2021-2022学年高中英语 UNIT 1 TEENAGE LIFE教学 知识细解码学案新人教版必修第一册_第1页
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1、2021-2022学年高中英语 unit 1 teenage life教学 知识细解码学案新人教版必修第一册2021-2022学年高中英语 unit 1 teenage life教学 知识细解码学案新人教版必修第一册年级:姓名:unit 1 teenage life1teenage adj.十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的teenager n(13至19岁之间的)青少年2actual adj.事实的,真的actually adv.事实上;的确3confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑confused adj.糊涂的;迷惑的confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的4fluent adj.

2、(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的fluently adv.流利地;熟练地5graduate vi.&vt.毕业;获得学位graduation n毕业6advance n前进;发展 vi.前进;发展 vt.发展;促进advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的7obvious adj.显然的,明显的obviously adv.显然;明显地8responsible adj.负责的;有责任的responsibility n责任;义务9solve vt.解决;解答solution n解决办法;答案10edit vt.编辑;校订editor n主编;编辑;编者edition n版本;版次1content

3、n内容;(pl.)目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题、主要内容 adj.满足的;满意的 vt.使满足but i have no time to write down the main content of it.内容the contents of a book are usually shown in a list at the beginning of the book.目录john is quite content to watch television for hours.满足的this is all i have,so youll have to content yourself wit

4、h $5 for the moment.使满足2challenge n挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向挑战exploring outer space is a challenge.挑战he challenged me to play another tennis game.向挑战we challenged the company that its system was not safe.怀疑3title n(书、诗歌等的)名称;标题,题目;职称,头衔 v加标题,定题目,取名为she held the title of world champion for three years.头衔the ti

5、tle is right at the top of the page.标题she titled the book the story of my life.取名为words and phrases知识要点1volunteer n志愿者 v自愿做;义务做(教材p12)volunteer club志愿者俱乐部例1are there any volunteers to help clean up?有自愿帮助清扫的人吗?例2she volunteered to teach in the poor school.她自愿在这个条件差的学校教书。知识拓展(1)volunteer to do sth.自愿/

6、义务做某事volunteer for sth. 自愿做某事volunteer as sth. 自愿担任(2)voluntary adj. 自愿的,志愿的即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子we work with volunteers (volunteer) of all ages and backgrounds.an old farmer volunteered as a guide for the survey trips.in my opinion, you had better do some voluntary (volunteer) work at the weekends.the co

7、uple often volunteer_to_take_part_in_activities (自愿积极参加活动) that help those in trouble.小片段填空as a volunteer,_he often does voluntary work, and he thinks its his responsibility to volunteer to help those in need. (volunteer)知识要点2prefer vt.较喜欢(教材p12)i prefer helping others.我比较喜欢帮助别人。例1nowadays many chil

8、dren prefer surfing the internet at home to taking exercise outdoors.如今许多孩子宁可待在家里上网,也不愿意到户外进行锻炼。例2i would prefer him to be with us next season.我更希望他下一个赛季和我们在一起。知识拓展(1)prefer sth.to sth.喜欢而不喜欢prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做prefer doing sth.to doing sth. 宁愿做而不愿做(2)(3)preference n. 偏爱;优先权;偏爱的事物have a preference

9、 for 对偏爱即学即练单句语法填空/句型转换/一句多译i prefer you to_come(come)tomorrow,because im too busy now.a teacher should not show preference(prefer)for any one of his pupils.i prefer to work rather than sit there doing nothing.i prefer working_to_sitting there doing nothing.她宁愿步行去上班也不愿开车。ashe_prefers_to_walk_to_work

10、_rather_than_drive_a_car.(prefer to do. rather than do.)bshe_would_rather_walk_to_work_than_drive_a_car.(would rather do. than do.)cshe_would_walk_to_work_rather_than_drive_a_car.(would do. rather than do.)知识要点3suitable adj.合适的;适用的(教材p12)which club do you think is suitable for adam?你认为哪个俱乐部适合亚当?例1i

11、want to buy some books suitable for children.我想买一些适合儿童阅读的书籍。例2some occasions may be suitable to speak quite loudly,but for the most parts,it is better not to do so.有些场合也许适合很大声地讲话,但在大多数情况下,最好不要这样做。知识拓展(1)be suitable for 适合于be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事(2)suit sb. 适合某人suit ones needs 适合某人的需要(3)suit vt.

