2022高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材知识突破 必修四 Unit 4 Body language学案 新人教版_第1页
2022高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材知识突破 必修四 Unit 4 Body language学案 新人教版_第2页
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1、2022高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材知识突破 必修四 unit 4 body language学案 新人教版2022高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材知识突破 必修四 unit 4 body language学案 新人教版年级:姓名:unit 4body language基础盘点自测自评阅读单词快速排查本单元阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划flight ncheek ndash vi.posture ncrossroads n.frown vi.fist nyawn vi.respectful adj.subjective adj.rank ncassette nemployee nmisrea

2、d vt.facial adj.canteen n.核心单词1.hug vi.& vt.拥抱2.function n作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转3.simply adv.简单地;只4.adult n成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的5.dormitory n宿舍6.approach vt.& vi.接近;靠近;走近n接近;方法;途径7.likely adj.可能的8.ease n安逸;舒适vt.减轻 (痛苦、忧虑)拓展单词1.statement n陈述;说明state vt.陈述;说明2.greet vi.& vt.迎接;问候greeting n迎接;问候;招呼3.represent v

3、t.代表;象征representation n代表;象征;描述;陈述representative n代表(人士)4.association n社团;联系;联想associate v把联系起来associated adj.有关联的;相关的;有联系的5.defend vt.保护;保卫defence n防御;保卫6.major adj.主要的majority n大部分;大多数7.misunderstand vt.误解;误会misunderstanding n误解;误会8.spoken adj.口语的unspoken adj.未说出口的;非口语的9.employee n雇员employer n雇主em

4、ploy vt.雇用employment n雇佣(拓展速记1,2)10.truly adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地true adj.真实的truth n真理11.anger n怒气;怒火angry adj.生气的12.respectful adj.恭敬的respect vt.& n尊敬;尊重respectable adj.体面的;得体的;值得尊敬的13.subjective adj.主观的subject n主题;对象 语境活用用所给词的适当形式填空1.our long association (associate) with your company has brought great ben

5、efits.2.the vast majority (major) live further inland.3.it was curious that he should have given in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister. (curious)4.this is just his spoken excuse, and there is an unspoken reason for his doing that. (speak)5.its no more than a misunderstanding

6、(misunderstand).6.tom nodded a greeting (greet) but didnt say anything.7.in time of war, lots of money will be spent on defence and many defensive measures will be taken to defend a country from being attacked. (defend)8.it was stated in his statement (state) that they would not give in to the press

7、ure from the us.走进高考1.defend熟义: vt.保护;保卫生义: vt.辩护he has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations.2.approach熟义:vt.& vi.接近;靠近;走近n接近;方法;途径生义: vt.处理it might be possible to approach the problem in a different way.1.be associated with.和联系在一起;与有关2.be curious about.对好奇3.defend. against.防御;保卫以免受4

8、.be likely to.很可能;有希望5.in general总的来说;通常6.at ease舒适;快活;自由自在7.lose face丢脸(拓展速记3)8.turn ones back to背对;背弃9.in defence保卫;防御10.look away from.把目光从上移开;不看语境活用用左栏短语的适当形式填空1.if the host is too enthusiastic to the guests,he might not put them at ease.2.david knew he was wrong, but he wouldnt admit, for fear

9、of losing face in front of other classmates.3.it was quite wrong for him to turn his back to his friends when they were in trouble.4.when the door was opened suddenly,the boy covered his head with his hands,as if in defence.5.dont look away from me when im speaking to you.6.in general, babies begin

10、to talk between the 12th and 15th month, but they can use body language to communicate before they learn to speak.7.these green barriers not only change the look of beijing but also defend against the desert.1.not all.表部分否定原句not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in

11、 the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也不尽相同。仿写并不是所有的人都喜欢过平静的生活。not all people like living a peaceful life.2.be likely to do.“可能做”原句however, people from places like spain,italy or south american countries approach others closely and are more likely t

