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1、unit 8 it must belong to carla。section a 3a-3c一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1。学习并掌握新词汇:policeman , wolf ,noise 。 2。 能正确使用以下常用表达:see ab。 doing; each other . something unusual , next-door neighbor , tooto ,feel uneasy , 3。 学会使用以下句型:1)something unusual is happening in our town around here .2)my wife thinks that it c

2、ould be an animal ,but my friends and i think it must be teenagers having fun .3) one woman in the area saw something running away .。.4)the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood 。能力目标通过阅读训练,能养成良好的阅读理解能力,学会正确流利地阅读有关推测的文章.情感通过本课的学习,养成乐于助人的习惯,同时也要树立自我保护意识。目标教学重点重点词汇、常用表达及

3、句型。教学难点准确的运用表示推测的情态动词。教学方法情景教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课i. 复习热身课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。1。 free talk “自由交际”1) t: whose book is this?s1: it must belong to mary。 her name is on it 。t: whose blue jacket is this?s1: it might belong to li lei。 he loves blue .s2: it cant belong to li ning 。 i

4、t could belong to wang wei. 2。 revision “复习检查” 通过检查上节课布置的作业落实作业完成情况,进而为新课的导入铺路搭桥。通过检查“学案”中“新知预习”内容检查预习效果。 .感知体验1。 learning tasks“示标定向” 1。学习并掌握新词汇:policeman , wolf ,noise 。 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:see ab. doing;each other . something unusual , nextdoor neighbor , tooto ,feel uneasy , 3。 学会使用以下句型:1)something u

5、nusual is happening in our town around here 。2)my wife thinks that it could be an animal ,but my friends and i think it must be teenagers having fun 。3) one woman in the area saw something running away 。.。4)the noisemaker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood .2。 leadingin“导入新课”(1

6、) what problems do you have in your neighborhood? (2) if your neighborhood has something strange ,what should you do?(3) if there is strange noise, what can you guess?. 强化 巩固1. 速读 (fast reading)skimming: look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word。 1). ev

7、eryone in our neighborhood is uneasy. why?2). which is the best title? ( ) a。 a small and quiet town b. strange happenings in my town c。 animals in our neighborhood2. scanning:move your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information。1). who is victor?2). victors next door neighbor helen is

8、unhappy too.what does “neighbor” mean? ( ) a。 亲戚 b。 邻居 c. 朋友3. 精读 (intensive reading)read the passage carefully andfind the words to match the meanings (3b)nervous or worried _young people _person in the next house _area where people live _animal like a very large dog _person who makes noise _ (3)朗读

9、 (loud reading) (3c)1) read after the tape twice.2) read the passage by themselves, and then give some of them show time. (4) 使用“学案中“自主探究”部分的内容,体验语法以及语言知识点的使用方法.。实践应用 .总结反馈1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。ask one of the students to say what they have learnt。1

10、)words 2) phrases 3) sentences2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。作业布置1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 尝试复述课文, 背诵文章第3段,背笔记。2。 书面作业: have you ever had a strange experience that you cant explain? discuss it with your partner and then write a short passage about it.三、【板书设计】unit

11、8 it must belong to carla。 section a (3a3c)四、【教后反思】尊敬的读者:本文由我和我的同事在百忙中收集整编出来,本文档在发布之前我们对内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有不尽如人意之处,如有疏漏之处请指正,希望本文能为您解开疑惑,引发思考。文中部分文字受到网友的关怀和支持,在此表示感谢!在往后的日子希望与大家共同进步,成长。this article is collected and compiled by my colleagues and i in our busy schedule. we proofread the content carefully before the release of this article, but it is inevitable that there will be some unsatisfactory points. if there are omissions, please correct them. i hope


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