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1、台州市2015年髙三年级调考试题 英语 2015.03命题:张小华(黄岩中学)於晨(路桥中学) 审题:何小怡(温岭中学)注意:本试卷分为卷丨(选择题)和卷ii (非选择题)两部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟; 所有答案一律做在答题卷上。选择题部分(共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从a、b、c和d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. im afraid i spilled coffee on the tablecloth.a. be carefulb. think not

2、hing of itc.it,s a piece of caked. thats none of my business2.the foggy and hazy weather has recently beenheadache for people incityof taizhou.a. the; ab. a; ac. a; thed. the; the3.although the two friends of mine have totally different viewpoints, i dont particularly agree witha. eitherb. eachc. bo

3、thd. it4.ben is fifty years old, but unlike his cautious colleagues, he is stillfor risks.a. famousb. sorryc. gratefuld. thirsty5.nowadays, most people prefer to live in a neighborhoodthey can have easy access tosupermarkets, hospitals and schools.a. whenb. whyc. whered. which6.a company rejected a

4、college graduates job because her 400-word handwrittenresume contained 24 incorrect chinese characters, reported beijing youth daily.a. applicationb. interviewc. offerd. opportunity7.many people wonta suggestion without being asked. so dont hesitate to ask!a. confirmb. volunteerc. reflectd. exhibit8

5、.the saying “life is not all roses” conveys the conceptwe are to meet ups and downsin our life.a. thatb. whetherc. howd. what9.in recent years, apple has successfully its market to every corner of the world.a. dividedb. recoveredc. expandedd. attracted10.charlie is gentle,but was a little bit out of

6、 temper at the class meeting yesterday.a. by chanceb. by naturec. by designd. by mistake11.ia walk the moment i came across an old friend i had not seen for at least a decade.a. had takenb. would takec. was takingd. took12.the fast popularity of cloud computing means netizens will need to take added

7、 measures to make sure their data staysin the digital age .a. secureb. stablec. particulard. accurate13.some teenagers mind little about manners and use improper words,often in front oftheir parents too.a. fluentlyb. freelyc. flexiblyd. formally14.“its been a long holiday, so its normal enough not t

8、o remember what he had learned before that,” jessie said,her brother.a. to defendb. defendedc. having defended d. defending15.it is good to take off heavy clothingspring is here.a. even ifb. now thatc. as ifd. if only16.mr. cook was gradually picking up, but the doctor recommended that hea few mored

9、ays in hospital.a. spendb. could spendc. would have spent d. spent17.on the way home last night, sarah struggled through the wind, rain beatingher face.a. aboveb. againstc. upond. beyond18. the headmaster is said to be absent from school today. ,we shall not visit him.a.in that caseb. as a resultc.

10、on the contrary d. what is worse19.the flat was nice, but compared with my previous one, it actuallyme.a.lifted.upb. held.backc. let.downd. gave. away20.youd better be careful, oliver. the knife is sharp. ,mum.a.i wontb. got itc. i cand. forget it第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 40各题所给的

11、四个选项(a、b、c和d)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。moving away from home is both a good and a sad thing. it is every childs and every parents goal to eventually achieve 21 but it is nevertheless sad when it happens.one sunday in august, my son and i worked to 22 his car for a journey. he would move across the co

12、untry after twenty years of 23 under my roof. we started early, 24 our work went slowly into the afternoon.25 i was carefully packing the car, the sunday baseball game came on. our hometown cardinals were playing the atlanta braves. 26 unhappy thoughts about his departure, i completely forgot about

13、the game. just then, my son called, “dad, come on in. lets 27 the rest of the game.” looking at his red-colored eyes, i 28 realized that he, too, found this to be a 29 passage of time and that he, too, wanted to 30 one last father-son moment. i led the way to the tv set without 31 .there, 32 we foun

14、d the cardinals losing 31. “how come? they won the champion last season.” he whispered with doubt. “thats fine,” i 33 , wanting so much to keep this last moment before he left. “lets watch anyway.”then came a 34 . the cardinals took the lead. in that one moment we were 35 , excitedly jumping up and

15、down and experiencing a joy that i could 36 imagine happening on that bittersweet afternoon. the 37 of that day was replaced by enjoying an exciting baseball game. it was a wonderful feeling that made the day, the trip, our life, seem so 38 and then he left.i believe in 39 moments that happen when i

16、 least expect them. such moments appear and then disappear, just like my son as he drove off that afternoon to start a new 40 in his life.21.a. successb. happinessc. separationd. recognition22.a. decorateb. preparec. parkd. fix23.a. livingb. studyingc. workingd. staying24.a. andb. soc. ord. but25.a.

