,44%的美国人希望使用自动驾驶汽车,尽管34%的人认为这将使道路更加危险。考查让步状语从句的用法。although“尽管;虽然”;because“因为”;if“如果”。由句意可知前后句表

33、示让步关系,故选A。28. (2019 山东青岛)Friends are like books. You dont need a lot of them _ they are good. A. orB. andC. as long asD. as soon as 【参考答案】C【解析】句意:朋友像书。只要他们是好的,你不就不必拥有太多。 考查条件状语从句。or或者;and和;且;as long as只要;as soon as一就。空白处意为“只要”,故选C。29. (2019 四川凉山)In summer, food will go bad quickly_ we put it into a

34、fridge. A. ifB. unlessC. as soon asD. when【参考答案】B【解析】句意:夏天,食物很快就会变质,除非我们把它放进冰箱里。B 考查条件状语从句。if 如果;unless除非;as soon as一就;when当时候。故选B。30. (2019 天津)She was tired, _ she continued her work. A. so B. until C. but D. that【参考答案】C【解析】句意:虽然很累了,但是她坚持她的工作。考查连词的用法。so因此;until直到;but但是;that因为。分析语境可知,此处连词表示转折关系,因此用b

35、ut。故选C。31.(2019 重庆A卷) He could find the way home _ he was only three years old. A. thoughB. becauseC. whereD. if【参考答案】A【解析】句意:虽然他只有三岁,但是他能找到回家的路。考查让步状语从句。though虽然,尽管;because因为;where在哪儿;if是否,如果。分析语境可知,句中连词表示让步关系,因此用though。故选A。32.(2019 江苏连云港) _ we didnt win the basketball game, we were satisfied with

36、our hard work. A. If B. ThoughC. SinceD. Because【参考答案】B【解析】句意:尽管没有在篮球比赛中获奖,我们对努力训练还是满意的。考查条件状语从句。if如果,引导原因状语从句;though尽管,引导让步状语从句;since自从以来,引导时间状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句。故选B。33.(2019 江苏连云港) StorySign is _ a useful app _ it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to read bedtime stories.

37、A. so. . . that B. such. . . that C. too. . . to D. as. . . as【参考答案】B【解析】句意:StorySign这款app如此有用,它可以让聋哑儿童和他们的父母更容易读睡前故事 。 考查结果状语从句。so. . . that如此以至于,so后接形容词或副词;such. . . that如此以至于,such后接名词短语;too. . . to太以至于不能,表示否定;as. . . as和一样,表示比较。根据后半句it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to rea

38、d bedtime stories“它可以让聋哑儿童和他们的父母更容易读睡前故事”可知,前句表述的是这款app如此有用,又a useful app为名词短语,故选B。34.(2019 江苏南京) “Put on your coat, _ you will catch a cold!” This is what my mum often says to me. A. and B. but C. or D. so【参考答案】C【解析】句意:“穿上外套,否则你会感冒的!“这是我妈妈经常对我说的话。 考查连词辨析。and和,表并立关系;but但是,表转折关系;or否则,表条件关系;so因此,表因果关系

39、。故选C。 35. (2019 江西)The film seems interesting _ we all want to see it. A. and B. but C. unless D. if【参考答案】A【解析】句意:这部电影看起来很有趣,我们都想去看它 。考查连词用法辨析。and和,表示并列关系,but但是,表示转折关系,unless如果不,引导条件状语从句,if如果,引导 条件状语从句。这里表示并列关系。故选A。36. (2019 安徽)A better future is the goal of the Chinese people, _ its also the common

40、 interest of the world. A. soB. andC. orD. but【参考答案】B【解析】句意:一个更好的未来就是中国人民的目标;这也是世界配合的兴趣。考查并列连词用法。so因此,表因果;and和,并且,表顺承,递进;or或者,否则,表选择或相反;but但是,表转折。前后句意组成并列的递进关系,应用and连接。故选B。37. (2019 安徽)Our business wont improve _ we offer better services to our customers. A. because B. unlessC. afterD. since【参考答案】B【

41、解析】句意:除非我们提供更好的服务给我们的顾客,不然我们的生意就不会改善。考查从属连词辨析。because因为,引导原因状语从句:unless除非,引导条件状语从句;after在之后,引导时间状语从句;since自从,引导时间状语从句。故选B。38.(2019 四川成都) You are not supposed to enter the teachers office _. Thanks, mom, I got it. A. unless you are allowed to B. if you want to ask questions C. when you are asked to c

42、ome in 【参考答案】A【解析】句意:你不应该进入老师的办公室,除非你被允许。考查条件状语从句。A项意为“除非你被允许”;B项意为“如果你要问问题”;C项意为“当你被要求进入的时候”。由上半句的主句句意“你不应该进入老师的办公室”可知A项正确。39. (2019 四川凉山)_ did the rainstorm come?While we _ a physics lesson yesterday. A. When; have hadB. While; are havingC. When; were havingD. While; have【参考答案】C【解析】句意:暴风雨什么时候来的?-昨

43、天我们在上物理课的时候。 考查When和While引导的时间状语从句的时态 。问句中的come是短暂性动词,应由when来引导。答语是while引导的时间状语从句,应用过去进行时,故选C。40. (2019 河南)Before you ask someone for help, find out _ he is the right person for your problem.A. sinceB. thatC.whetherD. unless【参考答案】C【解析】句意:在你向别人寻求帮助之前,先找出他是否是解决你问题的合适人选。 考查连词辨析。since自从,常用来引导时间状语从句;that

