最新中考英语作文讲义 写作话题1:校园生活-(教师版)_第1页
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1、最新中考英语作文讲义 写作话题1:校园生活-(教师版)中考写作话题1校园生活( School life)重要性时态1.Tom的宠物狗已经死了5天了。( have been)(2017宝山一模, 37)_2.一下飞机,所有旅客就会被直接带到酒店。( as soon as)(2016徐汇一模, 38)_3. 因为我有事情要告诉他,我会等到他回来。( until)(2016虹口一模, 35)_4. 直到昨天在瑜伽俱乐部碰面,我才认识这位新同学。(not. until)(2016奉贤二模, 42)_5. 这个运动员正在跑1500米时,突然摔倒了。(while)(2016松江二模, 38)_(考题关联)

2、2016中考真题- Im ready2014中考真题- This time next year2017浦东二模- I want to be a/an in group work2017普陀二模- Our last class meeting in junior high school2016宝山一模- School uniforms2016嘉定一模- How to celebrate graduation2016长宁、金山二模- Students should not work too hard2015浦东一模- I get from my class life2015崇明一模- Change

3、s in my school2015虹口一模- My last winter holiday in junior middle school2015金山一模- One problem/ question I met in my English study2014闵行一模- A happy memory in my junior high school2014静安、青浦一模- A suggestion letter to my dear school2014普陀二模- The thing Id like to do most after the entrance examination(真题再现

4、)Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topicChanges in my school.(以学校发生的变化为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)Use the following points as a reference。(以下提示仅供参考)What changes have taken place in your school?What do you think of these changes?(注意:文中不得出现任何姓名,校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)(2015崇明一模)审(Read)的:简开从作文标题“Chang

5、es in my school”中可得知,主要的写作内容应为校园的变化,再根据题干中所给提示:1 .What changes have taken place in your school? 2. What do you think of these changes?可将书写方向定为:1. 校园发生的变化是?2. 我对这些变化的看法是. 然而,写到这里,我们会发现题干中并没有之前所预想的第三点提示,在这种情况下,则要按照传统写作的三大段模式,自行附加结尾,即:3. 对校园生活进行总结提出期望。写( Write)根据之前所讲写作步骤:作文题目一写作框架一添加素材一初稿,初稿作文题目素材写作框架开

6、篇 中间 结尾 即可进行如下书写步骤的拆解:开篇:The changes have taken place in my school are.中间:I think the changes are.结尾:In conclusion./ I hope my school.1. What changes have taken place in your school?2. What do you think of these changes?3. Conclusion. /Hope.接下来,我们需要思考,涉及到校园生活类话题时,可以应用多少词汇及句式,才会使文章的内容变得更加丰富。可用素材词汇大搜罗

7、名词:1. environment(495) 2. health(700) 3. knowledge(836) 4. life(868)5. part(1087) 6. playground(1140) 7. rubbish(1295) 8. school(1318)9. student(1464) 10. teacher(1506)11. thing(1513) 12. time(1546)13. year(1713)动词:1. believe(146) 2. can(224) 3. feel(555) 4. have(659)5.grow(673) 6. help(709) 7. love

8、(896) 8. make(912) 9.pollute(1157) 10. protect)1202)11.say(1316)12.see(1334)13. spend(1430) 14. talk(1497) 15. teach(1505) 16. worry(1705)形容词1. bad(113) 2. better(154) 3. clean(258) 4. great(667)5.important(763) 6. long(889)副词1. everywhere(509) 2. much(980)3. seriously(1346) 4. usually(1616)连接词及短语大搜

9、罗表时间when, while, as表转折but, yet, however表因果so, therefore, as a result常见句型大搜罗1. When we, we, 当我们.,我们.2. We all believe that我们都相信3. In recent years,.在最近几年里4. As we know, 众所周知,.5. As students, 作为学生,.运用以上单词、连接词以及句式,就可以在已写出的文章框架(开篇、中间结尾)的中心句的基础上,添加必要的写作素材,从而形成文章的初稿,如下:初稿:Changes in my schoolWhen we talk a

10、bout our school, we usually have a lot to say, including the teachers, the students and so on We all believe that the school is an important part in our life. It teaches us knowledge and helps us grow up. We love it so much. However, in recent years, the environment there has been seriously polluted

11、, and we feel worried. We could see the clean playground in the past, but now it becomes a “new” one with rubbish everywhere. As we know, the polluted environment is bad for our health. Therefore, we must do something before things get worse. As students,we spend longer time at school. So, love our

