1、第一单元 新视野第三版第二册辽宁工程技术大学基础教学部外语教研室大学英语(2)教案课题名称Unit One: Language in mission课次第(1-4)次课课时1. Every teaching period contains 45 mins2. Every 2 periods for each teaching stage3. 4 stages (2 weeks) for Unit 1课型理论();实验();实习();、实务();习题课();讨论();其他()授课班级教学目标 Teaching Objectives:1) To talk about language teachi
2、ng2) To further understand the text3) To apply the phrases and patterns4) To master the essay writing skill重点、难点及解决方法Text analysis; language points and sentence patterns; writing skills本单元教学基本内容与时间分配Total class time for this unit: 8 periodsSuggested arrangement:1) Pre-reading activities of Text A: 2
3、02) Self reading conduction A for questions answers: 103) Structure analysis 104) Detailed discussion of solving problems: 505) Text summary:206) Language points summary: 307) Critical Thinking 208) Writing assignments: 209) Reading skill analysis: 3010) Detailed study of Text B: 5011) Comprehensive
4、 exercises of Section B: 1012) Listeningspeaking : 90教学过程Text A第一次课教学目的及要求After completing this text, students should be able to:use the key language to talk about English learningapply the reading skill reading for the key idea in a sentencewrite a three-part essay with a good introductiontranslate
5、 sentences by properly using conjunctionsuse English learning strategies consciously教学重难点Using proper language to talk about English learning How to apply the reading skill reading for the key idea in a sentence教学材料教学方法1. 教学材料:Text A课文、练习 2. 教学方法:Under the guidance of student-centered principle, app
6、ly communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation教学过程一、课前导入Talking about your experience of learning English Watch the video clip and discuss the following question in pairs.1)According to the speaker, in
7、 what ways did Chinese students learn English?Chinese students practice their English by screaming it. 2)Do you agree with what he said about Chinese students learning English? Why or why not.Yes, I just learned English exactly that way. No, we have learned English in different ways.3) How do you le
8、arn English? What do you think of your way of English learning?I learn English by: listeningtotheteachercarefullyinclasstakingnotestogooverlessonslatercatchingeverychancetopracticespeakinglisteningandreadinga lotdoingenoughexercisestopracticegrammar rulesI think my way of English learning is: effect
9、ive, ineffective, interesting, boring challenging but rewarding examination-oriented 二、文本学习1. Global understanding of the text 1)Scan the text in three minutes and fill in the blanks. After I read the passage, I know the text talking about how _ and _ can be taught efficiently. The writer might be a
10、 _ and a _ as well. 2)What is the writing style of the text? Why?The writing style of the text is relaxed, which is proved by a lot of short sentences and paragraphs, casual verbs, daily talks and simple modifiers. 3)Map the text structure and fill in the blanks. 2. Detailed understanding of the tex
11、tRead the text again and answer the following questions.1) Why does the son think that his father is a tedious oddity? Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules.2) Why does the author think that students language deficits should be blamed on schools?Bec
12、ause the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language.3) What does the father teach the son while giving him a grammar lesson? H
13、e familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs.4) What are the two things that the author uses to describe grammar and vocabulary? The author uses “road map” and “car” to describe g
14、rammar and vocabulary. Here, “road map” is considered as grammar and “car” as vocabulary.5) How do you understand the interjection “whoa!” said by the father toward the end of the text? Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection “whoa!” reflects
15、the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the authors humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two different feelings.第二次课一、文本拓展1) Text SummaryAn Impressive English LessonTo my son, I am a _: a father he i
16、s _ listen to and a man _ the rules of grammar. And I got _ this because my student was unable to describe properly her feeling on her _ to Europe. However, it doesnt _ to criticize our students. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these _ because there is a sense that they _. On one ha
17、nd, they are misled by the_. On the other hand, school fails to _ the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a _ and a _: often study the road map (check grammar) and _ the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar a
18、nd a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a _ car. _, _, and _ communication depends upon grammar and a good vocabulary, the two _ assets for students, but they are _ in schools.2) Language Points3. Criticl thinking1)What do you think of the “impressive English lesson”? Is it effe
19、ctive? l Yes. Because the lesson aroused childrens interest in learning English grammar. l Yes. Because the way to learn grammar is more natural, interesting and enjoyable.l Yes, because learners become more motivated when learning something they like.l No. because its like a street learning without
20、 formal instruction.2) Do you think English grammar helps you a lot in learning English? Why or why not? English grammar helps a lot:l Order sentences correctly.l Use words properly.l Talk with other English speakers confidentlyEnglish grammar is of little help:l Only give rules that are hard to rem
21、ember.l It is not helpful in a real-life setting due to the limited time to think and recall the rules.l Not always applicable to the real language, especially idioms.3) How can you effectively enlarge your vocabulary? l Read more English from online sources.l Watch English TV / listen to English ra
22、dio / watch English online videos.l Talk often with English speakers.l Listen carefully and extensively.l Use dictionaries to look up unfamiliar words.l Use new words as often as possible.二、写作训练 (P13)1)Structure Analysis As the name of our textbook implies, we read English in order to write in it. B
