1、1第1章切削加工基础知识1.1切削加工概述切削 cutting;力口工 mach ining;金属切削metal cutting(metal removal);金属切削工艺metal-removal process;金属工艺学 tech no logyof metals;机器制造 machine-building;机械加工machining;冷加工 cold machining;热加工 hot work ing;工件 workpiece;切屑chip;常见的加工方法uni versal mach ining method;钻削 drilling;镗肖 U bori ng;车肖U turning
2、 ;磨肖U grinding;铳削 milli ng;刨肖 U pla nning;插削 slotting ;锉 filing ;划线 lineation;錾切 carving;锯 sawing;刮削 facing;钻孑L boring;攻丝tap;1.2零件表面构成及成形方法变形力 deforming force;变形 deformati on;几何形状geometrical;尺寸 dimension ;精度 precisi on;表面光洁度surface fini sh;共轭曲线 conjugate curve;范成法 generation method;轴 shaft;1.3机床的切削运
3、动及切削要素主运动 main movement;主运动方向direct ion of main moveme nt;进给方向 directi on of feed;进给运动 feed movement;合成进给运动resulta nt moveme nt of feed;合成切削运动resulta nt moveme ntof cutt ing;合成切削运动方向direction ofresulta nt moveme nt of cutti ng ;切削速度 cutting speed;传动 drive/tra nsmissi on;切削用量 cutting parameters;切削速度
4、cutting speed;切削深度depth of cut;进给速度feed force;切削功率 cutting power;1.4金属切削刀具合金工具钢 alloy tool steel;高速钢 high-speed steel;硬质合金hard alloy;易加工 ease of manufacturing ;切削刀具cutting tool;刀具 cutter;车刀 lathe tool;主切削刃 main cutting edge;副切削刃assista nt cutt ing edge;刀体 tool body ;刀柄 tool shank;前刀面rake face;主后刀面ma
5、jor flank;刀尖 nose of tool;主剖面系tool orthogo nal pla ne system;切削平面 tool cuttingedge plane;主剖面 tool orthogonal plane;切削宽度 width of the uncut chip;进给平面系assumed work ing pla ne system;力口工表面 transient surface;前角 rake angle;后角 clearanee angle;主偏角 tool cutting edge angle;刀尖角 nose angle;1.5刀具切削过程及磨削机理塑性变形 p
6、lastic distortion;微观组织,显微结构microstructure ;切削力 cutting force;切削温度 cutting temperature;积屑瘤 built-up edge;刀尖磨损 nose wear;月牙洼crater;残留应力 residual stress;应力 stress;硬度 rigidity;磨肖0 grinding;砂轮 grinding wheel;磨粒grain;剪切shear;摩擦 fricti on;内力 in ternal force ;1.61.8切削加工质量、材料的切削加工性、切削液的选择力口工精度 machining accu
7、racy;表面质量 surface finish;工艺性能tech no logical performa nee;材料切削加工性指标mach in ability in dex of material;切削液 cutting fluid ;切削油 cutting oil;1.9件的装夹及夹具定位梢dowel;定位 allocati on;机床夹具jig;组装线 Assembly line; 机械零件 mechanical parts;钳工 locksmith ;精加工 finish machining;粗加工 rough machining; 气动夹紧pneuma-lock; 同心,同心度
8、concen tricity ;垂直度 perpendicular;基准 ben chmark;基准线 referenee line;夹具 fixture;通用夹具 universal fixture;专用夹具Fixture for special purpose;可调夹具 adjustable fixture;组合夹具 modular fixture;工序 process;设计基准 designing datum;工艺基准datum features in process;1.10金属切削机床机床 mach ine tool;机床运动 motion of machine;机床型号 machi
9、ne tool model;机床加工精度 mach ining accuracyof mach ine tool;车床lathe;普通车床engine lathe;卧式车床 horizontal lathe;立式车床 vertical lathe;钻床 drill press;镗床 boring machine;铳床 milli ng mach ine;磨床 grinder ( grindingmachine);牛头刨床shaper;龙门刨床planer;13 插床slottingmachine(slotter );第2章常用加工方法综述及加工方案选择一、车削车肖U turning;车刀 la
10、the tool ;车床lathe ;普通车床engine lathe;卧式车床 horizontal lathe;立式车床 vertical lathe;仿形车床duplicati ng lathe (copy lathe);转塔车床turret lathe;纟田长车由 long slender shaft纵向车削 straight turning;锥体车肖U taper turning;仿形车肖 U con tour turning;端面车削facing;回转表面 surface of revolution;平面 flat surface;圆面 round surface ;仿形表面 co
11、n toured surface ;退刀槽recess ;卡盘chuck;尾架 tailstock;床头箱,主轴箱 headstock;销 pin;卡箍 bar clasp;花盘 faceplate;主轴 spindle;二、钻削钻削 drilling;钻床 drill press;钻头drill;锪孑L counter boring;内表面 internal surface ;铰孔、扩孔 reaming;攻丝 tapping;孑L加工 spot facing machining;铰 ream;铰刀 reamer;盲孔 blind hole;麻花钻 twist drill;埋头孑L count
12、ersink;锥柄 taper shank;三、镗削镗削bore;镗床 boring machine;镗杆 boring bar ;纵向镗肖U straight boring;表面光洁度surface fini sh;卧 式镗孑L 机 horizontalboringmach ine;四、铳削铳削mill;铳床 milling machine ;铳刀 milling cutter;缝 Slot ;槽 groove;平面 flat surface;圆面 round surface ;仿形表面 con toured surface;周铳 Peripheral milling ;端铳 face mi
13、lling;multi modelmiller;靠模铳床;copy milling machine;仿形铳床 ;contouring machine;五、磨削 磨肖U grinding;internalgrindinggrinding磨床 grinder (grinding machine); 夕卜圆磨肖U external grinding;内 圆 磨削grindin g(cyli ndricalgrin di ng);平面磨肖Uplanegrindingabrasive;外 圆磨床 cylindricalmach ine;平面磨床 surface grinder;外 圆磨床 cylindr
