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1、岳阳市2015届高三教学质量检测试卷(一)英 语 本试题卷分四个部分。时量120分钟。满分150分。part listening comprehension (30 marks)section a (22.5 marks)directions: in this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. for each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked a

2、, b and c. listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.you will hear each conversation twice.example:when will the magazine probably arrive?a. wednesday b. thursday c. fridaythe answer is b.conversation 11. who answered the telephone? a. mr. smith.b. mr. brown.c. mary. 2. when

3、 will the man call again? a. around 5.b. around 10.c. next monday. conversation 23. how does the woman feel at the moment? a. she feels tired but excited. b. she has got a slight fever.c. her body feels sore all over. 4. what will the man get for the woman? a. some medicine.b. something to drink.c.

4、something to eat. conversation 35. what kind of room does the man want to take?a. a single roomb. a double room .c. a room for three. 6. what does the man need to fill in the form?a. telephone number and student card number.b. student card number and address.c. address and telephone number.conversat

5、ion 47. how much has the man paid for his driving lessons?a. 400.b.140.c. 40.8. why did the man fail his driving test?a. he hit something by accident.b. he didnt park his car properly.c. he went through the red lights.9. what do we know about the mans driving teacher?a. he is young. b. he is cheaper

6、. c. he has a big car.conversation 510. whats the relationship between the two speakers?a. workmates. b. schoolmates.c. teacher and student.11. why did jane come here earlier ?a. to meet her friend.b. to make a good impression.c. to review for the test.12. whats jacks attitude toward the test?a. he

7、worries about it. b. he is confident. c. he has to got an a.conversation 613. where does this conversation probably take place?a. at the airport.b. at the railway station.c. at a police station.14. in which city will the man have a meeting?a. chicago.b. new york.c. houston.15. what will the woman do

8、 afterwards?a. give a promise.b. check the bag.c. check the id card.section b (7.5 marks)directions: in this section, you will hear a short passage. listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. fill in each blank with no more than three words.you will he

9、ar the short passage twice. where to spend the outingchoicesthe garden the parkfeatures a 16 of plantsa pool for swimmingexpensive 18 animal shows every 17 a river for boating 19 decisionthe garden 20 to the park mainly for the protection of animals.part ii language knowledge (45 marks)section a (15

10、 marks) directions: for each of the following sentences there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one that best completes the sentence.21. the storage battery, when its needed , _ to power the electrical equipment.a. usedb. usec.is usedd. using22 .how is the project according to your i

11、nspection? four-fiths of the work belonging to the three teams _ coming to end ?a. isb. arec. wasd. were23.the gift reminds me that it was from egypt_ my friend bought it for me three years ago.a. whichb. wherec. howd. that24.not once_to him that he might win the first prize in the competition.a. di

12、d it occurb. occurred itc. it did occurd. it occurred25.the boy _ by the teacher just now said he would move on to a key university after graduation.a. to be praisedb. being praisedc. having been praisedd. praised26.our headmaster went to shanghai for a meeting, otherwise he _ part in our english pa

13、rty yesterday.a. took b. would have takenc. must have takend. would take27.it is easy to misunderstand _ you hear spoken if you are not smart about the tricks the advertisement plays on tv.a. whichb. whatc. thatd. when28.the two presidents have had detailed talks in the past two years, _ agreement o

14、n several issues happily.a. reached b. to reachc. reachingd. having reached29. _ more tourists came here for white-water rafting, more changes were made to cater to them.a. asb. whilec. unlessd. though30. _ the right decisions concerning the future, we got as much information about the sales and mar

15、keting as we could.a. makingb. to makec. having maded. made31. one of the rules is that every applicant _ reach the interviewing office with the id card. a. mightb. couldc. willd. shall32. there is little doubt that honesty is a virtue, _?a. is itb. isnt therec.is thered. isnt it33.although medical

16、science _ control of several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning.a. achieved b. has achievedc. will achieved. had achieved34. those who lost their child need support groups _ they can talk about their sufferings and find new ways to manage in the world.a. whatb. th

17、atc. whichd. where35.we _ to the new normal of the growth in economy and improved the quality of peoples life.a. adaptedb. adaptc. had adaptedd.have been adapting section b (18 marks)directions:for each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. fill in eac

18、h blank with the words or phrases that best fits the context.when i was twelve years old, i had scoliosis (脊柱侧弯). by the time my back formed a perfect s-shape, the doctors finally stopped all treatment. surgery was the only 36 .two weeks later, i was sent home with 37 to stay flat on my back for sev

