1、An alysis of the college stude nts how toachieve successful employme ntPapers Keywords job trainingn eedsof thecom mun ity kno wledge base employme nt outlook Abstract econo mic developme nt with the objective situati on on the employme nt impact, but the factors that affect employme nt effects can
2、not n eglecttheir ownreas ons, collegestude nts if they can face themselves, toestablish a healthy careers and employme nt, and make full preparatio nspractiti onersmust can out of theemployme nt problems.First, the curre nt employme nt situati on for collegestude nts of the psychological shadowWith
3、 the adve ntof the financial crisisin 2008, itcausedthe entire worldeconomy a seriousimpact onmanyof the industrydow ntur n,econo micdow nturn.Asa result, manycompa nieshave cut staff. Busin ess dema nd for tale ntshow a relatively saturated, which makes the original studentsThe more prominent the d
4、ifficultemploymentsituati on, accord ing to Educatio n Departme nt statistics, 30 perce nt of curre nt college stude nts in the graduate leaves1school without a job. for three consecutive years, the n atio nal employme nt rate of uni versity stude nts rema ined at 70%, an average of morethan 1 milli
5、on per yeargraduates face Graduationis unemployment, thepressure, the employme nt situati on is grim, which makes the hearts of many in the pressure of college students, especially intern ati onal bus in ess majors, the employme nt of fear, despair, feel fear, the n lost in the school con fide nee i
6、n learning.Currently, the university useless in acerta inrange of com muni cati onand many collegestude nts continue to read on that is a waste of money and spe nd time. so there are some stude nts drop out of school without graduatingto work out. author of this schoolappeared in such situati ons.If
7、 this situati on con ti nu es, itwill have adverseconsequences, so to help collegestudentsestablish a correct concept of employment isparticularly importa nt.Second, the stude nts an alyze their own reas ons difficult employme ntIn view of the above reas ons, weas educators must try to divert, to el
8、imi nate the employment of college students shadow which students 2first n eed to make them aware of the diff icult employme ntreasons. Graduates Employment is not only dictates the economic situation, more of the students themselves questio n:1, the deviation of the concept of employment, pers onal
9、 utilitaria n heart stro ng, only immediate, ig noring career developme nt.Now many stude ntsregardless of their actualsituati on,theprocessofbli ndlyclimb ing career, thepursuitof three-highsix typeof occupation (the threehigh that is,highstarti ngpoint, high salaries,high positions, - SIXis alittl
10、e better reputati on,brandlouder,higherefficie ncy,work it mildly, a little closer tohome, a little loose man ageme nt, lack of the producti online, to exercise primary mental preparati on, desirefromtheir con diti ons of employme nt, employme nt practice andnational needs. the performaneeof some st
11、udents evendo not take the initiative to avoid negative job market, hold ing, etc., rely on, to the depe nden cy, employme nt and wait for job depe nden cies.For example: October 14 this year, ShenzhenUn iversity Norrish trad ing compa nies to recruit staff and buyer orders a nu mber, place of work
12、in a small tow n in Fujia n. The orga ni zati on of in ter nati onal bus in ess school graduates to the professi onal class of can didates, stude nts in understandinginformationabout the companyafterthe main points are as follows: This sort of corporate welfare so bad, is a smallplace, no future, ev
13、e n if I do not go on the can didates. I thought I was in Shen zhe n, had also worriedthat resume did not do a good job, a poor place, but fortun ately did not waste resume. position so low, not any future, I was notwronged ourselves. Or wait for the next school to our bus in ess un its to find a be
14、tter talk about it.2, do not know eno ughto market dema nd,notworking hard to find, but manycollege stude nts intheuni versityhave lear ned fromthe social n eeds oftheenterprise could not find theright person. Studentslearnbookkno wledgebutdeadontheprofessi on al-related social lack of aware ness of
15、 jobs that recruiters asked for specific positions in understanding and carry ing out related work, which n eed to have skills,stude nts can not make a satisfactory an swer.3, the stude nts lack of career aware ness, do not pay atte nti on to the cultivati on of professi onal quality.It is un dersto
