Research on Emotional Education of Middle School Students in English Teaching_第1页
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1、research on emotional education of middle school students in english teachingcontentsabstract.1key words.1i. introduction.2ii. literature review.4iii. tactics on finding emotional factors.8iv. tactics on emotional teaching.94.1 handling teaching materials.94.2 handling teaching buildup114.3 handling

2、 the evaluation of the teaching course.11v. views on effective factors.125.1 attitude to study.125.2 motivation.125.3 motivation and interest.13vi. arousing and developing interest136.1 designing the teaching course136.2 leading in.146.3 carrying out the teaching manner flexibly.146.4 relationship b

3、etween teachers and students.15vii. conclusion.15references.16research on emotional education of middleschool students in english teaching摘要:课程标准指出情感态度包括兴趣,动机,自信,意志和合作精神等相关因素,这些因素都影响着学习的过程和结果。民族意识和国际视野也是主要的目标之一。情感教学就是教师在教学过程中充分考虑到情感的积极和消极作用,目的是为了更好地实现教学目标。关心学生的情感态度的发展是目前我国教育改革的一个重要方面。英语教育部担忧传授英语知识和技

4、能的责任而且还有发展学生积极情感态度的义务。本文作者在文中简要描述了中学英语教学中贯彻情感教育的现状及其成因,论述了情感教育的实质和特点。并且根据情感因素理论及相关研究成果,分析了影响外语学习的态度,动机,和个性等情感因素,旨在引导教师帮助学生增强其学习动力和提高其学习成效。关键词:情感;情感态度;情感因素;动机;兴趣abstract: course standard points out that emotional attitude which means interest, motive, self- confidence, will and the spirit of cooperat

5、ion and many other related factors which affect the process and result of studying and nation awareness and international views has been considered as a main goal. emotional teaching which means that teachers consider the positive effect of emotion fully as well as cognitive factor during teaching c

6、ourses in order to perfect the aim and result of teaching. paying attention to the development of students emotional attitude plays an important role in reforming basic education recently so that the development of emotional attitude can be embodied in the process of education and teaching subject o

7、f school. english teaching can develop the language knowledge and language skills and it has the duty and obligation to develop the positive emotional attitude of students. comparing with other subjects, the relationship is more closely related between language and emotional attitude. so that englis

8、h course should especially act on developing the students emotional attitude. the intention of this study is to describe the current situation of using emotional education in english teaching process briefly and discuss the character of it. considering the theories of effective factors and some resu

9、lts of researches, the author analyses factors such as attitude, motivation, and personality and so on in order to guide teachers to help students to strengthen their motivation and improve their scores. key words: emotion;emotional attitude;effective factor;motivation;interesti. introduction an imp

10、ortant function of humans language is promoting interpersonal communication. using language correctly can help promote emotion, developing friendship, respecting each other and improving interpersonal relationships. in all, there are countless relationship tying between language and emotional attitu

11、de. the aim of studying foreign language of teenagers is to study how to use it. so that, there is no doubt that interpersonal communication and emotional attitude cannot be ignored. there is not any countless relationship lying between emotional attitude and language but also emotional attitude act

12、s on language directly or indirectly especially foreign language. positive attitude such as lively and open and clear personalities can help the students to take part in activities of learning language and get more opportunity of studying. strong motivation of studying, great interest and the spirit

13、 of bold practice are good for increasing the result of studying. strong will and self-confidence are good for overcoming difficulties during studying. however, many a negative emotional attitude is bad for studying. for instance, being over shy and introversion prevent students from taking part in

14、activity of studying. over anxiety and timidity are bad for expressing boldly in foreign language to show the students language knowledge and skills. recently, the professors who are making research on foreign language have done a lot of researches on the relationship between emotional attitudes and

15、 learning foreign language and has got some important results. among them, the main conclusion is that solving emotional problems are good for improving the result of studying; negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, embarrassment, nervousness, indignation, doubt, disgust, and so on, are bad for de

16、veloping the latent capacity normally of studying. no teachers, textbooks, teaching methods are useful if students are affected by negative emotion deeply. however, positive emotions such as self-confidence, self- respect, empathize, motives, pleasure and so on can create good situation for study. t

