1、物流配送中心设施及设备设计(文献翻译) 7物流配送中心设施及设备1 绪论当前世界经济发展的两大趋势是全球化和市场化。经济腾飞、科技进步和信息革命,将世界经济带入前所未有的全球化和市场化的时代。集物流、信息流和资金流于一身的物流配送中心,在这全球化和市场化的时代里,又进一步促进了世界经济和贸易的发展。迈向世纪的国际物流技术的特征是信息化、网络化、智能化、柔性化、标准化和社会化。科学的物流配送是实现电子商务的重要环节。物流配送中心在物流业中作用极大,加速了商品流通,减少了商品损耗,降低了物流成本,提高了库存周转率,降低了超市连锁系统的采购、验货和入库费用,减少了仓库面积,节约了土地面积、人力和财力
2、,提高了经营灵活性和工作效率。 1.1 工业ct传送装置的研制叶片传送装置是为检测叶片质量好坏的一套高度自动化装置。该装置以可编程逻辑控制器plc为控制核心,通过接近开关,及光电传感器检测得到的信号判断叶片托盘的位置,同时将信号反馈到plc,再由plc对采集到的信号进行分析判断,按照预先编制好的逻辑程序控制叶片传送带各电动机及液系统协调工作,使叶片托盘按既定程序停靠在指定检测区域。由于叶片检测所使用射线对人体有害,所以我们采用远程控制的手段,操作房间与检测房间独立设置,使操作人员远离检测区域。使用触摸屏替代传统的按钮,指示灯组成的操作面板,既方便操作,更改便捷,又方便触摸屏与plc通讯,只需要
4、旧有生产线,使用本文所设计的叶片传送装置大大提高了工厂的生产和检测效率,并且伴随着这种高度自动化设备的广泛使用,人力资源得到解放,降低了企业的生产成本。 1.2国内外研究现状目前国际上的自动化传送装置已经发展的极为成熟,在各大知名制造业的流水线上使用的都是各式各样的传送装置。包括:冶金业,制造业,矿业,it行业,纺织业等等行业中,传送装置起到了相当巨大的作用。使用合适的传送装置会大大提高工厂的生产或检测效率,并且伴随着这种高度自动化设备的广泛使用,人力资源得到解放,降低了企业的成本。国内外各传送装置有着同样的几个共性:(1)都具备一套或几套控制系统。以控制系统为核心对传送装置进行综合操控,配合
6、语言编制程序,省时省力,且便于维护调试。对现场工作情况可做数据记录,在需要时调历史数据库进行数据查询,方便回查,有利于编制更科学的工艺过程。使用组态软件编制现场工作动画,使操作者更直观更快捷的了解现场实时工作情况。 102 物流机械设备2.1输送机系统分类输送机是按照规定路线连续地或间歇地运送散料物料和成件物品的搬运机械。输送机系统是由两个以上输送机及其附件,组成一个比较复杂的工艺输送系统,完成物料的搬运、装卸、分拣等功能。广泛应用于工厂企业的流水生产线、物料输送线;广泛应用于流通中心、配送中心物料的快速拣选和分拣。2.1.1带式输送机定义:带式输送机是一种利用连续而具有挠性输送带连续地来输送
7、物料的输送机。用途:输送各种散状物料;在装配、检验、测试等生产线上输送单位质量不太大的成件物品。 分类:根据挠性输送带的不同,可分:织物芯胶带织物芯pvc带钢带网带等。织物芯又可分为棉帆布尼龙帆布(nn)聚酯尼龙交织帆布(ep)等。2.1.2滚柱输送机定义:采用滚柱来取代辊道的输送机。用途:结构简单,一般用于无动力驱动。适用于成件包装货物或者整底面物料的短距离搬运。2.1.3辊道输送机 定义:辊道输送机是利用辊子的转动来输送成件物品的输送机。它可沿水平或曲线路径进行输送,其结构简单。安装、使用、维护方便,对不规则的物品可放在托盘或者托板上进行输送。分类:按驱动方式分:无动力辊道输送机动力辊道输
9、度的滚筒,一般情况下采用“输送物+50mm”。2、滚筒的壁厚及轴径选择:按照输送物的重量平均分配到接触的滚筒上,计算出每支滚筒的所需承重,从而确定滚筒的壁厚及轴径。3、滚筒材料及表面处理 :根据输送环境的不同,确定滚筒所采用的材质和表面处理(碳钢镀锌、不锈钢、发黑还是包胶)。4、选择滚筒的安装方式 :根据整体输送机的具体要求,选择滚筒的安装方式: 弹簧压入式, 内牙轴式, 全扁榫式, 通轴销孔式等。对于弯道机的锥形滚筒,其滚面宽度及锥度视货物尺寸和转弯半径而定。2.1.4链式输送机定义:链式输送机是利用链条牵引、承载,或由链条上安装的板条、金属网、辊道等承载物料的输送机。分类:根据链条上安装的
10、承载面的不同,可分:链条式/链板式/链网式/板条式/链斗式/托盘式/台车式,此外,也常与其他输送机、升降装置等组成各种功能的生产线。2.1.5悬挂输送机定义:悬挂输送机属于链条(也可为钢索)牵引式的连续输送机。 用途:悬挂输送机是规模较大的工厂综合机械化输送设备,它广泛地应用于大量或者成批生产的工厂,作为车间之间和车间内部的机械化、自动化连续输送设备。在汽车、家电、服装、屠宰、邮政等方面得到了广泛应用。分类:根据牵引件和承载件的连接方式不同,可分:通用悬挂输送机(提式悬挂输送机)/推式悬挂输送机/拖式悬挂输送机/积放式悬挂输送机。根据承载件的支撑方式不同可分:空中吊挂式/地面支撑式等。 3 自
11、动化立体仓库系统的设计与实现3 绪论自动化立体仓库系统(automated storage and retrieval system shorted foras/rs)是现代物流系统的一个重要组成部分,广泛应用于各行各业中。目前,它已经成为企业生产和管理信息化的标志之一。自动化立体仓库在军事领域中同样具有很高的应用价值,是提高部队信息化毹;理水平、战斗力的有力保障。自动化立体仓库是集机电、液压、通讯、plc、计算机、数据库技术为一体的复杂的高度集成的智能系统。本课题设计的自动化立体仓库采用分布式plc控制液压和机电设备进行作业,使用丰富的传感器确保作业的准确性和安全性;组态王开发的上位机软件对
12、其工作进行监控和指挥并用数据库记录库存信息,辅以基于无线通讯技术的摄像设备进行实时视频监控。31自动化立体仓库(automated storageretrieval system)311自动化立体仓库的定义自动化是现代物流技术发展的主要趋势,因此作为现代物流系统主要组成部分的自动化立体仓库在整个物流系统中占有非常重要的地位。作为现代物流技术的典型代表,自动化立体仓库系统(asrs)能够按照指令自动完成货物的存取,并能对库存货物进行自动管理,完全实现自动化作业,该系统具有提升物流管理。水平与物流运作效率、操作简单、能与erp系统进行信息集成、节省占地面积、维护方便快捷等诸多优点。自动化立体仓库丰
18、的设计和规划、计划编制和生产安排、制造、装配、试验、发运等)的一个子系统,建立物流系统与企业大系统间的实时连接,是目前自动化高架仓库发展的另一个明显的技术趋势。现代化企业对管理提出了更高的要求,“管理出效益的思维方式已成为大多数的现代企业管理者的共识。生产管理是企业管理的一个重要组成部分,主要包括产品规划,生产组织,物流规划,外购外设,产品质量,成本测算等内容。自动化高架库系统作为生产过程的一个中心环节,几乎参与了牛产管理的全过程。3、 加快货物的存取节奏,减轻劳动强度,提高生产效率建立以自动化立体仓库为中心的物流系统,其优越性还表现在自动化高架库具有的快速的入出库能力,能快速妥善地将货物存入
19、高架库中(入库),也能快速及时并自动地将生产所需零部件和原材料送达生产线。这一特点是普通平库所不能达到的。同时,自动化立体仓库的实现是减轻保管人员劳动强度的最典型的例予。这种劳动强度的减轻是综合的,具体包括:1)采用自动巷道堆垛机取代人工存放货物和人工取货,既快捷又省力。由于人员不必进入仓库内工作,工作环境大为改善。2)采用计算机管理系统对货物进行管理,大大增强了货物的管理能力,使仓库管理科学化,准确性和可靠性有质的提高,入出库管理、盘库、报表等工作量变得简单快捷,工人的劳动强度大大降低。3) 立体库系统辅以库前辅助输送设备,使入出库变得简单方便。4)自动化立体库系统所需要的操作人员和系统维护
20、人员很少,既节省了人力物力,节约了资金,又改善了工作环境,一举多得。5)自动化仓储能适应黑暗、有毒、低温等特殊场合的需要。将自动化立体仓库应用到军事领域,同样会产生较高的军事效益,是提高部队战斗力的有力保障。 10 logistics and distribution center facilities and equipment1 introductionthe current development of the world economy is the two big trend of globalization and market. economic boom, the progre
