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1、基坑土方挖运施工合同(中英文)CONTRACTOFEXCAVATION/ TRANSPORTONFOUNDATIONTRENCHEARTHWORK签署日期Date of发包人: (以下简称甲方) Employer : ( Hereinafter referenced to as party A )承包人: (以下简称乙方)Contractor: ( Hereinafter referenced to as party B )鉴于:甲方愿意将基坑土方开挖运输工程(下称:工程)承包给乙方施工并完成;鉴于:乙方具备相应的施工资质,愿意承包该项工程的施工并完成;鉴于:本工程的实际情况并根据中华人民共和

2、国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法及其他有关法律、法规,及遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则;兹以上述各点和契约所载条款为约因,双方就本工程施工事项协商一致,订立本合同。WHEREASparty A is ready to contract the project of excavation / transport of foundation trench earthwork (hereinafter referenced to as project ) to party B for execution and completion;WHEREAS party B possess the qua

3、lification of construction and is ready to contract the project execution and completion.WHEREASphysical circumstances of this project; the stipulations of LAW OF CONTRACT,LAWOFCONSTRUCTIONand other related laws and regulations,in addition to the principles of equality, voluntary, fairness and hones

4、ty.NOWTHEREFORE,in consideration terms and provisions contained, on this project as follows:of the premises and the covenants herein, the parties hereto makemutual agreement第 1 条:工程概况 Article one Project Overview 1.1 工程名称:基坑土方开挖、运输ProjectName: excavation/ transportof foundationtrench earthwork1.2工程地

5、点:Project Place1.3工程内容:Project Content+2.3m 以下至垫层底以上 30cm深度范围内土方挖运;桩头破除后桩头砼的挖运;土方开挖过程中地下障碍物的处理、挖运及文物的保护;挖土场地内及卸土场地临时道路铺设、维修;以及有关土方工程其他事项。Earthwork excavation / transportation within 30cm depth from +2.3m to cushion the bottom above; excavation / transportation of concrete of breaking pile head; trea

6、tment, excavation/transportation of obstacles underground and protection of cultural relics in the period of earth excavation; paving and repairing of temporary road within excavation site and dumping site, and other issues related to the earthwork.1.4 工程范围:基坑土方的开挖与外运(含配合基坑维护施工单位的施工,并满足基坑维护施工单位的要求)。

7、Project Scale: excavation / transport of foundation trench earthwork , including cooperation of the execution of trench maintenance company and meet the requirement thereof.乙方自带挖机、泥头车、堆土机等机具挖运基坑土方。将土方运输到本项目场内甲方指定地点(含临建场地和甲方指定的其它地方堆放、回填,运距约 3 公里)。弃土场地要将土方推堆土高度在 4 米内。推土费用在土方单价内。Excavator, dump truck a

8、nd bulldozer and other machines which are usedforexcavation/ transportationof trenchearthworkwillbe prepared byparty B itself.Earth should be transportedto the places which,withinthe projectsite,are appointedby partyA, includingtemporary siteandother place appointed by party A for stacking, backfill

9、, the distance about 3 Km. Earth pile in the waste soil site is within 4 meters, for which the cost is taken into the earthwork unit price.1.5 工程造价: Project Cost开挖土方量按甲方测量放线的开挖范围,结合经审批的施工方案确定的开挖底标高,确定深度。挖运土方的工程量按实结算,具体根据指定开挖范围的有效面积乘以开挖深度计算。开挖前后的标高由双方测量确定。土方挖运综合单价为:元 / 立方米,该单价包含挖、运并按甲方要求用机械堆放好,该单价不含税

10、。Quantity of earthwork excavation is subject to the excavated scale ofparty A s survey and setting line and determine the depth thereof bycombining with the approval of bottom elevation of execution schedule.Quantityofearthwork ismadesettlementon actualworks and the specificcalculation thereof is su

11、bject to the effective area multiplied by theexcavationdepth withinthe designated scale. The elevationpriorto andafter excavation will be terminated jointly by parties hereto.Comprehensive unit priceof earth work isYuan/ cubicmeter,which,being exclusive of taxes, include the prices of excavation,tra

