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1、Manu facturi ng and service in tegrati on and tale nt dema nd and supply studyAbstract: In the process of cha nge in the evoluti on ofthe in dustry,in dustrycon verge neeoccurs widely indifferent areas, is becoming the industryinnovation,optimize the in dustrial structure and a major force in the su

2、rvival and developme nt of en terprises, and the request fortech ni calinno vati on,and promoti ngin dustrialstructure an importa nt factor in the upgrade.Therefore,much atte nti onin dustrialin tegrati on,the paper Jia ngsuintegration services and manufacturing for the study, to explore the tran sf

3、ormatio n of in dustrial in tegratio n un derthe backgro und of pers onnel cha nges in dema nd and pers onnel training.Paper Keywords: in dustrial in tegrati on, pers onnel needs, personnel training, changes in the process of cha nge in the evoluti onof the in dustry, in dustrycon verge neephe nomen

4、onhas bee n see n everywhere,especially in the service and manufacturingindustriesbetwee n the two in dustries.Each in dustry from divisio ntoin tegrati onhas become in creas in gly blurrediboun daries,fusi ontech no logy,a variety of marketin tegrati on and other in tegrati on betwee n hardware and

5、 software, so you have me showingamong industries,aphe nomenonI have you , in dustrialin tegratio nin theeconomic development of the role can not be ignored.In dustrialin tegrati onby act ing on the upgrad ing ofin dustrial structure caused by cha nges in the type of tale nt n eeds.In dustrialin teg

6、rati onrequires a lot ofcross-in dustry,cross-cutt ingkno wledgebackgro undtale nt, tale nt and ability to inno vate con sta ntly made new dema nds, caus ing cha nges in pers onnel training mode.First, the manu facturi ng and service in tegrati on and related factors an alysis of in dustry con verge

7、 nee as a trend of in dustrial upgrad ing, more and more scholars are concern ed, i ndustrial in tegrati on is through tech no logical inno vati onandderegulati onto reduce the barriersbetwee nin dustries,to enhancebus in essrelati on shipbetwee n competitio n and cooperatio n.The root causesof in d

8、ustrial in tegrati on result ing tech no logical inno vati onand tech no logyin tegratio n.Tech ni cal inno vati onis thetech no logyin toa commodityand soldin the markettorealize itsvalue,result ingin economicprocessesandbehavior.Tech no logyin tegrati onis tech no logicalinno vati ondiffusi onamon

9、g differe nt in dustries andapplicati ons, prompt ing many tech no logy comb ined with the occurre nee of the composite effect, con stitute a new tech no logy to create new tech no logy and new products.1. SituationAnalysisservices and manufacturingin tegrati onservices and manu facturi ngin tegrati

10、 onismore com mon phe nomenon of con verge neeandcom mon in dustry, the in tegratio n of the two brought the birth of producer services and advaneed manufacturing.Producer services, is the product of the fusi on of servicesandmanu facturi ng,serviceas a flexiblemeansofproducti onare in creas in glye

11、n teri ng the producti on,manu facturi ngpre accelerateresearch, producti on andpost-feedbackdesig nandproducti onprocess ofmedium-termlaun cheda full range of penetration,lead ing tosoften the manu facturi ngproducti onprocess, and improveecono micefficie ncyandcompetitivenesshave a major impact, a

12、nd promote the emerge nee and developme nt of adva need manu facturi ng.Fusi oncurre ntlyin service andmanu facturi ngin dustry has started to take shape, but the status quo isnot eno ugh in tegrati on optimistic.Producer services asone of the service in dustry, to provide en terprise product develo

13、pme nt, desig n,packag ing,market ing and otherservices related activities.But now the in dustry is mai nlyreflected in the in tegrati on of thein dustry cha in verticalintegrationof manufacturingin-houseproduction andservices,n amelymanu facturi ngen terprisesmanufacturingand service functionsare s

14、uperimposed,the in tegrati on betwee n services and manu facturi ng trend is not sig nifica nt, the main scale manu facturi ng to servicepen etrati onto merge intothe mai nfeaturesoftheadvaneedn atureof manu facturi ngservicesfortheproducti onof the servicesector is toosmall.Even ifChina seconomy is

