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1、牛津高中英语模块七unit3-4 短语词组总结模块七 Unit 3 (1)1. search sp. for sth./ in search of 寻找2. at the price of 以的价格;以代价3. at the cost of以代价4. be beneficial to/be of benefit to 对有利,对有帮助5. benefit from/by 从中获益6. have positive/negative effects on/upon 对有积极/消极影响7. that is to say/namely 也就是说,即8. in badly/great need of 急

2、需9. a waste of time/money 浪费时间/金钱10. its no use/good doing sth. 做某事没有用/没有好处11. according to 根据12. build social ties 建立社会联系13. hand in 上交14. become/get/be addicted to sth./doing sth. 沉溺于,做上瘾15. damage peoples abilities to live normal lives 损害人们过正常生活的能力16. be explicit about 对态度明确17. be/get accustomed

3、to sth./doing sth. 习惯于做某事18. accustomed oneself to sth./doing sth. 使自己习惯于做某事19. download sth. onto sth. 把下载到上20. feel worn out 感觉疲劳,筋疲力尽21. take part in/participate in 参加22. use sth. in an intelligent manner 以明智的方式使用某事23. be eager to do sth./for sth. 渴望做某事/某事24. pie charts/bar charts 条形图/饼状图25. do r

4、esearch on/into sth./ research on/into sth. 对进行研究,做方面的研究26. aid sb. in sth./doing sth./ aid sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事27. be related to 与有联系28. make a/some/no difference to sb./sth. 对有/有些/没有影响,作用29. the same as 与一样30. belong to 属于31. there is no need (for sb.)to do sth. 没必要做某事32. turn to sb. for help 向某人寻

5、求帮助33. have sth./nothing in common with sb 与某人有共同之处34. in common 共同,共通35. in common with sb./sth. 与相同36. moreover/in addition/what,s more/besides 此外,而且37. it remains to be seen/said/done 留待以后去看/去说/去做38. take advantage of 利用39. judging from/by 从判断40. appreciate doing sth. 感激/欣赏做某事41. with the aid of

6、在的帮助下 模块七 Unit 3 (2)42. in aid of sb./sth. 为了帮助43. classify sb./sth. as 将分类为44. be content/satisfied with sth./to do sth. 对满意;对做满意45. content oneself with sth. 使自己满意于46. a contented smile 满意的微笑47. be qualified for sth./to do sth. 有资格,有资格做48. be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心49. take into consideration/acco

7、unt 考虑某事50. considerate 考虑周到的,体贴的51. considerable 相当多的,大的52. in consideration of 考虑到53. consult sb./sth. about sth. 请教某人,查阅某物54. consult with sb. 与某人商量55. attach a label to each piece of luggage 给每件行李贴上标签56. attach oneself to sb./sth. 依附于某人57. need/want/require doing/to be done 需要,需要被58. with the ti

8、me going on/ as the time went/goes on 随着时间的流逝59. as a result of 由于60. keep in touch/contact with sb. 与保持联系61. lose touch/contact with sb. 与失去联系62. get in touch /contact with sb. 与取得联系63. lack sth.(lack 为动词) 缺少64. (a)lack of sth. (lack为名词)65. be lacking in sth. (lacking 为形容词)66. remain seated 就坐,做好67

9、. other than/apart from/in addition to 除了之外68. rule out 排除69. or else 否则70. look through 仔细检查71. something of a 达到某种程度72. result from 由于,由引起73. result in 导致74. turn doctor 成为医生75. become a doctor76. make a good doctor 成为一名好医生77. consult/refer to the dictionary 查字典78. take the place of / in place of

10、代替79. in the place of 被代替80. prove (oneself) sth. 显现出,被发现是81. drop sb. off 让某人下车82. be dressed in 穿着模块七 Unit 3 (1)1. 没必要做某事2. 向某人寻求帮助3. 与某人有共同之处4. 根据5. 上交6. 沉溺于,做上瘾7. 以代价8. 对有利,对有帮助9. 使自己习惯于做某事10. 把下载到上11. 感觉疲劳,筋疲力尽12. 参加13. 此外,而且14. 利用15. 对有积极/消极影响16. 也就是说,即17. 急需18. 损害人们过正常生活的能力19. 感激/欣赏做某事20. 寻找2

