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1、不定代词讲解1. som0 any(1) some多用于肯定句,修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词,作“一些”解。i want some story books to read.我想要一些故事书来读。some people are early birds.有些人起得很早。(2) any通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句,修饰单数或复数可数名词以及不可数名词。i don t have any maths book.( 否定句)do you have any maths books?( 疑问句)(单复数名词都可以)if you have any maths books,lend me one.如果你有数学书

2、,借我一本。(条件句)(3) any还可以用于肯定句,作“任何的”解。you can come here any time.你什么时候来者b行。you can buy it at any shop. 你可以在任何一家商店买到它。2. either , both , all(1) either表示“两者中的任何一个”。either of the brothers is tall.两兄弟都非常高。either is ok. 两个都行。(2) both “两个都”,修饰可数名词,统指两者。tom and jack are both studing painting.both of them shou

3、ld come here earlier.(3) all ”全部,所有的,修饰可数名词和不可数名词,指两个以上的人或物。all the students like playing football.all of the money is lost.we are all in the library.3. no, neither , none(1) no “不”,可修饰单数和复数可数名词以及不可数名词。i have no story books. i have no time.(2)neither”两者中哪个都不”,其所指范围是两个人或物。neither answer is right.neit

4、her of his parents likes footall.(谓语用单数)(3) none “没有一个人或东西”,它既可指可数名词(其所指范围是两个以上的人或物),又可指不 可数名词。none of the students like basketball.(谓语复数)none of this money is his. 这笔钱没有一点儿是他的。4. few, a few, little, a little(1) few的意思是“没有几个;a few的意思是“少数”,“几个”;修饰可数名词;a few表示肯定意义,few表示否定意义。few students like football.

5、( 谓语复数)(否定意义)a few students are in the room.(2) little“没有多少”,a little “少量”,修饰不可数名词;a little表示肯定意义,little表示否定意义。we have a little water. there is little water in the bottle.(几乎没有)5. manymuch,most(1) many用于修饰可数名词。many of the problems are difficult. he has many books.(2) much用于修饰不可数名词。you should drink m

6、uch water when you are sick你生病的时候应该喝很多水复合不定代词someone somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, everyone everybody, everything (1) someone, somebody某人和 something 某物 someone is waiting for you.i saw somebody go out of the room.我看至u个人走出了房间。10领跑教育i want something to eat.(2

7、) anyone, anybody 任何人和 anything 任何事情anybodycan do this work. its very simple.这事太简单了,人人都能做。did youmeet anyone on your way home?你回家的路上碰到什么人了吗?he didnot say anything after that.这以后他再也没说什么。(3) noone, nobody没有人.和 nothing (没有东西)。no one is in the room.(i胃语单数)nobody likes playing football in winter.there is

8、 nothing in the box.(单数)he said he knew nothing about it.他说他对那事一无所知。(4) everyone, everybody (每个人)和 everything (每样东西,一切事物)she said good-bye to everyone.她和每个人告另u。everybody is here.(单数)does everybody have a football?1. other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)如:doyou have any otherquestion(s)你还有其他问题吗?

9、asksome other people.问问别人吧!putit in your otherhand.把它放在你另一只手里。2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other ,不能用another ,止匕时的 other 作代词。如: he has two daughters. one is a 女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。nurse, theotheris a worker. 他有两个the other 后可加单数名词,也可加 如: on the other side of the street复数名词,there is止匕时 a tall的other 作形容词。

10、tree.在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。mary is much taller than the other girls.玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。he lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。3. others是other的复数形式,如: some of us like泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”singing and dancing, others在句中可作主语、宾语。go in forsports.我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。give me some others,please.请给我别的东西吧!there are no

11、others.没有别的了。4. the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)如: two boys will go to thezoo, and the others。是 thewill stayother的复数形式。at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。the others=the other + 复数名词【练习】1.i have two pens .oneisredis bluea.the other b. othersc.otherd. another2.therewrongwithmy radio3.4.5.a.6.a.c.7.a.

12、a.hisofare somethingm not busy .somethingparentsthe threeb.areb. areanythingi haven teverything c.doctorsforeign friendsc.tonothingisdod.a.anything d.anythingeach b. all,one is from london,two are fromnew yorkisc.somethingboth d. no oneother b. the other c.mary wanted to have aimportantanythingthere

13、otherswordd.withsomethingimportantwrongb.nothingthe otherstom . she had toimportantd. something importantwith the machinetellhima.c.8.my parents and iare interested in musica.both b. all c. neitherd. no9.look at those studentssome are cleaning the window ,arearen t something b. aren t anythingisn t

14、something d. isn t anythingsweeping the floora. the other b. otherc. others d. the others10. you may keep the book for two weeks , but you mustn t lend it to.a. otherb. othersc. the others d. the others11. i studychineseenglish and some subjectsa. other b.the otherc. othersd. the others12. do theyof

15、ten talk to eachin englisha. others b. the other c. otherd. the others13. would you likemilka. some b. any c. littled. a few14. mary sings better than best .ofhe girls in her classroomshe singsa. some b. any c. most d. one15. all the students had gone outthere wasin theclassrooma. somebody b. anybod

16、y c. nobody d. everybody16. now ,is heres begin our meetingleta. anybody b. everybody c. nobody d. anybody17.has taken my pencil by mistakei ca t find ita. somebody b. everybody c. nobody d. everybody18. did they findin the garden ? no , they foundthereanybodya. anybody , nobody b. somebody , everyb

17、odyc. anybody , somebody d. everybody19. she mademistakes in her exercisesa.any b. anotherc. nod. one20.there are fiftypupilsin their classof them are league membersa.both b. eitherc. alld. no one21.the students haveon sunday .a.no any classb. not class c. no classesd. no any class22.there isn ton p

18、layground23.a.24.a.25.a.26.a.27.a.c.28.a.29.a.30.a. anyone b.if you needsome b. onewe havemany b.we studyother b.iseveryone c. nobodya rubberc. anotherbookstod. thereadd. anypeoplelend youonemuch c. achineseothers c.here todayanybody b. everybodyis therelotd. anyenglish andthe other d.somesubjectsthe othersexcept li pingc. somebody d. nobodyin the librarysomebody , anybody b.anybodyyes,is innobodyanybodyi wassome b.i donother b.mike issomebody d.too tired toany c. eachanybodyeverybodydod.eitherlike this oneworkwou


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