15、 moredevelopedareas inJia ngsuprov in ce,its manufacturingin termediatein putsintheproducti on of services, on ly the proporti on was only 4.1%, well below the 2000 Uni ted States 32.6%, Germa ny 28.4% and 26.6% in Japan.Therefore, the need to developadva need manu facturi ng and develop ingcon ti n

16、u ousfusi on of traditi onal manu facturi ng and producer services in.2, the trend of manu facturi ngand serviceintegrationanalysis because manufacturingand servicein tegrati onin theecono micallydeveloped areascon verge nee trend is more obvious, so this data an alysis, data an alysis chose n Jia n

17、gsu Provin ce.Jia ngsu prov inceis one of China s econo my,the prelim inarycalculatio n,the province s GDP in 2008 to break 3 trillionyuan,reach ing 3.05932 trillio n yua n, an in crease of about 12.5% over the previous year. As can be seen from the followi ng table, the in dustrial structure in Jia

18、 ngsu Prov in ce, the sec on dary in dustry is too large, tertiary small, moderately developed coun tries and the intern ati onal communityin general and tertiary industries in GDP is8:40:52. Jia ngsu In dustrial Structure Adjustme nt strategic objectivesare: a stable producti on, con trolof thesec

19、on daryin dustry,tertiary in dustryin creased,theJia ngsu in dustry is two, three, a structural adjustme nt by three, two, one.Table 11999-2008developme ntof variousin dustries in Jia ngsuSource: calculated using the 1999 to 2008 decade,Jia ngsu sec on dary in dustry with value added services relate

20、d seque nee an alysis accord ing to Table 1-1, Jia ngsuProvince,accordingto the Statistical Yearbook of dataeach year, get their Pears on correlati oncoefficie nts r =0.998, a high correlation exists between the two is obtained by t-test. Further data on the two regression curve fitt ing, the sec on

21、 daryin dustry for value addedservices elasticitycoefficie nt1.174 (RSquare = 0.996),described the service in dustry has a stro ng manu facturi ng stage stimulus. To illustrate the service industries, particularly the manufacturingsector producer serviceshave a major role in promoting development, t

22、he paper intends to productivity in manu facturi ngand servicein dustries share of GDP from the time-series an alysis.Inthis paper, the regression equation:, Where y is thesec ond in dustrial labor productivity,S is the tertiaryindustrythe proportionof GDP, Is the error term,according to statistics

23、obtained: Y = -16.528+ 56.951S,from the regressionresults, both linear very significant,in dicati ngthat themanu facturi ngsector role inpromoti ng the developme nt of services for very obvious.From the above an alysis we can see that the service sector and manufacturingindustryhas a strong positive

24、linearcorrelati on, in dicati ng that the two have a stro ng mutualrole in promoti ng the in tegrati on of its in dustry has laidfoun dati ons,has a goodfoun dati onand in dustrycon verge nee trend .Second, cha nges in the manu facturi ng and servicein tegrati onand tale ntdema ndrelatio nshipan aly

25、sisshowed pen etrati on of in dustrial in tegratio n betwee n the developme nt of in dustry, and its various forms, there are three main ways: 1, pen etrati on fusi on of high tech no logy, n amelyhigh-techin dustryand its related in dustrypenetrationto other industries, the integrationand theformat

26、io n of new in dustries; 2, exte nding the in tegrati on betwee n in dustries, through fun cti onal compleme ntati on betwee n in dustries and exte nsion, to achieve the in tegrati on betwee n in dustries; 3, recomb inant fusi on between industries, namely industry within the industry Room upgrade i

27、n dustry through tech ni cal inno vatio n and other means.A way of manu facturi ng and service in tegratio n andthe role of the resultsof the an alysis of in dustrialin tegrati on mode determ ines its role differe nt results, but the impact of pers onnelcha nges in the way in dustrialintegrationneed

28、s.Integrationof manufacturingandservices is the service sector as a flexible means of producti on into theproducti onarea for themanu facturi ngin dustryto providefinan cial,legal,research and developme nt,desig n,man ageme ntandother services, while widely used in high-tech service in dustry.Theref