19、en months. shiny and clean, my room 38 me with comfort and familiarity. but when the lights were out and the house grew quiet, i was faced with the awful realization that i couldnt 39 my bed, much less my bedroom, for seven whole months!“ this, too, shall pass,” my father said. i didnt understand. b

20、ut i knew that if my father believed it, it must be 40 . his faith relieved my fears. if he said everything would work out okay, then it would . i never 41 him for a moment.long winter days passed. sometimes, i would become 42 , but my father always came to my rescue. very 43 , he would pick me up a

21、nd carry me downstairs and place me on the couch, allowing me to join the rest of the family. some days, he even carried me outside to absorb some much-needed sunshine.by summers end, i was back on my feet and starting my freshman year in high school. at last, my fathers words 44 : “ this, too, has

22、passed!”ive lived through a lot of lifes 45 since then, of course. my father taught me to hold on to the good 46 and let go of the bad. when life is 47 , time flies by and his words never enter my mind. when its not so good, i recall, “ this, too, shall pass.36. a. requirementb. alternativec. action

23、d. promise37. a. detailsb. adjustment c. difficultiesd. orders38. a. associatedb. inspiredc. welcomedd. concerned39. a. get upb. leave forc. go away fromd. drop in at40. a. trueb. sincerec. admirabled. clear41. a. missedb. affectedc. doubtedd. studied42. a. aggressiveb. impatientc. bitterd. cautious

24、43.a. gentlyb. fortunatelyc. slightlyd. quietly44. a. made senseb. took carec.made a promised. made up my mind45. a. paceb.spiritc. risksd. passages46. a. wishesb. ideasc. rolesd. memories47. a. shortb. goodc. privated. busy sectionc(12points)directions:completethefollowingpassagebyfillingineachblan

25、kwithonewordthatbestfits the context. its a simple and powerful idea. when asked the key 48 recognizing opportunity to win success, cuban, a billionaire, regards doing ones homework as the most important factor. “ the hard part is doing the homework to know 49 the idea could work in an industry or n

26、ot,” he says. he admits that he does not have original ideas in unique ways that no one else is doing, which he manages to know because he has thoroughly studied his industry.he says that the characteristics of an entrepreneur (企业家) are willingness to learn, focus, 50 ability to absorb information.

27、cuban says that 51 he set the goal to retire at 35, he studied what he could find about business and the industries that interested 52 . he actually considered any job as a paid opportunity to learn more about a business.he advises young entrepreneurs to learn as much about their businesses as possi

28、ble and never to take short cuts. over and over again, he emphasizes homework, superior knowledge, the drive to learn, and 53 need to get to work.anyone could adopt his ideas and do well in anything. sometimes your dream seems unlikely or even impossible, 54 if you do your homework, and 55 very well

29、, it can insure success.part iii reading comprehension (30 marks) directions: read the following three passages. each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one that fits best according to the inform

30、ation given in the passage. asticking to the following exercises will probably help you to reach your fitness goal. 1. jumping ropejumping rope is a cheap and easily portable exercise that you can do almost anywhere. this workout burns more calories per minute than any other workout. one of the best

31、 things about jumping rope is that you can do it with your kids. moreover, jumping rope is a fantastic way to fit in a highly effective cardio(有氧运动)session(锻炼项目) when you are on the go. simply toss your jumping rope in your carry-on and you dont need to look for the nearest gym. so, who said jumping

32、 rope is only for kids?2. pushupsunfortunately, many people avoid doing pushups since this exercise is a bit harder to perform, but it can do wonders for your body. there are plenty of different pushups that work the different muscles in the shoulders and arms. try to vary your pushup style to lower

33、 your risk of becoming bored with exercise. do pushups a few days a week to help sculpt the arms and overall transform the body. plus, pushups are good for your heart and this exercise helps to improve your posture. just make sure you do them correctly learn to do pushups with your back straight to

34、avoid straining your back.3 . swimmingthe great news for all lovers of swimming and for those who are trying to transform their bodies it is a super effective workout that will bring you astonishing results. it helps strengthen your core and work different muscle groups. it helps to reduce your bloo

35、d pressure and strengthen your heart. plus, it is a wonderful way for your family to get moving and have plenty of fun together. though, this exercise is not as portable as jumping rope4. cyclinga cycling workout is a foolproof way to get a great sweat and work your legs. it strengthens your legs an