16、odthat the reas onwhy manycompa nies hire can didates are un able to find satisfacti on with the professionalismof the graduatesgoodnow,companies have to professionalismas an importantindicator to evaluate people, such as Chengdu, a large con sult ing compa ny in the recruitme nt of new staff Joh n
17、, and comprehe nsivestudy of graduates fiveareas:professi onal quality,professi on alism,collaborati on,psychological and physical, among which is the most basic physical fitness, good health is a preconditionfor work,professionalism,collaboration,and mental quality is themost importa nt and n ecess
18、ary, and professi onal quality is the ici ng on the cake. professi on alism through in dividual behavior in work performa nee, and these behaviors to the in dividual s kno wledge,skills, values, attitudes, will, asthe basis of good professi on alism is a bus in ess esse ntial, is the basis for caree
19、rsuccess, theuni versityintothebus in ess of golde nkey.Manystude ntsfromthe con cept, the only work as a means of livelihood, and do not realize their own career developme nt , the importa nee of social progress.Third, college stude nts achieve success in employment Suggestions1, the current domest
20、ic andinternational economic situation has improved, college stude nts should rebuild con fide neeAlthough the 2008 financialcrisis on China seconomy had some impact, but this year, the world econo mic recovery, domestic foreig n trade situati on is the East last spri ng will, Dalia ng export-orie n
21、ted en terprise developme nten viro nment, the overall trend towardsimproveme nt, in this situati on Next,the in creas ingdema nd for all kinds of tale nts, the finan cial crisis on the negativeimpact of foreigntrade gradually subsided,especially cloth ing, textile, mecha ni cal and electrical surge
22、 in orders and other traditi onal in dustries, but thelaborshortage abound,many coastal enterprisescan notforeigntrade personnelhave occurred. visible, collegestude nts or have a good employme nt prospects, the most important thing is to do pre-employmentpreparation,build self-c on fide nee.2, to pu
23、rsue the purpose of the first post-employme nt careerWe must lear n to grasp the immediate employme nt opport un ities, to refrain from un realistic expectatio ns.Or they will be swallowed by the rag ing tide of employment,unemploymentonly if the lower profile, inorder to find a job despite difficul
24、t work ing con diti ons at the beg inning, but to hold sharpe n their own men tality, con ti nue to accumulate their own workexperie nee,improve their work ability and job performanee, if in future work to stay in this bus in ess, is likely to become the characters work independently,have good devel
25、opmentprospects so There are many examples eve n in the futureXiangtiaoCao and medium-sizedenterprises,but alsohave some capital, because after years of sharpe ning, they receive a good growth, and accumulated a wealth of work experienee, familiar with the company s operation and job skills. n atura
26、lly raise their social status, which is more realistic tha n the bli nd ceili ng.3, should focus on to develop their own professi on alismProfessi on alism is a pers on en gaged in professi onal occupationsin the best of its ability to do the job thequality and capacity, it is not to do this will br
27、ing any pers onal in terests and the impact of the measure, but inthis the relati on shipbetwee nmatter andobjectives,asmeasuredinmanycases,a goodmeasureofprofessi on alismshouldbe aprofessi onalpers onanimporta nt in dicator of maturity.With China s rapid economicdevelopment,social dema nds for the
28、 quality of tale nt in creas in gly high professi onal quality of collegestude ntsare alsodema nding higher. Professi on alism has great sig nifica nee.From a pers onal point of view, survival of the fittest, the lack of good professi onal quality in dividuals, it is difficult to obta in outsta ndin
29、g job performa nee, not to men tio n a great developme nt, from a bus in ess perspective, only with a higher number of professionalrecruitmentquality ofpers onnel in order to survive and develop, they can help compa nies mini mize costs, improve efficie ncy, thereby enhancing their competitive ness
30、in the market, so college stude nts develop good work ethic is very importa nt. turn affixed to the free dow nl oad moment,collegestudentsshould proceed to fouraspects: first, to establish professi onal ideals. career aspirations in life and desire for the pursuit of future career, stude nts should
31、establish and stre ngthe ntheircareer aspirati ons. And thus better their career pla nning. Second, un dersta nd their career pers on alityabout socialdata indicate that: professionalpersonalityis the key tocareer success.Un dersta ndtheir career pers on ality,which will help to control their own pe