29、ore, the mai n form of manu facturi ng andservices industryintegrationis the integrationbetween pen etrati on and exte nd the in tegrati on of high-tech.In tegrati on of manu facturi ng and service in dustriesto promote the developme nt of new tech no logies, new in dustriesproduce, stre ngthe nthe

30、links betwee nin dustries, realize the shari ng of resources among industries.Integration of manufacturing industry makecon tact with the local service in dustries have becomein creas in gly close in tegrati on betwee n developme nt, can effectively enhance the dema nd for in termediate services int

31、o manufacturingthe product, thereby expandingtheservice sector in particular, producer services industries scale, thereby enhancing the knowledgecontent, techmanu facturi ng.Such as: the developme nt of the film at auni versityresearch in stitute,Jia ng 苏久吾 tech Co., Ltd.and Nanjing 9 thinking high-

32、tech Co., Ltd. producti on ofceramic membraneand complete sets of equipment forits en ergy-sav ing, en viro nmen t-frie ndly, fast resp onse and other advantagesin the petrochemical,environmentalprotecti on, biomedic ine, medic ine and other widely used in several in dustries to create a tech no log

33、y platform to lay a com montech no logybase to achieve in dustrialin tegrati on,and promote thedevelopme ntofen vir onmen tal protecti on in dustry.In tegrati on of services andmanu facturi ngin dustries to promote inno vati on, promote the producti onand development of new industries. In services a

34、nd manu facturi ngin tegrati onprocess, spaw nedmany newservice in dustries, result ing effect 1 + 1& gt; 2, lead ing the economy. Such as the birthof the traditi onaltran sportatio n and warehous ing in dustry and in formatio n in dustry, based on the comb in ati onof moder n logisticsin dustry, br

35、inging a new market, to achieve efficie ncy, has become an importa nt engine of econo mic developme nt in developedcoun tries.Occurre neeof in dustrialin tegrati on has brought cha nge the way people live and work content, creati ng new dema nd. Such as the integrationof industry and commerce,entert

36、ainment,broadcast ingand othercom muni cati onin formatio nservices, bringing the rise of e-commerce, on li ne games, digital televisi on and other services, foster new econo mic growth poi nts. The new service in dustriesin in dustrialintegration formedon the basis of accelerated pace ofin dustrial

37、 inno vati on, shorte n the cycle of upgrad ing the in dustrialstructure,and therefore get more bus in essopportunitiesand markets, thus boostingthe continuedprosperity of the en tire economy.2, the manufacturingand service personnelneedsto lead the in tegratio n of highly in tegrated manu facturi n

38、g cha nges and developme nt of the service sector is a typical moder nservicein dustry,manu facturi ngand servicein dustries are highly in tegrated adva need manu facturi ng, kno wledge-inten sive,kno wledge-inten sivein dustriesitstype from the expertise of personnelneeds structuralpoint of view, y

39、ou need to cross-sectoral, cross-cutting, in terdiscipli narytale nts.Services and manu facturi ngin tegrati onof the urge ntn eed to develop both strongmanagement skills, a good technical background, fast learning ability of the compo und tale nts. This tale nt is n ecessary to grasp the in dustryf

40、orefro ntof tech no logy,and the future developme nt trend of tech no logy con verge neeis highly sen sitive, but also to un dersta ndand be familiar with cross-flow eon trol, a high degree of bus in ess acume n, and have man ageme nt, com muni cati on, cooperati on capacity, with a stro ng overall

41、quality.The results from the way in terms of the role of fusion and integration,manufacturingand services topromote thein tegratio nscale producer services,expansionof productive service industry is bound toin crease the size of the aspects of the developme nt, desig n and customer service, high-e n

42、d tale nt n eeds.Aswe all know, our country s manufacturingsector arelow-e nd manu facturi ng process, re lying on resources and cheap labor, lack of tech no logy,lack of inno vatio n,research anddevelopme nttale nt shortage isunq uesti on ablefact. Therefore, the manu facturi ngandservice in tegrat

43、io n to make R & D, desig n, inno vative tech no logysurge in dema ndfor tale nt,inno vativescie ntists and engin eers have bee n in cluded in Ion g-term tale nt trai ning pla n for the coun try.Table 22000-2006 changes in the total number of high-tech in dustry in R & D pers onnelSource: Ch

