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1、Ticipating vessell should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF CH16 within the VTS area. abnormal weather conditions 异常天气情况 in the vicinity of 在附近 engage in intational voyages or domestic costal routes responsible person 责任人 ready-use condition随时可用状态 safety and lifesaving equipment 安全救生设备 FF

2、A & LSA防火和救生设备 SOLAS(safety of life at sea)海上人命安全公约 the hydrostatic release units 静水压力释放装置 lifebuoy lights immersion suit line throwing apparatus radio equipment including EPIRB and SART reporting line报告线 vts area bound 交管区域界限 participating vessels should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF

3、 CHS 08 and 16 within the vts area in the vicinity of 在附近 engage in internation voyages or domestic coastal routes seafares/crewmembers 海员 dockers码头工人 acceptable minimum wages 可接受的最低工资 in recent years 近几年 negotiate 谈判 flags of conveninence (FOC) 方便旗 seafares who are hired to work on FOC ship sign co

4、ntract 签合同 reach a agreement 达成协议 more details on the reverse of the map 地图背面有更多详情 get in touch with/contact with the ITF directly bulletin 公告,期刊 repatriate 把遣返回国(repatriation) The International Transport workers federation(ITF) 国际运输工人联盟 South East Asia 东南亚 thailand 泰国 singapore 新加坡 philipines菲律宾 to

5、lerate 忍受,容忍 Its a big step forward 向前迈了一大步 All personnel are familiar with the location and operation of all the vessels safety equipment and procedures. helmsman 舵手 forecastle首楼 engin control room 机控室 steering gear room舵机房 laundry 洗衣房 galley厨房 helicopter直升机 overall in command 总指挥 look out 瞭望 looko

6、uts瞭望人员 casualty 伤员 sound man overboard alarm(3 long blasts on ships whistle) establish radio contact with bridge don lifejacket穿救生衣 at anchor ,in harbour blanket毛毯 grabline扶手绳 tie tapes救生衣打结的绳子 retro-reflective tape 救生衣上反光胶带 all personnel practice donning their immersion suits and practice working

7、in the suit lifeboat davit 救生艇艇架 place the boat bottom plug盖好艇底sit down and secure safety seat belt坐下并系好安全带 portside along side 左舷靠码头 ARQ 申请物料 donning lifejacket 穿着救生衣 cover your nose and mouth with one hand用手捂住口鼻 replace更换 tie tape of lifejacket Retro-reflective tape 反光胶带 chain hoist 5T 葫芦 sounding

8、 tape 量水尺 Fire hose nozzle 皮龙喷嘴 bridge night order master pilot information exchange Pilot card turning circle旋回圈 stopping distance 停车冲程 vessel deficiencies 船舶缺陷 freshwater draft manoeuvring speed errors of the gyrocompass painting or chipping not allowed place ratguards 放置老鼠挡 keep the gangway lit d

9、uring all night hours in order to launch the liferaft manully, release the sliphook and throw the liferaft overboard. The liferaft is now attached to the vessel by the painter line vie the Red Weak Link connector . pul the painter line and inflate the liferaft so the survivors can board. Label with

10、a marking for year and month funnel sparks 烟囱火星 illuminate照亮 capsize(船)倾覆 self-righting liferafts 自动扶正救生筏 以下为救生艇艇内配备: First aid kit anti-seasickness tables torch&battery spare battery&bulb 灯泡 daylight signaling mirror 日光反射镜 jack-knife 水手刀 tin opener 启罐器 rescue quoits&line 救生拉环和绳 buoyant heaving line

11、 可浮撇缆绳 bilge pump 污水泵 whistle fishing line & hooks rescue signal card boarding ladder fire extinguisher food ration 口粮配给 water ration淡水配给 rain water stowage water dippers thermal protective aids engine fuel tools for engine searchlight radar reflector survival manual 救生手册 immersion suits 浸水服装 oars 桨

12、 boat hooks bailer bucket桶 rudder tiller舵柄 grabline hatchet 短柄小斧 matches火柴 compass illumination sea anchor painter 首尾缆绳 painter release device首尾缆释放装置 wave oil 镇浪油 para red rockets red hand flares orange smoke float it is fitted exactly in accordance with the manufactures instruction Search and rescu

13、e radar transponder(SART) Emergency Position indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) BUTTON按键,按钮 charge充电 scan扫描 low battery alert indicate 低电报警指示 Power save节电 antenna天线 microphone 麦克风;话筒;传声器 keypad lock 键盘锁 conserve battery power 节约电池电量 shipboard communication 船内部通信 Prevent false alarm 防止误报警 replace batter

14、y 更换电池 glove boots watertight thermal insulation function it is equipped with lamp and whistle function a whistle and light will be find attached to the lifejacket body-height 身高 as follows 如下 sea-water battery 海水电池 periodical 定期 zip up the watertight zipper拉好防水拉链 soft brush 软毛刷 grease润滑油 check the

15、suit at regular intervals /periodically repair/fix /mend 修理 it is important that all personal practice donning their immersion suits and also that they practice working in the suit . this is in order to that they become familiar with the suit and any restriction or limitation that may be imposed on