12、nsportation and stack using machinery under party As requirement.第 2 条:承包方式 Article Two Contracting Means本工程采取固定总价承包方式。 Fixed price is practicable to this project.第 3 条:工期Article Three Project Period基坑土方开挖工期暂定为 30 天(以甲方通知开挖日期为开工日),如果因甲方原因造成工期延误的,经甲方确认后工期可顺延。如果因设计变更或其它非乙方能力所能抵御的原因,而不能按期完工或中途停工,则竣工日期应

13、予顺延。Projectperiodof trench earthworkisprovisionallyscheduled for 30 dayswhich from the date of commencement by party As notice, where delayof work s period due to party As reason which is confirmed by partyA, may be duly postponed. Provided that if failure of completion orsuspension ofprojectarising

14、 outofor relatingtoalterationof designand / orotherreasonsbeyond partyB s abilitytoresistor overcome,the completion date shall be duly postponed.第 4 条:付款方式 Article Four Payment订立合同后乙方设备进场并开始施工时,甲方支付 10% 工程款 ,进度至第二层支撑底时付款至 30% ,工程完工付款至 50% ,余款在此后三个月内付清。Initial payment of 10% of total cost is effected

15、 by party A afterconclusionof thiscontractand partyBs equipment enteringintositefor execution, 30% of cost payment will be effected on the progress tosupporting bottomof second layer,50% of cost payment will beeffectedon completion of project and the balance will be paid off within three months ther

16、eafter.第 5 条:工程变更 Article Five Alteration of Project5.1 甲、乙双方应按照本工程的批文图纸进行施工,在施工中如确实需要变更设计时,甲、乙双方应按规定办理变更手续,竣工结算时,其工程造价应按实调整。Parties hereto should carry out the execution pursuant to the approved document and drawings of this project, where in necessary to change or alter design during construction,

17、 the alteration procedure should be processed by parties hereto and the project cost should, at the date of completion settlement, be made adjustment thereof.5.2 如果工程变更对工期有影响时, 因甲方或设计单位责任造成的工期应顺延,如乙方责任引起的,工期不得顺延。Provided that if work period is effected or delayed by such alteration or the liabilitie

18、s of party A or design company, work period should beduly postponed, however where due to party B s liability, work period can not be postponed.第 6 条:各方义务与责任 Article Six Liabilities and Responsibilities of Parties6.1 甲方义务: Liabilities and responsibilities of party A( 1)积极、合理安排乙方开挖工作,确保乙方机械设备的利用率。Act

19、ive and reasonable preparation of excavation is made to ensure party Bs utilization rate of machinery and equipment.( 2)乙方进场施工前,甲方须开通施工场地与公共道路的通道,将施工所需要的水、电、电讯线路接至施工现场,相关费用由乙方承担。PartyA should,priorto partyB enteringintothe site,make the acceseof site smooth to public road and connect water, electric

20、ity andtelecommunicationlineto the site,forwhich the relevantexpense shallbe account of party B.( 3)工程开工前,对乙方进行基坑系统各方面情况的书面技术交底,并将工程地质和地下管线资料提供给乙方,将水准点、坐标控制点在承包双方以及监理单位见证下进行现场交验,并提供书面报告交乙方。Prior to commencement of work conduct the design briefing and joint check-up of drawings of all aspects of foun

21、dation trench to party B in addition to submission of data of engineering geology and underground pipeline, and process the inspection of level point, control points of coordinates on-site under witness of parties hereto and project supervisor.( 4)供运泥车通行的道路所需的修路材料由甲方提供, 修路所需的机械由乙方提供,机械台方由甲方现场签证。经甲、乙

22、双方现场实测的测量数据作为结算依据。The buildingmaterialsfor the road which is formudtransportingvehicleaccess shall be supplied by party A and the machinery for building road shall be supplied by party B. The work quantity of machinery will beconfirmed on-site byparty A, themeasured data on-site by jointsurveyof par

