



1、美国国旗的由来(英文)最佳答案for more than 200 years, the american flag has been the symbol of our nations strength and unity. its been a source of pride and inspiration for millions of citizens. and the american flag has been a prominent icon in our national history. here are the highlights of its unique past.on

2、 january 1, 1776, the continental army was reorganized in accordance with a congressional resolution which placed american forces under george washingtons control. on that new years day the continental army was laying siege to boston which had been taken over by the british army. washington ordered

3、the grand union flag hoisted above his base at prospect hill. it had 13 alternate red and white stripes and the british union jack in the upper left-hand corner (the canton).in may of 1776, betsy ross reported that she sewed the first american flag.on june 14, 1777, in order to establish an official

4、 flag for the new nation, the continental congress passed the first flag act : resolved, that the flag of the united states be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.between 1777 and 1960, congress

5、passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement of the flag and allowed for additional stars and stripes to be added to reflect the admission of each new state.act of january 13, 1794 - provided for 15 stripes and 15 stars after may 1795.act of april 4, 1818 - provided for 13 stri

6、pes and one star for each state, to be added to the flag on the 4th of july following the admission of each new state, signed by president monroe.executive order of president taft dated june 24, 1912 - established proportions of the flag and provided for arrangement of the stars in six horizontal ro

7、ws of eight each, a single point of each star to be upward.executive order of president eisenhower dated january 3, 1959 - provided for the arrangement of the stars in seven rows of seven stars each, staggered horizontally and vertically.executive order of president eisenhower dated august 21, 1959

8、- provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine rows of stars staggered horizontally and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically.today the flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with 6 white. the stripes represent the original 13 colonies, the stars represent the 5

9、0 states of the union. the colors of the flag are symbolic as well : red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence and blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.one of our great symbols is the american flag,13 red and white stripes corresponding to the number of

10、 original stats on a rectangular piece of color, one corner blue with 50 white stars for 50 states.美国的象征之一是国旗,长方形布上13 道红白相间的条纹表示美国原来的州数,蓝色一角上印着的 50 颗白星代表 50 个州。you see the flag everywhere now, what so proudly we hail. i”t means the world trade center happened to all of us. were proud to be americans

11、, say flags on front porches in small towns across the country.some homes seem to have been built to fly the flag. this wouldnt be complete without it; just perfect.were american too say the flags inelegant glued to the city apartment windows. the declaration of patriotic intent is everywhere, the s

12、implest as persuasive as the displays where one was considered not enough. rockefeller center with 150 beauties is in show business, a stirring sight although its unlikely that management there loves our country more than the owner of the smallest small business, displaying just one.现在是四处都能看到国旗 ,是什么

13、让我们感到骄傲。那表示世贸中心事件与每个美国人息息相联。美国各小城镇的前廊悬挂着的国旗体现出 身为美国人的自豪 。有些房子仿佛就是为了挂国旗而建的。没有国旗便不完整 ; 挂上后便完美了。 我们也是美国人-这是斜贴在这所市内公寓窗外的国旗传达出的信息。处处洋溢着爱国宣言,从小处看最能让人信服这个点, 比如 ,有些人认为挂一面国旗还不充足。洛克菲勒中心高高飘起 150 面美丽的美国国旗,景象令人叹为观止,但这并不说明此处的管理者就比只挂出一面国旗的小商店店主更爱国。the annin flag company makes most american flags. they have more bu

14、siness than they can do now.you dont have to go to annin to buy a flag though. flag sales are a street corner cottage industry. furtive operatives set up shops, to them the buck means more than the banner.安宁国旗公司出产全美绝大部分的国旗。现在他们的生意是应接不暇。但要买国旗并不非得到安宁公司。街角也有出售国旗的摊子。对于那些偷偷售卖国旗的街贩,钱比国旗更重要。the color of ou

15、r flag and the numbers of stars and stripes are ordained, but there is no rule regarding dimension. there are tiny flags on sticks made in china. this grand flag is so big on a building in new york that it had to be continued around the corner. this beauty hangs from the side wall of a fire house. a

16、nd you wouldnt want a dirty flag so they wash them.美国国旗的颜色、星星的数目、横条都是规定好了的 ,但尺寸大小就没有限制。也有中国制造的小签国旗。纽约一栋大楼外的国旗巨大得要转弯接着挂起。消防局的墙上挂着一面国旗。如果不想挂脏国旗就像他们 一样拿去清洗吧。everyone wants to be associated with the flag. america and yale, america and episcopalians, america and j.p .morgan, america and maxell, america a

17、nd the ritz t ower.人人都想跟国旗扯上关系:美国和耶鲁、美国和圣公会教徒、美国和摩根、美国和万胜、美国和丽晶大厦。 there are inevitably people who are more anxious to appear patriotic than to be patriotic. they treat afine line between patriotism and commerce. the flag is everywhere in close proximity to a business interest. it sells shoes and sh

18、oe repair, womens dresses. the american flag invites diners to foreign restaurants, japanese, italian, even afghan.难免也有人摆出爱国姿态而非真正爱国。他们在爱国主义和商业间徘徊。随处可见对国旗感兴趣的商家:卖鞋和修鞋的 ,女士的裙子。美国国旗吸引顾客到外国餐馆用餐 日本餐馆、意大利餐馆、甚至阿富汗餐馆。there is an official flag code but it is routinely ignored. it is not to be used as a awning or a canopy or plastered to the hood of a car. the code says the american flag is not to be used as decorative clothing.some find it irresistibly fashionable though an


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