12、 适合,使适宜n. 一套外衣;套装即学即练单句语法填空/一句多译it is difficult to find a place suitable(suit) for a picnic.youre covered with sweat.it is not suitable to_bathe (bathe) right away.要找个对每个人都合适的时间很困难。aits_difficult_to_find_a_time_that_suits_everybody.bits difficult to find a time that is suitable for everybody.小片段填空yo

13、ud better choose the suit that suits you.as you know,what is suitable for others may be unsuitable for you.(suit)知识要点4(教材p14)my adviser recommended that i should sign up for advanced literature because i like english and im good at it.我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学,因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错。(1)recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍例1i recomme

14、nd going to the highspeed railway station by subway.我建议坐地铁去高铁站。例2i hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines to us and give us more free time to read them.我希望老师能给我们推荐一些更有趣的书和杂志,给我们更多的自由时间进行阅读。知识拓展(1)recommend doing sth.建议做某事recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事recommend that sb

15、.(should) do sth. 建议某人做某事(2)recommend sth. to sb. 把某物推荐给某人recommend sb. as. 推荐某人为recommend sb. for. 推荐某人做名师点津recommend后可接双宾语,即recommend sb. sth.也可改为recommend sth. to sb.;若后接从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用should do,should也可省略。即学即练单句语法填空i recommend that you (should)_go(go) by subway.wed recommend you to_book(boo

16、k) your flight early.we strongly recommend reporting(report) the incident to the police.i would like to recommend this book to those who are interested in travelling.(2)advance n前进;发展 vi.前进;发展 vt.发展;促进例1with the help of his english teacher,he has made great advances in his spoken english.在他的英语老师的帮助下

17、,他的英语口语有了大幅度的提高。例2the specialist coming from the organization brought us advanced technology.来自这个组织的专家给我们带来了先进的技术。 知识拓展(1)in advance提前;预先in advance of 在前面;超过(2)advance on/towards 朝前进(3)advanced adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的名师点津(1)advance本身已有“向前”的意思,因此不必再用forward。类似的还有:repeat(重复)不与again连用;return(回来)不与back连用;enter

18、(进入)不与into连用。(2)表示“在方面有进步”后接介词in。即学即练单句语法填空advanced(advance) technology was brought into the local factory last year.the crowd advanced towards/on the station.i wonder if i can sign up for this course in advance.知识要点5quit vi.& vt.(quit/quitted;quit/quitted)停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)(教材p14)obviously,i was un

19、happy,but i wont quit.显然,我很不高兴,但我不会放弃。例1he quit school at 15 and left home.他15岁辍学后离开了家。例2finally i wanted to quit climbing.最后我想要停止攀爬。知识拓展quit office离职quit school 辍学quit doing sth. 停止做某事即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子tell him to quit laughing(laugh) at me.my uncle hasnt been able to quit_smoking(戒烟),but at least he

20、has cut down.i think tom,as the head of a big department,should either study regularly or quit_his_job(辞掉工作)知识要点6responsible adj.有责任的;负责的(教材p14)i know ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加努力地学习,并且要习惯于承担更多的责任。例1do yo

21、u want to be responsible for your own life decisions?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?例2mike is responsible for designing the entire project.迈克负责设计整个工程。知识拓展(1)be responsible for对负责(2)responsibility n. 责任;负责;职责take responsibility for(doing) sth. 承担(做)的责任a sense of responsibility 责任感it is sb.s responsibility to do

22、sth. 做某事是某人的职责即学即练单句语法填空nowadays,everyone is responsible for building up a harmonious (和谐的) society in china.according to this survey,some tv programmes should take responsibility (responsible) for teenagers negative behavior.born in a traditional family,rick was brought up to value a sense of respo

23、nsibility and sharing.小片段填空well be responsible for your safety and you need to take responsibility for your actions.(responsible)知识要点7schedule n工作计划;日程安排vt.安排;预定(教材p15)finding time for both studies and extracurricular activities is a big challenge,so i need to make a workable schedule.安排好学习和课外活动的时间是

24、一个很大的挑战,所以我需要制定一个工作计划表。例1the project was completed ahead of schedule.这个项目提前完成了。例2the film star is scheduled to arrive in shanghai at 10 oclock.那位电影明星预计在10点钟抵达上海。知识拓展(1)ahead of schedule 提前on schedule 准时,按时间表(2)be scheduled for 预定;安排be scheduled to do. 计划做即学即练单句语法填空/一句多译can the competition be held on

25、 schedule?we are_scheduled(schedule) to attend the exam on june 7th and 8th.会议安排在明天下午。athe_meeting_has_been_scheduled_for_tomorrow_afternoon.bthe_meeting_has_been_scheduled_to_be_held_tomorrow_afternoon.sentence patterns重点句式1so that引导状语从句(教材p14)ill find a way to improve on my own so_that i can make

