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1、 I. Listen and read about the health care system in three different countries and answer the question. the characteristic of health care in Britain: _. _ The government pay for the health care. The hospitals are owned by the government. Fill in the blanks according to the second paragraph. Until rec

2、ently there have been problems. This is because the government has not _ enough money _ the health service. As a result, more people are using _. put into private health insurance the characteristic of health care in America: _ _ _ _ _. Most people have private health insurance. Doctors work for the

3、mselves and hospitals are privately owned.The health insurance company pays the doctors and the hospitals What is the problem with this system? The problem with this system is that poorer people dont have the money to pay for private insurance. As a result, they have both health and money problems.

4、the characteristic of health care in Canada: _ _ _ _ Heath care is free. Doctors work privately and hospitals are privately owned. The government pays medical fees. What is the situation of health care in China? Which health care system do you think is the best? Write two or three sentences explaini

5、ng why. 1. 医疗系统医疗系统 2. 支付支付 3. 直到最近直到最近 II. Read the passage again and translate the following phrases or sentences. 1. the health care system 2. pay for 3. until recently 4. as a result 5. private heath insurance 6. the health insurance company 4. 结果结果 5.私人医疗保险私人医疗保险 6. 医疗保险公司医疗保险公司 7. 英国是世界上第一个实行免

6、费医疗英国是世界上第一个实行免费医疗 的的 国家国家, 费用由政府部门支付。费用由政府部门支付。 Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government. 8. 在英国在英国, ,政府部门投入医疗服务的政府部门投入医疗服务的 资金不够。资金不够。 In Britain the government has not put enough money into the health service. 9. 在美国医院归私人所有在美国医院归私人所有,

7、 医疗保医疗保 险公司支付医生的工资和医院的险公司支付医生的工资和医院的 开销。开销。 In America, hospitals are privately owned and the health insurance company pays the doctors and the hospitals. 10. 这种医疗系统的的问题是穷人们没有这种医疗系统的的问题是穷人们没有 钱购买医疗保险。钱购买医疗保险。 The problem with this system is that poorer people dont have the money to pay for private h

8、ealth insurance. a. He said that chocolate and cheese can often give you migraine. b. I see lights in front of my eyes and I have to sleep in a dark room. c. He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms. Put these sentences in the right order to make a paragraph. d. For three years, I hav

9、e had very bad headaches about three or four times a month. e. And now I dont get migraines any more. I feel great! f. I am a sixteen-year-old boy. g. So I stopped eating chocolate and cheese. h.Two months ago I went to see a doctor about my headaches. the right order is gfdb hc e a 如何写与如何写与“健康问题健康问

10、题”有关的话题作有关的话题作 文文 【案例呈现【案例呈现】 6月月6日是全国日是全国“爱眼日爱眼日”, 2013年年“爱爱 眼日眼日”活动的主题为活动的主题为“关爱青少年眼健关爱青少年眼健 康康 ”。你。你(李华李华)作为学校广播站的一名播音作为学校广播站的一名播音 员员, 打算在周一下午的英文频道打算在周一下午的英文频道健康之声健康之声 广播节目中分析近视眼形成的原因并介绍广播节目中分析近视眼形成的原因并介绍 科学用眼的知识和方法,帮助全体学生培科学用眼的知识和方法,帮助全体学生培 养良好的用眼习惯,防止近视。养良好的用眼习惯,防止近视。 注意:注意:1. 词数:词数:100左右。左右。 2

11、. 文章的开头和结尾已经给出,文章的开头和结尾已经给出, 但不计入总词数。但不计入总词数。 Good afternoon, everyone. This is Li Hua at the school radio station. June 6, 2013 is the National Eye Care Day. Today I will talk about how to protect our eyesight. _. I hope our report might bring your attention to the problem and be helpful for you. T

12、hank you for listening. 【写作指导【写作指导】 审题定调:审题定调:本文主要通过广播节目的形本文主要通过广播节目的形 式来宣传介绍科学用眼的知识和方法,式来宣传介绍科学用眼的知识和方法, 属于属于说明文说明文。在有限的词数里要宣传这。在有限的词数里要宣传这 一活动,内容应该涉及:一活动,内容应该涉及: 1. 学校中近视眼的学生不断增多(现学校中近视眼的学生不断增多(现 象,可以列数字);象,可以列数字); 2. 近视形成的原因;近视形成的原因; 3. 如何保护视力(解决的办法)。时态如何保护视力(解决的办法)。时态 用一般现在时;人称用第一人称或第用一般现在时;人称用第

13、一人称或第 二人称。二人称。 布局谋篇:布局谋篇: Para. 1 The subject (已给出已给出) Para. 2 Problem the current situation increasing number of students with short-sightedness Para. 3 Reasons students do a lot of reading; read in bed; dont read in well-lit rooms; . Para. 4 Solutions do eye exercises; . Para. 5 Closing (已给出已给出) 常

14、用表达:常用表达: 1. We should take the following measures to protect our eyesight. 2. The number of students who wear glasses is increasing. 3. Comparison of the number to the last years figure, we find . 4. Reasons for the problem are . 5. Solutions to the problem are . 6. We have interviewed a doctor about what students can do to protect . 7. The doctor strongly sug


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