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1、the english corner 英语角简介和探索英语角简介和探索 contents ( 目录目录 ) i. the record of the weekly english corner (英语角活动记录)(英语角活动记录) ii. how to design topics for the ec (英语角话题的设计和开展)(英语角话题的设计和开展) 1) how to integrate text materials into the ec activities (课本内容和英语角活动相结合的范例课本内容和英语角活动相结合的范例) topic1: body language (肢体语言)

2、(肢体语言) topic2: the phantom of the opera (剧院魅影)(剧院魅影) topic3: environmental protection(环境保护)(环境保护) topic4: colors (颜色)(颜色) topic5: travelling (旅游)(旅游) topic6: food (食物)(食物) 2) trans-cultural communicative awareness ( 跨文化交际意识的培养)跨文化交际意识的培养) topic1: holidays and festivals (1)(节假日)(节假日) topic2: holidays

3、 and festival (2) (节假日)(节假日) topic3: giving gifts(赠送礼品)(赠送礼品) topic4: viewing the films on the chinese and western cultural difference ( 中西电影文化的差异)中西电影文化的差异) 3) the topic according to the current affairs(时事话题)(时事话题) topic1: copenhagen u.n. climate change conference 2009 (哥本哈根气候大会)(哥本哈根气候大会) topic2:

4、the 2010 shanghai world expo. (上海世博会)(上海世博会) topic 3: the nobel prize (诺贝尔奖)(诺贝尔奖) topic4: happiness (幸福论)(幸福论) topic5: “foggy days” (雾霾)(雾霾) topic6: cities (城市)(城市) topic 7: the comments on blogs (博客)(博客) topic8: advantages and disadvantages of firecrackers(放鞭放鞭 炮的利与弊炮的利与弊) topic9: food security to

5、pic10: super girls 4) the topic on enjoying the english songs and films (歌曲影片的欣赏)(歌曲影片的欣赏) topic1: can you feel the love tonight? topic2: right here waiting topic3: yesterday once more topic4: last christmas topic5: classic movie dialogues iii. assessment of oral english (英语角口试评价)(英语角口试评价) 前言前言(prol

6、ogue)(prologue) 学习英语的最终目的就是为了交流,为了沟通,因此提高 学生的口语表达能力是教师教学工作的重点,是判断学生英语 水平的重要依据。而提高英语口语的唯一途径就是要坚持不懈 地锻炼,要大胆地说、勇敢地说,不怕出错、不怕闹笑话,要 坚持说到“熟能生巧”为止。每个学生都想自己能说一口流利 的英语,都想在课堂之外进一步加强自己的语言表达能力,但 苦于找不到合适的语言场所,苦于没有能激发说英语强烈欲望 的良好的语言氛围,苦于寻觅能用英语自由沟通和交流的对象。 英语角正顺应了这种需求,满足了学生迫切要提高口语表达能 力的愿望;它不仅仅是一个纯英语环境的诞生,而且是语言运 用的绝佳阵

7、地,它将英语带出了课堂,融入学生的日常生活, 渗入学生的内心世界,启发他们去运用知识,认识世界,开启 未来。 因此英语角作为一种能有效提高学生口语表达能力的活动形 式,正越来越受到人们的重视和喜爱。现在各个中小学学校、 高校和社会团体纷纷建立英语角,高校和校外的英语角大多是 学生或市民自发地组织起来,聚集在一起,一对一地用英语交 流思想、文化、艺术、生活等等。在大中城市,许多外国留学 生和外籍教师也常常来英语角交流,这更吸引了一批英语爱好 者。而中学作为英语教学的主阵地,探索和实践英语角活动更 能为广大中学生提供一个课外的广阔平台来展示他们的语言能 力和其他各方面的风采,通过在英语角的活动和参

8、与,激发他 们学习英语的兴趣,最终还可以起到促进课堂英语学习的积极 作用,从而形成一个良性循环,真正提高学生学习语言的自信。 我校开展英语角也有将近 10 年的经验,利用学校优美的小 花园做场地,在外籍英语教师,本校英语组教师的共同努力和 探索下开辟了具有同济大学附属七一中学特色的英语角。每周 一中午的主话题讨论,外教老师的英美文化介绍,英语小游戏, 英语歌曲赏析等都成了学生们喜闻乐见,积极参与的常规活动, 在此过程中,学生的英语口语和听力水平有了显著提升,大家 从原本课堂上羞于开口说英语变得跃跃欲试了,更胆大自信地 和英语老师和外教进行交流。同时,通过英语角的活动,学生 对英语国家的文化有了

