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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟201大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟201大学三级(B)模拟201Part Listening ComprehensionSection A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.You are welcome.B.Pleased to meet you, too.C.So far so good.D.The same to you.答案:B听力原文Im very pleased to meet you.解析 本题考查的是初次见面的寒喧用语。当对方说“很高兴见到你。”可以重复对方的话语说“Pleased to meet you, too

2、.”故选项B为最佳答案。 选项A(别客气。)是对感谢语的回答;选项C(到目前还好。)是对“Hows everything going?”(怎么样,还好吧?)的回答;选项D是对节日祝福等的回答。 2.A.Sorry, I dont like it.B.Thanks, it is very kind of you.C.Please be helpful.D.No, you are not allowed.答案:B听力原文Let me help you with the heavy baggage.解析 本题考查如何应对别人提出的帮助。题目意思为“行李很重,让我帮你吧。”对别人的主动帮忙,不管接受与

3、否都应礼貌地表示谢意,可以说“Yes, please.”“Thank you, thatll be nice/great.”或者“No, please dont worry.”“No, its all right, thanks.”综观四个选项,只有B项(谢谢,你真好。)符合题意。 选项A(对不起,我不喜欢。)和D(不,不准你帮忙。)的语气都过于僵硬,很不礼貌;选项C(请帮忙。)意思虽然正确,但是不符合英美人的表达习惯。 3.A.Great, congratulationsB.It is very difficult.C.She is very clever.D.The university

4、is very famous.答案:A听力原文My daughter has been admitted to Oxford University!解析 题目的意思是“我女儿被牛津大学录取了!”关键要理解本句不仅是在陈述一个事实,更重要的是在向对方传达一个好消息,希望对方能分享自己的愉快,因此选项A(太棒了,祝贺你!)为最佳的回答。 选项B(这是很困难的。)C(她很聪明。)和D(这所大学很有名。)都只是从侧面叙述与题目中相关的信息,任何一项用来,回应一个好消息都不合适。 4.A.Because I liked to have a walk.B.Because my mother felt si

5、ck.C.Because I went to the party alone.D.Because the party was very interesting.答案:B听力原文Why did you stay at home instead of going to the party last night?解析 本题问题为“昨天晚上你为什么待在家里不去参加聚会呢?”其中instead of是关键词,意为“而非,而不是”,再根据疑问词why可知询问的是原因,只有选项B(我妈妈病了。)解释了为何待在家里而没有去参加聚会,因此为正确答案。 选项A(因为我喜欢去散步。)与题目中提到的两个动作都没有关联

6、;选项C(因为我自己一个人去参加了聚会。)显然与问句陈述的事实相反;选项D(因为聚会很有趣。)无法成立,因为受话者根本就没有去参加聚会,也就无法评论。 删除 修改 5.A.Ill come right now.B.Thanks.C.OK, here it is.D.Oh, it is salty.答案:C听力原文Jack, pass me some salt, please!解析 本题意思为“杰克,请把盐递给我。”根据句尾的please(起缓和语气的作用)可知,此祈使句表达的是说话人对对方的请求,因为是要求传递某件东西,肯定的回答一般是“Here it is.”(给你。)如果不能帮忙,则应委婉

7、地说“Im sorry, I cant.”等,因此选项C(好的,给你。)为最佳答案。 选项A(我马上来。)意义不明确,不如选项C合适;选项B(谢谢。)是对他人的帮助表示感谢;选项D(太咸了。)是对食物的评价,并没有回应说话人的请求。 Section B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.24.B.I2.C.18.D.6.答案:A解析M:These envelopes cost 50 cents a dozenW:A couple of dozen should certainly do.Q:How many envelops will the man and woman buy

8、?解析 从这一对话我们得知,男士说一打(a dozen)信封要50美分,女士表示要买两打(a couple of dozen),而一打是12个,所以他们想买24个信封,故选A。2.A.Teacher and student.B.Waiter and customer.C.Patient and doctor.D.Stewardess and passenger.答案:C解析W:I cant sleep well recently and I have a headache。M:Let me have a lookWell, its nothing serious.Q:What is the p

