已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 3 Welcome to our schoolWelcome to the unitStep 1: Lead-inWe have many subjects. Learn Millies subjects. 呈现三个新单词:biology, geography, historyThen ask two questions.Step 2:Show the video of Hobo and Eddie. Then answer the questions. Ask them read, then act it out.Step 3:Ask what day it is? Then sh

2、ow the Millie s subjects. Find out what subjects Millie have today. Then ask the students what lessons they have.Show some pictures of the subjects. 回顾三个新单词。Step 4: 活动According the model, then make a dialogue. Ask some students to act out.Step 5:导入open day 的概念。 Then listen and read the dialogue. Ans

3、wer five questions about the dialogue. Then speak up again.Step 6: HomeworkReadingStep 1: Free talk 1. What is your favourite subject?2. Our school is beautiful. What can you see in the school?3. What is in front of your classroom?4. Is your classroom on the ground floor?Step 2: Lead-inExplain the w

4、ords and phrases in the passageStep 3: Listening Listen to the tape, and tick the correct answersStep 4: Here are some pictures of different places at Millies school. Help her write the correct words under the pictures.Step 5: Read the information about Sunshine Middle School. Write a T if a sentenc

5、e is true or an F if it is false.Step 6: Homework 1. Recite this passage2. Finish exercises on your paperContent: Grammar ITeaching aims:To learn to use the subject form of personal pronounsImportant points: To understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in thesen

6、tences freelyDifficult points:To understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in the sentences freelyTeaching approaches: Discussion PracticeTeaching aids: A tape recorder Teaching procedures:Step 1 : Presentation 1. Leading-inThe teacher introduces himself and oth

7、er students ,say:Im your teacher .You are my students .We are in Class 1.This is, she is from Li Ji. That boy is, he comes from Hua Yuan. They have a friend Eddie. It is a dog.Write down the sentences on the Bb and underline the personal pronouns .Make Ss be clear what they replace in these sentence

8、s and they are the subject form of personal pronouns .2. Learning Help Ss learn the sentences in the table .ask Ss to draw a line from the pronoun to the noun it refers to. Help Ss understand the usage of personal pronouns.(1).Tom is very tall. He likes football very much.(2). I am Susan .This is Ja

9、ck. We are in the same class. Step 2: Practice1 Write several sentences on Bb, underline the personal pronouns .Ask students to speak out what the pronouns replace in the sentence.This is Tom, he is my best friend.Mrs. Brown is very nice, she often gives me sweets. Lily, what class are you in?2. Ask

10、 Ss to finish Part A1.A2. , read to check answers.3. Help Ss understand Part3, learn several phrases, then let Ss finish PartA3. At last, ask some questions:(1)What does Simon do on Mondays and Wednesdays?(2)When do the students meet at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School?(3)What does Kitty do every d

11、ay?Step 3: Play a gameIntroduce a classmates life like:S1: Im .S2: He/She is very tall/.S3:He/She often gets up at.S4: The person who cant go on saying should sit down. The person who stands until the last is the winner.Step 4: Do some exercises. Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.1. This is

12、 Amy. _ is a new student .2 .My sister watches the film on TV. _ is very interesting.3. Sandy likes reading. _ has a lot of books.4. I want to play badminton. Would you like to go with _?5. I love my parents. _ are doctors and _are very friendly to sick peopleStep 5: Extension activity Ask Ss to und

13、erstand all the personal pronouns (subject form) in the reading passage. Order several personal pronouns at the same time. 单数:you, he/she and I,复数:we, you and they.Step 6: Homework Content: Grammar IITeaching aims:To distinguish the subject form and object form of the personal pronouns.Important poi

14、nts: To make sure where to use the object form and distinguish the different forms easily. Difficult points:To make sure where to use the object form and distinguish the different forms easily Teaching Approaches:Discussion PracticeTeaching aids: some pictures Teaching procedures:Step 1: Revision 1.

