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1、Getting along with others Reading 2 Language Points Display and Discussion Key phrases and expressions Useful sentences 发展友谊 值得做某事 与相处 4. 感到被出卖 5. 小学 6. 为感到骄傲 7. 感到羞愧 8. 假装 9. 承认做 10. 祈求某人做某事 11. 凝视某人 12. 想要做某事 13. 径直走去 develop friendships with be worth doing get on / along with feel betrayed by pri

2、mary school be proud of feel ashamed of pretend to do admit doing sth beg sb to do stare at sb feel like doing go straight to 14. 信守诺言 15. 监视 16. 因而原谅某人 17. 决定做某事 18. 与步伐一致 19. 由于 20. 可怕的争执 21. 指责/控告某人某事 22. 作评论 23. 因某事向某人道歉 24. 情不自禁做某事 25. 避免做某事 keep ones word spy on forgive sb. for sth. be determi

3、ned to do keep pace with as a result of a horrible argument accuse sb. of sth. make remarks cant help doing avoid doing apologize to sb. for sth. 发展友谊 值得做某事 与相处 4. 感到被出卖 5. 小学 6. 为感到骄傲 7. 感到羞愧 8. 假装 9. 承认做 10. 祈求某人做某事 11. 凝视某人 12. 想要做某事 13. 径直走去 develop friendships with be worth doing get on / along

4、 with feel betrayed by primary school be proud of feel ashamed of pretend to do admit doing sth beg sb to do stare at sb feel like doing go straight to 14. 信守诺言 15. 监视 16. 因而原谅某人 17. 决定做某事 18. 与步伐一致 19. 由于 20. 可怕的争执 21. 指责/控告某人某事 22. 作评论 23. 因某事向某人道歉 24. 情不自禁做某事 25. 避免做某事 keep ones word spy on forgi

5、ve sb. for sth. be determined to do keep pace with as a result of a horrible argument accuse sb. of sth. make remarks cant help doing avoid doing apologize to sb. for sth. I _ _ _very proud of myself after the quiz, _how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade. I _ _ _cheerful, but Hannah

6、 sensed something was wrong. I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after _ _ _. Everyone must have been _ _ _ _. She said that someone _ _ _ _on us in the washroom, but I didnt believe her explanation. He could not keep pace with the game, and _ _ _ _ his careless playing

7、 we lost. must have sounded saying pretended to be promising not to laughing behind my back must have been spying as a result of He got annoyed, _ it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me, and_ I shouldnt talk to him _ _ _. 8. He _ me _ some really bad things just to hurt me. 9. I feel re

8、ally guilty because I _ _ _ _ too, but I dislike seeing our team lose. 10. Football is very important to me, but _ _ _ _. 11. Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I _ _ _if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me. saying in this manner accusedof made some cruel remarks

9、so is our friendship. cant help wondering that Discussion of the language focus 1. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz. I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to. They must have been laughing behind my back. She said that someone mus

10、t have been spying on us in the washroom. “ 情态动词情态动词+完成时完成时”表示对过去事情的推测。表示对过去事情的推测。 表示肯定的猜测,表示肯定的猜测, 用用 must must have done sth (过去过去)“ 肯定做了某事肯定做了某事” must be doing sth (此时)(此时)“肯定(正)在做某事肯定(正)在做某事” My mother _, _? 妈妈现在一定在家做饭。妈妈现在一定在家做饭。 You_, _? 你一定看过这部电影了。你一定看过这部电影了。 You _ , _? 昨天你一定看过这部电影了。昨天你一定看过这部

11、电影了。 isnt she havent youmust have seen the film must have seen the film yesterdaydidnt you 否定:否定:My mother cant be cooking at home now. must be cooking at home may/might (not) have done can/could (not) have done should / ought (not) to have done need (not) have done 1)I _ have watched that movie-itl

12、l give me horrible dreams. A shouldnt B neednt C couldnt D mustnt 2)He didnt regret saying what he did but felt that he _ differently. A could express B would express C could have expressed D must have expressed 3)- There were already six people in the car but they managed to take me as well. - It _

13、 a comfortable journey. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been 4) Mary _ be in the hospital. I saw her play basketball a minute ago. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. may not 2.I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to. (page 2, lin

14、es 1920) 当下文不定式的内容可承上文时,不定式的内容常常省略当下文不定式的内容可承上文时,不定式的内容常常省略, , 但但toto不可省。不可省。 It is dangerous to swim alone in the river, so his mother warns him _. 不要在河里游泳。不要在河里游泳。 -Will you like to see the film with me? -_, but I have a report to finish. 我想和你一起去看电影我想和你一起去看电影 not to Id like to - Are you a doctor ?