32、rsonalitywhich,more clearly his career third, to enhancetheir ownprofessi on al-quality so-calledprofessi onalquality ofstude nts refers to stude nts in professi onal behavior, work styleshow nideas, kno wledge, attitudes, and quality,whichis the progressive realization of a social processfrom the H
33、arvard study showed that: 85% depends on success factors in a positive professi onal attitude, 15% is my professional skills. From the above point of view, professional quality of a person plays a key role in the successful development,which is also a very high value whe n bus in ess people choose a
34、 side, so college stude ntsshould take this as a guide, develop a positive attitude towards life,pioneeringand innovative spirit , calmresilie nee,team spirit,professi on alism,etc. Fourth, todevelop their professi onal skills, college stude nts continue to improve their skills in all aspects of the
35、ir future career of great help, is a corn erst one of their future work, more is the basis for their future success. Nowmany en terprisesthe skills required of collegestudentsbecome morestri ngent, so college stude nts should focus on vocatio nal skills trai ning.Through the professional quality of
36、Iong-term culture, which must be for college stude nts to establish a correct concept of employment and career orientation play a role in promot ing good will for their future career lay a good foun datio n.4, goodpractitionersknowledgebase, andefforts to obta in professi onal crede ntialsWith the i
37、mproveme nt of domestic and intern ati onal econo mic situati on, bus in ess n eeds all kindsof talents are constantlyexpanding,but this does notmean that we can find a job. The key is that we can not do the work, whether they have the appropriate kno wledge and ability. The n We college stude nts t
38、o first un dersta nd you want to work in the com mun ity in which kno wledge and skills n eeded, which requires collegestude ntsthrough a certa in way to collect employme nt in formatio n, job recruitme nt compa ny familiar with, and the n comb ine their interest in the initial planning set for thei
39、r future career. and the n to find out what these people post on the kno wledgeand skills requireme nts required to worktowards this end, good stock of kno wledge practitio ners and some jobs that require crede ntials for employme nt, it must strive to obtain a certificate, good preparationforentry.
40、 This is the college students do, rather than the com monears do not hear out of the win dow, one readonly the books of sages or much ado about nothing, unfoun ded in reality around us are examples of what I 07 sessi on of the Busin ess School graduates Tao Peng and Xiao-Ying Li is with solid profes
41、si onal skills, foreig n trade and foreigntrade merchandiser Vouching professionalcredentials such as the Ianguage of strengths and goodcom muni cati onskills to sta ndout from the ranks ofcan didates, now at the Shen zhe n East Di Xin Co., Ltd., and was also one of the stude nts this year assig nme
42、nt to theUn ited States.5, full use of the surro unding in ter nal and exter nalresources to con duct job training andaccumulated experie neeThroughout college, take advantageof holidaysaround the internaland external resource mobilization,among the compa ni es, several of the professi onal training
43、. This is for graduates is an importa nt way to make up for deficie ncies.Manycompa niesn eedto in troduceis aninduction into the company s personnel will be able to,which is required job fast, han ds-on ability. However, many students learnin school is oftenthe main thing ismore theoretical, either
44、 of these theories is lear n from the con textof practicalwork, stude ntsdonotknow theprocedure to run the en tire bus in ess en terprise. or a workingbackground,but these areoldandunable toadapt to new cha nges in bus in ess results will be known on the book, the actual doing no start, so stude nts
45、 should be welcomed by the bus in ess people of can didates, he will accumulateexperieneewhile to get this experienee, wemust mobilize all relati on ships,spe nd the ni ght inbus in ess, in the corresp ondingpost. This will greatlyin crease their employme nt weight.Of course, college students and improve the psychological quality is esse ntial to master the job search skills.In additi on, uni versities should also be good for thestudents employmentservices, such as hospitalforstudentsfrom first year in
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