12、o touch them.但是,来自西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能会(用身体)接触对方。仿写一个男孩在与密友们分享他的感情时可能会很谨慎。a boy is likely to be cautious about sharing his feelings with his close friends.3.v.ing作主语原句looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases,make me appear to be uninterested.在多数情况下,把眼光从人们身上移开或者打个哈欠,会使我看上去(

13、对此人或此事)不感兴趣。仿写众所周知,早睡早起是个好习惯。as we all know, going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.1.以“ee”结尾的名词(一)addressee收件人divorcee离婚者donee受赠者employee雇员escapee逃亡者nominee被提名者2.以“ee”结尾的名词(二)payee收款人referee裁判员refugee难民retiree退休者signee签字者trainee实习生3.“face”短语大全be faced with面对lose face丢脸make a face做鬼

14、脸face to face面对面in the face of面对考点串讲重点突破1represent vt.代表;象征;描述;声称|对接高考|单句语法填空 to his great delight, he will represent his school to make (make) a speech at the meeting.little lucy represents her mother as the kindest mother in the world.in the afternoon, you together with some of our students repres

15、entatives (represent) are going to visit the haihe river and enjoy the beautiful scenery there.|考点归纳|(1)represent.as/to be.宣称为;把描绘成represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事represent oneself as/to be.自称是(2)representative n代表adj.典型的;有代表性的a representative of. 的典型代表|能力提升|完美写作背诵(2015年天津卷书面表达)作为学生会主席,我代表我们学校想

16、和您谈谈捐赠图书的问题。as the president of the student union, i, representing our school, want to talk with you about the donation of books.2curious adj.好奇的|对接高考|单句语法填空 (2019年天津卷阅读理解)my progress in reading raised my curiosity (curious), and i wanted to know everything.(2016年北京卷阅读理解)in high school, i became cur

17、ious about the computer, and built my first website.people gathered around, curious to know (know)what was happening.the letter wasnt addressed to me, but i opened it out of curiosity (curious)|考点归纳|(1)be curious about.对感到好奇be curious to do sth.极想做某事its curious that.真奇怪(2)out of curiosity出于好奇with cu

18、riositycuriously好奇地meet/satisfy ones curiosity满足某人的好奇心3approach vt.& vi.靠近;接近;走近;接洽n方法;接近;通道;途径;接洽;建议|对接高考|单句语法填空 his approaches to the problem are wrong.the job market has changed and our approaches to finding (find) work must change as well.|考点归纳|(1)approach sb./sth.靠近/接近某人/某物approach sb.for/about

19、 sth.就某事与某人洽谈(商量、交涉)with sth.approaching随着某事的临近(2)(an) approach to接近;近似;(做某事)的方法/途径at the approach of.在快到的时候|能力提升|一句多译(陕西卷书面表达)随着教师节的临近,今年我们班决定换一种方式通过举行一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。as teachers day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. (as)with te

20、achers day approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. (with复合结构)with teachers day around the corner, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. (around the corner)with teachers day drawing near,

21、our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. (draw)4defend vt.防御;保护;保卫;辩解;辩白;(为)辩护|对接高考|单句语法填空 like their children, parents are often defensive(defend) about their private lives.the monument is in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in defence (def

22、end) of their country.my parents will do what they can to defend me from/against harm.|考点归纳|(1)defend sb./sth.from/against保护某人/某物免受;保卫某人/某物defend oneself为自己辩护(2)in defence of.为了保卫(3)defender n防御者(4)defensive adj.防御性的;自我保护的5ease n安逸;舒适vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑等)|对接高考|单句语法填空 he eased himself of anxiety and felt at