14、icalmach ine ;内圆磨床 internalcylindricalmach ine;成形磨床 form grinding machine; 仿形磨床 copy grinding machine ; 万能工 具磨床 universal grinding mach ine;六、拉削拉肖U broaching;拉床 broachi ng mach ine;拉刀 broaching tool;外表面拉削 externalbroachi ng;内表面拉削internalbroachi ng;多功能机床multifu nction多齿刀具 multitooth tool;切屑槽 chip gul
15、let;七、刨削刨肖U planning;surfacesurfacemach ine;牛头刨床shaper;龙门刨床planer;龙门刨削planning;旋臂刨床radial drilling machine ;仿形刨床 copy shaping machine;八、齿轮加工齿轮加工 gear machining;齿轮gear;滚齿 gear hobbing;滚齿刀 hobbing cutter;直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear;斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear;直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear ;tool齿轮齿条 pinio
16、n and rack;蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear;九、螺纹加工螺纹加工 thread machining;螺纹切削 thread cutting;攻丝 tapping;丝锥tap;板牙die;螺钉screw;标准件 standard component;位移 displacement ;截面 sectio n;十、光整加工光整加工 micro finishing; 研磨 mull (lapp in g); 研磨剂 lapping compound;研磨膏paste;研磨机床 lapping machine抛光polishi ng ;抛光膏 buffing cream;抛光轮
17、 polish ing wheel;抛光机 polisher ;珩磨 honing ;珩磨轮 honing wheel;珩磨机床 honing machine;超精加 工机床superfinishingmach ine;超精加工superfinish;第3章机械加工工艺过程机械加工工艺过程 machi ning process;工步 step of an operati on;工位 work station;工序 process;工艺文件 manufacturingprocessdocume nt;工艺卡片 tech no logical card;工艺规程process plan;机械加工工
18、艺卡 mach ining processsheet;工艺设计 tech no logical desig n;设计基准 designing datum;工 艺基准 datum features in process;基准重合 consistencyof datumfeature;基面统一原则 unified datum prin ciple;机械加工工序卡 machining operatio n sheet;工艺过程设计 process pla nnin g;工艺路线 process route;工艺过程卡 process sheet;产品规格 product specification;
19、产品用途product use;产品责任 product liability;生产线 production line;生产进度计划 production schedule;生产率 productivity;批量生产 batch product ion;第4章切削加工零件结构工艺性切削 cutting;力口工 mach ining;工件 workpiece;零件part;毛坯rough;工艺性能 processing property;装配结构的合理性 ratio nality of assembly structure;零件结构合理性rationalityofdetail structure;
20、标准化 standardization;第5章先进制造技术先进制造技术 AdvancedManu facturi ng Tech no logy;信息技术 in formati on Tech no logy; 产品 product;设计 desig n ;力口工 machining;检测check;管理 man age;销售sell;使用use;服务serve;回收 reclaim;计算机集成制 造系统 ComputerIn tegratedManu facturi ngSystem(CIMS);智能制造系统IntelligentManu facturi ng System (IMS);精密
21、工程 precise engineering;成组技术 group tech no logy;方式(法)methodology;柔性制造系统 FlexibleManufacturing System( FMS ;数控机床nu merically con trolledmach ine tool;加工中心 Machining Center( MC ;计 算机数字控制 computerized numerical con trol (CNC);自动换刀装置 automatic tool changer ( ATC ;直接数字控制 Direct numerical control( DNC ;分布式
22、数字控制 Distributednumerical control( DNC ;群控DNC;单机自 动化sta nd-alo neautomatizati on ;自动机床 Automatic machine;组合机床 comb in ati on mach ine;专用机床 special machine;NC钻床 NC drilling machine ;NC磨床 NC grinding machine;NC车床 NC lathe ;卧式加工制造中心horiz on tai machi ne cen ter;立式加工制造中心vertical machi ne cen ter;车间 shop
23、 floor;库存 inventory;工艺 process;分类 classification;编码系统 coding system;零件外型 part configuration;工艺规戈U process planning;单元式制造cellular manu facturi ng;小车维修站Cart maintenance statio n;零件清洗站 Parts wash station;装卸站 Unioad station;回收系统 Recovery system;小车转弯站Cart turnaround stati on;集成化 integration ;协调 tradeoff;
24、成族零件 family-of-part;换刀装置Tool changer;机床控制装置mach ine con trol un it;组装线 Assembly line;第6章先进制造运行模式先进制造运行模式AdvancedManu facturi ng Operati on Model;计算机集成制造系统 ComputerIn tegratedManu facturi ng Systems(CIMS ;精益生产(LP亦称精良生产)Lea n Product ion;敏捷制造Agile Manufacturing(AM ;绿色制造 Green Manufacturing;计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Desig n( CAD); 计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Man ufacturi ng(CAM);计算机辅助工艺过程设计ComputerAided process pla n
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