9、更深的了解,平时课堂上以文字呈现的 文化知识顿时变得立体生动起来了,从而有效地促进了大家学 习英语的热情和兴趣。 此校本教材就从有关英语角活动设计和开展的几个维度来介 绍探讨高中英语角活动的建设。 chapterchapter 1 1 英语角的组织和记录工作英语角的组织和记录工作 英语角活动的组织者应在第一次活动之前设计一份活动的记录表, 记录每次活动的时间,地点, 组织者,活动主题和学生活动情况等 信息。以我校为例,如天气状况良好,活动的地点安排在环境比较 优美的小花园,时间放在每周一中午 12:10 至 12:40。组织者主 要是学校高一或高二年级的英语教师和学校聘请的外籍教师,本校 教师

10、应提前一周与外教合作共同制定好每次活动的主题并设计相关 的具体活动,活动的形式最常见的为学生围绕某一主题用英语交流 讨论,组织者和外教起到引导的作用,并提供一定量的和主题相关 的学生讨论时所需的词汇和表达方式。学生人数每次可以控制在 15 至 20 人左右,人数如太多不利于组织,且学生练习口语的机会也会 受到影响。最后组织者记录下每次学生活动的情况,及时了解学生 对于英语角活动的感受和收获。 以下是某学期我校英语角的活动记 录样本。 英语角活动记录(英语角活动记录(2010.9-2010.12) chapterchapter 2 2 英语角话题的设计和开展英语角话题的设计和开展 日期地点主题参

11、与老师学生活动 9. 20 小花园body language 外教,边中杰 9.27小花园 body language 外教,边中杰, 汪炜,曹素娥 10.11多媒体教室lyrics of songs 外教,边中杰 10.18多媒体教室lyrics of songs 外教,边中杰 10. 25小花园travel 外教,边中杰 11.1 多媒体教室sightseeing in aucland, new zealand 外教,边中杰 11. 15勤学楼 106sightseeing in auckland, new zealand 外教,边中杰 11. 22小花园cities 外教,边中杰 11.

12、 29 小花园thanksgiving day 外教,边中杰 12. 6 小花园 generation外教,边中杰 1.1. integrating text materials into the ec activities ( (课本内容和英语角活动相结合的范例课本内容和英语角活动相结合的范例) ) 上海牛津英语教材中有许多题材丰富内容新颖话题有趣的文章, 如能把课文的内容加以利用和英语角的话题和活动有机地结合,定 会收到良好的效果。以高一上学期 unit one 的 body language 一 课为例,组织者或教师可以根据课本中的内容作适当拓展,补充现 实生活中不同的肢体语言实例,在英

13、语角的活动中组织者通过肢体 语言的展现,鼓励学生猜测每种不同肢体语言的含义并用英语表达 出来, 最后再对所学的有关本话题的生词和表达方式进行总结,并 给学生更多补充材料以便在下一次活动中有话可说。 以下就是某次 英语角活动结合课本内容的材料以供参考。 topic 1: body language 高一英语牛津教材上学期第一课的话题是 body language(肢体语言) , 此话题是我们生活中经常会接触到的,因此把这个话题延伸到英语角的活动中, 能提升学生学习的兴趣和热情。由于课本中所列 举的肢体语言种类有限,在英语角中,教师或组 织者可以补充更多肢体语言的实例,通过先自己 做出动作来让学生

14、猜趣味更多,然后再用英语总 结每个动作的英语表达方式和所代表的意义。接 着可以让学生联想生活中看到的更多的肢体语言 的例子,以小组讨论交流的方式开展,最后再补 充一些在生活中具有欺骗性的肢体语言实例,可 以结合热门的美剧 lie to me(千谎百计)讨论生活中人们骗人时表现出来的 肢体语言。 procedure: 1. get the students to brain storm what body language ( gestures, postures, eye contacts) they often use in daily life to express what they m

15、ean. 2. students contribute the ideas via movements, such as thumbs up to mean good, thumbs down to mean depreciation, v-sign for victory, crossing fingers signifying prayer, keeping ones arms crossed in front of the chest meaning unwillingness to involve in the community, touching the index finger

16、and thumb with the other three fingers separated to mean “ok”, etc. and guess the meaning of each sign. 3. give extra material on body language to the students and discuss the deeper sense of it. 4. play an episode of the american tv series “ lie to me” and discuss the body language displayed in it

17、and how to tell if someone is lying through his or her body language. 5. summarize what has been discussed and learned, the many meanings of body language. extra materials: communicating effectively means more than knowing what to say and when to say it. communication involves the subtle signals you

18、r body language sends to those listening. here are some common body actions and the impressions they create: 1. fiddling playing with your watch or a pen looks like youre bored or impatient 2. clock watching it looks like youre anxious to move on to something else. 3. tapping tapping your foot or fi

19、ngers suggests you are impatient or nervous. 4. staring an unblinking stare conveys aggression 5. legs crossed or body hunched closing up your body profile becoming smaller looks like you lack confidence. 6. arms crossed if you keep your arms folded during communication, you appear to be defending y

20、ourself against the others. 7. touching your face - when you have your hand in front of your mouth, you appear timid. 8. rubbing your nose, looking away - people who are lying often rub their nose or look away when speaking. 9. no eye contact - if you wont look the other speaker in the eye, you seem

21、 to have low interest or a lack of confidence. (dont forget staring. above.) signs of deception: body language of lies: physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. hand, arm and leg movement are toward their own body the liar takes up less space. a person who is l

22、ying to you will avoid making eye contact. hands touching their face, throat when someone smiles naturally their whole face is involved: jaw/cheek movement, eyes and forehead push down, etc. interactions and reactions a guilty person gets defensive. an innocent person will often go on the offensive.