17、 ifb. because. c. asd. though26.a. accustomed to b. absorbed inc. annoyed byd. ashamed of27.a. watchb. continuec. finishd. applaud28.a. constantlyb. instantlyc. occasionallyd. frequently29.a. rapidb. pleasantc. slowd. difficult30.a. seekb. sparec. shared. stand31.a. hesitationb. permissionc. invitat

18、iond. attention32.a. amusedb. exhaustedc. disappointedd. embarrassed33.a. complained b. comfortedc. agreedd. argued34.a. surpriseb. conflictc. questiond. challenge35.a. shapedb. occupiedc. trappedd. transformed36.a. everb. alwaysc. neverd. still37.a. joyb. sadnessc. hoped. tiredness38.a. rightb. har

19、dc. busyd. short39.a. crazyb. toughc. exactd. magical40.a. projectb. careerc. chapterd. family第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。ain the gym of croxteth community school, liverpool, 50 boys have completed a course on boxing that is seen as a pi

20、lot for its return to state schools.the schools amateur boxing association (saba) has developed the kid gloves scheme (方 案),a -non-contact (非接触)version of the sport where outside coaches teach a range of basic skills.chris andrews, assistant secretary of the saba, said the scheme was regarded as a w

21、ay of changing the decline in boxing in state schools which began 25 years ago.safety fears and the poor image of professional boxing had accelerated the sports decline. concern was worsened by incidents such as the death of the professional boxer bradley stone. but the croxteth example was winning

22、more supporters. mr. andrews said the idea was particularly well received in the north-east of england.“the interest shown so far has been enormous,” he said. “i believe that boxing will come back into schools. a video has been produced to promote boxing in schools, and a bid has been made for a spo

23、rts council grant (拨款).”he said, “i think there is a genuine recognition that there are aspects to boxing, if it is controlled and properly run, that really are very beneficial for children. this scheme takes away the dangers. i hope boxing can be promoted throughout the country in a more coordinate

24、d way.” such an idea horrifies such groups as the british medical association (bma) and the british safety council, both critics of the idea.dr jeffrey cundy, the joint author of a bma report on boxing, accepted that the scheme in liverpool was non-contact, but he was still opposed. he said, “we fee

25、l that children should still not be introduced to boxing, because they will then be encouraged to take up an activity which is uniquely dangerous when actual contact takes place.”he added, “there is a whole range of sports which will teach the discipline that comes from boxing without the dangers. w

26、e see this reintroduction in schools as an unhealthy development.”at the 800-pupil croxteth school, steve stewart, head of pe, said boxing had helped to improve self-confidence, self-discipline, self-awareness and self-respect in those taking part. everybody could get involved and, because all were

27、starting from scratch, the improvements could be quickly seen.certificates were presented to the pupils at the end of the course by paul hodgkinson, a local boxer who is a former world champion. next year, the course will be repeated and if possible girls will be allowed to take part following reque

28、sts from them.gerry thompson and tony curry, both 12,have enjoyed the boxing sessions and say they will both join a local boxing club. “i thought it was brilliant,” said gerry. “i would rather be a professional boxer than a footballer. its more enjoyable”41.whats the present situation of the croxtet

29、h school boxing course?a.its declining due to the safety worries.b.girls can be admitted as long as theyre willing to.c.its becoming increasingly popular among the children.d.some pupils have been trained to be world champions.42.dr. cundys attitude towards the return of boxing to schools can be des

30、cribed as.a. supportiveb. unconcernedc, disapprovingd. objective43.the kid gloves scheme is developed by saba primarily to.a.provide more fun for studentsb.encourage students to be better-behavedc.help students gain a sense of achievementd.promote the boxing course in a less dangerous way44.the unde

31、rlined part “all were starting from scratch” probably means.a.starting the course was difficultb.scratching was the first step to learn boxingc.students would easily get hurt during the coursed.everyone was inexperienced and started from the very beginning45.in which section of a newspaper can we mo

32、st likely read the passage?a.lifestyleb. educationc. scienced. businessbbelow are the latest books id like to recommend: title: zero to onesubtitle: notes on startups, or how to build the future author: peter thiel“doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding m

33、ore of something familiar. but when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1.” this excerpt vividly sums up the concept of thiers book. the next bill gates will not build an operating system, for progress comes from the most important skill: learning to think for yourself.this bestseller is welcomed

34、 by the startup community as it offers precious advice on what to consider and what to avoid before moving forward. additionally, the author offers his philosophy on business, which helps the reader generate new ideas he or she may not have considered previously.title: thinkertoyssubtitle: a handboo

35、k of creative-thinking techniques author: michael michalko“by changing your perspective, you increase your possibilities until you see something that you were unable to see before.” this is what you will experience when you use thinkertoys. this new and different way of seeing things will lead you t

36、o new ideas and unique insights.regarded as a creativity “bible” for startup founders, the author describes the ability to create as a developable one, which can be learnedand improved upon much like any other competence. with 33 different exercises and 56 cards that will spark your creativity, thin

37、kertoys is intended to inspire the innovation monster within.title: unbrokensubtitle: a world war ii story of survival, resilience, and redemption author: laura hillenbrand47 days of floating on the vast ocean with nothing to eat, 700 days and nights of being tortured as a prisoner of war and more t

