1、Value-Creation through the Balanced Scorecard Oriented TQM Conce pt(Authors: Dr. Mike C. K. Lam and Mr. Q.S. Re n)Beiji ng Western Con sulta nts ()AbstractThis paper tries to solve some of the issues concerning total quality man ageme nt (TQM). Firstly, what does a TQM (bus in ess excelle nee) conce
2、p t/model look like? Are these TQM concepts/models theoretically sound? Would the judging frameworks and criteria of some quality awards such as Hong Kong Man ageme nt Associati on (HKMA) Quality Award be the TQM concepts/models?Secondly, are TQM models related to other managementconcepts such as th
3、e Bala need Scorecard (BSC)? Thirdly could we in tegrate the TQM concept with BSC framework to form a value-add ing concept? The mai n aim of this paper concerns with the p rocesses of build ing up the Bala need Scorecard Orien ted TQM concept theoretically, for which the bases are conjoining the Ka
4、nji s TQM model and the framework of the BSC withreferenee to the judging framework and criteria of HKMA Quality Award. Based on the concept of Systems Theory and model buildi ng tech niq ue, firstly we tria ngulated the Kanji TQM model and the BSC framework to fit into the Systems Theory. Secon dly
5、, we comp ared these triangulated models with referenee to the judging framework and criteria of HKMA Quality Award systematically. Thirdly, after an alysis, we prop osed the BSC-Orie nted TQM concept and its concept mapping for referenee and further testing in the real world. The exp ected outcomes
6、 of this research are sol ving the above-me ntio ned research p roblems. The ultimate aim of this research is to form the concep tual model of BSC-Orie nted TQM concept for further testing by practitioners and academics of TQM in order to gain more concrete exp erie nces or the man ageme nt kno wled
7、ge of the world.IntroductionThe orig inal or traditi onal app roachesof quality man ageme ntwere very much p rocess orie nted. With the adve nt of Total Quality Man ageme nt (TQM), orga ni zatio ns bega n to focus on the needs (requirements) and wants (exceeding the requirements) of customers both e
8、xternally and internally (Wilkinson, 1992). There is no doubt that the issue of customers becomes the foci of all kinds of man ageme nt tools and concep ts. On the other hand, one of the basic concepts of TQM is the systems theory (input-process-output). That is to say, the inputs-processes-outputs(
9、activities) of an organization are aiming at the fulfillment of the n eeds and wants of the customers such as the concept of To delight customers input or start ing point of the whole value-add ing cha in of bus in ess p rocessesso that theout puts are customers satisfactio n/delight and thus the fi
10、nan cial p erforma nee. If we acthis simple logic of doing bus in esses, we still have to solve, at least, two major issues. Firstly, let us assume that we know our customers thoroughly. However, i n accorda nee with Ansoff (1984), Strategy is a concept of the firm s bus in ess, which p rovides a un
11、ifying theme for aits activities. The p roblem is how could we orga nize allttbe ofav orga ni zatio n un der a unifying theme, which is, the strategy of an organization? Secondly, even though an orga ni zati on has strategy, how could we know the imp leme ntati on of the strategy is right? Thean swe
12、r of these two issues lies on the strategic man ageme nt of an orga ni zati on with the help of the BSC.Accord ing to Kanji and Asher (1995), the ultimate aim of TQM is to achieve bus in ess excellenee (company performanee) such as financial and non-financial results/measures. However, from our con
13、crete exp erie nee and observati on and reflect ions, the p ractitio ners and academics of TQM are facing many problems. To name a few, firstly, what does a TQM concep t/model look like? Would the judg ing frameworks and criteria of some quality awards such as the Malcolm Baldrige Natio nal Quality
14、Award (USA) or Ho ng Ko ng Quality Management Association Quality Award (hereafter we call HKMA Quality Award) be the TQM (bus in ess excelle nee) concep ts/models? Secon dly, are these TQM concep ts/models theoretically sound/ based?The researchers of this paper have bee n involving the research, t
15、raining, educatio n and imp leme ntati on of TQM (Kanji, 1998) and the Bala need Scorecard (K apian & Norto n, 1992, 1993, 1994,1996 a, 1996b, 2000) to various clie nts in Chi na, of course, i ncludi ng Hong Kong SAR (see www.bscchin ). We (in clud ing our teams of con sulta nts) have both the exp l