23、ties hereto will be deemed as the basis of settlement.( 5)负责基坑围护、深井降水的施工、监测和日常维护工作,若由于甲方支撑维护原因或降水不到位造成的工程施工难度增加或工期延长而增加的工程造价由甲方负责承担,并赔偿由此给乙方造成的所有损失。Responsible for foundation trench support, the execution, supervision and daily maintenance of deep well, if, any increased difficulty of construction o

24、r extension of project time due to the reasons of party As support of trench or failure of lower water, the added cost of project shall be on account of party A, and party A should make compensation for party B s all loss which arising therefrom.6.2 乙方义务: Liabilities and responsibilities of party B(

25、 1)积极配合甲方的工作安排,满足整个基坑施工安全、进度、质量要求。Conduct active cooperation with party As arrangement and meet therequirements of the safety, schedule and quality of entire foundation trench project.( 2)承担施工安全责任,发生事故所产生的费用由乙方负责, 并赔偿由此给甲方造成的所有损失。Party B should undertake the liability of safety during construction,b

26、ear the expense for accident in work and make compensation for the loss arising therefrom to party A .( 3)派测量员开挖范围的测量放线和开挖过程的坑底标高核查。Dispatch surveyor to carry out the measure and setting scope in addition to the check-up of bottom elevationline of excavation during excavation.( 4)乙方负责派遣足够的人力、物力(工人、机

27、械)参加施工作业,并按甲方的需要随时增减调配车辆和挖土机械,根据甲方分段提供的工作面挖土,满足建设方要求的工程进度。Party B should responsiblefor dispatchingsufficientmanpower, materialresource including labor and machinery to participate in theconstruction, andas per partyAs requirementat any time increaseordecrease the deployment of vehiclesand machinery

28、 to conduct excavationon the working areas which are required separately by party A so as tosatisfy project progress of employer.( 5)完成土方的挖、 运、弃土场地的推堆土、 在基坑内配合挖出排水 (土)沟、集水坑以便于集中抽水。基坑底要基本平整,如果不平,乙方需要自行出机械设备整平。第 7 条:违约责任甲、乙双方应互相配合,确保工程合同工期(105 天)内完成。若工程在招标工期( 120 天)内完成,双方不承担违约责任。若工期超过招标工期,分析原因:除不可抗拒力(

29、雨雪天等)及非甲、乙双方原因外,因乙方原因造成工期延误的,按延期每一日历天罚5000 元,并全额赔偿由此给甲方带来的损失;因甲方原因造成乙方工期延误的,则按延期每一日历天罚5000 元,并全额赔偿由此给乙方带来的损失。第 8 条:质量验收标准 Article Six Standard of Quality Acceptance本工程严格按照国家现行建筑工程质量检验及评定标准、建筑地基与基础工程施工质量验收规范等进行施工和验收。This project should be carried out and accepted in accordance withState s existing ST

30、ANDARD OF QUALITY INSPECTION AND EVALUATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, and NORM OF CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ACCEPTANCE FOR FOUNDATION AND BASE ENGINEERING and others.7.1 工程质量必须符合本工程设计图纸和有关设计规范的要求,甲方必须指派施工技术人员检查督促,以保证工程质量。7.2 所有各部分分项工程应由现场施工人员会同甲方指定人员共同验收合格,并按规定做好验收记录后,方可进行下道工序的施工。第 9 条:工程协调与安全8.1甲方应积

31、极做好地方协调和工地安全监督工作。8.2 乙方应在甲方要求下按照施工规范做好安全管理工作,确保施工安全,否若发生一切安全责任,均由乙方负责。8.3 甲方委派 ,乙方委派 为施工现场负责人。甲乙双方共同处理本工程的有关事宜和办理施工中的各项验收签证工作。第 10 条:其他约定10.1本合同双方签字盖章后生效, 工程竣工验收,交付签证,款项结清后失效,本合同一式份,10.2本合同如有未尽事宜,甲乙双方协商解决。10.3 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。协商不能解决的应提交 _仲裁机构,根据该仲裁组织的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,双方都有约束力。A