23、ease.at first, i didnt feel at ease in the strange surroundings.she won the 400m race with ease.|考点归纳|(1)with ease轻易地;毫不费力地at ease舒适;悠闲;自在feel/look at ease感到/看上去心情放松put/set sb. at ease使某人放松/自在(2)ease ones mind使某人宽慰ease sb. of.使某人消除/减轻|能力提升|句式升级/完美写作背诵使我们感到欣慰的是,他轻易地通过了考试。(普通表达)to our relief,he passed

24、 the exam easily.(高级表达)to our relief,he passed the exam with ease(2019年江苏卷书面表达)每天穿着校服我们感到很轻松自在。we feel at ease in our school uniforms every day.6in general总的来说;通常;一般(大体)来说|对接高考|单句语法填空 in general,women can expect to live six or seven years more than men.generally (general) speaking,the number of the

25、people who drive after drinking is smaller and smaller.|考点归纳|(1)as a general rule 一般而言;通常generally (speaking)总体而言;一般而言(2)as a whole就整体来看;一般地说in a word总之in short/brief简而言之;总之on the whole总的来说7lose face 丢脸|对接高考|单句语法填空 rather than admitting failure, he made a face in order to save face. he has courage i

26、n the face of challenges and misunderstandings.|考点归纳|(1)save ones face挽回面子make a face做个鬼脸(2)be faced with面对(3)face to face面对面in the face of面对(问题、困难、危险等)|能力提升|一句多译面对困难时,他们从不放弃而是努力寻找出路。 faced with difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out. (过去分词短语作状语)facing difficulties,they

27、 never give up but try their best to find a way out. (现在分词短语作状语)in the face of difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out. (介词短语作状语)8be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事(教材佳句)however,people from places like spain,italy or south american countries approach others closely and are more

28、 likely to touch them.但是,来自西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能会(用身体)接触对方。|对接高考|单句语法填空 (2019年北京卷阅读理解)these developments are likely to make (make) our current problems with robotcalls (机器人呼叫) much worse.its probable that they will come back next week.|考点归纳|(1)be likely to do sth.有可能做某事it is likely that.可

29、能(2)probable的常用句型:it is probable that.很可能(3)possible的常用句型:it is possible (for sb.) to do sth./it is possible that (sb.). (某人)可能做|能力提升|句型转换 you are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.it is likely that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.part 1part 2some believe that

30、money is the only approach to being happy, and they are curious about how the billionaires earn so much money. and some think that if health is gone, they are likely to lose everything. some think feeling at ease is the most important.tom is our monitor who is curious about everything. when others a

31、re in trouble, he never turns his back to them. on the contrary,he is always ready to offer help. for example, he once helped one of his classmates to put up a tent while camping. wherever he is, he does everything as well as he can, so we all respect him and willingly agree with him.随堂检测基础过关.单句语法填空

32、1representing (represent) our school, im glad to tell you something about these activities.2i think curiosity (curious) is the best teacher.3in fact, he inspires me to major in english in college to be a bridge between china and the world.4generally (general), the warmer a place is, the more types o

33、f plants and animals it will usually support.5that means the price is likely to go (go) down because of the competition.6facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working (work) things out.7the exhibition was organized by the school in association (associa

34、te) with local artists.8the moment she saw her mother, she gave her a big hug.9i burst into anger (angry) when he didnt give me a reasonable explanation for his absence.10she had to defend herself against the guard dog.单句改错1all the lights were off and the boy curious began looking all around._答案:cur

35、iouscuriously2he has hired a lawyer in defence of him against his action._答案:himhimself3your help enabled me to finish the work at ease._答案:atwith4youd better try hard, or you will lose your face._答案:去掉your5as far as im concerned, his performance is true entertaining._答案:truetruly话题拓展素养升华.课文里的高考根据课文

36、内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。yesterday,another student and i, 1.representing (represent) our universitys student association, went to capital international airport to meet this years international students to beijing university. after half an hour of waiting for 2.their (they) flight to arrive, i saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.the first 3.to arrive(arrive) was tony garcia from colombia,and julia from britain.tony approached julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!


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