1、About Adva need En glish (Ame ndme nt)textbook evaluati onAbstract: This article based ff-Ctttmingsworth to: the course textbook evaluation“ trichotomy ” theory, on<< Adva needEn glish>& gt;(Ame ndme nt)materials from the “ use before ” , “ use ” , “ use ” three evaluati on aims to inform i
2、n structi on to improve teach ing quality and teach ing effect, the in adequaciesof theteach ing materials and improveme nt measures, provide a reference textbook writers improve textbook help people objective,scientific judgment,selectionand use of thelearner The textbook is of great sig ni fica ne
3、e.Keywords: Advaneed English, “ Rule of Thirds ”textbook evaluati on. In troductio n of Beiji ng Foreig n Studies Uni versity, Professor Zhang Hanxi editor & gt; ><<seniorEn glish(Ame ndme nt)(Adva ncedE nglish RevisedEditi on)domestic En glishprofessionalhigh-gradewide as one of the textbo
4、oksused in the textbook is the core part of the curriculum implementation, but also teachers to carry out teaching activities based primarily on paper first introduces theidefinitionof the evaluation of textbooks and teachingmaterials,as well as Cunningsworth textbook evaluationtheory, comb ined wit
5、h their own an alysis and evaluati on of its Senior En glish > ;& gt; < ;&It; (Ame ndme nt) use of the textbook.2.The defi niti onoftextbooksand teach ingmaterials evaluati onThe textbookdefi niti onof broadand n arrow.Broadly refers to:in sideandoutsidethe classroomteachers and students to use
6、all instructional materials such as textbooks, exercise books,coun seli ng,information,video and audio materials, newspapers andmagazines,computer software, photos, cards, teachingphysical and so on.Narrowly means: accord ing to the requireme nts ofthe syllabusor curriculumsta ndards issuedby theadm
7、 ini strative departme nt of educati on, En glish teach ing books written for the specific needs of students, usually refers to the En glish textbooks (Che ngxiao Tang, 2002).Textbook evaluati on is the valueof teach ingmaterials to make a decisi on paper uses n arrow defi niti on of teaching materi
8、als, textbooksevaluationrefers to the evaluati on of textbooks.3. Cunnin gsworth theory textbook evaluati on 3.1 Evaluation type Cunningsworth (1995) put forward the materials for the overall impressi on of the evaluati on and in-depthevaluationof the“dichotomy ” . In turn,Cunnin gsworth proposed in
9、 accorda nee with the type of evaluati onmaterials evaluati onmaterials “ trichotomy ”before use evaluation,evaluated using evaluation. Usebefore theevaluatio ndifficulty, because evaluati onsevaluators have n ever used this textbook evaluati on of the use of the textbook is a com mon ly used evalua
10、ti on forms such an evaluation can be found in the strengthsandweaknesses of the existing materials, in order to avoid weak nesses improve teach ing, evaluatio n, and serves as a retrospective assessme nt of textbooks, this evaluati on canhelp teachersand self-lear nerstodecidetousethematerials orno
11、t. Based on thetheoryofthetheCunnin gsworth“ Rule of Thirds ” acomprehe nsiveanddetailed an alysis of the materials for .3.2 Evaluati on Prin ciplesCunningsworth(1984) put forward the importantprin cipleof textbook evaluati on:1) textbooks andteach ing goals are closely related, 2) To clear the purp
12、ose of lear ning the Ian guage, and so choose to help stude nts use the Ianguage effectively, 3) teaching materials with stude nts con siste nt dema nd, 4) con sider Ian guage learning, the relationshipbetweenthe learningprocessand the stude nts.3.3 evaluati on of associatio nFrom eight aspects Cunn
13、in gsworth (1995) illustrates the evaluationrules - goals and ideas, designandorga ni zati on, la nguage kno wledge, la nguage skills, topics, teach ingmethods, teacher books, practicalcon siderati ons.4. The SeniorEn glish& gt; >& It ;&It;(Ame ndme nt) textbook evaluati on 4.1 goals and ideas fo
14、r evaluati onprior to 4.1.1 textbooks< ;&It;Adva needEnglish the >>(Amendment)largelybeyond thetraditi onal teach ing the limitati ons of the con cept, i n line with the n eeds of the stude nts n eeds and social developme ntof a comprehe nsive tale nt. the textbookcovers listen, read, write
15、four basic skills of learning English. include translationexercises which fully reflectsthe practicality of teach ing materials, improve the comprehe nsive applicati on ability of stude nts in the first place.2764.1.2 The desig n of the materials and orga ni zati ons, the overall desig n of the text
