google搜索引擎高级搜索技巧(Advanced search skills for Google search engines)_第1页
google搜索引擎高级搜索技巧(Advanced search skills for Google search engines)_第2页
google搜索引擎高级搜索技巧(Advanced search skills for Google search engines)_第3页
google搜索引擎高级搜索技巧(Advanced search skills for Google search engines)_第4页
google搜索引擎高级搜索技巧(Advanced search skills for Google search engines)_第5页
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1、google搜索引擎高级搜索技巧(Advanced search skills for Google search engines)First, Google Google Search Advanced syntax1. deduction of irrelevant informationIf you want to avoid the search for a word, the word can be preceded by a minus sign (-, English character). But in the minus sign before must leave a sp

2、ace.2. English phrase search ()In Google, you can search phrases by adding English double quotes. Words in double quotes (such as like this) appear as a whole in the query document. This method is particularly useful in search of aphorisms or proper nouns.Some characters can be used as phrase connec

3、tors. Google identifies phrases such as -, , , , and . as phrase connectors.3. specify domainsThere are some words followed by a colon, has a special meaning for Google. One word is site:. To search in a particular domain or site, you can enter site in the Google search box.For example, to find the

4、Google site news, can enter: site: news4. find specific filesGoogle has been able to support the search for 13 non HTML files - PDF files, Microsoft Office (DOC, PPT, xls, RTF), Shockwave Flash (SWF), PostScript (PS), and other types of documents. A new type of document and as long as the users sear

5、ch related, will automatically appear in the search results.For example, if you just want to find a PDF or Flash file, instead of a general page, just search for keyword filetype:pdf or keyword filetype:swf.5. search by linkFor example, link: will find all point to the Google home page. Link: cannot

6、 be combined with the use of general search and keyword search.6. limit keywords only in the titleFor example, allintitle: Chinese apple means that China and apple must appear in the titleIntitle: Chinese apple means China must appear in the title, apple can appear in any position of the web page, c

7、an be the title can also be not.7. limit keywords only in URLFor example, the allinURL:koko com means Koko and com must appear in the URLInURL:koko com means Koko must appear in URL, com can appear in any position of the page, can be URL or not.8. Info is used to display a series of search related t

8、o a linkCache, link, related and completely contained the link function.9. Related is used to search the contents of the web page structure similarityExample: search all pages similar to the homepage of Chinese Sina (such as NetEase home page, Sohu home page, Chinese homepage, etc.), related:. .10.

9、Cache is used to search for a cache server GOOGLEThis function is the same as web snapshot, which is usually used to find some dead link pages that have been deleted, which is equivalent to using the web snapshot function in the common search results page.Two, Baidu (Baidu) search for advanced synta

10、x1. the search scope in the page title: intitleThe page title is usually on the web content outline of induction. The query scope in the page title, sometimes can get good results. The way to use it is to pick up the key part of the query with intitle:.For example, you can find Brigitte Lins portrai

11、t, so the query: intitle: Brigitte Lin photoNote that between the keywords intitle: and back, with no spaces.2. the search scope in the specific site in siteSometimes, if you know what you need to find in a site, you can limit your search to this site to improve query efficiency. Ways of using,Is be

12、hind the query content, plus the site: site domain name.For example, the sky network to download software is good, you can query: MSN site:Note, site: followed by the site domain name, do not bring http:/; in addition, site: and the site name, do not take space.3. the search scope in the URL link in

13、 inurlSome URL pages, often have some valuable implications. So, you can get good results if you make some restrictions on the URL of the search results. The way is to use inurl: followed by the need to appear in the URL keyword.For example, look for the skills of using Photoshop, so you can query:

14、Photoshop inurl:jiqiaoThe Photoshop in the query string above can appear anywhere in the page, and the Jiqiao must appear in the page url.Note that the inurl: syntax and keywords behind with no spaces.4. precise matching - double quotation marks and book titlesIf the input query term is very long, t

15、he query words in the search results given by Baidu after analysis may be split. If you are not satisfied with this, you can try to get Baidu not to split the query. To query words in quotes, you can achieve this effect.For example, Shanghai University of science and technology, if there is no doubl

16、e quotes, the search results are split, the effect is not very good, but in quotes, Shanghai University of science and technology, the results obtained on the whole is to meet the requirements of the.The title is a special Baidu unique query syntax. In other search engines, the title is ignored, whi

17、le in Baidu, the Chinese book name can be queried. There are two layers of special functions for adding a name to the query. One is that the name of the book will appear in the search result; two, the content expanded by the name of the book will not be split. The title of a book is especially usefu

18、l in some cases, such as looking for movies and novels that are popular and popular. For example, check the movie mobile phone, if not add book name, in many cases out of the communication tool - mobile phone, and plus the title of the book, mobile phone results are all about the film.The specific q

19、uery does not contain 5. search resultsIf you find the search results, there is a kind of web pages is that you do not want to see, and these pages contain specific keywords, then with the minus grammar, can remove all these contain specific keywords .For example, the search for the Condor Heroes, h