12、school and protect the environment to make it a better one.到此为止,评分标准中的第一个8分已收入囊中,但切勿忘记,考题除了对文章的结构和内容有要求外,文采及语法也分别占有很大的分值比重。为了避免解决文采问题后再产生新的语法错误,故接下来先要进行文章的美化,即包装句式,详情如下:美( beautify)根据之前所讲的写作步骤:初稿一包装句子Step 2包装句子初稿在进行此步骤前,需要仔细阅读初稿中的每句句子,按照开篇中所讲美化文章的要点,则可发现,文章在句式方面出现了如下问题:初稿:Changes in my school1.When

13、we talk about our school, we usually have a lot to say, including the teachers, the students and so on. 2. We all believe that the school is an important part in our life. 3.It teaches us knowledge and helps us grow up. 4.We love it so much. However, in recent years, the environment there has been s

14、eriously polluted, 5.and we feel worried. 6.We could see the clean playground in the past, but now it becomes a “new” one with rubbish everywhere. As we know, the polluted environment 7.is bad for our health. Therefore,8. we must do something before things get worse. As students,9.we spend longer ti

15、me at school. So, love our school and protect the environment to make it a better one.1. 单纯使用时间状语从句。2. 单纯使用宾语从句。3. 五大基本句型+并列句的使用。4. 五大基本句型x2。5. 五大基本句型3。6. 五大基本句型4。7. 短语使用过于简单。8. 五大基本句型5+单纯使用时间状语从句。9. 五大基本句型6。根据以上问题,可将初稿修改成如下版本:准终稿:Changes in my school When talking about our school, we usually have a

16、 lot to say, including the teachers, the students and so on. There is no denying that it plays an important role in our life We must admit it is school that makes us knowledgeable and helps us grow up. We love it more than anything else. However, in recent years, the environment there has been serio

17、usly polluted, which makes us worried. The clean playground that we could see in the past has become a “new” one with rubbish everywhere. As we know, the environment has a great influence on our health. Therefore, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. As students, the time we spe

18、nd in school is much longer than that at home. So, love our school and protect the environment to make it a better one.以上修改过程,主要用到了如下单词及句型超纲词汇大搜罗1. role rl n.作用;角色2. admit dmit v.承认;允许3. knowledgeable nlidpbl adj.博学的;有学问的4. influenceinflns n.影响5. effective ifektiv adj.有效的;起作用的6. measureme(r) n.措施高分句

19、式大搜罗固定句式:When+ doing, sb.译为:“当时,某人”l 考点链接:原句:What do you want to be when you grow up.(新世纪教材七年级第二学期Unit3 Lesson1)替换为: What do you want to be when growing up.固定句式:There is no denying that.译为:“不可否认”l 考点链接:原句:I think the most important thing in a friendship is to respect each other.(牛津教材九年级第一学期Unit6)替换为

20、: There is no denying that the most important thing in a friendship is to respect each other.强调句:It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+其他译为:“是”l 考点链接:原句:The Beatles have remained the biggest selling group in the world with one billion CDs, tapes and records sold.(新世纪教材八年级第二学期Unt3 Lesson3)替换为: It is the beatles t

21、hat have remained the biggest selling group in the world with one billion CDs, tapes and records sold.比较级表最高形式:We love it more than anything else.译为:“我们最爱它”l 考点链接:原句: But I think shopping is the most important.(新世纪教材七年级第一学期Unit1 Lesson1)替换为: But I think shopping is more important than anything else.

22、非限制性定语从句:句子,+ which.译为:“的”l 考点链接:原句: Dongfang International School was set up in 1954. As it is one of the best schools in the city, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.(新世纪教材八年级第二学期Unit2Leon3)替换为: Donfang International School, which is one of the best schools in the city, was s

23、et up in 1954, and it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.固定短语:have an influence on.译为:“对有影响”固定句型:. effective measures must be taken before things get worse.译为:“在情况变得更糟糕前,必须采取有效措施。”到此为止,评分标准中文采的4分也已得到,接下来,按照正常的书写步骤则要进行错误筛查来避兔语法失分,即:查( check)根据之前所讲写作步骤:包装句子一检查语法一成文,改正语法错误。Step 3成文包装

24、句子检查语法由于在以上的书写过程中已将所有语法错误避开,所以本环节可省略。章节中省略原因雷同。但仍要提醒各位学生,自己进行文章书写时,此步骤十分必要,大家可以参考以下常见语法错误来进行检查:1.单词拼写有误2.名词单复数不分。3.动词不用三单(主谓不一致)。4.形容词级别混淆。5.介词使用错误。6连词使用不当。7.时态分不清楚。8.前后主语不一致。以上所有步完成后,即可形成文字终稿,如下:终稿:Changes in my schoolWhen talking about our school, we usually have a lot to say, including the teache