36、d back, encourages your heart to work more efficiently and aids in weight loss. cycling is also one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your everyday routine since its a great means of transportation. it gets you fit and saves you money. bring along your significant other or friend, or cycle so

37、lo, and ensure you get the most out of your workout.56. what do you know about “pushups”?a. pushups can be practiced easily.b. pushups fail to sculpt the arms c. pushups are good for the liver and all that.d. pushups can achieve astonishing results.57. what does the underlined word “portable” mean?a

38、. mobile b. still c. fixed d. inconvenient.58. which of the following is false about jumping rope and swimming?a. both are beneficial to transforming your body.b. both can be performed with family members.c. both are easy but very effective in building your body.d. both can burn the same amount of c

39、alories per minute.59. what can you infer from the passage?a. you can only do cycling with your friends.b. it is boring to stick to one pushup style.c. it isnt easy to keep on cycling.d. rope jumping is only for kids.60. what is the best title for such a passage?a. some workouts. b. four outdoor exe

40、rcises.c. some body transforming exercises.d. some effective ways to keep healthy. bthe boys crowded in two teams at the front of charlene skinners class as they thought over the math problem that flashed on the whiteboard. “thats not right,” one boy said. “it says find the slope,” another boy said,

41、 instructing his classmates. next door, in room a114, the girls spent five minutes in justin andersons science class writing down everything they know about dna. when the assigned time was up, anderson asked the students to share some of what they noted down. “nobodys dna is alike,” one girl said af

42、ter raising her hand. “you get it from your parents,” said another. this is how some lessons are taught at james gholson middle school in prince georges county: boys in one classroom, girls in another. advocates argue that separating boys and girls removes distractions (分心) and sex prejudice in the

43、classroom, taking the lead from expensive private schools and boarding schools that have relied on single-sex learning for generations. but opponents say there is little evidence that such separation works, that it can be discriminatory (歧视) and that it doesnt properly prepare students for a world t

44、hat is mixed. some experts say single-sex classes can break down sex stereotypes (定式), create opportunities for students and improve test scores. kathy couture, an education professor at stetson university in florida and a board member of the national association for single sex public education, sai

45、d students tend to be more focused on their curriculum and less concerned about impressing or getting attention from the opposite sex. she said girls tend to “dumb themselves down for boys” when they are together in math and science classes. but a report published last week by the psychological bull

46、etin which reviewed 184 studies to compare the outcomes of learning in single-sex and mixed classrooms raised questions about whether there are any real advantages to single-sex classrooms. janet hyde, one of the reports co-authors, said there was no evidence to support the argument that boys do bet

47、ter orally or that girls improve in math and science when in single-sex settings. what is more important is that separating students might not adequately prepare them for college and careers. “one of the major purposes of school is to prepare students for the adult world, and that world is mixed,” j

48、anet hyde said. “i think we do harm to students by not preparing them for the adult world.”61. what purpose does the first paragraph serve?a. to show how boys and girls are taught separately. b. to show how the students behave in class.c. to show how the two lessons are different.d. to show how the

49、class activities are organized.62. why does james gholson middle school teach students separately? a. because single-sex classes are popular in america. b. because students may be more concentrated in single-sex classes. c. because girls tend to look down upon boys in mixed classes. d. because it is

50、 a private and expensive school.63. according to kathy couture, what is the disadvantage of a mixed class? a. students are not interested in their curriculums. b. students may be disturbed by the opposite sex in their study. c. girls are often absent from math and science classes. d. students have f

51、ewer chances to have tests.64. what is the point of janet hydes statement on single-sex classes? a. single-sex classes do not improve boys speaking ability. b. single-sex classes lead to worse academic performance. c. single-sex classes harm the students in their future study and work. d. single-sex

52、 classes do not help students physical development in their childhood .65. whats the main idea of this passage? a. single-sex classes have the edge over mixed classes. b. in single-sex classes boys can learn languages better. c. mixed classes have the obvious advantage over single-sex classes d. eff

53、ects of separated education remains to be assessed further cenergy independence. it has a nice ring to it. doesnt it? if you think so, youre not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of american president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent

54、 oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.“energy independence” and its rhetorical (修辞的) companion “energy security” are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely though through. what is it we want independence from, exactly?most people would probably say tha

55、t they want to be independent from imported oil. but there are reasons that we buy all that old from elsewhere.the first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. yes, there is a trickle(涓涓细流)of biofuel(生物燃料)available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.second, americans have basically decided that they dont really want to produce all their own oil. they value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. vast areas of the united states are off-limit


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