9、robable relationship between the two speakers?解析 这一对话告诉我们,女士睡眠不好,还头疼(headache),男士检查后说不严重(nothing serious),这样的信息提示我们,女士很可能是患者,而男士是医生,故选C。3.A.He is sick.B.He is worried.C.He is confident.D.He is sorry.答案:C解析W:How did your interview go?M:I couldnt feel better about it!Q:How did the man feel about the i

10、nterview?解析 在这一对话中,女士向男士询问面试(Interview)的情况怎么样,男士回答“I couldnt feel better about it.”这是一个以否定句式表达肯定含义的典型用法,字面意思是“我不能感觉更好了”,而实际含义则是“感觉再好不过了!”可见他对面试的结果非常自信,故选C。4.A.In the hospital.B.At work.C.At home.D.In the office.答案:A解析M:Do you feel better?W:YesthanksYour medicine is very usefulQ:Where is the woman no

11、w?解析 对话中,男士询问女士是否感觉好些了(feel better),女士表示他开的药非常有效(useful)。从这样的信息可以看出,此对话很可能发生在医院,故选A。5.A.She doesnt need the job.B.She hasnt got a job yet.C.She has got a good job.D.She is going to start work soon.答案:B解析M:Congratulations! I understand youve got a jobWhen will you start to work?W:You must be thinking

12、 of someone elseIm still waiting to hear the good news.Q:What happened to the woman?解析 从对话中我们获得这样的信息,男士祝贺女士找到了工作,而女士表示他说的一定是别人(some one else),因为她还在等待好消息。由此可见,女士还没有找到工作,故选B。Section C In 1962, John Glenn, at the age of 1 , took a history-making ride 2 Friendship 7 to become the first man to orbit (绕轨道

13、运行) the earth and to walk in space. He did it for science and for his country. Then in 1999, at the age of seventy-seven, Glenn made history again to take the flight back into space. When asked for 3 on his trip, Glenn said, Old folks have ambitions (志向) and 4 , too, like everybody else and why dont

14、 they work for them? Why dont they 5 it? Dont sit on a couch (长沙发) someplace, thats my attitude. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:forty解析 In 1962, John Glenn, at the age of forty, took a history-making ride aboard Friendship 7 to become the first man to orbit (绕轨道运行) the earth and to walk in space. He did

15、it for science and for his country. Then in 1999, at the age of seventy-seven, Glenn made history again to take the flight back into space. When asked for comments on his trip, Glenn said, Old folks have ambitions (志向) and dreams, too, like everybody else and why dont they work for them? Why dont th

16、ey go for it? Dont sit on a couch (长沙发) someplace, thats my attitude. 2.答案:aboard3.答案:comments4.答案:dreams5.答案:go forPart Vocabulary and StructureSection A问题:1. Many scientists _ their own eyes and ears than the theories of the ancients.A.would rather to believeB.would rather believeC.rather would be

17、lieveD.will rather believe答案:B解析 本题考查情态动词的使用。would rather(宁愿)是情态动词,后接动词原形。故选项B为正确答案。避错指南 选项A多了to;选项C中的rather位置不对;选项D不应该使用will,因为并没有will rather此用法。would rather的常见句型是:would rather do A than do B(宁愿做A事而不愿意做B事)问题:2. Its necessary that the problem _ in some way or other.A.is settledB.was settledC.be sett

18、ledD.has been settled答案:C解析 本题测试的是虚拟语气的用法。“Its necessary that.”是固定句型,其中that从句中谓语部分要用should+动词原形表示虚拟语气,且根据句意,the problem是settle的宾语,因此还要用被动语态,should可省略。问题:3. She found it difficult to _ the fact that she had failed in the entrance examination to the college.A.receiveB.acceptC.gainD.obtain答案:B解析 本题考查词语

19、辨析。receive意为“收到(不一定接受)”; accept意为“接受”;而gain和obtain意为“获得”。问题:4. Some people consider _ cruel to send animals in rockets into space.A.that isB.it beingC.it beD.it答案:D解析 本题测试的是it作形式宾语的用法。it代替后面真正的宾语to send animals in rockets into space,cruel为宾语补足语。因此本题答案为D。问题:5. Moving the table to the comer may make t