16、icit (codified) and tacit (uncodified) knowledge. Based on our practices of the concept of Ba (Nonaka and Konno, 1998), which is a knowledge creation process, and Kolb s ExperientiLearning Cycle (Kolb, Rubin and Mclntyre, 1979), we advocate that it is highly likely to integrate or “ conjoining the f
17、ramework of the BSC with the TQM models such as the Kanji s TQModel (1998) with referenee to the framework and judging criteria of HKMA quality award as a kind of TQM (bus in ess excelle nee) concept for refere nee. The exp ected result of this research is sol ving the stated research p roblems of t
18、his paper and the ultimate aim is to form the conceptual model of BSC-Oriented TQM concept for further testing by practitioners & academics of TQM and BSC in order to gain more concrete experiences.(PI ease refer to Figure 1)Background of the StudyThe authors of this paper have been involving the re
19、searchand the implementation of TQM (Lam and Yu, 1999, 2001), and the BSC (Lam 2002 a, b, c) for ten years (concrete exp erie nee). Moreover, the authors have bee n researchi ng the theoretical bases of some TQM models such as Kanji s TQM model. Based on the Kolb s Experiential Learning Cycle (PIeas
20、e refer to Figure 1), the authors discovered (Observati on and Reflect ions) that there are many similarities between the Kanji s TQM model and the basic criteria of various quality awardsvaand the framework of BSC. The authors of this paper attem pt to build on the concept of BSC and Kanji TQM mode
21、l, for which, compared to the judging framework and criteria of HKMA Quality Award to form the BSC-Oriented TQM concept (Formation of Abstract Model) for further testi ng. The driv ing force of this research is the no tio n of adding as we observed that too many organizations wasted too much resourc
22、es of using differe nt kinds of man ageme nt tools or concep ts. It would be very much value-addi ng if we could conjoin few man ageme nt tools or conceptsun der one concept or model such as the BSC-Oriented TQM concept we proposed in this paper. The ultimate aim is to invitep ractiti oners of both
23、the TQM and BSC to test the prop osed concep t/model and con tributi ng to the man ageme nt kno wledge of the world.Kolh y Experiential L師rniug CyclwiijAJ专ptnl rtM Egfr Eubin 中nJ He:倉jC oncrete Experienc e,sRtf哉rXiWiir:.f TQMI命ObservationsandESCSimiliriti*:- o!Reflectionsf JTesting Implications*Advo
24、cstingforof C one epts inN ew SituationsFigure 1BS C-Orienu d / T Q M miiii:lA ptForxaation of AbstractConcepts and GeneraliiationMethodologyBased on the simple concept of Systems Theory (Input-Process-Output) and model building technique, firstly we rearranged or triangulated the Kanji s TQM model
25、andframework to fit into Systems Theory. Secon dly, we theoretically comp ared these tria ngulated concepts systematically. Thirdly, after an alysis, we prop osed the BSC-Orie nted TQM concept for refere nee and further test ing in the real world.Literature ReviewSystems Theory and/or Model Building
26、Accordi ng to Bonini et, al. (1999), real-world p roblems tend to be eno rmously complex such as the problems and the main aim of this research paper. There are literally an uncoun table nu mber of in here nt facts (tacit or imp licit kno wledge) in any emp irical situati on. Further, every potentia
27、l course of action starts a chain of cause-and-effect or input-process-output, and interaction that logically is without end. A model is a simplified rep rese ntati on of an emp irical situati on. The origi nal aims of researchers are not to con struct a model that is as close as po ssible to realit
28、y in every asp ect, rather tha n, researchers want the sim plest model that p redicts outcomes reas on ably well and is con siste nt with effective acti on. The tech nique for describ ing and relat ing various variables such as exoge no us, en doge no us, in termediate, decisi on and exp ected p erf
29、orma nee variables or outcomes/measures(as per Figure 2), depends on large exte nd of the n ature of the variables. The simp le form of systemstheory an d/or model build ing is as follows:Sv.stein s Th 01 V Modrf BuilrlingTotal Quality Management (TQM)TQM has bee n widely acce pted by the bus in ess