15、 - No, but I want to be. - Have you finished your homework ? - No, but I ought to have. 3. I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. pretend 佯装;假装;+to-v+(that) He pretended that _. 他假装无辜。 他假装对我友善。 _. 他假装已经知道了真相 _. When the father came home, the naughty boy pretended_ his hom

16、ework? A to do B to be doing C doing D being done He was innocent He pretended to be friendly to me He pretended to have known the truth 4. He could not keep pace with the game, and as a result of his careless playing we lost. As a result of his careless study, he failed the Maths test. as a result

17、of 意为意为“由于由于”; as a result 意为意为“因此因此”, 如:如: He became ill as a result of eating bad food. 由于吃了变质的食物,他病了。由于吃了变质的食物,他病了。 I missed my train. As a result, I was late. 没能赶上火车,因此我迟到了。没能赶上火车,因此我迟到了。 另:另: result from sth. 意为意为“由于由于”; result in sth. 意为意为“产生某种作用或结果产生某种作用或结果” 如:如: The car accident resulted fro

18、m his carelessness. His carelessness resulted in the car accident. 汤姆从来不努力学习,因此,他考试没及格 Tom never studied hard. _, he didnt pass the exam 由于他的缺席,会议推迟了 The meeting was put off _his absence As a result as a result of Therefore / Thus because of / due to 现在分词做伴随状语现在分词做伴随状语 * He opened the door, _ (greet

19、) his guests. * She sat down, _ (listen) carefully to what the teacher said. * Thousands of people were at the airport, _ (cheer) for the visiting president. greeting listening cheering 5. He got annoyed, saying it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me, and that I shouldnt talk to him in

20、this manner. 6. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship. (P3) 考点考点 “so +be动词动词/助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词+主语主语” 表示表示“某人或某物的情况也是如此某人或某物的情况也是如此”; “so+主语主语 + be动词动词/助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词”表表 示示“某人或某物确实如此某人或某物确实如此”,表示赞同或,表示赞同或 肯定前面的观点或认识。肯定前面的观点或认识。 考例考例1 Its burning hot today, isnt it? Yes. _ yesterda

21、y. A. So was it B. So it was C. So it is D. So is it 考例考例2 I reminded you not to forget the appointment. _. A. So you didB. So I do not C. So did youD. So do I So + 助助/ be/ 情态情态 +主语主语 (前面的句子是前面的句子是肯定肯定句)句) _ (前面的句子是前面的句子是否定否定句)句) If you dont attend his party, _I. Neither/ Nor + 助助/ be/ 情态情态 +主语主语 He

22、 likes to see films, and _I. You are never late for class. _I. neither / nor will Tom likes singing , but he doesnt like dancing. / Tom is a student, and he studies hard. _ Mary.So it is with / it is the same with Neither / Nor am so do 7. I cant help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best frien

23、d instead of me. (1) cant help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事 (2) cant help do/to do sth. 无法帮助做某事无法帮助做某事 (3)cant wait to do 迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事 (1)我不能帮助我妈妈做家务)我不能帮助我妈妈做家务 I cant help do the housework for my mum. (2)当她看新闻的时候,情不自禁笑了。)当她看新闻的时候,情不自禁笑了。 She couldnt help laughing when she read the news. (3)他们迫不及待地见

24、到新经理。)他们迫不及待地见到新经理。 They cant wait to see the new manager. Consolidation and feedback 1. Mr. Harris apologized _ the children _ the lady _ what they had done. for; to; to B. to; to; for C. for; to; for D. to; for; for 2. How do I know youll _this time? You never do what you have promised to. A. break your promise B. keep your word C. follow your secret D. keep


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