11、1. 以的价格;以代价22. 浪费时间/金钱23. 做某事没有用/没有好处24. 以明智的方式使用某事25. 从中获益26. 对态度明确27. 习惯于做某事28. 渴望做某事/某事29. 对进行研究,做方面的研究30. 帮助某人某事31. 与有联系32. 对有/有些/没有影响,作用 模块七 Unit 3 (2)33. 考虑某事34. 除了之外35. (lack 为动词) 缺少36. (lack为名词)37. (lacking 为形容词)38. 相当多的,大的39. 给每件行李贴上标签40. 使自己满意于41. 与失去联系42. 排除43. 仔细检查44. 由于,由引起45. 有资格,有资格做4

12、6. 对某人有耐心47. 被代替48. 让某人下车49. 穿着50. 导致51. 成为一名好医生52. 考虑周到的,体贴的53. 与保持联系54. 为了帮助55. 对满意;对做满意56. 依附于某人57. 需要,需要被58. 随着时间的流逝59. 由于60. 请就坐,请坐好61. 查字典62. 代替63. 满意的微笑模块七 unit 4(1)1. in favor of 支持,赞成2. be sold by the dozen 按打卖3. be sold by weight 按重量、称重卖4. come to 共计为5. means of transport 运输工具6. pick up 1.

13、 好转,改善 2. 重新开始,继续 3. 接sb. 4. 捡起 5. 无意间学会 6. 廉价购买 7. 得,染上 8. 接收7. pick out 挑选出,分辨出8. drop sb. off/ drop off sb. 让某人下车9. get off 下车10. drop out (of sth. ) 从中退出,中途退学,辍学11. do/cause damage to 对造成损害12. choke off 阻塞13. lead to/ bring about 引起,导致14. pull through 恢复知觉或康复15. link up 连接,汇合,联合16. accelerate th

14、e pace of 加快步伐17. under the authority of /under ones authority 在的管理、统治下18. in use 在使用中19. function/ work/ serve as bomb shelter 充当防空洞20. travel on the underground 乘地铁旅行21. in honor of 为了纪念22. take a trip 旅行23. a place of interest 名胜古迹24. in the order of 以的顺序25. go sightseeing 去观光26. compared with/ t

15、o 和比起来27. at a discount 打折28. do a project on transport 做一个关于交通运输的报告,项目29. depend/ count/ rely on 依赖,信赖,指望30. go over 复习31. That depends./it (all) depends. 那得视情况而定32. one-way ticket 单程票33. return ticket 往返票34. protectfrom 保护免受伤害35. arise from/out of 由引起,由产生36. be aimed at 目的是,旨在37. be aware of 意识到38

16、. be true of sb. 对某人尤为重要39. violate the law 违反法律40. take the responsibility to do 为做而负责,负责做41. make the assumption that 假定,认为,猜想模块七 unit 4(2)42. walk next to ones bicycle 推着自行车走43. more than 不仅仅,不只是,超过44. be an invitation to 是的诱因45. keep sth. in good condition 使处于好的状态46. look both ways 左右看47. listen

17、 (out) for 留神等着听48. cross the road on a crossing 从斑马线上过马路49. in an orderly way 有序地50. in the distance 在远处51. choke sth. back 克制,忍住,压制52. comparatively/relatively speaking 相对来说53. advanced English / worker 高级英语/ 先进工作者54. keep pace with 与并驾齐驱,齐头并进55. have authority over 有权利56. bring/put into effect 使开

18、始使用57. come into effect 实行,实施58. take effect 生效59. a dozen eggs/dozens of eggs 一打鸡蛋/几打鸡蛋60. wish/hope for sth. 希望61. in the hope of 怀着的希望62. take notice/ note of 注意63. make the best/ most (use) of 尽可能利用64. be annoyed with sb. at /about sth. 因为生某人气65. undertake to do sth. 着手做某事66. at the sacrifice of

19、 以牺牲为代价67. be beyond sb. 对某人来说难以想象、理解68. be modest about sth. 对谦逊的69. postpone/delay/put off doing sth. 推迟,延期做70. on the coast 沿海的 (在岸上)71. off the coast 沿海的 (在水里)72. at a speed of. 以的速度73. speed up 加速74. beyond repair 无法修复75. fine sb. for sth/doing sth. 因为罚某人款76. be responsible to sb./sth. 对自己的行动想主

20、管者或上级承担责任77. on the assumption that 在的假定之下78. come/go to the/ ones rescue 援救或帮助某人79. keep an eye open/out (for sb./sth.) 留心或注意sb./sth.80. keep an eye on sb./sth. 照料sb./sth.81. under attack/discussion/consideration/control/construction/repair正受到攻击/在讨论、考虑、控制、建设、修复中模块七 unit 4(1)1. 复习2. 那得视情况而定3. 由引起,由产生4. 支持,赞成5.


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