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1、Section One: Tactics for Listening Part 1: Part 1: Listening and TranslationListening and Translation Focus:Focus: Take notesTake notes Get the gist of each sentence-Global Get the gist of each sentence-Global understanding of each sentence.understanding of each sentence. 1 Exercise: Listen to each

2、of the following sentences three times and then translate them into Chinese. 2 1. Girls score higher than boys in almost every country. 几乎在所有的国家里,几乎在所有的国家里, 女孩子都比男孩子得分高。女孩子都比男孩子得分高。 2. Differences between males and females are a continuing issue of fierce debate. 男女差异一直是激烈争论的焦点。男女差异一直是激烈争论的焦点。 3. Cu

3、ltural and economic influences play an important part. 文化和经济的影响起着重要作用。文化和经济的影响起着重要作用。 3 4. But recent findings suggest that the answer may lie in differences between the male and female brain. 但是最新的发现提示,答案也许在于男女大脑的但是最新的发现提示,答案也许在于男女大脑的 差异。差异。 5. These include differences in learning rates. 这些包括学习速度上

4、的差异。这些包括学习速度上的差异。 4 Section Two Section Two Listening ComprehensionListening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue Unusual OccupationPart 1 Dialogue Unusual Occupation amorousamorous, intense loved warm romanticintense loved warm romantic discreet, discreet, careful cautious prudent warycareful cautious pru

5、dent wary serenade serenade serenader serenader fire escape: fire escape: n. emergency exitn. emergency exit a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that permits exit in the case of fire or other emergencypermits exit in the case of fire o

6、r other emergency choirboy: choirboy: a boy who sings in a choir/a boy who sings in a choir/ chorus 5 Section Two Section Two Listening ComprehensionListening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue Unusual OccupationPart 1 Dialogue Unusual Occupation Focus:Focus: Understanding the gist of a conversation. Und

7、erstanding the gist of a conversation. Predicting and making use of prior-knowledge. Predicting and making use of prior-knowledge. 6 Part 1 Dialogue Unusual Part 1 Dialogue Unusual OccupationOccupation three years desperate for romance serenader Renaissance music serenades turned the serenade into a

8、n art form for hire men women men 7 theatre love songs white tie tails Italian songs chocolate hearts flowers balcony trees fire escapes 8 whether a musician comes along or not 450 a gondola and a group of musicians burst into tears avoid unpleasant situations completely misinterpreted 9 Part 2 Pass

9、age Memory Techniques Ex. B: Sentence Dictation 1. Mnemonics are methods for remembering information that is otherwise quite difficult to recall. 2. Our brains evolved to code and interpret complex stimuli such as images, colors, structures, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, positions, emotions and lan

10、guage. 10 Ex. B: Sentence Dictation 3.While language is one of the most important aspects of human evolution, it is only one of the many skills and resources available to our minds. 4. Association is the method by which you link a thing to be remembered to a way of remembering it. 5. Location gives

11、you two things: a coherent context into which you can place information, and a way of separating one mnemonic from another. 11 Ex. C: Detailed Listening. 1-8 T T F T F F T T 12 News Item 1 Focus: This news item is about the Somali pirates strike. Outlining Summarizing the news 13 Ex. A: Summarize th

12、e news This news item is about the Somali pirates strike. 14 News Item 1 News Item 1 Ex. B: Listen to the news again and answer the questions. 1. Whether this latest attempted hijacking was the promised revenge for the killing of three Somali pirates by the US navy isnt clear. 2. No, the pirates hav

13、ent been deterred. 15 News Item 1 Ex. B: Listen to the news again and answer the questions. 3. Because the financial rewards for a successful hijacking remain so great and Somalia remains so lawless. 4. At any one time there are only fifteen to eighteen international warships in the area to police a

14、n expanse of sea covering more than a million square kilometers. 5. It may be because of the relatively small scale of the problem. 16 News Item 2 This news item is about Obamas military plan in Afghanistan. Tasks Listen carefully for the topic sentence. Listen and complete the outline. 17 Ex. A: Li

15、sten to the news and complete the summary This news item is about Obamas military plan in Afghanistan. 18 Ex. B F T T F F T 19 News Item 3 Task Get the gist of the news item Find the keywords 20 Ex. A: Listen and summarize the news item This news item is about fragile peace that returns to Gaza. 21

16、B: traffic jams reunite with friends and relatives deep tracks tank rounds waiting for returning home tunnels open fuel only link 22 Section 4 Part 1 Feature Report 1. 35 prehistoric animals were created 2. They recreated the extinct beasts through the marriage of science, art and technology. 3. The

17、 exhibit is not behind the glass or otherwise enclosed, so visitors are eye to eye with extinct beasts. It is displayed in this way so that visitors will feel as if theyve stepped into a Chinese forest 130 million years in the past. 23 Section 4 Part 1 Feature Report 4. He says its accurate because

18、every single plant, every insect, every organic feature in it actually represents something that has been found as a fossil in northeastern China. 5. The only thing scientists had to make up is what color some of the animals were. 6. According to Micheal Novacek, birds are living dinosaurs. 24 Secti

19、on 4 Part 1 Feature Report 7. They study the movements of commonplace turkeys, chickens and ostriches to learn how similarly-built dinosaurs would stand or walk. 8. By using high-tech imagery, fossils and the information gained from the biology of barnyard animals, scientists now estimate the giant

20、T-Rex could reach speed of 16 kilometers per hour, far slower than the more than 70 kilometers per hour previously thought. 25 Homework Section Four: Supplementary exercises. Pp. 20-23 Tem-4 Listening Exercises VOA, BBC, CNN Current 26 27 Part 2 28 Part 2 29 Part 2 Section Two Section Two Listening

21、ComprehensionListening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue Unusual OccupationPart 1 Dialogue Unusual Occupation amorousamorous, intense loved warm romanticintense loved warm romantic discreet, discreet, careful cautious prudent warycareful cautious prudent wary serenade serenade serenader serenader fire e

22、scape: fire escape: n. emergency exitn. emergency exit a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that permits exit in the case of fire or other emergencypermits exit in the case of fire or other emergency choirboy: choirboy: a boy who sings in a choir/a boy who sings in a choir/ chorus 30 whether a musician comes along or not 450 a gondola and a group of musicians burst into tears avoid unpleasant situations completely misinterpreted 31 Ex. C: Detailed Listening. 1-8 T T F T F F T T 32 Section 4


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