23、 a liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away. a liar might unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you. verbal context and content a liar will use your words to make answer a question. when asked, “did you eat the last

24、cookie?” the liar answers, “no, i did not eat the last cookie.” a statement with a contraction is more likely to be truthful: “ i didnt do it” instead of “i did not do it” liars sometimes avoid lying by not making direct statements. they imply answers instead of denying something directly. the guilt

25、y person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you. they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation. a liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous tone. when a truthful statement is made the pronoun is emphasized as much or more than the re

26、st of the words in a statement. words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntax and grammar may be off. in other words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized other signs of a lie: if you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows

27、along willingly and becomes more relaxed. the guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject. using humor or sarcasm to avoid a subject. topic 2: the phantom of the opera 高一牛津教材下学期第一课的内容为 the phantom o

28、f the opera(剧院 魅影) ,剧院魅影是百老汇的经典曲目,课文中为浓缩 版,有很多细节没有充分展现出来,通过英语角发给学 生一些补充材料,介绍剧院魅影的创作背景,作者的信 息以及很多具体的情节,了解了这些后,可以组织学生 选择其中一个片段以话剧或音乐剧的形式演出来,以 4 至 5 个学生为一组,利用课余时间排练,英语老师做适 当指导,最后可以在学校一年一度的英语戏剧节上展演。 i. enjoying the scenes of the film 1. explain the classic clips in the film 2. experience the emotion of

29、the hero and heroine ii. dubbing one scene iii. asking the students to experience the emotion of the hero and heroine in the film again the original production of the phantom of the opera the phantom of the opera opened on october 9th 1986 and is now in its 26th year. gaston leroux, the versatile fr

30、ench author who created the phantom of the opera, was a man with an abiding passion for the theater and it seems appropriate that after years of struggle, writing newspaper reviews and a number of unsuccessful plays, he should have left his mark on literature with a novel about an extraordinary epis

31、ode in the history of frances greatest opera house born in paris in 1868, gaston leroux is himself as interesting as his story. photographs reveal him to have been a big, rather plump man with slicked back dark hair and a moustache, who dressed fashionably and sported a gold pince-nez. he was eviden

32、tly a flamboyant character and once claimed that his family were directly descended from william the conqueror although his literary inclinations put him at the top of his class, when his father decided that he was to become a lawyer, gaston changed from an energetic pupil to an idle student. the th

33、eater was obviously gripping his imagination and, it is not surprising that after he finally completed his legal study and was called to the bar as a probationer, he continued to write in his spare time however, the course of his life was changed when his father died suddenly and left him heir to a

34、fortune of almost one million francs. at once, gaston abandoned the law and flung himself into a round of gambling, (poker was his particular vice) and pleasure in the colorful society of paris. in less than a year he had squandered his inheritance not downhearted, leroux begged a job on lecho de pa

35、ris in 1890 and was asked to combine his knowledge of the law and love of the theatre as court reporter and drama critic! it was as an investigative reporter that leroux found the greatest satisfaction at this period of his life. his paper allowed him to probe suspected malpractice in the local poli

36、ce force and public administration and his hard-hitting reports not only exposed several corrupt officials but also made his name as a journalist. this passport to adventure took him from finland, south to the caspian sea, through italy, egypt and morocco, frequently disguising himself in order to b

37、e able to witness events at first hand. the strain on his health and a natural enough desire to settle down with his family made him give up the footloose life of a roving correspondent and become a novelist.his first books were unashamed pot-boilers, full of blood and thunder. then, in 1907, he use

38、d his admiration for edgar allan poe and sir arthur conan doyle to develop a young detective, joseph rouletabille, who solved a seemingly impossible crime committed in a locked room. the book was called: the mystery of the yellow room. in 1911 he published le fantme de lopra, introducing it to his r

39、eaders by explaining how he carried out his own enquiries into the strange events that had occurred in the famous opera house in the 1880s. he tells of how he visited the huge underground lake where the phantom hid and even stumbled upon the skeletons of some poor wretches who had been massacred und

40、er the commune in the cellars of the opera. however, sales of the book were only moderate and the reviews - such as they were disappointing. the only kind of public interest seems to have been generated by the serialization of the story in french, english and american newspapers with suitably graphi

