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1、Unit3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section B 教材:Project English (仁爱版)年级:七年级上册一、教学对象分析学生在Section A中已经学习了表示职业的名词以及有关打招呼、询问职业等信息的表达方式,具备了本课所需要的语言基础。初一的学生有较强的求知欲和表现欲,学习询问有关职业、工作场所等基本情况的话题还是很能激发起学生学习的兴趣。同时,在教学活动中采取小组竞赛的方式,培养学生的团队意识,设计从易到难的教学环节,使各层次的学生均能学有所获等设想都充分考虑了不同层次学生的需要。二、教材内容分析本节课继续谈论有关职业的话题,继

2、在Section A中呈现询问职业的表达方式之后,本课又进一步询问工作场所。要求学生在巩固询问职业的表达方式之后,综合地询问他人的工作情况。同时,在学习职业话题的句型中,初步了解动词加上er/or变成相应名词的构词法。三、教学目标1. 知识目标1)学生能掌握课文中新的单词、词组和重要句型。例如:show, work,hospital, restaurant, on, farm, teach, act, drive; Where does he/she work? He/She works in a hospital/in a school/in a restaurant/in an offic

3、e/on a farm. Where do they work? They work in/on2)学生能初步了解动词加上er/or变成相应名词的构词法。2. 技能目标 1)学生能听懂有关询问职业、工作场所等基本情况的简单对话或叙述。2)学生能根据图文就职业、工作场所等基本情况的话题进行交流。3)学生能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演。3. 情感目标1)通过和他人共同完成任务,培养学生的合作精神。2)通过小组竞赛的方式,培养学生的团队意识。四、教学重难点分析1教学重点1)学生能就职业、工作场所等基本情况的话题进行交流。2)学生能初步掌握动词加上er/or变成相应名词的构词法。2. 教学难点 学

4、生运用本话题所学句型了解同学家长的工作情况。五、教具 福建省教育资源公共服务平台、口语100英语学习平台、多媒体、黑板。六、教学过程Step I Review(6 mins)1. Ask the students to sing a song about all kinds of jobs.Designing Purpose: The students are from 7 graders. The junior students are teenagers. They are curious, active and fond of games, competitions, songs and

5、 various activities. They enjoy learning in the exciting, interesting and relaxed atmosphere. So this part can arouse the students interest to learn the new lesson. At the same time, the students will review some words, such as, dancer, astronaut, lawyer, president, rock star, firefighter, actress,

6、pilot and engineer.1. Then ask the students to match the words of jobs with the pictures. Designing Purpose: Do some interesting exercises to check if the students can master the words of jobs well.Step II Check the homework(6 mins)1. Enjoy the students recitation of Section A 1a on Kouyu100 and con

7、solidate the words with more mistakes. 2. Check the new words assignment on Kouyu100 and practice some new words that the students cant master well.3. Download some videos assignment on Kouyu100 and watch them to check if the students can use the sentence patterns of Section A to introduce their fam

8、ily.Designing Purpose: Because the students finish their oral English homework on Oral English 100 platform, the teacher can obtain accurate data analysis to improve classroom efficiency, improve teaching quality and cultivate students interest in learning English.Step III Presentation: 1. Word form

9、ation(6 mins)1) Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the videos above.2) Ask the students to classify some words by part of speech. Then find the rules of the word formation. (v.+ er/or = n.)3) Get the students to make some sentences by using some verbs and nouns.e.g. (teach; teacher)

10、 Miss Lu teaches English in our school. She is a teacher. Designing Purpose: The students find the rules of the word formation by themselves by doing some exercises. It is good for cultivating the self-learning ability.2. Listening(12mins)1) Pre-listening Practice the sentence patterns. -What does h

11、e/she do? -What do they do? -He/She is a -They are -Where does he/she work? -Where do they work? -He/She works in/on -They work in/on Ask the students to practice the sentence patterns with the teacher, then work in pairs to make up new conversations. Designing Purpose: Help students to get ready fo

12、r the listening with the help of practicing the important sentence patterns of Section B 1a. 2). While-listeninga. Ask the students to listen to 1a and match the pictures with Marias parents jobs and workplaces.b. Ask the students to listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks.3).Post-listeningLet the

13、 students read the dialogue after the recording sentence by sentence, and try to follow the speed, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then act out the dialogue together. Designing Purpose: Help students to get more familiar with the important sentence patterns of Section B 1a.Step

14、 IV Consolidation and Production(10mins)Work in pairs. Make up a new conversation according to the situation.Suppose your classmate comes to visit you, you show a photo of your family to your classmate. Then you are talking about your family photo. The students can use the sentence patterns of Secti

15、on B.(What does he/she do? What do they do? Where does he/she work? Where do they work?) to make up new conversations. Designing Purpose: Enable the students to communicate in different contexts and improve their ability of spoken language and practical application.Step Summary(2mins)We learn: 1) so

16、me new words, phrases and sentences: show, work, hospital, restaurant, on, farm, teach, act, drive; Where does he/she work? He/She works in a hospital/in a school/in a restaurant/in an office/on a farm. Where do they work? They work in/on2) the rules of the word formation.Designing Purpose: Get the

17、students to be clear about the important expressions in this unit.Step Evaluation(1 min)Find out which group is the winner.Designing Purpose: Encourage students interest in English and take part in class activity actively and cultivate students cooperative spirit.Step Homework(2 mins) 1) Complete th

18、e exercises of Section B.2) Recite the conversation of Section B 1a on Kouyu100.3) Write down your conversation on the learning case.(有困难的同学可以参考上课同学编的对话,课后老师把视频传到福建省教育资源公共服务平台我的网络学习空间) Designing Purpose: Get the students to finish some creative and instructive tasks as their homework which are suitable for diffe


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