16、activity while wearing it . immersion suit are inspected every 12 months illumination 照明 dimension 尺寸 must all crew 集合船员 designated指定的 safety pin 安全销 hand break level 刹车手柄 disconnect battery charge cable 解掉充电电缆 place the boat bottom plug 塞艇底塞 fast the painters to main deck 将救生艇首尾缆系到主甲板 start boat en

17、gine lower the lifeboat steadily to embarkation deck 匀速 don life jacket launch lifeboat放艇 secure safety seat belt / fasten seatbelt 系好安全带 install the safety pin 插入安全销 full procedure for preparation ,launching,releasing,recovery & storage of lifeboat 救生艇准备,释放,脱钩,回收,固定步骤 painter release device 救生艇首缆释放

18、装置 serious injury or death 严重伤亡 fore and aft hook 前后艇钩 abandon ship drill 弃船演习 release hook 脱钩 off-load release 无负重脱钩 on-load release 负重脱钩 release handle 脱钩手柄 do sth by one action 一次性做 water surface 水面 the officer in charge 负责驾驶员 pay due precaution / attention 特别注意 release the painter 释放首尾缆 manoeuvr

19、e the lifeboat clear from ship and other operation(act EPIRB/SART to send distress signal ,rescue casuality if possible ,awaiting for rescue) reset 复位,还原 recover the lifeboat 回收救生艇 the limit switch 限位器 the liferaft inflates 救生艇膨胀 cut the painter and paddle clear of the ship Hydrostatic Release Units

20、(HRU)静水 making water 进水 water line 水线 jettison 弃物 fumigation 熏舱 RFA主机定速 stores and provision 物料和伙食 LSA 救生设备 FFA消防设备 linesman 带缆工人 canal 运河 cast off 解掉(缆绳) resume 恢复 favourable weather conditions 好天气状况 stand by on vhf ch16 increase /reduce your speed 加/减速 regular customer 老顾客 make the insurance claim

21、 提出保险赔偿 The doctor is taking my blood pressure.医生正给我量血压 drivers licensec 驾驶证 I am so glad youre safe and sound 很高兴你能安全无恙 Are your muzzles of jet/spray dual type? 你的枪头是直流/水雾两用的么? international shore connection 国际通岸接头 buoyant smoke signal 可浮烟雾信号(2) parachute red rockets /rocket parachute flare 火箭降落伞(4

22、) hand flare 手持火焰(6) retro-reflective tapes 反光胶带 waterproof electric torch life boat davit 艇架 eyeplate 眼环 biscuits 饼干 Let me unfasten the canvas cover for you 让我揭开帆布 Hydrants open/close is tested satisfactorily 消防栓开关正常 recreation room 娱乐室 we need to take the rhumb line/ great circle route 我们需要走恒向线/大

23、圆航线 make a detour 绕航 we lash and secure the cargo both in the holds and on deck God bless you 上帝保佑你 visibility will be reduced living space is flooded 生活区进水 I will send hands to lash the desk and inboard cargo to avoid shifting have the engine ready for immediate manoeuvre weather chart/map 气象图 seas

24、ick 晕船 Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) w/fresh air cylinder EEBD harbour chart 港泊图 gnomonic chart 大圆海图 great circle route 大圆航线 rhumb line route 恒向线航线 parall route 等纬圈航线 composite route 混合航线 precaution area 警戒区 air cylinder 空气瓶 conduct water pressure test drain valve& drain plug 排水阀和排水塞 saf

25、ety belt nut 螺帽,坚果 RFA 主机定速 seat belt 安全带 defective 缺陷 supply valve 申请阀 rust 生锈 shortage of quantity 数量短缺 tin opener 启罐器 seat belt 安全带 weld 焊接 ready for use 随时可用 bucket 水斗 lamp 灯,灯泡 be coated with anti-corrosion grease 涂上防腐润滑油 voltage 电压 joints连接 bolt螺栓 nuts螺帽,坚果 plug塞子,插头 corrosion锈蚀 reset复位 check

26、there is no sticking of rust and foreign substances abnormal noise 异常声音 refill or replace the cylinder 充装或更换气瓶 check that the cylinder contains specified volume of air air cylinder 空气瓶 professional专业人员,专家 tread 楼梯踏步板, 活梯子横条 ferry 渡船,轮渡 console控制台,慰问,安慰 console a friend in grief 在朋友忧伤时予以安慰 Quay/ whar

27、f 码头 dredge 疏浚 drift漂流 scratches,cracks,deformation,and other abnormalities release gear 释放装置 擦 wipe and clean the window glass panes outside and inside rust铁锈,生锈 corrosion侵蚀,腐蚀 check that the bolt螺栓 and nuts螺帽,坚果 are not loosened be coated with涂上,蒙上 anti-corrosion grease 被涂上防腐润滑油 voltage 电压 Lamp灯,灯

28、泡 food ration in watertight container waterproof electric torch Check for abnormal noise check there is no sticking of rust and foreign substance check that they are ready for use check if the tank is full of fuel Check that electric connections are not loosened electric wiring 电线 As a result of check,defective parts should be repaired and shortage of quantity should be supplemented to correct number. Welding焊接 I am on fire in living spaces What speed do you advise? What is the anchor position for me? Deep vessel has entered fairway inwards. Your bert


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