26、the team next year.我会找到一个自我提升的方法,以便我明年能加入足球队。句式分析so that引导结果状语从句,意为“以便;为”。例1he worked hard at his lessons so that he could gain high grades in the exams.他努力学习功课以便能在考试中获得高分。例2i finished my homework quickly so that i could go swimming with my dad.为了能和父亲去游泳,我迅速做完了家庭作业。知识拓展(1)so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为了”,相当于“

27、in order that”。此时从句中常含有情态动词can,could,may,might等,目的状语从句之前不用逗号将其与主句隔开。(2)so that还可引导结果状语从句,此时从句中往往不带情态动词,可用逗号把主从句隔开。(3)so.that.表示“如此以至于”,so之后接形容词或副词。即学即练写出下列so that引导从句的类型/句型转换we should read more books so that we may get more knowledge.目的状语从句the house is empty for a long time so that it is filled with

28、 dust.结果状语从句roses need special care so that they can live through winter.roses need special care in_order_that they can live through winter.roses need special care in_order_to live through winter.重点句式2it isadj.to do sth.句型(教材p14)im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advance

29、d course,and_itll_be_quite_difficult_to get used to all the homework.我有点担心在我的高级课程中跟不上其他同学,很难适应所有的家庭作业。句式分析本句为并列句,其中and连接前后两个分句,在后一分句中含有“it isadj.to do sth.”句型,其中it为形式主语,不定式短语to do sth.为真正的主语。例1it is a good idea to have a facetoface talk with your parents in your spare time.在你的业余时间和你的父母面对面交谈是一个好主意。例2

30、it is impossible to concentrate if you are nervous.如果你焦急的话,你会很难集中注意力。知识拓展(1)it is adj.(for sb.) to do sth.意为“(对某人来说)做某事是的”,此句型中的形容词是修饰某件事而不是修饰人的,如difficult,easy,hard,important,necessary,possible等。(2)it is adj. (of sb.) to do sth.意为“(某人)做某事是的”,此句型中的形容词是修饰人而不是修饰某件事的,如kind,brave,clever,stupid,nice,good

31、,silly,careful,naughty等。例3it is clever of you to say so! 你这样说可真聪明!例4it is illegal to drive a car without a license.在没有驾照的情况下开车是不合法的。即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子it was considerate of michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.it is difficult for us to_do (do) so much work. we need more hands.it is n

32、ice of you to help me out of trouble. it is hard for greece to get rid of the debt crisis.it is very important for_english_learners_to_read_english_every_morning.对于学英语的人来说每天早上读英语是很重要的。1i know that chinese is a very difficult language,but i hope to be fluent when i graduate.分析本句是由but连接的并列句,在前一分句中含有一个

33、由that引导的宾语从句,在后一分句中包含一个when引导的时间状语从句。译文我知道中文是一门很难学的语言,但我希望毕业时能流利地说中文。2my adviser recommended that i should sign up for advanced literature because i like english and im good at it.分析本句的主语是my adviser,recommended是谓语,后面的that从句是宾语。在从句中又有一个because引导的状语从句,另外i_like_english和im_good_at_it是两个并列句。译文我的指导老师建议我选修

34、高级文学,因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错。教材高考1.i prefer helping others.i prefer to go out and be out.(2019全国卷)2.i joined a volunteer club instead.in the mid1990s,tom bissell taught english as a volunteer in uzbekistan.(2020新高考全国卷)3.going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.still,contin

35、uing to challenge yourself mentally and keeping your mind busy can only help.(2020浙江卷)4.my adviser recommended that i should sign up for advanced literature because i like english and im good at it.she decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family wh

36、ile doing something she loves:nursing.(2020新高考全国卷).单句语法填空1rather than wait here,i prefer to_go(go) to find out what on earth has happened.2helen volunteered to_have(have) thanksgiving at her house this year.3thanks to the advanced (advance) technology, we live in an age of bettered communication.4do

37、ctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people quit smoking(smoke)5after my graduation (graduate),dads business was getting back on track.6the sense of responsibility(responsible) for our country makes teenagers study harder than before.7the project is_scheduled(schedule)to

38、 start on december 21st in guangzhou city.8dr.yuans kind of rice is the most suitable(suit) for chinas farmland.9looking at her annoyed expression,we were confused(confuse)10i recommend you to_buy(buy)this dress,whose colour is suitable for you.短语填空sign up(for sth.),be responsible for,be good at,clean up,so that,hand out,get used to,keep up with,be prepared for,on ones own1the club signed_up a new goalkeeper this season. 2the air is rather thin here, but youll get_used_to it in time.3he never joins in with us;he always plays on_his_own.4


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