20、ope is about the content of martial arts novels, but found a lot of TV drama about the web page. You can query this: The legend of Condor Hero - TVNote that before a keyword, there must be a space between minus and minus otherwise, will be treated as a hyphen, lost minus grammatical function. Betwee

21、n a minus sign and a keyword, no space can be.6. professional document searchA lot of valuable information on the Internet is not a common web page, but in Word, PowerPoint, PDF formats exist. Baidu supports full-text search for Office documents (including Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Adobe PDF documen

22、ts, and RTF documents. To search for this type of document, its very simple to add a filetype: document type to the common query word. Filetype: can format with the following file: DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, RTF, ALL. Among them, ALL said the search for all these file types. For example, to find the Zhang

23、Wuchang economics paper on the transaction costs of the. Transaction cost Steven filetype:doc, click on the title of the document can be downloaded directly, click on the title page format content after the HTML version of a quick view of the document.Three, YAHOO Yahoo Search Advanced syntax1. titl

24、e:Title: is used to search for the title.For example: search for title: Jacky Cheung,The search engine will search to include Jacky Cheung in the title of all. Since the title of a web page usually accurately describes the content of a web page, the effect of title: search may be more accurate.The d

25、efinition of Title: the beginning and ending of the hypertext window title, which is displayed in the title bar at the top of the browser.2. Link:Link: is used to find all links to a web site. .For example:1, search link: will search all the links to ;2, search Yao Ming link: or link: Yao Ming, will

26、 search all links to the web page, contains the Yao Ming word page.Note: the domain name not in front of the lack of http:/ search, not behind the lack of /.3. Site: or domain:Site: or domain: for defining the source of search results.If you know that a site has what you need to find, you can limit

27、the search area in this site, improve query efficiency. The use of the way, is behind the query content, plus the site: site domain name.For example:Want to query the YAHOO website reported the Yao Ming information, can have the following two methods:1, in the search box input Yao Ming site: or Yao

28、Ming domain: , (note that the middle use of space separated). The search engine will search all the pages that contain the word Yao Ming in the domain name and its subdomain.2, in the search box input site: Yao Ming can also get the same search results.Remarks: site: followed by the site domain name

29、, do not bring http:/; in addition, site: and the site name, do not add spaces.4. Hostname:The usage of hostname: is the same as site: and domain:, but the result of searching hostname: is the page under the current domain name, but not the page in the subdomain.5. url:Url: is used to search URL acc

30、urately.For example: search url:, search engine will only search to a result of Yahoo China.6. how to make search results in the query are not open?When you enter a longer query word, YAHOO search engine will be based on query string chaizi. If you need to get accurate, chaizi search results in the

31、query before and after quotes (Chinese double quotes, English double quotation marks can).For example: when you enter the Peking University graduate, the system will automatically query is split into Peking University, graduate string; if you enter the Peking University, the search results will matc

32、h exactly the Peking University.Note: in the case of exact match search, the number of search results will be less.Four, Sogou Sogou Search Advanced syntax1. use double quotation marks to find accuratelyFor example: in the search box input computer technology , then only the feedback in the computer

33、 technology the key , and does not return computer and technology , this will be less than the input computer technology, better results.Double quotes here can be the full width Chinese double quotes , can also be English double quotes semiangle. And can be mixed, for example: computer technology, c

34、omputer technology Sogou can be intelligent identification.2. use multiple word searchBecause Sogou only searches web pages that contain all the content of the query, a simple way to narrow the search area is to add search terms. Add words, the range of query results than the original overbroad quer

35、y is much smaller. Enter multiple search words (different words separated by a space),More accurate search results can be obtained.For example, if you want to know the information about the Beijing zoo, you can get better results from the Beijing zoo in the search box than the input zoo.3. subtracti

36、on of irrelevant dataIf you want to avoid the search for a word, the word can be preceded by a minus sign (-, English character). But must leave a space before the minus sign. Sogou query is very simple and convenient, just enter the query content and click the Enter, or click Sogou search button to

37、 get the most relevant information.4. search within the specified web siteIf you want to know whether a site has what you need to find, you can limit the search area in this site, improve query efficiency. When you want to search for a specified web site, use the site syntax, the format is: query wo

38、rd + space +site: url. For example, just want to see the world cup content on the Sohu website, you can query: World Cup site:. Sogou also supports multi site query, multiple sites with | separated, such as: the world cup (site:|, site: and site name without spaces.)In addition to the basic station

39、query, provide a more powerful function for Sogou owners and webmasters, when used without words, only need to enter the site: site, you can find your website included quantity sogou. The functions provided include:Contains the query: enter site: domain, can be found in the site included Sogou, if t

40、he blog address, you can know your blog in the collection, such as: Sogou shared space 17173 Good MC FeelDomain name suffix: you can view the content of a domain name or subdomain, and the result is sorted according to importance. For example, site:cn refers to the last domain name of all sites included in CN, you can try to query these websites: domestic companies, government agenc


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