15、 Translate phrases.2. Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.(1)Her name is Sandy. _ is 12 years old. (2)Look at Lily and Lucy, _are twin sisters.(3) -Where is the bird? -_ is in the tree .I like it very much.Step2: Presentation1. Ask: The two “it” are the same, right?2. Do you know what are the

16、 object form of personal pronouns?3. Work through the sample sentences on Page 30.Write some more sample sentences on Bb.(1).The children are in Class l, Grade7.We all know them.(2).The boy is sleeping. Dont wake him up.(3).We should be quick. Look. They are waiting for us. 4. Explain the difference

17、s between the subject form and object form by referring to the table in Part B. Step 3: Practice 1. Complete the sentences on P30, then check answers.2. Learn the dialogue.3. Read it. 4. Fill in the blank with personal pronouns.My name is Amy, Simon and Kitty are my classmates. Do _ know Simon and K

18、itty? Let me introduce _ to you, I have short hair, but Kitty has long hair. _ loves swimming, but Simon loves playing football, and often plays football after school.Step 4 Summarize 1. The object form: me, you, him, it, us, them,2. Language points:teach sb. sth, walk a dog , love reading,say hello

19、 /hi /sorry /goodbye to sb I cant hear you well. Pardon?Step 5. Homework Integrated skillsStep One: Free talk l Do you like your school?l What do you have in your school?l How many floors does the building have?l Which floor is your classroom on?l Is your library open every day?l Are there many book

20、s in your library? Give Ss a sample as belowS1: Do you have a hall at your school?S2: Yes, we have a big hall.S1: Really? When is it open?S2: It opens when there are some activities.S1: What activities do you often have there?S2: We often have meetings there. Sometimes we have parties there, too.S1:

21、 Great!Step Two: Presentation Listen to the dialogue and answer1. What place are they talking about?2. Do some true or false questions l The library in Amys school is big. ( )l It opens from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ( )l The reading room is only open in the afternoon. ( )l There are many books in the librar

22、y. ( )l Amy often borrows CDs from the library. ( )Step Three: Listening 1. How do you get to school? How does it take?2. Listen to the tape and finish the matching on P37.3. Fill in the table on P37 as much as possible.4. Listen again and finish the table.5. Fill in the blank on P38 and check if yo

23、u are all right.Step four: Speak upNameHowHow longLanguage points: (1) by busby乘坐;I go to school by bus every day. = I take a bus to school every day.(2) fromto 从到e.g. We stay at school from 7.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Its a long way from my home to Lilys.(3) When is it open? 疑问词 when引导的疑问句是对时间进行提问的。 eg.

24、 When are you going to watch the film?(4) all kinds of books kind n. 种类 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的eg. The apple is a kind of fruit. There re all kinds of flowers in the garden.(5) brorrowfrom 向借eg. Can we borrow books from the school library?Step Six: Homework. Study skills教学目标:1.了解常见的辅音字母及字母组合

25、的发音。 2.运用本课所学读音规律,准确朗读新单词。 3.正确流利的朗读含有本课所学辅音的句子。教学步骤:Step 1: Presentation1. 呈现图片,引出含有不同辅音的单词。2. 用彩色笔将括号单词中发音为/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/,/h/,/m/,/n/.辅音标注出来,并提醒学生至于这些字母组合的发音。3. 用事先做好的音标卡向学生呈现本课所要教授的14个辅音。Step 2: Practise 1. 要求学生讲课本39页表格右边的音标遮挡起来,指导他们听录音并自己总结每组单词的发音。2. 鼓励学生跟着录音朗读表格中的单词。提醒学生注意常见的字母组合的发音及一些

26、易错的发音。Step 3: Look at the words in Part A. Pay attention to the different sounds of the letters.1. 启发和鼓励学生体会并发现清辅音和浊辅音的区别。2. 启发和鼓励学生体会并发现其余几组辅音发音的不同。Step 4: It is your turn to make up some words. Please fill in different letters to make up the words in Part B.Step 5: Exercise Here are some sentences

27、 for you to read. Who can read them? Pay attention to the sounds of the letters in bold.Step 6:教师提供rhyme,帮助训练发音。1. Do you know Mary? Marry who? Mary Snow Of course I do Meet her in the morning You can meet her anytime you want2. Where is.? I put it here. But I cant find it. It must be lost. Take it

28、easy.Step 7: homework1. 朗读课本上提供的语音练习。2. 完成老师的书面练习。3. 预习 Task. TaskStep1: Lead in1. 用一些自己学校以及学生活动的图片(上学的、做操的、看书的等)来导入话题。老师就这些图片提出问题,帮助学生复习一些学过的词和短语:classroom playground library a reading room 2. Free talk: Talk about your school life.Questions: Are you happy at school? How many classes do you have ev

29、ery day?What are they?Do you have any good friends now? Who are they?What do you often do after school?What time do you get up in the morning?Step2: Get to know Liu Yi school life1. Read the guideline together by students themselves. (了解范文的话题背景)2. Read the letter and answer the following questions:What is the name of this school?Is his school big or small?How many classrooms do they have?Do they have a playground?Do they have a library? Do they have a reading room?How about his teachers?How does he go to school?How long


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