44、(没有词义)引导从句;whether是否;unless除非,常用来引导条件状语从句。分析句子机构可知,空后为宾语从句,故排除A、D两项;that本身没有词义,放在句子中语义不完整,故排除B项。故选C。41.(2019 贵州毕节) Bill, stop smoking, _ youll get better soon.A.butB. afterC. orD. and【参考答案】D【解析】句意:Bill,停止吸烟,你很快就会好起来的。考查连词的辨析。but表示意思的转折;after在之后;or表示选择;and表示意思的顺延或增补,根据句意,故选D。42.(2019 广西柳州)May I go an

45、d play with Dick, Mum?No, you cant go out _your homework is being done.A. Before B.as C. until【参考答案】C【解析】句意:我可以出去和迪克玩吗,妈妈?不,你不可以,知道写完作业才可以。考查not .until句型的使用。故选 C。 43.(2019 黑龙江哈尔滨)Which sport do you prefer, volleyball _ basketball?I prefer volleyball.A. or B. and C. but【参考答案】A【解析】句意:你更喜欢哪项体育活动,排球还是篮球

46、?我更喜欢排球。 考查并列连词用法。or表示选择,意为“或者”;and表示顺承;but表示转折。结合空前和空后的两个词volleyball和basketball可知是在两者之间进行选择。故选A。44. (2019 贵州黔南、黔东南、黔西南)Youd better take the map with you you wont get lost.A. so thatB. as soon asC. now thatD. as long as【参考答案】A【解析】句意:你最好带上地图,这样你就不会迷路了。考查连词辨析。so that因此,以便;as soon as一就,立刻;now that既然;as

47、 long as只要。根据前句“你最好带上地图”和后句“你不会迷路”可知后句是前句的目的,故选A。45. (2019 黑龙江龙东) Hurry up, you will miss the flight. There is time left.A. or; little B. and; a little C. or; a little【参考答案】A【解析】句意:快点,否则你会误了航班,几乎没有剩余的时间了。考查连词和形容词的用法。由前面的Hurry up说明否则就会误了航班,表示“否则;不然的话”用连词or;由Hurry up说明剩余的时间“很少,几乎没有”了,表示“很少;几乎没有”用littl

48、e,故选A。46. (2019 江苏常州)I wont stop loving English _ the sun rises in the west.A. if B. although C. because D. unless【参考答案】D【解析】句意:我不会停止学习英语,除非太阳从西边出来。考查连词辨析。上文的否定意义“我不会停止学习英语”和下文“太阳从西边出来”提示用unless“除非;如果不”引导条件状语从句,符合句意。故选D。47. (2019 青海)The environment will be much worse _ everyone has a sense of protec

49、ting it.A. unless B. ifC. so that【参考答案】A【解析】句意: 环境会变得更糟糕,除非每个人都有保护它的意识。A 考查连词的辨析。unless意为“除非,如果不”;if意为“如果”;so that意为“以便”。根据句意可知,后半句是前半句的否定条件,应用连词unless,故选A。48. (2019 北京) This cap is nice, _ it doesnt look good on me.A. for B. so C. but D. or【参考答案】C【解析】句意: 这顶帽子不错,但我戴着不好看。C 考查连词。“这顶帽子很好”与“我戴着不好看”两句间应是

50、转折关系,要用but“但是”连接。故选C。49.(2019 贵州黔南、黔东南、黔西南) Bill, stop smoking, youll get better soon.A. butB. afterC. orD. and【参考答案】D【解析】句意:Bill,停止吸烟,这样你很快就会好起来。考查连词辨析。根据前后句意可知,停止吸烟和更快好起来有顺承的关系。故选D。50.(2019 广西桂林) He was so busy preparing for the high school entrance exam that _.A. he had enough time to watch footb

51、all matches every dayB. he was free enough to go shopping onlineC. he had no time to do sports every day【参考答案】C【解析】句意:C 他是如此地忙着准备高中入学考试,以至于他每天没有时间进行锻炼。考查结果状语从句。so that意为“如此以至于”,引导的是结果状语从句。由前面的so busy preparing for the high school entrance exam可知,他根本没时间进行锻炼。A项“他每天由足够多的时间看足球赛”、B项“他有足够的空闲时间去网购”均不符合语境。故

52、选C项。51. (2019 贵州铜仁)People invented Chinese chess in memory of the battle _ Liu Bang _ Xiang Yu.A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. between; and【参考答案】D【解析】句意:人们发明中国象棋是为了纪念项羽和刘邦之争。考查短语辨析。Neither.nor.既不也不; either.or.或者或者;both.and.两者都;between.and.两者之间。故选D。52.(2019 湖南邵阳)Lets go climbing Langshan Mountain this Saturday _ the weather is fine.Good idea!A.though B.if C.unless【参考答案】B【解析】句意:如果天气好的话,这个星期六我们去爬浪山吧。好主意。 考查从属连词辨析。though“虽然”,引导让步状语从句;if“如果”,引导条件状语从句;unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句。分析句意知,后句是前一句的条件,所以应用if引导条件状语从句。故选B。53. (2019 广东)We should take c


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