16、book textbook desig n simple and clear, clear, clear, reas on ablelayout, text fontspleas ing to the eye, textbooks, lightweight, easy to carry, suitable for readers of independentlearning. Relativelymodest len gth of the text , text specificati on, suitable for inten sive read ing texts and exercis
17、es to leave some room for teachers, according to the specific circumstancesofthe stude nts choose to use.Second, the content orga ni zati onThe set of the book is divided in to: 1.After-schoolno tes, i nclud ing the writers in troduced, difficult access to the historical backgro und, the dictio nary
18、 of allusi ons and gen eral stude nt useIan guage phe nomenon 2Practiceexercisesdesig nedbased on the thelin guisticphe nomenon appears in the text, not con stitutive visit the law, the rhetoric of the order of the system layout. Exercises in clude: 1) the contents of to un dersta nd parts: problem,
19、 thein terpretatio nof the text fragme ntstran slated.2) vocabulary exercisessecti on: wordformatio n, synony ms, and other exercises to lear n cattle to better grasp the meaningand use. addition fill in theblank, the different formsof sentences, turned Ze .3)rhetoric part: writi ng skills to guide
20、stude nts to lear n and appreciate texts .4) verbal and writte n multiplex ing secti on: Student speakingand writing exercises, flexibility in theuse of lear ning content.In additi on,the in crease in the sec ond volume ofthe exercises part to write comme nts, i if the text writi ngskills, writ ing
21、exercises and new projects.4.2 use the evaluati onI have to learn the & It ;&It; Adva need En glish > >(Ame ndme nt)a year, accord ingto thesuggesti ons and comme ntson other lear ners andteachers the textbook, the author makes a deep an alysis.4.2.1 topicFrom the the topics point of view, a f
22、ull set of a totalof 30 units of the book covers the political, economic, cultural, scie nee and tech no logy, law, history, Ian guage, emoti on al, customs and other parties ih “. Facilitate teachers conducive to students overall developmentarticles expla in, stude nts can also accord ing to their
23、interests in the after-school free to choose, cultivate self-learni ng ability.Rich, stude nts in terested in the topic is to stimulatestude ntsen thusiasm and in itiative of the critical factorsaffect ingstude ntmotivati on.Overall the& It ;&It;14Adva need En glish (Ame ndme nt) in volved in the to
24、pic canbe caused bythe students interestinlear ningen thusiasmtolearn, such as the firstvolumes ofBlackmail ”“theAgeofMiracleChips,MarkTwainMirrorofAmericatopics, are talk ing about in the sec ondvolumeof ”FacetoFacewithHurrica neCamilleTheLibidoforUgly. “ TheSadYoungMen” and so on.Links to free pap
25、ers Downl oad Cen ter 4.2.2 Lan guage kno wledge and Ian guage skillsThe< ;&It; Adva need En glish“ (as ame nded) applies to highschool studentshave mastered the basic knowledgeofEn glish of the teach ing focus on trai ning stude nts to use the Ian guage com muni cati on ability, to provide stude
26、nts with a r a lot of opport un ities to practice, which will help improve students listening, said, reading , writingandtran slati on of the in tegrated use of Ian guage ability.Origi nal moder n En glish texts are this cen tury, andgradually in crease the difficulty.A wide range of subjectsand gen
27、 res, diverse ben eficial to lear ners exposure to a differe nt style, absorb ing moreexte nsivekno wledge,focus on enriching the students knowledgeof theIan guage,improveIan guageskills. Ben eficialtotheChin eseandforeig nculturalexcha nges,developstudents in terculturalcom muni cativecompete neeas
28、sec ond in troduced huma n culture in New York the album“ LovingandHatingNewYork” from all angles, historicalbackgro und and moder n culture, i n the descripti on of the modern New York City while whipping its ugly face, an objectiveunderstandingof the New York after-schoolpractice speak ing Beiji n
29、g (Sha nghai) to compare with the New York “,writingexercises ” catch above a Chinesecity “ not only to con solidate lear ned from the text about New York culture, and also on the comparative an alysis of Chinese and Western cultures do to improve cultural literacy, broade n their horiz ons and impr