20、he room more _.A.spaceB.spaciousC.specialD.spaceless答案:B本题考查形容词的用法。space是名词,意为“空间”;spacious是形容词,意为“广大的;宽敞的”;special是形容词,意为“特别的”;spaceless是形容词,意为“无限的”。该句意为:把桌子移到角落可以使房间更宽敞。问题:6. This problem will be _ discussed in Chapter 2.A.deepB.enoughC.furtherD.farther答案:C解析 副词辨析 解析 分析句子,主干结构完整,可以看出此空为副词修饰动词discu

21、ssed,因此选程度副词further,意为“进一步地”,符合语法结构。 避错 A)作副词时意为“深深地”;B)表示“足够地,充分地”;D)是far的比较级,意为“更远地,再往前地”,尤其是指实际距离上的远近,所以不符合句意。 问题:7. It was in Jonsons hotel _ the business meeting was held last year.A.thisB.thatC.whatD.which答案:B解析 本题考查强调句型的用法。强调句型的基本结构为:It+be+被强调部分+that+句子其余部分。在强调句型中,能够被强调的句子成分通常为主语、宾语、状语等,不能用来强

22、调谓语动词、表语、补语、让步状语、条件状语等。当被强调部分为人,且在句中作主语时,可用who,也可用that,其他情况一律用that。本句强调句子的地点状语,所以连接词应该用that,由此确定B)为本题的答案。 避错 this为普通代词,不能用于连接句子,可以排除;what常引导主语从句、宾语从句或表语从句,不能引导强调句型,可以排除;which常引导定语从句,先行词一般指物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或定语。以上三个词均不能引导强调句型,因此可以排除。 问题:8. His parents seem to have no influence _ his actions.A.toB.onC.for

23、D.in答案:B解析 influence作“影响,感化”讲时,后接介词upon或on,故选B。问题:9. _the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A.In case ofB.Because ofC.In spite ofD.But for答案:D虚拟的条件由but for引导,表示对过去情况的假设,主句用would/should/could/ might have+动词的过去分词,should只用于第一人称。问题:10. It is requested that the engineer _ the des

24、ign immediately.A.worked outB.to work outC.worked outD.work out答案:D解析 在含有request等词的主语从句中用虚拟语气,其形式为:should+动词原形。故选D项。Section B问题:1. Please remember (lock) _ the door when you leave.答案:to lock问题:2. Young people under 18 (prohibit)_from buying cigarettes in that country.答案:are prohibited解析 被动语态 解析 分析句意

25、,主语Young people与动词prohibit之间是被动关系,即这里年轻人是被禁止买香烟的,所以填入被动形式are prohibited。 问题:3. This incident( sharp) _ the awareness of the public,答案:sharpened。解析 本题测试词性转换。全句意思是:这一事件加强了公众的意识。在此需要谓语动词,过去时。问题:4. By the end of last year, the newly built plaza _ (visit) by millions of people.答案:had been visited本题考查动词的用

26、法。时间状语为by the end of last year,有by the end of,用完成时;有last year用过去式;plaza与visit为被动关系。该句意为:到去年为止,已有好几百万人参观了那个新建的广场。问题:5. The main benefit of( work) _ with the company is the opportunity to travel abroad.答案:working解析 of是介词,后需接一名词或动名词作宾语。故填working。问题:6. Although you may not _ (success) in the beginning,

27、you should still go on trying.答案:succeed解析 此题考查的是词性变换。情态动词后面接动词原形,success的动词形式为succeed。 译文 虽然一开始你也许不能成功,但是你应该继续尝试。 问题:7. We become used to (see) _ blood on the news on TV.答案:seeing解析 本题测试的是动词短语固定搭配用法。本题中短语become used to意为“对变得习惯”,其中to为介词,因此后面跟动名词seeing。问题:8. If you smoke in this non-smoking area, you

