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1、专业好文档课程名称游标卡尺使用与维护课程编号适用岗位品管进料检验员、自检员、仓管、生产组长、生产课长、生产主任课程目的应知 1.游标卡尺的结构;2.游标卡尺的刻线原理和读数方法;3.游标卡尺的使用注意事项;4.游标卡尺的维护和保养应会 1.准确测量零件的尺寸 2.整理游标卡尺课程時間课堂40分钟,实作20分钟使用设备电脑、投影机、钢直尺,游标卡尺,零件。考核方式笔试 实际操作 笔试:30分钟 实作:10分钟內能独立测量指定的5个尺寸 其它: 课程大纲:一、 游标卡尺的特点与结构1. 游标卡尺的特点2. 游标卡尺的结构二、 游标卡尺的刻线原理与读数1. 游标卡尺的刻线原理2. 游标卡尺的读数三、

2、 游标卡尺的使用1. 游标卡尺使用原则2. 常见错误使用示例3. 常见错误读数错误原因分析四、 游标卡尺的维护与保养实作要求:游标卡尺量测实作、游标卡尺整理实作课程內容:一、游标卡尺的特点与结构:1 游标卡尺的特点:游标卡尺之特点在于准确性高,游标卡尺读数不太方便,人眼易疲劳。目前还有表式卡尺和液晶数位显示卡尺。一般由不銹鋼製成,不易受腐蝕而損壞,其功用在於測量工作物之厚薄、長度、內徑及外徑、深度等。量度的準確度相當高。英文名稱:游標卡尺 caliper;鋼直尺steel ruler;千分尺micrometer.當客戶需要檢測報告,需用英文注明。2 游標卡尺的結構:游標卡尺由本尺及副尺(游標尺

3、)所組成,游標尺可在本尺上移動,以量度尺吋。尺上有內卡、外卡及深度桿裝置, 如圖1所示。 圖1 游標卡尺的結構二、游標卡尺的刻線原理與讀數1. 游標卡尺的刻線原理:游標卡尺刻劃原理,是把本尺上()刻度的距離,在副尺上刻劃個刻度,所以副尺每一刻度之距離為本尺每一刻度距離之,所以本尺與副尺每一刻度之距離差為本尺刻度距離(度量之精確度)例如,本尺刻度1mm,19mm長度副尺刻劃20等分刻度。因為本尺每一刻度為1mm,副尺每一刻度為19/20mm,本尺與副尺每一刻度差為1/20mm,即該游標尺之度量精確度為1/20mm=0.05mm例: 讀數值0.02mm的游標卡尺,尺身每小格1mm,游標刻線總長為方

4、便用49mm並等分為50格,每格為49/50=0.98mm,則尺身和游標相對一格之差為1-0.98=0.02mm。所以它的讀數值為0.02mm。如圖2所示。 圖2 游標卡尺刻度2. 游標卡尺的讀數方法:讀數方法分為以下三步,以圖3進行0.02mm游標卡尺的讀數。2.1 在尺身上讀出游標零線左側的刻度,該值就是最後讀數的整數部分,圖示為23mm;2.2 尺框游標上有一條刻線與尺身上的刻線對齊。該刻線距零線的格數乘以精度值0.02mm,就是最後讀數的小數部分。圖示為0.24 mm。2.3 將上面整數和小數兩部分相加,讀數= 游標零線左面尺身上的毫米數 + 游標與尺身對齊刻線數x精度值。圖示總尺寸2

5、3.24 mm. 圖3 讀數示例範例:本尺刻度1mm,副尺刻度19/20mm(19mm長度副尺刻劃20等分刻度),可測量之精確度為0.05mm判讀:圖4中主尺刻度()20mm副尺刻度()0mm測得距離:()+()=20mm圖4 讀數示例判讀:圖5 主尺刻度()21mm副尺刻度()1/20*11=0.55mm(因副尺第11刻度與主尺刻度重合故副尺測得之距離為1/20*11=0.55mm)測得距離:()+()=21.55mm 圖5 讀數示例 三、游標卡尺的使用 1. 游標卡尺使用原則:1.1 檢查零線使用前應用軟布擦淨卡尺,合攏量爪,檢查尺身與游標的零線是否對齊。如未對齊,應記下誤差值,以便測量後

6、修正讀數。游标的零刻度线在尺身零刻度线右侧的叫正零误差,在尺身零刻度线左侧的叫负零误差(这件规定方法与数轴的规定一致,原点以右为正,原点以左为负)。1.2 放正卡尺測量內外圓,卡尺應垂直於軸線;測量內圓,應使兩量爪處於直徑處。测量时,右手拿住尺身,大拇指移动游标,左手拿待测外径(或内径)的物体,使待测物位于外测量爪之间,当与量爪紧紧相贴时,即可读数,如图6所示。1.3 用力適度 量爪與測量面接觸時,用力不宜過大,以免量爪變形和磨損。1.4 視線垂直 讀數時視線要對準所讀刻線並垂直於尺面,否則讀數不准。1.5 防止鬆動 從工件上取下卡尺讀數時,應使固定卡腳貼緊工件,輕輕取出防止游標移動。1.6