38、han 1800 days of struggling to forgive definitely make the true story an incredibly unbelievable legend of a man who refused to be broken.theres a reason why this book is number one on amazon and a hollywood motion picture. while entrepreneur ism isnt quite the theme of this book, the lessons of per

39、sonal sacrifice, survival and resistance are. after reading this book your perspective on founding a startup may change because if the main character, louie zamperini, overcame the challenges and catastroohes he faced, then so can you.title: abundancesubtitle: the future is better than you think aut

40、hor: peter diamandis and steven kotler“humanity is now entering a period of complete transformation in which technology has the potential to significantly raise the basic standards of living for every man, woman, and child on the planet. within a generation, we will be able to provide goods and serv

41、ices, once reserved for the wealthiest, to any and all who need them.”while this book is impractical to some extent, it raises questions and concerns about current industrial and societal trends and where they will lead in the future. from a startup perspective,the global challenges the authors pred

42、ict also serve as business opportunities.46.according to the passage, who are the intended readers of the recommended books?a.the aged who have made a fortune.b.students freshly graduated from college.c.those who attempt to start their own companies.d.young people who have a preference for travellin

43、g.47.as for peter thiel, the most important quality for a businessman is.a.creativityb. couragec. determinationd. selflessness48.whats the reason for the book unbroken to top the ranking?a.the book was adapted into a hit movie.b.the main character is a survivor of world war ii.c.the author offers re

44、markable lessons on business.d.the personal story presented in the book is so inspiring.49.which of the following statements is true?a.the future for business is not challenging and competitive.b.the viewpoint implied in the book abundance is pessimistic.c.thinkertoys offers some interesting and pra

45、ctical techniques for thinking.d.both michael michalko and peter thiel attach great importance to technology.cthe use of animals for research is a controversial issue many people oppose their use on the grounds that the experiments are cruel and unnecessary.sixteen-year-old laura thinks differently.

46、 although she appears healthy, she has to take 30 different drugs each day and is expected to live for only another ten, maybe twelve years. every year, hundreds of children are born, like her, with cystic fibrosis(囊胞性纤维症).there is no cure 一 at least not yet.laura may, just may, be one of the first

47、cystic fibrosis children to be saved. a few years ago, scientists developed a new mouse with the similar disease as laura. this made it much easier to develop new treatments. within ten years, there will probably be ways of curing laura, as long as that research, using those animals, continues.there

48、 are plenty of emotional arguments both for and against animal testing, but lets start with the most obvious facts. if you examine the history of medicine, you find that experiments on animals have been an important part of almost every major medical advance. many cornerstones of medical science the

49、 discovery that blood circulates through our veins (静脉),understanding the way lungs work, the discovery of vitamins and hormones were made this way.most of the main advances in medicine itself also depended on animal experiments. in the fifties, between 2000 and 4000 people each year in the uk were

50、paralyzed or killed by polio (,j、 jl麻瘦症)but, thanks to the polio vaccine, this number has now dropped to just one or two cases a year. modern surgery would be impossible without todays anaesthetics (麻醉学).the list goes on: organ transplants, heart surgery, hip replacements, drugs for cancer and asthm

51、a (哮端)一 animals played an important part in these medical advances.animal experimentation wasn,t the only type of research necessary to the medical advances that save human lives. studies on human volunteers were also essential, and test-tube experiments were vital in many cases. but the history of

52、medicine tells us that animal experiments are essential if we want to deal with the diseases.this is the dilemma we face. we want to prevent suffering. the crucial issue is how we use animals in research. modem science has developed humane experimental techniques. it is possible to do animal experim

53、ents using methods that the animals dont even notice. the worst these animals have to put up with is living in a cage with regular food and water, with animal keepers and vets looking after them.the golden rule of laboratory animal welfare is to minimize any pain involved using the principle of the

54、three rs. first you reduce the number of animals used in each experiment to the minimum that will give a scientific result. then, whenever possible, you replace animal experiments with alternatives that dont use animals but will give equally scientific results. finally, you refine the animal experim

55、ents that you do, so they cause the least possible harm to the animals. if an experiment involves surgery on the animal, give it an anaesthetic. when it comes around, give it painkillers and medicine to fight infection.50.the writer mentions laura in para. 2 and 3 to show that.a.cystic fibrosis is a

56、 deadly diseaseb.cystic fibrosis children may appear differentc.taking different drugs is an effective treatmentd.many lives may be saved by animal experimentation51.the underlined word “this” in para.3 probably refers to.a.the new medicineb. the new animalc.the childd. the disease52.the fifth parag

57、raph is developed mainly by.a.making comparisonsb. analyzing the causec.offering examples and factsd. describing interesting stories53.according to the passage, which of the following practices is not acceptable?a.giving animals timely medical treatment.b.limiting the number of animals used in resea

58、rch.c.using more mice rather than rabbits in experiments.d.developing equally effective ways without using animals for research.54.what would be the most suitable title for the passage?a.less killing, less sufferingb.say no to animal experimentationc.animal experimentation 一 an essential stepd.more animals in experiments, more medic


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