32、ll disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with, contract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. no settlement can be reached through negotiation. The case shall submitted to _ (a third party), in accordance with its arbitralthisIn casebe thenrulesof procedure. The

33、decision shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.10.4本合同附件:土方工程施工方案IN WITNESSWHEREOF,each of the Parties hereto has caused this contract to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date firstset forth above.双方正式授权代表已于文首所载日期签署本合同,以资证明。甲方(盖章):Party A ( Seal )法人代表或委托人:乙

34、方(盖章):Party B ( Seal )法人代表委托人:Legal Representative or Deputy for Party A Legal Representative or Deputy for Party B附件:土方工程施工方案Construction scheme of earthwork第一套方案: Scheme No. One土方工程施工方案Construction Plan for Foundation Pit一、工程概况General Situation of project本工程基底标高为 -4.1m 、-3.9m 、-3.75m 。土方工程采购方已单独分包

35、,我司需进行土方工程的基底清土、钎探、验槽及回填土工作。In the project, foundation and its elevations of foundation base are-4.1m 、 -3.9m 、 -3.75m. Purchases of civil works already subcontracted respectively. Our company needs to do some works relating to cleaningbase foundation, detecting by drill, inspecting foundation subso

36、il and backfilling in the project.二、土方清土Cleaning of earthwork本工程机械挖土标高控制在基底 300mm处,余下土方改用人工清槽至基底标高,标高误差和平整度均严格按规范标准执行。挖土接近坑底时,由现场专职测量员用水平仪将水准标高引测至坑底。将水平仪置于坑底,每隔 46m设置一标高控制点,纵横向组成标高控制网,以准确控制基坑标高。In this project, excavating elevation made by machine should becontrolled intheplace of300mm of base found

37、ation.The rest earthworkshould be cleanedby peopleuntilitreaches base foundationelevation.Elevation deviationand plainnessshould be strictlyexecutedaccordingto relevant standards. When excavating the soil closing to the bottomof pit, professional measurer should have level elevation to be madeprojec

38、tionmeasurement to bottom of pit by using waterlevel gauge. Waterlevel gauge should be put into the bottomof pit; one elevation controlpoint should be made every 4 to 6m. Elevation control network will bemade by transverse and longitudinal directions in order to accurately control elevation of base

39、foundation.三、土方钎探及验槽Detectingby drilland inspectingfoundationsubsoil1、土方钎探孔的排列方式根据槽宽确定,槽宽大于 200cm 时采用梅花型排列方式,间距 1.5 米,孔深 2.0 米。The arrangement pattern of probe hole of earthwork drill should bedetermined in accordance with groove width. If groove width is more than 200cm, cinquefoil pattern should b

40、e adopted and its spacing interval is 1.5m, hole depth is 2.0m.2、如打钎进行不下去时,应请示工程部工长,适当移位打钎,不得不打而任意填锤击数。Ifdrillcan not continue,itis betterto ask for instructionfrom chiefof engineeringdepartment.Drillcan be shiftedto another place properly.Youd better drill and fill hammer blow times casually.3、在钎孔布

41、置平面图上, 注明过硬或过软孔号的位置, 以便设计勘察人员分析处理。On the plan of arranging drill hole, the number of hard or soft holes should be marked so that designer and surveyor can analyze and handle them.4、钎探完毕后及时验槽,进行垫层的施工。After detection by drill is finished, inspection of foundation subsoil should be made and cushion coa

42、t should be constructed promptly.四、土方回填Earthwork backfilling本工程土方回填部位为:基槽土回填;筏板上房心土回填。In this project, the positions of earthwork backfilling includebackfillingof foundationtrench soiland subsoilon the raftfoundation.1、基槽回填土施工Construction of backfilling foundation trench soil( 1)施工条件 Construction co

43、nditions1)地下室防水及保护层隐蔽验收合格;Waterproof protection of basement should be qualified by acceptance of concealed work;2)基槽内杂物、积水清理完成;The cleaning of sundries and water in foundation trench should be finished;3)外墙后浇带已封堵完毕。示意图如下:Post-pouring strip on concrete exterior wall should be plugged. The sketch is a