44、i na Statistical Yearbook 2008 high-techIn tegrati on of manu facturi ng and service in dustriesspaw ned many new in dustries, newin dustrieswillin evitablybring more adva need tech no logyapplicati onsand more market developme nt, and to achieve these two certainly requires a lot of expertise as a

45、basis. For example: telecom muni catio ns n etwork 3G bus in ess, which is in tegrated into the product of adva need tech no logy pen etrati on of in formati onand com muni cati onin dustry,China s releva ntprofessi onal tale nt gap as high asmillio ns of people.State Departme nt just seve n strateg

46、icemerg ingin dustrieside ntified:en ergysav ing,newgen erati on of in formati ontech no logy,biotech no logy,high-e ndequipme ntmanu facturi ng,new en ergy, newmaterials, new energy vehicles. Several major industry con verged almost all in dustries, the developme nt of these in dustries requires no

47、t only tale nt a better overall quality and comprehe nsive kno wledge of the structure, but alsoneed to have good professionalskills, requires a lot ofcutt in g-edge scie nee and tech no logy to master complex high-level professi onal tech ni cal pers onn el.Adaptability of three, manufacturingand s

48、ervicein tegrati on with the curre nt pers onnel n eeds a supply of tale nt, the first is the main supply of tale nt - the status of itspers onneltraining colleges (1)classificati onofuni versities and positi oning is not clear.There is no clearclassificatio n andpositi oningbetwee n uni versities,r

49、esult ing in various colleges and uni versities bli nd pursuit of a comprehensiveuniversitybuilding,and constantlysettingnew specialty,the creation of new disciplines, small but perfectlyformed without full expertiseeffects. Professi onal more tha n the whole, the quality of professi onaldevelopme n

50、thas bee n severely affected,professionaland academicstrength is weak, can notprovide a goodprofessional education for students,resulting in uneven student expertise. (2) professional caliber n arrowen ablestude nts to en ter the field ofcommunityservice after more restricted, less work shiftcapabil

51、ity anddevelopme ntpote ntial,limitedemployment adaptability.Knowledgestructure, so thatstude ntslackbackgr oundkno wledge,kno wledgeis notwide fieldofvisio strengthenthe theoreticalkno wledgeoflear ningtoomuch, andthe lack ofsocialpracticeanddevelopskills, especiallyin liberalartsstude nts is

52、particularly prominent.Changing society, thestude nts with the theoretical kno wledge of the structure is too difficult to adapt to the social status of professional skill set requireme nts.(4) the timeli ness of kno wledge isnot strong,someuniversityteachers knowledgestructure is too old, un able t

53、o deliver the latest research trends and developments in the industry to students, caus ing stude nts to lear n is an outdated kno wledge, can not adapt to society n eeds.The reas on for this uni versitypers onneltraining qualitytale ntsupply caused bycustoms, however, a sin gle skill and tale nt of

54、 kno wledge can no Ion ger meet the n eeds of social developme nt, which is the curre nt employme nt of uni versity stude nts is difficult, the supply mismatch.2, of the lack of appropriatemechanismssuch ascon ti nuing educatio n, whe n new tech no logies to produce, tale nt can not quickly react to

55、 Leav ingaside thedevelopme ntof newtech no logies,acquire newtech no logy there are some problems.In additi on, due tothe system, the declarati on of seni ority in research, young scie ntists rarely get the opport un ityto participate inlarge-scale projects hosted, always repeat some simple,22capac

56、ity is weak.3, China scurre ntprofessi onaland tech nicalpersonnelin highlyeducated workerscon stitute a smallperce ntageof lies,our curre nt levelof educationofprofessi onaland tech ni cal pers onnelin the followingmonotonousauxiliary work,lead ingtoinno vati ontable:Table3 presentour educatedprofessi onalandtech ni cal pers onnel compositi on of 2008Source: Chi na Labor Statistical Yearbook 2009Here will graduate degree or higher professional andtech ni calpers onnel isdefi nedas the seniorprofessi onal and tech ni calpers onn el,college anduni versityun dergraduateas in te


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