30、 p ractiti oners and academics to improve the quality, if not the organization effectiveness, of an organization continuously. However, there are many problems of applying the principles or concepts of TQM to the real world situations. The major problem is the standardizationof different TQM models/
31、 concepts themselves, if not the un ificati on of variousxTQMIpmodiehjs is one of the areas,which n eeds further research). There are many famous quality gurus such asa)b)c)P hili p. N Crosby (Fourtee n ste ps to quality imp roveme nt),Jose ph M Jura n (Te n ste ps to quality impro veme nt), andEdwa
32、rds Demi ng (Fourtee n points for man ageme nt or the famous P laDo -Check- Act / P DCA Cycle).Like many other man ageme nt concepts or tools, TQM does have some p roblems. Firstly, the p hilos op hies of these gurus or their “ ste ps points ”re not built on the tech niq ues of model buildi ng as su
33、ch. It takes time for the followers or believers of TQM to comp rehe nd the big pi ctures of their profound p hilos op hies. Nevertheless, for the sake of the purp oses of thisresearch, we deliberately selected the KanjicoTQMt rfioocfiarther discussi on andprime inv estigati on, as it is easily bein
34、g un derstood. The model con sists of the four principles (delight customer, management by fact, people-based management and continu ous impro veme nt) an deight sub-breakdow n concepts (PI ease refer to Figure 3).Primes TqIU h lodel 宅rimqlprlnciwF s-3直FhgiplsLeadershi pFigure 3DelightCu 需口 merManag
35、em 岂B 弋 Facts.負pEopl 甲Esed Lll, Managesenrco 口 SP1:B satisfy tkmperfbrmsceIn苗 mal Customersare Re 巴All Work is pros asMeasurementTeninworkV/JF- pm 口 pie make qualilycontrgs IImarowcnlenl:丿mproverne 律Pr event! 口口Business ExcellenceAs we argue fha 二 he U-Hmafe purpose of a- business processes is aimin
36、g affhe fu-fi-menf of fhe needs and wanfs of cusfomers On fop of fhe fradmona- division of customers info exfema- and infemaL we wou-d -ike fo add one more dimension fo understand fhe concept of customers- present (articu-afed) and pofenfia- (unarticu-afed) Now fhe concept/definifion of exfelna- cus
37、tomers is quife sfraighfforwanl However fhe concept/definiHon of infema- customers is somewhaf b-UITed Forfhe sake of fhe arguments of fhis paper we de-iberafe-y define fhe infema- customers as - sfakeho-ders of a compar-Lef us assume -eadership or prime of fhe Kanji s TQM mode-which is focusing on
38、fhe noHon of -Tole-igh二he customers 2s fhe inpuf of fhe systemsfheoiy The processes consist of management by facf and peop-ebasedmanagemenfand fhe oufpufs are de=ghf customer or customer saHsfacHon and fhus fhe - businesxce-ence (performance】 Whaf made TQM differenffrom ofher managemenHOO-sframework
39、s is fhe -commo 扌 oHon of donfinuous improvemeh (virtua-y a- TQM mode-s、concepfs focus on fhe nonon)- which is fhe feedback -OOP of systems fheory or one of fhe four compefMve advantages (C.A.) as suggesfedby Kanfer U99o) Having said fha二he major prob-em of fhe 玄angu-afed modest- remains on fhe inpu
40、L fhaf is- whaf - -eadershipcohsisfs of? Since mosf of fhe organizafiona- sfruefures are SM- hierarchicaL therefore- we can boad_y divide fhe responsibi-mes of fhe sfakeho-ders of an organizafion info fhree -ee-s- name_y- stafegc operanona- and funcHonaL Sfrafegic management (we sha- discuss more in
41、 fhe sfrafegic management SecHon) is fadmona-y being regarded as major responsibi-ify of fop management and one of ifs oufpufs is仝rafegy、Moreover sfrafegic management has receivedincreasing recognition in management literature including TQM. As a matter of fact that strategic man ageme nt is with in
42、 the p rime or leadersh ip of the Kanji s model; therdeliberately extracted it out as a sep arate issue for further discussi on in the followi ng secti on.As most of the TQM models are not systematically built as such, at least, literally. Therefore, we triangulated the above-mentioned four principl
43、es of Kanji TQM model (Figure 3) in accordanee with systems theory (Figure 2) and the simple logic of cause-and-effectfor the sake of comp aris on and an alysis later on as per Figure 4.Sy钟fms ThforvBlodifkd K:mii $ TQbl RIoilflFeeib ack L oopStrategic Management and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)Whe
44、n we an alyze the Figure 4, the key p roblem is how strategy is devised. Accordi ng to Ansoff (1984), thedea of strategy has received increasing recognition in managementliterature. There are nu merous papers have app eared deali ng with corpo rate strategy (Strategic level), bus in ess strategy, p
