



1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年最新可爱的小猫高中英语作文 猫是我们常见的一种动物,现如今越来越多的人也用来当宠物。下面是我为大家细心整理的关于得意的小猫高中英语作文,盼望可以关心到你们。 得意的小猫 i keep a cute kitten, its called the small white. small white belly is white, back is golden yellow, it has a pair of bright eyes, a green fluorescence in the night, just like light. small

2、white after i care with fur of flattering light, sturdy limbs, with sharp claws, still has a long tail, very lovely! waking up every morning, after out of the room, i can see a small white face to me. i say: small white, i wash a face to brush your teeth, go to school, you go and play! , it seemed t

3、o understand what i mean, the alone run to play outside, for a while to catch grasshoppers, patting the grass to play for a while. at noon, grandpa and i go to a small white rice, it is in our feet around in his side, round round, low sound in the mouth, as if in said to me: little master, quick giv

4、e i add rice! im starving! . once we use iron cage trapping into a mouse, a good idea to me, i take iron cage to a small white, and what will want to try it. see it swoops down, showing various: it first v, naked erect hairs, rictus, also issued a meow, meow, the voice, and outstretched arms, flappi

5、ng hard iron cage. frightened mouse hiding in the corner of the iron cage shiver, also from time to time a squeaking sound. later, we took the mice to ditch drowned, back on the ground, small white clove rushed over, put it away, run to a no one corner to go for a dinner. my cat really cute, if you

6、want to see my little cat, then come to my home! 我家养了一只得意的小猫,它叫小白丁。小白丁的肚子是白色的,背部是金黄色的,它有一双光明的眼睛,在夜里发出绿绿的荧光,就像车灯一样。 小白丁经过我的细心照料长着一身油滑光亮的皮毛,粗大的四肢,带着锐利的爪子,还长着一条长长的尾巴,得意极了! 每天早上起床,出了房间后,我都会观察小白丁向我迎面扑来。我说:小白丁,我要刷牙洗脸,去学校了,你去玩吧!,它似乎听懂了我的意思,就独个儿跑去外面玩,一会儿捉蝗虫,一会儿拍着小草玩。 中午,我和爷爷去给小白添饭的时候,它就在我们的脚旁侧着身子,绕来绕去,嘴里发出卑

7、微的声音,似乎在对我说:小主人,快点给我添饭吧!我都快饿死了!。 有一次,我们用铁笼子诱捕到一只老鼠,我出了个好办法,把铁笼子拿到小白跟前,想试试它会有什么表现。只见它猛扑上去,露出了凶相:它先伏着身子,竖起毛发,龇牙咧嘴,还发出喵喵的声音,还伸出前肢,用劲地拍打着铁笼子。吓得老鼠躲在铁笼子的角落里颤抖,还时常发出吱吱的声音。后来,我们把老鼠拿到水沟里溺死了,拿回来放在地上,小白丁一下子扑过来,把它叼走了,跑到一个没人的角落去美餐了一顿。 我的小猫真得意,假如你想看我的小猫,那就来我家做客吧! 得意的小猫 i like the most about my home the little whi

8、te cat. it has 6 steel beard, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, a long thin tail, and the whole body snow white hair, far look like a mass of living snowballs, how lovely! my cat mimi is not only attractive, or masters of the rats worthy of the name. when i lived in my grandparents house, i have see

9、n mimi fascinating process to catch mice. in the day, night, black opaque, i lie on the bed, is fast asleep. all of a sudden, i was the sound of drumming ding ding wake up downstairs. i rubbed his eyes and was about to go down to see actually, suddenly, i had a foreboding: is the thief! i crept down

10、stairs, suddenly press the light switch, thief truth: it is mimi. i just want to blame it, eyes a diagonal, saw its claws of mice, alas, is really wrong about it! then, i thought mimi would play knife and fork, but to my surprise, it released its claws, mouse ran hard, but when mimi in mice is going

11、 to run away, and there was a good, caught it, so play, after a moment of mice by doing nothing, mimi see it didnt go with the head, then eat it mimi every day is very carefree. in the morning, it came to my bedside, meow called several voice, then i touch its head, it is very comfortable to close y

12、our eyes; at noon, it hide in the shade and rest; in the evening, it play with another cat. after my introduction, you must like it too, that come and look at it! 我最喜爱我家的那只小白猫。它有着6根钢针般的胡须,一双炯炯有神的双眸,一跟又细又长的尾巴,还有那全身洁白洁白的毛,远看就如一团活生生的雪球,多么惹人宠爱啊! 我家的小猫咪咪不仅惹人宠爱,还是个名副其实的捕鼠能手。 在我住在爷爷奶奶家时,我就亲眼目睹过咪咪捕鼠的精彩全过程。这

13、天,夜深了,黑的伸手不见五指,我躺在床上,正呼呼大睡。突然,我被楼下叮叮咚咚的响声吵醒。我揉了揉眼,正想下去看个毕竟,突然,我有了个不祥预感:是小偷!我蹑手蹑脚的走下楼,突然按了电灯开关,小偷真相大白:原来是咪咪。我正想责备它,眼一斜,看到了它利爪下的老鼠,唉,真是错怪它啦!接着,我原以为咪咪会饱餐一顿,但出乎我意料的是,它又松开了爪子,老鼠玩命的跑了起来,但咪咪在老鼠快要跑掉时,又身手非凡,抓住了它,这样玩了一会后,老鼠所性坐以待毙,咪咪看它没玩头了,便一口吃了它 咪咪每天还过的很闲适。早上,它来到我床边,喵喵的叫上几声,我便摸摸它的头,它也很舒适的闭上眼;中午,它又躲到阴凉处休息;晚上,它

14、又和别家的猫玩耍。 经过我的介绍,你也肯定喜爱上它了吧,那快来看看它! 得意的小猫 grandpa grandmothers big gray cat gave birth to two lovely kittens, cute kitten composition. one covered with a white cotton jacket, from afar like a white snowball, so i called it small snowball. the other is put on a golden jacket, like a golden gold ball,

15、 i call it golden phoenix. at first, the little guys are afraid of me, every day hiding in the arms of my mother, refused to see me. i go to see them every day, greeting them for a long time, they start not afraid of me, see me: meow called. they first farther away from me, see i do not hurt them, t

16、hen a little closer, and then around in my feet around, rub me, look at my reaction. and then they are completely relieved, they began to play in a pile of wool ball next to play with them, they will throw away the wool ball for a while, while playing with a ball of wire hide and seek game, while the wool ball on the floor roll to roll. i stroked their delicate fluff, but it was friendly meow called twice. during the day, they were lying on the balcony and looking forward to me to go home; in the evening they looked at me with confidence. one day, i ca


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