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1、2021/3/111 Lesson09课文讲解课文讲解 1月21日 2021/3/112 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用等用 法法 At 1) 在某时刻,时间等之前 E.g. Lunch was at one oclock. E.g. -When did you arrive? -I arrived at 10 oclock. 2) 在固定短语之前 at night, at noon, at teatime, at lunchtime, at the weekend 3) before

2、 festivals 在节日之前 at Christmas 在圣诞节期间 On Christmas Day 在圣诞节那天 at Easter 在复活节期间 2021/3/113 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用法等用法 In 1) 在(一段时间)内 e.g. The pigeon covered the distance in 3 minutes. 2) 在月,季节,年的前面 e.g. That was in 1640. 那是在1640年。 in spring; in summer; i

3、n July 3) 表“之后” e.g. Ill come back in a day or two. 我一两天后回来。 4) 固定短语: in the morning in the afternoon In the evening 2021/3/114 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用法等用法 On 在一天,某个早上,某天前夕(具体日期) e.g. They arrived in Shanghai on May 20. 他们在五月二十日抵达了上海。 e.g. On the Eve of

4、 their departure, they gave a farewell banquet. 在离开的前一天,他们开了一会告别会。 2021/3/115 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用法等用法 from till 从到 (from to) e.g. They are busy from morning till night. 他们从早忙到晚。 e.g. They are busy from morning to night. 2021/3/116 Key structures 表时间

5、的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用法等用法 During 1) 在某段时间里的不确定时间 e.g. She woke many times during the night. 她在夜里醒来许多次。 2) 在的这段时间 (贯穿始终) e.g. They didnt say a word during the meal. 吃饭期间他们一句话都没有说。 2021/3/117 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用法等用法 not

6、until 直到 才 e.g. They didnt stop until 6 oclock. After 在之后 e.g. I want it back the day after tomorrow. 我希望你后天就把它还回来。 e.g. It is easy to be wise after the event. 事后诸葛亮 2021/3/118 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil等用法等用法 Exercise 用正确的介词填空 1) He has gone abroad. He will

7、 return_ two years time. 2)_Saturdays I always go to the market. 3) I never go to the cinema_ the week. 4) He ran a hundred meters_ thirteen seconds. 5) I cant see him _ the moment. Im busy. 答案:in ; On; in/during; in; at 2021/3/119 Key structures 表时间的介词表时间的介词at, in, on, from, until, during, notuntil

8、等用法等用法 Exercise 用正确的介词填空 6) My birthday is_ November 7th. I was born_ 1974. 7) The days are very short_ December. 8) We arrived at the village late_ night. We left early _ the morning. 9) I shall not hear from him_ tomorrow. 答案:on; in; in; at, in; until 2021/3/1110 Text On Wednesday evening, we went

9、 to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock has stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but

10、 nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted, Its two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!* I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing. 2021/3/1111 1.On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. In the

11、evening On Wednesday evening 2021/3/1112 It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It was the last day of the year. 表达为 New Years Eve a large crowd of people= a large number of people. 2021/3/1113 Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to t

12、welve, the clock has stopped. The big minute hand did not move. pass v. 通过,经过,传递 pass - passed - passed e.g. Half an hour passed. e.g. I passed the exam easily. e.g. Pass me the salt please. Minute hand 分针 2021/3/1114 We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Waited and waited 一个动作用and 重复一下,表示持续进行

13、 We walked and walked. We laughed and laughed. Happen vi. 偶然发生 e.g. The accident happened at the corner. happen to 发生于 身上 e.g. She hoped nothing bad would happen to him. 2021/3/1115 Suddenly someone shouted, “Its two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!” Past prep. 经过; 在之后 e.g. Its five minut

14、es past twelve. e.g. He walked past me. 2021/3/1116 I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. Refuse 拒绝 refuse to do 拒绝做某事 2021/3/1117 At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing. At that moment= Just at that time Begin v. 开始 Begin to do = begin doing开始做

15、某事 E.g. When did it begin to rain? =When did it begin raining? Start to do = start doing 2021/3/1118 文中的时间状语及介词的使用: On Wednesday evening In twenty minutes At five to twelve Its two minutes past twelve! At that moment 2021/3/1119 对疑问句的两种不同的否定回答: -Is there any tea in the pot? - There isnt any tea in t

16、he pot. Theres no tea in the pot. - Is there anyone at the door? - There isnt anyone at the door. There s no one at the door. 2021/3/1120 -Did you go anywhere yesterday? - I didnt go anywhere yesterday. I went nowhere yesterday. -Is there anything in the box? - There isnt anything in the box. Theres

17、 nothing in the box. 2021/3/1121 Exercise: 用no 来改写以下句子: 1. He hasnt any hobbies. He has no hobbies. 2. He does not go anywhere. He goes nowhere. 3. He doesnt see anybody. He sees nobody. 4. He is not interested in anything except food. He is interested in nothing except food. 2021/3/1122 1. How many times d


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