17、he process of education plays an important role in the development of teenagers. during education, teachers should pay more attention to students emotion during each period and subject. and they should help the students to develop their positive emotional attitude. there is a view existing in basic

18、education in our country policy that emotional attitude is not the aim of teaching foreign language, maths, physic and other such special subjects but is the duty of ideological education course. whats more, it is said that english is nothing to do with emotional attitude. apparently, this is a narr

19、ow and misunderstanding of emotional attitude. emotion is not a problem of teaching language even is not a problem of education, but it is the problem of development of human beings. however, developing personality is an important goal. in past education, emotion was often ignored. the development o

20、f emotion is various, and it must be embodied in every aspect of life. teachers should try their best to combine emotion with teaching content while teaching. at the end of 20th century, there were many counties and areas, which reformed basic education, made a lot of standards of courses. either th

21、e standards of learning language or other learning areas thought that emotional attitude is an important goal of courses.what is the goal of life? there are different answers. however, no one will answer that he doesnt want to have a happy life. is happiness exists everywhere? why there many people

22、feel unhappy? what is real happiness? the answers of these questions are different among different kinds of people. happiness demands emotional an action of affecting the whole life of students, education had better pay more attention and zeal to the real situation and life of students

23、rather than carelessness to them. the purpose of those is to try to make the students happier and happier and have a sense of happiness and the meaning of life rather than understand how they are living only. happiness needs to be learned through practice, so happiness needs education.jean jacques r

24、ousseau says that happiness will become illegibility if somebody seeks it before knowing where it is. then he will meet a lot of danger during seeking it. however, he would better meet trouble while being in pursuit of happiness rather than do nothing and wait when somebody is full of enthusiasm for

25、 gaining happiness (rousseau 2002). many a people refuse to come to their senses in order to be in pursuit of happiness. there is grief and indignation and courage as well as many a pity and regret. the idea of seeking happiness is great although not anyone gets it during seeking process. of course

26、there are many reasons which result in this result. however, we can say that happiness will become illegibility if we do not have the right sense of it.according to the authors interview on middle school students interest in english in number 4 middle school of shihezi, she has got that many student

27、s dont like english so they often only got one third score while being tested. they have realized the importance of learning english and the important role of it and they also want to learn it well. however, they have no interest in english courses and they think that textbooks and classes are dull.

28、 the author also interviews some teachers. they say that they cannot make students feel pleasant in classes although theyd like to. because they have to finish the teaching plan, they have no enough time. there are many theories existing, but little success. so how to balance teaching plan and effec

29、tive education is still a problem. and how to improve and keep interest in english is the most important part. in the authors attention of this study, she will discuss this problem deeply basing on some theories and some famous professors and teachers experience. emotional education is so important

30、that we should attach importance to it and put it into practice. most educators have realized this point. however, how to do it needs researching. ii. literature reviewcourse standard points out that emotional attitude which means interest, motive, self- confidence, will and the spirit of cooperatio

31、n and many other related factors which affect the process and result of studying and nation awareness and international views has been considered as a main goal. and it is an important factor affects study and development of students. it also emphasizes that teachers should respect, understand stude

32、nts and make full use of positive emotional factor to affect the result of students study, develop their interest, strengthen their motive of study, regulate the attitude of study, establish self-confidence and practice their will. it also states that middle school teachers should guide the students

33、 to realize the goal and the meaning of studying english and their attitude towards english learning is closed related to the result. keeping positive attitude of study is the key to succeed in learning language. teachers should arouse and develop the students interest of studying english, make them

34、 translate interest into stead motive of studying in order to have them set up self-confidence and practice their will of overcoming difficulties, recognize their advantages and disadvantages, have pleasure to co-work with others and form positive and healthy personality. it demands teachers to desi

35、gn proper and real language circumstance and practicable activities in order to attract students to join in. teachers should search lots of teaching sources as possible as they can to make full use of them and they should master ways of evaluating as many as possible to evaluate the activities of st

36、udents as taking part in learning process. it is teachers duty to pay attention to the difference of students, help them to know themselves and establish self-confidence together with finding out and developing their latent energy and helping them forward many professors and teachers claim that teac

37、hing with pleasure and emotion, empathizing are very important methods for teaching. a teacher called chaozhiyong said in his paper on internet that teaching with pleasure is an important principle of teaching, which points that teachers should control kinds of teaching methods in order to make stud