41、c illustrations of the phantom stalking the dimly lit caverns of the opera house. it was to be the reading of this serial by a researcher for universal pictures which set in motion the chain of events which were to bring the the phantom of the opera to the screen for the first time in 1925 and make

42、a star of lon chaney snr. tragically, leroux did not live to see the full triumph of his opera story, though it is believed he did visit the cinema in paris to see the universal film in 1926. he was by then in failing health and died of uraemia on 15 april 1927. he was 59 years old and had written o

43、ver sixty novels, none of which had made him rich. today, copies of most are difficult to find aside from the phantom of the opera and the mystery of the yellow room. in the three quarters of a century of his existence, the phantom had undeniably over-shadowed his creator and, at the same time, beco

44、me a familiar term in everyday use. what a smile that would surely have given the former journalist and theatre lover after all these years! topic 3: environmental protection 高二牛津教材下学期第五单元的话题为 environmental protection(环 境保护) ,此话题和当前的实事也有联系,学生学起来也有话可说,在英语角的 活动中可以以环保的一个主题(如治理空气污染,植树造林,臭氧空洞,垃圾 分类处理等) ,

45、设计诺干问题,并附上讨论该话题时可能所需的英语词汇,4 至 5 人以小组分组讨论,学校英语老师和外教各负责一小组确保讨论的流畅进行 并在语言表达上做适当的知道和帮助。 procedure: 1. watch a video clip of the prediction of the maldives future fate of being submerged and elicit the topic of environmental protection. 2. list some common problems of environmental damages, such as defor

46、estation, ozone layer holes, air pollution, water pollution, rubbish sorting and disposal, etc. 3. discuss how we can do to solve the environmental problems. 4. provide the students with supplementary material on the environmental protection so that they may have ideas and perspectives to talk. poss

47、ible new words and expressions concerning this topic are also attached in the material. 5. summarize what has been discussed, the possible feasible ways to deal with the environmental problems and predict the future trend. extra material history of environmental protection environmental protection i

48、n tanzania began during the german occupation of east africa (1884-1919)colonial conservation laws for the protection of game and forests were enacted, whereby restrictions were placed upon traditional indigenous activities, such as hunting, firewood collecting and cattle grazing.in 1948, serengeti

49、was officially established as the first national park for wild cats in east africa. since 1983, there has been a more broad-reaching effort to manage environmental issues at a national level, through the establishment of the national environment management council (nemc) and the development of an en

50、vironmental act. government protection the division of the environment is the main government body that oversees protection. it does this through formulation of policy, coordinating and monitoring environmental issues, environmental planning and policy-oriented environmental research. the national e

51、nvironment management council (nemc) is an institution that was initiated when the national environment management act was first introduced in 1983. this council has the role to advise governments and the international community on a range of environmental issues. the nemc has the following purposes

52、: provide technical advice; coordinate technical activities; develop enforcement guidelines and procedures; assess, monitor and evaluate activities that impact the environment; promote and assist environmental information and communication; and seek advancement of scientific knowledge. the national

53、environment policy of 1997 acts as a framework for environmental decision making in tanzania. the policy objectives are to: 1. ensure sustainable and equitable use of resources without degrading the environment or risking health or safety 2. prevent and control degradation of land, water, vegetation

54、 and air 3. conserve and enhance natural and man-made heritage, including biological diversity of unique ecosystems 4. improve condition and productivity of degraded areas 5. raise awareness and understanding of the link between environment and development 6. promote individual and community partici

55、pation 7. promote international cooperation tanzania is a signatory to a significant number of international conventions, including the rio declaration on development and environment 1992 and the convention on biological diversity 1996. the environmental management act, 2004, is the first comprehens

56、ive legal and institutional framework to guide environmental-management decisions. the policy tools that are parts of the act includes the use of: environmental- impact assessments, strategics environmentals assessments and taxation on pollution for specific industries and products. the effectivenes

57、s of shifing of this act will only become clear over time as concerns regarding its implementation become apparent based on the fact that, historically, there has been a lack of capacity to enforce environmental laws and a lack of working tools to bring environmental-protection objectives into pract

58、ice. formal environmental protection in china was first stimulated by the 1972 united nations conference on the human environment, held in stockholm, sweden. following this, china began establishing environmental protection agencies and putting controls on some of its industrial waste. china was one

59、 of the first developing countries to implement a sustainable development strategy. in 1983 the state council announced that environmental protection would be one of chinas basic national policies and in 1984 the national environmental protection agency (nepa) was established. following severe flood

60、ing of the yangtze river basin in 1998, nepa was upgraded to the state environmental protection agency (sepa) meaning that environmental protection was now being implemented at a ministerial level. in 2008, sepa became known by its current name of ministry of environmental protection of the peoples


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