7、勿測毛面-卡尺屬精密量具,不得用來測量毛坯表面。 圖6 游標卡尺量測使用動作2. 常見使用錯誤動作示例2.1.測量厚度:測量時量爪應確實與工作物面(邊)緊貼 圖7-1 測量厚度正確動作 圖7-2 測量厚度不正確動作2.2 測量外徑:測量外徑時應夾緊工作物,並確定在正確位置 圖8-1測量外徑正確動作 圖8-1測量外徑不正確動作 2.3測量內徑:測量內徑時內側量爪應與工作物內徑邊貼緊卡緊。 圖9-1測量內徑正確動作 圖9-1測量內徑不正確動作 2.4. 測量深度:做深度測量,深度測量桿應與深度槽邊平行貼緊,卡尺末端面應與槽面平行貼緊。 圖10-1測量深度正確動作 圖10-2測量深度不正確動作3.

8、常見讀錯數的原因分析:錯誤原因正確方法比正常值大1mm讀的是游標零線右側的刻度在尺身上讀出游標零線左側的刻度比正常值大0.020.041、 測量時斜放;2、 取出時未鎖緊。1、 測量時放正;2、取出時鎖緊。比正常值小0.020.041、 開始未校零位;2、 視覺誤差。1、 開始校正零位;2、 視線要垂直。四、游標卡尺的維護與保養1、卡尺使用完畢,要擦淨並上油,放置在專用盒內,防止弄髒或生銹。2、不可用砂布或普通磨料擦除刻度尺表面及量爪測量面的鏽跡和汙物。3、不准把卡尺的兩個量爪當扳手或劃線工具使用,不准用卡尺代替卡鉗、卡板等在被測件上推拉,以免磨損卡尺,影響測量精度。4、測量結束時,要把卡尺平

9、放,特別是大尺寸卡尺,否則易引起尺身彎曲變形。5、帶深度尺的游標卡尺,用完後應將量爪合攏,否則較細的深度尺露在外邊,容易變形,甚至折斷。6、游標卡尺受損後,不允許用錘子、挫刀等工具自行修理,應交專門修理部門修理,並經檢定合格後才能使用。實作要求指引:一、量測實作1老師觀察學生的測量,記錄測量方法正確及不正確的同學;2學生報告測量結果並老師進行記錄;3由測量值正確的同學說出其讀數方法;4由老師總結游標卡尺的原理及讀數方法:二、整理實作讓學生整理,將游標卡尺放入盒中,指出學生做中的錯誤並提問:沒有擦尺子就放入,會出現什麼情況?如果出現磨損或不能正常使用,將怎麼辦? 常見問題指引:1. 為什麼測量孔

10、深時拿不穩尺子?是由於卡尺位置沒有放正。2. 量測測量內孔直徑和深度時提醒學員要注意使用游標卡尺的內量爪和測深杆。上課後,若有學員提出的問題,在教材的實作問題指引中未描述,請講師補充,以修正教材。winger tuivasa-sheck, who scored two tries in the kiwis 20-18 semi-final win over england, has been passed fit after a lower-leg injury, while slater has been named at full-back but is still recovering

11、from a knee injury aggravated against usa.both sides boast 100% records heading into the encounter but australia have not conceded a try since josh charnleys effort in their first pool match against england on the opening day.aussie winger jarryd hayne is the competitions top try scorer with nine, c

12、losely followed by tuivasa-sheck with eight.but it is recently named rugby league international federation player of the year sonny bill williams who has attracted the most interest in the tournament so far.the kiwi - with a tournament high 17 offloads - has the chance of becoming the first player t

13、o win the world cup in both rugby league and rugby union after triumphing with the all blacks in 2011.id give every award back in a heartbeat just to get across the line this weekend, said williams.the (lack of) air up there watch mcayman islands-based webb, the head of fifas anti-racism taskforce,

14、is in london for the football associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend citys premier league match at chelsea on sunday.i am going to be at the match tomorrow and i have asked to meet yaya toure, he told bbc sport.for me its about how he felt and i would like to speak to him first

15、to find out what his experience was.uefa hasopened disciplinary proceedings against cskafor the racist behaviour of their fans duringcitys 2-1 win.michel platini, president of european footballs governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into the referees actions.cska said they were

16、 surprised and disappointed by toures complaint. in a statement the russian side added: we found no racist insults from fans of cska. baumgartner the disappointing news: mission aborted.the supersonic descent could happen as early as sunda.the weather plays an important role in this mission. startin

17、g at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. the balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. it will climb higher than

18、 the tip of mount everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. as he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause),e can expect a lot of turbulence.the balloon will slowly drif

19、t to the edge of space at 120,000 feet ( then, i would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an olympic diving platform.they blew it in 2008 when they got caught cold in the final and they will not make the same mistake against the kiwis in manchester.five years ago they cruised

20、through to the final and so far history has repeated itself here - the last try they conceded was scored by englands josh charnley in the opening game of the tournament.that could be classed as a weakness, a team under-cooked - but i have been impressed by the kangaroos focus in their games since then.they have been concentrating on the sort of stuff that wins you tough, even contests - strong defence, especially on their own goal-line, completing sets and a good kick-chase. theyve been


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