28、 will (fine) _ $ 50.答案:be fined解析 本题考查对被动语态的掌握。如果在非吸烟区抽烟,则要被罚款。问题:9. If the medicine (take) _ in time, it will be quite effective.答案:is taken问题:10. A student who cheats on exam is (honest)_.答案:dishonest解析 根据句子结构和句意可知此处缺少的是一个具有否定意义的形容词。“honest”的反义同是dishonest,意为“不诚实的”。Part Reading Comprehension Our fr

29、iend, Nick, declared the other day that he thought that the British climate was wonderful, but the British weather was terrible. He went on by pointing out that the British climate was a temperate (温和的) one. This meant, he said, that you could always be certain that the weather would never be extrem

30、e, at any rate not for any length of time, never very hot and never very cold. He quite rightly pointed out that the rainfall in Britian was not very heavy. Why then, he asked, has the British climate such a bad reputation (名声)? He answered by saying it was because of the extraordinary (非凡的), unreli

31、able weather. There was no part of the year at which you could be certain that the weather would be dry or wet, clear or dull, hot or cold. A bad day in July could be as cold as a mild day in January. Indeed you could feel cold at almost any time of the year. Nick blamed drafty (通风的) British houses

32、for this, but agreed that you could also blame the small amount of sunshine and a great amount of dampness. He admitted he had never experienced one of Londons fogs. For the present he advised every student coming to Britian to bring an umbrella and to understand the meaning of that splendid word dr

33、izzle. 1. According to the passage, the difference between the climate and the weather is thatA.the climate is the weather of atmosphere in an area, and the weather is the general climate conditionsB.the climate is the general weather conditions at a particular time, and the weather is the condition

34、 of atmosphereC.the climate is the general weather conditions that are typical of an area, and the weather is the condition of atmosphere in an area at a particular timeD.the climate is the condition of atmosphere in an area that is typical of it and the weather is the general climate conditions at

35、a particular time答案:C解析 本题为大意理解题。阅读全文可以得知气候是某个地区整体天气的特征,天气是某个地区在一个特定时间的大气情况。C)的表述是正确的。2. It is supposed that British people like to talk about weather just because _.A.the weather is always the same at any particular period of timeB.the weather is extremely temperate in a wholeC.the weather is neith

36、er cold nor hot, neither sunny nor rainyD.the weather is extremely changeable even in a day答案:D解析 本题为细节推理题。第一段倒数第2,3句提到英国的天气是不可靠的,在一年的任何时候,你都无法确定天气的情况。故选D)。3. It is implied that _.A.it always rains in BritianB.the fogs are easy to seeC.it is windy every dayD.the temperature is mild every day答案:A解析 本

37、题为细节推理题。第二段讲到英国阳光很少,气候潮湿,Nick建议学生要带把雨伞。故选A)。4. It can be concluded that a typical British weather report would be _.A.it is sunny today as winds from the southeast bring humid air from the ocean into this regionB.today, rain likely and tomorrow will be cloudy and breezy with showers likelyC.skies wi

38、ll be mostly sunny and temperatures will be seasonableD.dense fog and a complex, slow-moving storm are expected today答案:B解析 本题为细节推理题。根据文章提供的信息可知,英国阳光少,多细雨,少雾。故选B)。5. Which is the best title of the passage?A.The Terrible British Climate.B.Why Has British Climate a Bad Fame.C.The Famous London Fogs.D.

39、The Wonderful British Weather.答案:B解析 本题为主旨大意题。C),D)明显不对,首先排除;A)项强调的是气候,但文章大部分在讲英国天气给外来人的印象和感受,故选B)。 Fingers were made before forks. When a person puts aside his knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone often repeats that saying. The fork was ancient (古代的) agricultural tool, but for centuries

40、 no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Turkey brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe. By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widely spread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians hated eating food touched with f

41、ingers. English were thought to be womanlike and women who used them were called show-offs(卖弄) and overnice (过于讲究的). Not until the late 1600s did using a fork become a common custom. 1. The custom of eating with a fork was_.A.begun when forks were first inventedB.brought to Europe from AsiaC.brought

42、 to Europe from AfricaD.first formed in Italy答案:B2. Before the late 1600s in Britain, the custom of eating with forks was _.A.regarded as healthfulB.looked down uponC.very wonderfulD.considered impolite答案:B3. To English travelers in Italy, the use of forks seems_.A.necessaryB.unnecessaryC.very fooli