25、rs, the students and so on. There is no denying that it plays an important role in our life We must admit it is school that makes us knowledgeable and helps us grow up. We love it more than anything else. However, in recent years, the environment there has been seriously polluted, which makes us wor

26、ried. The clean playground that we could see in the past has become a “new” one with rubbish everywhere. As we know, the environment has a great influence on our health. Therefore, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. As students, the time we spend in school is much longer than

27、that at home. So, love our school and protect the environment to make it a better one.(总结检测)【Section One: 词】A. 根据音标写出单词、词性及词义音标单词词性词义 rl dmit nlidblinflnsifektiv me(r) 【Section Two: 句】A.句型替换训练1. 原句: I want to start my own business after I graduate from university.替换为: I want to start my . .2. 原句:We

28、cant deny that water is important in our life.替换为: that water plays an important role in our life.B.句子翻译训练1.是母亲给了我生命。(it) 2.我们和伙伴们玩要,这使得童年更加五彩缤纷。(which) C.语法改错训练 1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain. 2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours. 3. They have never had the chance

29、to be there ago. 老师带着学生回顾本节课内容,建议10min(实战演练)请运用前文所述写作方法,根据以下标题及要求,写一篇不少于60个词的文章。Write at least 60 words about the topic “This time next year”.(以明年此时为题,写一篇不少于60个词的作文,标点符号不占格。)你是否想象过,明年此时,你的生活会发生怎样的变化?你对自己或他人有怎样的期待?你能为此做些什么?(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following sentence patterns are for the

30、reference only.(以下句型仅供参考)l I hope to/I hope that.l Perhaps I will.It l It will be exciting/necessary /terrible to.(2014中考真题)Step 11. What will be the changes in your life?2. Whats your hope of yourself or others? What can you do for it?3. Conclusion.开篇: 中间: 结尾: 可选词汇小贴士:名词:1. activity(13) 2. amusemen

31、t(59) 3. art(84) 4. artist(86) 6. attention(94) 6. attitude(95) 7.bag(114) 8. basketball(125) 10. bell(147) 10. bicycle(156) 11. blackboard(165) 12. book(176) 13. boy(186) 14. breakfast(191) 15. broadcast(199) 16. brother(200) 17. building(204) 18. camp(223) 19. chair(250) 20. chance(251) 21. chemis

32、try(264) 22.childhood(269) 23. choice(274) 24. cinema(278) 25. class(282) 26. classmate(283) 27. classroom(284) 28. college(304) 29. competition(313) 30. concert(318) 31. contest(329) 32. course(346) 33. desk(396) 34. dictionary(405) 35. diet(406) 36. dream(440) 37. education(463) 38. effort(466) 39

33、. exam(511) 40. experiment(526) 41. foreigner(601) 42. friend(620) 43. friendship(622) 44. fun(632) 45. game(637) 46. girl(652) 47. goal(657) 48. grade(662) 49. habit(678) 50. happiness(679) 51. headmaster(699) 52. holiday(724) 53. homework(728) 54. interest(780) 55. invention(790) 56. joy(810)57. l

34、anguage(842) 58. lesson(861) 59. library(866) 60. match(924) 61. moment(961) 62. network(1005) 63. opinion(1056) 64. paper(1083) 65. pen(1101) 66. pencil(1102) 67. physics(1115) 68. picnic(1118)69. playground(1140) 70. pollution(1156) 71. postcard(1166) 72. programme(1196) 73. research(1260) 74. say

35、ing(1317) 75. school(1318) 76. song(1417)77. Student(1464) 78. suggestion(1476) 79. surprise(1687) 80. teacher(1506) 81. tennis(1516) 82. tradition(1569) 83. tree(1576) 84. uniform(1602) 85. university(1605) 86. violin(1625) 87. volleyball(1629)动词:1. agree(34) 2. allow(43) 3. become(136) 4. believe(

36、146) 5. change(252) 6. choose(257) 7. communicate(309) 8. consider(326)7. create(351) 10. dance(366) 11. decide(381) 12. desire(395)13. develop(400) 14. enable(479) 15. encourage(480) 16. enrich(491)15. exercise(520) 18. expect(523) 19. find(569) 20. forget(604)21. gain(636) 22. give(653) 23. have(659) 24. help(709)25. imagine(760) 260. improve(766) 27. invite(793) 28. join(806) 27. know(835) 30. learn(854) 31. let(962) 32. make(912) 31. may(928) 34. meet(937) 35. miss(954) 36. need(999) 35. offer(1039) 38. plan(1131) 39. play(1138) 40. pollute(1157) 41. practice(1173) 42. prove(1204) 43


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