23、ut how to write in the English way?As is known to all of us, what we write reflects what we think; and how we write mirrors how we think. In that light, our best way of writing in English is to know well how to think in English as the American or British people do. What is their way of thinking then
24、? Different from us who think in the spiral way (螺旋式), they tend to think in the linear way (线性方式 ). As far as paragraph writing is concerned, deduction (演绎法) is typical of their linear way of thinking, as shown below: Starting from this book, you are moving from paragraph writing to short essay wri
25、ting. In a likely manner, however, we will go through the same process for essay writing as we did for paragraph writing. In college writing, an essay normally has three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.The introduction is usually one short paragraph that introduces the topic to be dis
26、cussed and the thesis or thesis-advancing statement which is often placed at the end of the introductory paragraph. The thesis statement can be an opinion, an attitude or a stand about the topic. An introductory paragraph should be inviting to make the reader want to continue reading. A good introdu
27、ction may start with an anecdote, a short story, an interesting personal account, a thought-provoking question, a famous quotation or a general statement. Read the example now.2)Writing practiceDirections: Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics. One topic has an outl
28、ine you can follow.Topic: Grammar, a headache to meIntroduction: Thesis statement: English Grammar is a big headache to me.Body: Example: The difference between used to and be used toConclusion: Im allergic to learning English grammar.More topics: Learning English through imitation / repetition Lear
29、ning English with / without grammarText B第三次课教学目的及要求To be at home with previewing skillsTo decode Text B through reading for the key ideasTo derive knowledge from Text BTo learn how to write better in English教学重难点 How to derive knowledge from Text B教学材料教学方法1. 教学材料:Text B课文、练习 2. 教学方法:Under the guida
30、nce of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation教学过程1. 阅读指导Reading Skill Reading for the Key Ideas in Sentences1) Why are students encouraged to read for the key ide
31、as in sentences?Looking for the key idea in a sentence, especially for a complex sentence, is of crucial importance to comprehension of the whole passage. And, finding the key ideas of a sentence is also of great importance since we always read for information. While a sentence may give a great deal
32、 of information, it usually offers one key idea. Students must be able to find the key ideas in order to understand sentence meanings clearly.2) What can the skill “reading for the key ideas in sentences” do for us? It does render students ability in reading:l It can help readers understand the mean
33、ing of a sentence clearly;l It can help students separate minor details from the main idea.l It can help readers quickly grasp the main idea of the whole paragraph even to the text while doing skipping reading.3) What to keep in mind to find out the key idea of a sentence? l Who or what the sentence
34、 is about.l What action is taking place. n (What is the person or object doing? n What is being done to the person or object?)l What are minor details and what are the main ideas. (Many words in a sentence describe things about the subject of the sentence but they merely find the details to it. If w
35、e ask when, what, where, or why, we will find out these details, which further help us to see the key idea of the sentence.)4) What to keep in mind to find out the key idea of a sentence?Of course, we cannot always easily decide which details are simply descriptive and which add much to the key idea
36、. However, the starting point for determining the key idea in a sentence is to find who or what the sentence is about and what the person or object is doing.2. 文本学习1) Applying the reading skill What can the title “The Great Journey of Learning” tell us? The title “The Great Journey of Learning”, cou
37、pled with the topic “Language in Mission” of the unit, tells us the central ideaThe process of learning has a profound effect on ones life.2) Detailed understanding of the textRead Text B and choose the best answer to each of the questions (Page 24)Read the text again and think about the following q
38、uestions:1. Why did Malcolm X want to learn English? (Para.2) Because he was poorly educated, he felt inadequate to teach his new beliefs to others.2. What motivated Malcolm X to launch on a quest to overcome his language deficiencies? Malcolm Xs considerable frustration at his inability to read and
39、 write launched him on a quest to overcome his deficiencies.3. How did Malcolm X move from basic literacy toward true proficiency? (Para. 5) He copied dictionary, read everything he had written aloud and logged important things that happened every day. Repetition helped move him from basic literacy
40、toward true proficiency.4. What did Malcolm X obtain from language learning? (Paras. 9-10) Reading had changed forever the course of Malcolm Xs life. As he acquired knowledge, his horizons expanded. He had left behind the narrow, ignorant world of his youth to join the world community of thoughts an
41、d actions ever since he started with his great journey of learning English in prison.3. 知识总结听说训练第四次课教学目的及要求Talk about learning experiencesListen for signal words for listingGive and respond to adviceTalk about learning / teaching methods教学过程1. Listening to the worldSharing 1) Watch a podcast for its
42、 general idea.The podcast is mainly about the things people are learning at the moment and the most difficult thing they have ever learned.2) Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanksl new thingsl At the momentl quite difficult3) Watch Part 2 and check the true statements.ListeningListening skillsListening for signal words for listingl Listen for the total number of items at the beginningl Listen for words and expressions that signal the beginning, following and end of the listingn e.g. the last, the final, lastly, and finallyl Listing items with equal valuen e.g. to begin with, to start with, fu
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