45、roduct line strategy (Op eratio nal level) and marketi ng strategy (Functional level). This interest grew out of a realization that a firm needs a well-defined scope and growth direct ion, that objectives alone do not meet this n eed, and that additi onal decisi on rules are required if the firm is
46、to have orderly and p rofitable growth. Such decisi on rules and guideli nes have bee n broadly defi ned as strategy or, sometimes, as the concept of the firm s bus in ess .Michael P orter is one of the gurus of strategy.In What is strategy? P orter (1996) states that orga ni zati on effective ness
47、(O.E.) is not strategy. While orga ni zati on effective ness (maybewe can use processof systems theory to comprehend the meaning) means performing similar activiti es better than a company s rivals perform them (and probably the imitations of other companies p rocesSeOtegy n eeds some one to take an
48、 overview, to con ceive of the whole (maybe we can use both leadersh ip and strategic man ageme nt to comp rehe nd the meaning) rather tha n just p arts of the situati on facing an orga ni zati on. There are many ways to improve O.E. such as the traditional TQM, time based competition, benchmarking,
49、 and bus in ess p rocess re-e ngin eeri ng (BP R). P orter states clearly that O.E. is certa in ly n ecessary but it is not sufficient. Using the input-process-output of systems theory, input (strategy) is extremely vital for p rocess (O.E.) and thus the out put (customer satisfacti on and thus comp
50、any performanee). Therefore, the ability to accurately analyse the various variables of inputs, careful monitoring of the processes and to measure that organization s perfothe out puts i.e. the satisfact ion /delight of customers (non finan cial) and finan cial measures, is essential if stakeholders
51、 are to encourage actions or changes (continuous improvement/ feedback), which lead to desirable p erforma nee of a company. Needless to say, for a cha nge management concerning organization performanee, a systematic measurement of the performanee of organizations is extremely important for stakehol
52、ders, change agents to evaluate the p erforma nee of an orga ni zati on.Havi ng reviewed the literature concerning the TQM concep ts, we could find out that the role of leadership and strategic management become more and more important in the devel opment of TQM models/c oncep ts. Therefore, we n ee
53、d to un dersta nd the major contents of strategic man ageme nt. Usi ng systems theory to exp lai n strategic man ageme nt (Hofer at.el, 1984; Limerick, Cunnin gto n and Crowther, 1993 and Joh nson and Scholes, 1999, Kap Ian and Norto n, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2000), the authors con clude that strat
54、egic ma nageme nt can be broadly divided into the followi ng areas as per Figure 5:S、stfins Theory Vs Sti iitegicFrocrsspsLam and Ren, 2003S2 (Strategic Analysis)S1. Man ageme nt of meaning is the formulati on of missi on, visi on, core values and goals of an orga ni zati on. The main aim is to clar
55、ify the overall purp ose of an orga ni zati on, which is in line with the values and exp ectati ons of stakeholders and the direct ion to achieve the purpo se. The success of S1 depends on leadersh ip and strategic man ageme nt. This is one of the inputs of the first-tier (i nput-p rocess-out put) o
56、f the strategic man ageme nt of Figure 5.S2. The strategic analysis consists of analyzing two major aspects (Exogenous and En doge nous variables) with refere nee to customers the (intern al, exter nal, p rese nt and potential). S2a is the environmental audits (Exogenous variables), which include th
57、e macro-e nvir onmen tal forces such as P olitical, Econo mical, Social, Ecological, Tech no logical, and Legal (we call it P ESTEL) and in dustrial audit such as P orter s five forces (1979). Themain aims are to find out the Qpportunities andjhreats, which affect a company s operations. S2b is the
58、audit of a company s cap abilities and resources (En doge nous rnariisdeet) ada pt the en vir onmen tal or in dustrial cha nges. The com monly used tools such as P orter s value-chain analysis (1985) or the well-known BCG product portfolio analysis. The main aims are to understand a company Strengths and_Weaknesses. These are the major inputs of the first tier of the strategic man ageme nt of Figure 5.S3.The strategic choice, which is the strategy
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