30、ove Cross: history of in terpers onal skills.Con siderati on of the practical aspects of 4.2.3In view of the text all the originalEnglish learners can grasp the content of the text on the basis of an alysis of the structure of the article, writ ing features, writi ng style, the word ing of the artic
31、le, a variety of rhetorical practices, then grasp the writi ng skills improve their writ ing Appreciatio n , improve writ ing skills.Do exercises to improve stude nts ability to workindependently,to guide students to learn how to findin formati on about reference books, and stude nts to write himsel
32、f no tes, take no tes.Accompa nying bibliography in the book, i nclud ingpart of the commonly used dictionaries, encyclopedias and other reference books, students find books habits, improve self-learni ng ability.For stude nts about to face the En glish professi onaleight exam richVocabulary and Ian
33、guageknowledgecan expandyour vocabulary and broade n thekno wledgein volvedallusi onsin the text,thein troducti onofculturalbackgrounds as well asafter-schoolNotes willenhancehuma ni stickno wledge.VolumeMarkTwa intheMirrorofAmerica“ authorMark Twain, so thatstude ntshave a clear un dersta nding of
34、the famous America n writer,Mark Twain mappingthe overall impression,understandthe reas ons he loved by America nsas well as his life,in cludi ng the backgro und of life (the America n Civil War,“ Gold Rush ” ), earlyexperiences,reviews ofreprese ntative works, an alysis ofMark Twa in reas on whythe
35、 U.S. mirror reas ons Throughthe study of thisbiography,rich cultural connotationof the students theability to expand the positive impact of the pro forma desig ned eight.4.3 use evaluati onAdva need En glish > ;& gt;.The ame ndme nt hasbee n prin ted w 30 times since it was published in 1995,and
36、its popularity is self-evide nt that the textbook selectionnovel,the genre is diverse, rich in content,practice ran ge.It will help develop stude nts cog nitiveabilities, improve the level of cog nitive,physical,psychologicalcomprehe nsiveandcoord in ateddevelopment. However, this compilationof teac
37、hingmaterials there is also lack of text, for example: lack of vocabulary list, too many un com mon vocabulary, practical, not too strong lack of video data, audio quality (275)tonationals,it certainlya country in strong molecular, sothere must be soft nor Ru, just do not spit, do not be bulliedfres
38、h olig onu cleotide, defy ingstrong spirit ofImperial,then public opinioncan take place. “ Soundpublic opinion is to the ben efit of the n ati on als of the ben efitof the public opinion of the coun try, theoccurre nee of sound public opinion requires n ewspapers and journalistsmust be afraid of pow
39、er, outspokenandn oble character.Fourth, the public mind “ Where huma n Prude nee, non-fullywho also isvery beautiful,of which there must be the evil stored:although very evil, of which there must be a Un ited States who kept it There will be no provisionin their likes anddislikes, and then the worl
40、d of really non-determined Visible newspapersand journalistscan not judge theirown likes and dislikes of good and evil, but the public mind, so as to n ews dissem in ati on process to dist in guish true “ true “non ” , which uphold justice.V. “restraint ”Public opinion“ symptoms ” What is it?“Implem
41、ented by the advocates post the blame. Lid is not guided by the truth, but the Service dial to feelingscater peach light of sexual, prete nding to be partial to the theory, as the beg inningof Although simple, the BiNaiche n send not received, they also solid, so moderatio n still stand to guide pub
42、lic opinion properly,tremendousdamage can produce unexpected role in the process of n ewsreports,n ewspapersandn ewspractiti onerspers onnel must pay atte nti on to the hair from the rati onal sound, and needs to be improved, I put forward some suggestions for improvement: the first volume and the s
43、ec ondvolumesynchroni zati on,marked paragraphnu mbers for easy textun dersta ndingandlear ning,in creasevocabularies, accord ing to the outli nerequireme ntsreduce the freque ncy of occurre nee ofun com monvocabulary developme nt videoresources,improve the audio quality, it is recommendedto recordboth the U.S. voice and British acce nt audio to meet the n eeds of differe nt lear ners, for freedom of choice.5. EpilogueSelect the best and most suitable for their stude nts textbooks in the existi ng textbooks has great sig ni fica nee (Cun
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