21、ss of science and technology and the information revolution, will be the world economy into an unprecedented era of globalization and market. set logistics, information flow and capital all in a suit of logistics distribution center, in this era of globalization and market, and further promote the d
22、evelopment of the world economy and trade. 21 century international logistics technology is the characteristics of information, network and intelligent, flexibility, standardization and socialization. scientific logistics distribution is to realize the important link of the electronic commerce. logi
23、stics distribution center in logistics industry function is great, accelerate the circulation of commodities, reduce the loss of goods, reduce logistics cost and improve inventory turnover, reduce the supermarket chain system of procurement, the inspection and storage costs and reduce the storage ar
24、ea, save the land area, human and financial resources, improve the management flexibility and efficiency. 1.1 the development of industrial ct transmission devicetransmission device is for testing leaf blade quality stand or fall to a set of highly automatic device. this device with programmable log
25、ic controller plc to control the core, through close to switch, and get the photoelectric sensor detection signal judge the position of the leaf tray, and at the same time will signal to feedback to plc, again by plc for the collected signal the analysis judgment, the prepared according to logic con
26、trol leaves the conveyor belt electric motor and fluid system coordination, blade according to established procedures parked in the tray designated testing area. due to the blade used ray detection harmful to human body, so we use remote control method, the operation room and testing room set up ind
27、ependently, make operation personnel away from testing area. use touch screen to replace the traditional button, indicator of operation panel, convenient operation, change is convenient, and convenient plc and touch screen, only need a communication cable can complete all devices to the scene of the
28、 motor control. the system also use installed the configuration software industrial control computer as a pc, configuration of the animation of leaf of action to make image transmission device simulation, real-time communication with plc, grasp every link of the action of historical database, the co
29、nvenient user about the workload, fault analysis of data query. by the specifics have sensors, the conveyor belt, hydraulic three parts. through the mechanical, electrical, upper control several system to balance work, to ensure that the system in the process of complete testing requirements of blad
30、e task. subject to the use of more advanced control, data acquisition, machinery manufacturing, and link,. project integrated plc and touch screen, configuration software, sensors, mechanical transmission device design, hydraulic control mechanical and electrical integration knowledge, through techn
31、ical means to together, and finally achieve the system work together. through reforming the old production line, this paper used the design of vane transmission device has greatly increased the factory production and testing efficiency, and is associated with the height of automation equipment widel
32、y used, the human resources was freed, reduced the enterprise cost of production. 1.2 current research at home and abroadthe international automation transmission device has been the development is very mature, in the famous manufacturing assembly line is used on a variety of transmission device. in
33、cluding: metallurgy industry, manufacturing, mining, it industry, textile industry and so on, the transmission device is a very important role. appropriate use of transmission device will greatly improve the plant production efficiency or testing, and is associated with the height of automation equi
