1、A discussi on on thi nking to ease thefinancing difficulties of SMEsPaper to write network: Abstract At present, SME financing has again been concern in the community, triggeri ng a lively discussi on of the experts, I an alyze the reas ons for the difficulty of financing of SMEs Chuqia n the same t
2、ime ease the financing of SMEs the difficult problem of some measures.Paper Keywords SMEs, financing cha nn els, the financing en vir onment, capital marketsAccordingto statistics, China s 42 million smalland medium-sized en terprises to obta in bank loa ns only apply .201011.5 perce nt of the loa n
3、s to en terprises, theChin ese gover nment press release, August 16 show, day in Shenyang,Zheng Xin, Deputy Director of the SMEsDivisio n of the Min istry of In dustry and In formatio n 60% of the SME contribution to GDP of China, paid by taxes more than 50 percent of the country s total tax revenue
4、,foreign trade and exports over 60%,80% of urbanemployment.Thus, the contributionof SMEs to thenational GDP growth is increasingly the greater. to bank loans in China s current financialenvironmentis themain way of China s externalfinancing for SMEs.However, SMEs access to financing resources and th
5、eir status and role in the econo mic and social developme nt is very in compatible with the. Financing of SMEs in particular the difficulty in obtaining loans has become a“ bottle neck ” restrict ingthe developme nt of small andmedium-sized en terprises.An SME financingdifficultSME financing inChina
6、 is a thinking andsolveproblems. There aregover nmentpolicies, theen terprisesthemselves, thebanking system and manyotherreasons the level ofmacro-c on trolpolicies, China to speed up econo micstructuraladjustme nt,elimi nate backward producti oncapacity, limiti ng high“,the urge nt requireme nt for
7、 SMEsto accelerate the transformationof developmentmode,return to the rati onal of the mon etary policy also makes credit resources more scarce. the current financing of SMEs, the nature of China s economic transformation approach to developmentchallenges in the credit thefield of objectivereflectio
8、nof the level of SMEs, someSMEs lack the inno vatio n of products and tech no logies, market adaptability, the lack of risk con trol, man ageme nt is not standardized, institutional mechanisms are not perfect, lack of core competitive ness in the credit markets.Some SMEs bli ndly irrati onal in vest
9、me nt, exacerbat ing the tensions of the fun ds, the bank level, by the deposit reserve ratio con ti nued to in crease or deposits in creased fatigue and other factors, scie ntific rati oning credit funds more difficult. Sense of responsibilityof some banks tosupport SMEs, sense of service and lack
10、of aware ness of inno vati on, but also in creased the financing difficulties ofSMEs. level of the exter nal en vir onment, fiscal and taxati on policies to support the role play is noteno ugh,high barriers to entry of the capital markets, risk-shari ngmechanismand credit system is not perfect, but
11、alsorestricts SMEs access to credit.Second, to ease the financing difficulties of SMEs measures Crack the problem of financing of small enterprises in China, is a complex systems engineering, you n eed a multi-in tegrated efforts, i nclud ing the bankingsector, SMEs, the macro-controlpolicies, the e
12、xternalen vir onment.(1) improve the loa n size and the proporti on ofthe commercial banks to SMEsMode of operationofthe existing commercialbanking system, althoughthetotal amount of loa ns to SMEs continue to in crease, but some of the factors restrict ing the financing difficulties of SMEs, especi
13、ally the own ership backgro und, bus in ess size problemsremainunresolved,which SMEs in China secono micand social status do not match. Therefore,improv ingthe commercialbanks on the scale andproporti onof loa ns to SMEs has become an in evitablechoice.2. To ope n up the cha nn els of financing outs
14、idethe bankingSME financing is difficultandour currentfinancingstructuresand is closelyrelated tobankfinancing.Therefore,the need to changethe currentfinancingstructure, and developmentbanksothertha nfinancing.Financingcha nn elsothertha nban ks,withfinancingand productinno vati onmaybe an important
15、idea to solve this problem. Ambassador to SMEs in the inno vati on,to create risks and financing products tomatch the appropriate small bus in esses should be suitable for short cycle of financing products to support ing solve this problem through market practices,inno vativefinancing products likel
16、y to keep equity associated with con verge nee,in clud ingthe Fund, the risk in vestme ntshould be linked with equity. receivables, orders con ti nue to hook to create other products. In additi on, SMEs can be non-marketmeans to finance, for example,want thegovernmentto public resources. But the fig
17、ht for publicresources solve a problem, whether it is tax breaks or subsidies, or are the taxpayers money. governmenttobring taxpayers money for some SME owners services in addition to the supportof public resources,but also toprovide services such as SME financing, the Gover nment should help enter