44、s follows:( 2)施工工艺流程 Technological process of construction基坑(槽)清理检验土质分层填土夯打密实找平验收(环刀取样)Cleaning foundation pit (trench)testing soilfilling soil inlayerhammering compactly leveling,inspectingand accepting(ringsampling)( 3)土方回填施工要点Main pointsof earthworkbackfillingconstruction1)压实系数 0.95 。 Compaction

45、coefficient is 0.95.2)施工前进行击实试验,并根据试验结果确定最优含水率和击实遍数。Before construction, compaction test should be made. Optimum moisturecontent and compacting times should be determined in accordance with test result.3)回填土应分层铺摊,蛙式打夯机每层需铺土厚度为 200 250 mm;人工打夯处不大于 200mm。每层铺摊后随之耙平。回填土每层至少夯打三遍。打夯应一夯压半夯,夯夯相连,行行相连,纵横交叉。B

46、ackfilling soil should be spread in layer. Frog hammerneeds thickness of spreading soil is 200mm to 250mm every layer; hand hammer needs thickness of spreading soil is not more than 200mm. After soil of everylayer is spread, it should be raked smooth. Backfilling soil of everylayer should be hammere

47、dat lest three times. Whenhammering, one hammer should press half hammer; hammer connecting with other hammer,crisscross.4)回填土每层填实后,应按规范规定进行环刀取样,测试回填土的干密度,达到要求后,再进行上一层的铺土。填土全部完成后,应进行表面拉线找平,高出允许偏差的地方,及时依线铲平,凡低于标准高程的地方应补土夯实。After backfilling soil of every layer is filled, ring sampling should be done

48、according to specification. Dry density of backfilling soilshould be tested. Only meets the requirement, another soil can be spread on this layer. After all soil is filled, stretched wire method of aligningon the surface should be made. If the place is higher than permissible error, it should be lev

49、eled down based on wire. If the place is lower than standard height, is should be backfilled and hammered.第二套方案:土方工程施工方案Construction Plan for Foundation Pit1、工程概况Overview of Project由于工程地坪板、地坪梁、承台标高不一致,且相差甚远,但承台布置密集,开挖后相互间的距离很小, 故考虑每区土方先满堂大开挖至地坪梁垫层底 ( 个别地坪梁标高或低或高于此标高的另外处理 ) ,然后进行承台基坑、基槽(同一轴线上承台相互间距离很

50、小)土方的开挖,开挖时大开挖与承台基坑同时进行,承台原则上按坑槽开挖,并视承台间的大小,中间能留下的土方尽量留下,以减少土方开挖与回填工作量。Elevations ofterrace slab,beamand caps are differentand cap densityis large, with small spacing after excavation, so each area is fullyexcavated to bottom of beam bedding course (beams with higher or lowerelevationsshall be treat

51、edotherwise),then the cap foundationtrenchesare dug (spacing between caps in same axis is very small). Large scaleexcavationis done with cap foundationtrench excavation.Earthbetweencaps shall be retained as far as possible to reduce earth works andbackfill works.工作面按支模与排水每边50cm 左右考虑,同时放坡系数考虑为1:0.3 。

52、50cm is left for drainage and form board at each side and the sloping gradient is 1:0.3.所挖土方考虑采用自卸汽车(按需要配备)运输到厂区南北两端或业主指定点临时堆放。Excavated soil is transported through dumptrucks (equipped as per demand) to north and south ends of the site or the place appointed by theproprietor.回填土为原先所挖出的原土,回填时采用自卸汽车运输到基坑边,再采用反铲挖掘机、塔吊等将土料运送到回填部位。回填采用振动打夯机、蛙式打夯机等分层夯实,并按规范取样做环刀试验, 确保压实系数 c0.92 。挖掘机在基坑内行走必须先在承台、地坪梁上垫 800mm高以上的土并加设走道板,不得直接压到承台与地坪梁。Excavated soil is transported through dump truc


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