34、pment widely used, the human resources was freed, reduce the cost of the enterprise. the domestic and foreign various transmission device has the same few generality: (1) all have a set of or a few sets control system. to control the system as the core of transmission device in the comprehensive con
35、trol, with high precision mechanical arm or automatic robots or all kinds of test equipment for the finished products or semi-finished products testing or to processing. (2) all have a set of monitoring sensor. through all kinds of sensors, the displacement, pressure, flow rate, temperature, speed d
36、ata detection and monitoring of the original signal to will become available for computer or to control system identification number or an analog signals, then will get signal to a control system, or analyzed with the upper machine. (3) all have the transmission or power plant. such as: electric mot
37、or and oil pump, etc. with the development of science and technology, manufacture accuracy, each production manufacturer, controller, sensors, etc equipment performance more and more high, transmission device control accuracy, transmission efficiency will further improve. at present the upper indust
38、rial pc is also widely used to transfer units of the control system, the use of upper industrial pc powerful processing power, can realize the complex algorithm, easy to control the maneuverability of the action. by using advanced language programming, saves time and effort, easy to maintain and com
39、missioning. work to do to the scene data record, in need shidiao history database data query, convenient to check, to prepare more scientific process technology. use configuration software of the animation, make handlers more quickly and more intuitive understanding of the real-time field work situa
40、tion. 2 the logistics of mechanical equipment 2.1 belt conveyor system classification according to the regulation line conveyor belt conveyor is continuously or intermittent transported in bulk material material and as articles handling machinery. belt conveyor system is by two or more conveyor and
41、its attachments, form a complicated process conveying system, complete material handling, loading and unloading, and sorting etc. function. widely used in factory production line, the material of the enterprise water transport line; widely used in circulation center, distribution center of the mater
42、ial chosen and sorting quickly. 2.1.1 belt conveyor definition: belt conveyor is a use of continuous and having the flexibility of the conveyor belt conveying material continuously to the conveyor. uses: convey various disperses the shape material; in the assembly, inspection, testing, production li
43、ne quality transport unit is not far as articles. classification: according to the different flexible conveyor belt, can be divided into: fabric core tape/fabric core pvc bring/steel strip/mesh belt, etc. fabric core and can be divided into cotton canvas/nylon canvas (nn) / polyester nylon canvas (e
44、p) interweave, etc. 2.1.2wheel conveyors definition: the roller to replace roller conveyor. uses: simple structure, general for no driving. applicable to pack the goods into parts or whole underside of short material handling. 2.1.3 roller conveyor definition: roller conveyor belt conveyor is using
45、the roll rotation to pump into items conveyor. it can be along horizontal or curve path in transmission, its simple structure. installation, convenient operation and maintenance, the irregular goods can be put in tray or ask board on pipelines. classification: according to the driving way points: no