43、shD.very clever答案:A4. The passage is about _.A.the way of eating with a forkB.the custom of eating with a forkC.the reason for the custom of eating with a forkD.the history of the custom of eating with a fork答案:D5. Fingers were made before forks suggests that people _.A.believed that eating with for

44、ks was womanlikeB.believed that eating with fingers was clean and tidyC.ate food with their fingers long before they used forkD.invented fingers long before they did with fork答案:CYahoo! User ResearchYahoo! Needs You! Help us shape the future of Yahoo! by joining our User Research program. Our goal i

45、s to make Yahoo! the best and the easiest-to-use place on the Web. We understand that talking to our users helps us better understand your needs, issues and concerns. And when we understand your needs better, we can continually make Yahoo! the best it can be. We are looking for all types of people:

46、Web novices and experts, Yahoo! users and non-users, people who use Yahoo! at home or at work, adults and teenagers . everyone! We conduct research in many ways, such as: Visiting you at your location in a field study Inviting you to come into a Yahoo! office to participate in a usability study Spea

47、king with you in a telephone interview Participating in an online focus group study Connecting with you with an online survey Please provide as much information as possible (name and telephone number are required), since it helps us ask you better questions. We will contact you by email or phone wit

48、h more information about our next study. Yahoo! User Research Goal of the Research: make Yahoo! the best and 1 on the Web Type of people required: 2 of people Ways of conducting research: 1. a field study 2. a usability study 3. 3 4. an online focus group study 5. 4 Personal information required to

49、provide: name and 5 1.答案:the easiest-to-use place2.答案:all types3.答案:a telephone interview4.答案:an online survey5.答案:telephone numberANo Scribbling BNo Littering CNo Angling DNo Admittance ENo Bills FNo Spitting GNo U Turn HKeep Off the Lawn IPet Is Not Allowed JImproper for Kids KCameras Forbidden LS

50、taff Only MConsecutive Curves Ahead NSchool About, No Horn ODo Not Proceed Beyond Rail PPlease Keep Hands Off 1. _禁止调头 _游客止步答案:G L2. _不准垂钓 _请勿越过栏杆答案:C O3. _请勿在此招贴 _少儿不宜答案:E J4. _请勿在此涂写 _学校附近,禁止鸣笛答案:A N5. _请勿乱扔果皮纸屑 _闲人免进答案:B DDear Sirs, Your company, Euro Cotton import, has been introduced to us by S

51、mith 答案:Chinese cotton products该题出现在信的开头,是写信的目的。答案的其他文字部分与原文第一句话中的一些文字相同。根据句子结构,可以判断出空格中的词组应该是Chinese cotton products。2. What is Jack Lees purpose to write this letter? He wants to _ business relations with Euro Cotton Import. 答案:enter into该题出现在第一段的最后一句,是该信的愿望。该题有两种做题方法。一是从原文中找到与答案其他部分相同的词,确定答案的词组。二

52、是直接用词组的搭配关系,即:enter into business relations“建立业务关系”。3. Why does the writer enclose a specification list in his letter? Because he want to give the receiver _ of the various types that are available for export. 答案:a general idea该句内容出现在信的第二段中。答案的其他文字内容中有原文的内容。根据这一内容,可以判断空格中缺少的部分,从而找到需要填写的内容。4. What wi

53、ll Jack lee do if the receiver has specific enquiry? He will send him _. 答案:samples and quotations该题的问题把原文中的upon receipt of your specific enquiry“一收到你们的特别询价”变成了条件句,需要进行理解,使答案不容易直接找到了。但答案其他文字部分中send一词可以帮助找到空格的内容。5. What is the term of payment? By a draft _ under L/C. 答案:at sight这个问题在第三段中可以找到。该答案中的文字部分基本上都是原文中的短语。空格的地方在原文中是一目了然的。问题:6. Where is the heating element fixed in the scissors?It is fixed in the _ of the edges.答案:interior解析 细节题。相关信息在第四段第二行“Whats more,the heating element is located in the interior of the edges”Part Translation问题:1. The new way to buy yo


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