38、ents feel pleasant. that is to say, teachers should establish a kind of situation, which can make students be pleasant to accept learning. the experiment of emotional psychology has proved that he can give play to his intellectual practice ability when one person is in pleasant emotion so that he ca

39、n do well if there is interest in something (mengshaolan). arousing the interest in learning english is not the destination but it is only a tool of teaching, which can result in better result. and he also points that teaching with emotion is a principle, which means that teachers should be in posit

40、ive emotion while teaching knowledge, skills and expressing thoughts. and it also asks teachers to be good at controlling their move in order to make they be in pleasant, positive, heartened move and affect them. and teachers should have ability to deal with context to make it full of emotion. and h

41、e also claimed that empathizing principle means that let students mould their feelings. the function of removing of emotion of psychological theory shows that one person can move his feeling about something to other related things. according to this, students may remove their feeling about teachers

42、to the courses they teach. that can be called empathizing in teaching which says that teachers factors, knowledge, teaching ability, spirit, personality, gesture and oral speaking can influence students deeply. so that teachers should lead students feel the writers feeling while explaining texts and

43、 putting emotional education, ideological education aesthetic education into english teaching so students get spirit infection and the mould of emotionemotional teaching means that teachers consider the positive effect of emotion fully as well as cognitive factor during teaching courses in order to

44、perfect the aim and result of teaching. cognitive factor and emotional factor can be united completely only in this kind of teaching activities. and teaching means teaching human beings. just like rogers says that knowledge is not real knowledge without emotion but it just can make students have no

45、obligation. during emotional teaching process, teachers consider the effect of emotion as the main tool and create fine situation and keep good relationship with students. and teachers also should mould the students temperament and establish their will and strengthen their enthusiasm of study so to

46、make the students inform fine attitude towards study and satisfy their requirement of respect. he says that just this kind of education can be called real education. emotional english teaching means that teachers considers the students as the center in teaching process, and make full use of methods

47、and theories of psychology in order to arouse and develop the positive emotional factor for english studying and make the students be interest in english, strengthen their learning motive, self-confidence and initiative and have them know the aim of learning english so that result in better result w

48、hich means both teachers and students can improve their ability and make the students develop themselves completely. at the end of 1970s, krashen points out that emotional factors filter the input of language, which was claimed by dulay, j&m. burt first was called affective filter hypothesis by kras

49、hen.according to krashens affective filter hypothesis, the filter of emotion is different because of different people. negative attitude to learn foreign language can filter the input of language. one with negative attitude neither receive more input initiatively nor accept them though can understan

50、d the input of language. people who have positive attitude to learn foreign language have weak filter function. during learning foreign language process, emotion can either prevent or speed the accepting of language. the information will lose if the emotional factors are bad for learning language. (

51、jane arnold 1997).considering the theory of personality which means that human beings would like self-express, humanism psychology think that the ideal education is based on students and the aim of education is to make the students become whole persons. in order to have this goal come true, the impo

52、rtant step of education is to create and provide opportunities for study and provide space, which is full of freedom and meaning of study. this theory has been good for our revolution of education. carl rogers as well as many western scientists of humanism psychology put this theory into

53、e emotional factors such as motive, interest and attitude and so on affect the process and the result of study. study takes place in human beings innermost heart so that whether study or not and how to study depend on the students themselves. social establishing doctrine emphasizes specially that le

54、t the students make their mind to do what to study, how to study and establish the ability of self-control. positive self-awareness is good for the activities of study.many scholars point out that motive is the core of emotion factors in learning language. linguist cooper once said that only when mo

55、st students realize that they must master certain foreign language before achieving the goal their learning motive can be aroused.lambert claims in 1980s that the motivation of learning foreign language or a second language can be divided into two parts, which were instrumental motivation and integr

56、ative motivation. the former means that the goal of learning language for learners is to consider this language as a tool to satisfy their certain need. however the latter is to make them be a member of that language.bacon says that some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few t

57、o be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arg

58、uments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things. teachers should realize that some parts of the textbooks or other magazines are more important than others so they should be taught and learned carefully. when the author does her teaching practice in number 4 middle school in shihezi, her instructor whose students can get the highes


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