



1、学生使用计算机Stude nt Use ofComputers学生使用计算机Student Use of Computers学生使用计算机 Stude nt Use of Computers Stude nt Use of Computers(2002, 6)(学生使用计算机)1.上图所示为1990年(每周使用电脑不到2小时)、1995年 (每周4小时)、2000年(每周20个小时)某校大学生使用计算机的情 况,请描述其变化。2 .请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或 社会发展等方面加以说明)。3.你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。这是一篇图表附提纲式,1991年6

2、月的四、六级考试曾经使 用过此种命题方式,是四、六级考试历史上第二次使用这种命题方式, 虽然考生对此题型不太适应,但却代表了未来四、六级作文命题的发 展方向。第一段,利用图表(只在此段中描述图表)描述使用计算机 的情况,突出在使用计算机小时数上的变化。第二段,指出造成这种 变化的三个主要原因:首先,社会的发展带来了经济的繁荣;其次, 计算机在各个领域的广泛应用;最后,通过调整价格,普通百姓也能 买得起计算机了。第三段,计算机在为学生带来益处的同时也造成了 一些问题:首先,由于在计算机上花的时间太多而荒废了学业; 其次, 学生的身心健康受到了一定程度的伤害。参考范文:As can be seen

3、 from the chart, in 1990, the use of computers was not popular yet, with the university student spe nding merely an average of one hour on the computer per week. However, i n 1995, the nu mber of hours was quadrupled, climb ing up to four hours per week. In 2000, after a lapse of only five years, it

4、 was ast oni shi ng to find that the nu mber shot up to nin etee n hours every week.This dramatic cha nge in the average nu mber of hours the stude nt spe nt on the computer per week took place chiefly for three reasons. In the first place, as the society developed,n ati onaleconomy became prosperou

5、s,bringingabout thepopularityof computers. In the second place,theuse ofcomputerswent far beyond typingwords, makingthemindispensablenot only to secretariesbut alsotopeopleengagedin other areas. Last butnot least,prices forcomputerswere reduced, so much sothat com monpeoplewith a modest in come could afford them.It is true that students have benefitedfrom spendingmore and more time on the computer, but problems have also arise n. Some stude nts in dulge themselves in computer games,otherrefusing to concentrate on their studies,


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