46、 power roller conveyor/power roller conveyor (chain/friction drive). no power roller conveyor by the curve segment form points: cylindrical roller type/tapered roller type/differential roll type/short roll differential style, etc. according to turn the device from form cent: curve segment turn remov
47、ed from/split/fork split/car turned the plane from right turn/withdrawal/rotating table from/roller conveyor to turn lifting devices removed, etc. suitable for: roller conveyor applies to all kinds of boxes, bags, pallets a goods transportation, bulk material, small article or irregular goods should
48、 be put on pallets or turnover box transportation. can a single piece of material conveying weight, or bear the larger impact load and the line is easy to link between filter, can use multiple roller line and other conveyor or special plane composition complex logistics conveyor system, completes va
49、rious process needs. the product can realize the accumulation of material put roller conveyor. roller conveyor simple structure, high reliability, convenience in operation and maintenance. the rollers choice: 1, the length of the roller choice: the goods is suitable for different width of the width
50、of the roller, usually adopt the transport things + 50 mm. 2, roller wall thickness and trunnion choice: according to transport the weight of the thing to the average distribution contact roller, calculated each roller bearing of the required, so as to determine the cylinder wall thickness and trunn
51、ion. 3, roller materials and surface treatment: based on the transmission environment different, determine the roller materials and surface treatment (carbon steel galvanized, stainless steel, black or plastic bags). 4, choose roller installation way: according to the specific requirements of the wh
52、ole conveyor, the choice of roller installation: spring pressure into the type, the tooth shaft type, the flat tenon type, ventilation shaft pin hole type, etc. the tapered roller for corner machine, the roll surface width and taper depending on the size and the turning radius and decide. 2.1.4 chai
53、n conveyor definition: chain conveyor chain is using traction, bearing, or by a chain of installation, metal nets, attrib wattle bearing material such as roller of conveyor. classification: according to the installation of the chain bearing different, can be divided into: chain type /chain plate/cha
54、in net type/attrib wattle type/chain dou type/tray type/pallet car, in addition, also often and other conveyor, lifting equipment etc all kinds of function of the product line. 2.1.5 suspension conveyor definition: suspension conveyor belong to the chain (also can be used for cable) traction type co
55、ntinuous conveyor. uses: suspension conveyor belt conveyor is the larger factories comprehensive mechanized conveying equipment, it is widely used in large or mass production factory, as the workshop and the mechanization of internal between workshop, automation continuous transmission equipment. in
56、 the car, home appliance, clothing, slaughtering, postal and other aspects to a wide range of applications. classification: according to carrying objects and connection of traction in different ways, can be divided into: general suspension conveyor (2 suspension conveyor) / push suspension conveyor/drag suspension conveyor/product put suspension conveyor. according to the different ways carrying objects support can be divided into: air hanging/ground support type, etc. 3automatic warehouse system design and implementation 3 abstractasrs(automated st
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