18、prisessolve the problemof financialirregularities, to provide legal con sult ing services to reach a financing con diti on. Share free paper3. from small bus in esses on their own point of view Should improve the quality of the en terprises themselves, want to get the funds to grow and develop, it i
19、s n ecessaryto follow a relatively standardized systems and rules to run. First, strengthen ethical values; the importanee of tech no logical inno vatio n and product improveme nt, and adapt to market cha nges,capacity and developme ntpotential, and the third is a sound financial system and improve
20、the man ageme nt level, improve the tran spare ncy and credibility of finan cial in formati on.(4) to enhance finan cialin clusi onand toelim in ate finan cial exclusi onChina s finan cial system,but also a lack of finan cial in termediatio n n eeds of SMEs developme ntn eeds structure,finan cialstr
21、ucture andfinan cial market structure,support and en courage thedevelopment of SMEs and reduce financial exclusion in finan cial services, and enhance finan cial in clusi on On the one hand, to try to make the existi ng finan cial system to providefinancialproducts and services to small andmedium en
22、 terprises as much as possible, and sec on dly, to thedevelopme ntof new finan cialin stituti onsandalter nativein termediaries,the provisi onand delivery offinan cial services to SMEs by finan cial exclusi on in clusive developmentof the financial aspects, the experieneeofforeig n coun tries can le
23、ar n from its focusmainlyconcen trated in: firstly, to in crease the likelihood of SMEs close to the financial services, the second is to develop and improve the finan cial products suited to the n eeds of SMEs characteristics, three will price controls of the financial services within the SME s abi
24、lity to pay, financialcog nitive abilities of SMEs, five is to improve the rules and regulatio ns of the gover nment departme nts.(5) improve the availability of loans to SMEs Improve the availability of loans to SMEs, the key is the followi ng aspects. It isn ecessarytoen couragecommercial banks to
25、 credit tech no logical inno vati on, the developmentof more suitable varieties in the loan, thesec ond is to do a solid job market segme ntati on work for the specific needs of SMEs in different sectors, different sizes, different life cycle design of credit products, three new tran sacti onlending
26、 tech no logiesto make boldexplorati ons, tech no logyin troducti onand inno vati onofSME lending, to alleviate in formatio n symmetric and risk con trol. the directi on of reform to the diversity of the credit con tract desig n and the in tegrated use of credit avariety of tech no logies to meet th
27、e dema nd for loa ns toSMEs, the fifth is in thedevelopme ntof ideas,organizational structure and operation of the form of credit guarantee for SMEs scientific positioning and the reas on able arra ngeme nts to better reshape its econo mic fun cti ons in support of SME credit facilities, i nclud ing
28、 the establishme ntof the SME re-guara nteesystem, theestablishme nt of market-orie nted re-guara ntee system, to enhance the guara ntee age ncies credit to compe nsate for the guara ntee age ncies on behalf of compe nsatio n losses, thus effectivelypreventingfinancialrisks, is to developbased on th
29、e relati on ship betwee n financing and low transaction costs, with the advantage of structure of property rights, market efficie ncy adva ntage, i nformati on adva ntage and flexible operati on of a small bank.(6) the developme nt of capital markets is very importa nt The biggest characteristics of
30、 the SMEs is the un certa in ty, the risk of the bank loa ned to such in deed is there who is willi ng to take risks? Of course, the premise is to get equity, get the bonus. With high-yield,investorsare only willi ng to take risks. Therefore, the developme ntof capitalmarket solutionsto SME financin
31、gis veryimportant.China s capitalmarket there are “ Ponglarge ” from small plates to the GEM, the threshold can be lower and lower. capital markets seem to have a misconception, is the so-called“Called to marry. ” for theprotectionof investors, capital markets first pick goodcompa nies listed. In fa
32、ct, this con cept is also problematic, because in vestors have differe nt prefere nces in vestors are not are risk averse. Most people are willi ng to buy more secure shares in the compa ny, i nvestors want to buy some of the risks, but the very high in come stocks. Therefore, the capital market sho
33、uld continue to lower the threshold, regulatory age ncies to man age the tran spare ncy of in formatio n,man agein formatio nauthe nticity, pooren terprises are also allowed listed.Should also strive to improve the financing en vir onment in the future to effectively solve the difficult problem of SME financing, to lay the foundationforsteady economic growth. The most important is to improve the implementationof the the CBRC &It;&It;support the commercial banks to further improve thesmall bus in ess finan cial services to no tify > ;& gt;t
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