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1、从社会语言学角度分析美国俚语一 definitions of slangs二 characteristics of american slangs三 social analysis of slangs from the perspective of gender, age, occupation and social settings to use slang四 social functions of slang五 social reasons for the use of slang1. introductionto study slang scientifically,we can tak

2、e the anthropological tradition of cultural relativism.“according to bryjak and soroka (1994:57),cultural relativism is the belief that there is no universal standard of good and bad or right and wrong and that an aspect of any given culture can be judged only within its own context.cultural relativ

3、ists appear to suggest that all cultures or institutions are equally valid or fitting and tend to assume that the mere presence of a cultural trait warrants our valuing it”(lin dajing,1997).俚语作为语言的一种,引起特殊性发挥着自己独特的作用,然而很多人并未对俚语有正确的认识,很多人把俚语作为地俗语对待,笔者认为,语言作为一种社会现象,尤其存在的合理性,从社会语言学的角度讲,任何语言种类都是平等的,没有层级之

4、分。本文将从社会语言学的角度对俚语这一语言特殊现象做一粗浅分析,希望能是大家改变对俚语的歧视态度。俚语常被定义为粗俗的语言,这种语言有其特定的使用群体,虽然使用者大多为知识水平不高的人群,但不能因此就对此语言有贬低,正是基于此观点,本文进行了如下分析。2. definition of slang2.1 definitionsduring the history of language development, peoples attitudes toward slang have changed a lot. in 1828 webster defined it as “low, vulgar

5、, unmeaning language.” slang is very informal language that includes new and something not polite words and meanings and is often used among particular groups of people, and is usually not used in serious speech or wring (longman dictionary of english language and culture 2004). oxford advanced lear

6、ners english-chinese dictionary defines slang as “very informal words, phrases, etc commonly used in speech, esp between people from the same social group or who work together, not considered suitable for formal contexts and often not in use for long.” from these three definitions, we can see that i

7、n the past slang suffered abuse from people and nowadays this discrimination has disappeared and is regarded as informal and highly colloquial language. 2.2 attitudesslang is acknowledged to be one of the most active and sensitive parts of language and an effective weapon in communication. however,

8、the attitudes toward slang are very contradictory among common people and especially scholars. this can be detected from the above three definitions of slang. (qtd.in partridge 1954:7,3) can also reflects the contradiction of peoples opinions:“the language of slang is the conversation of fools. men

9、of discretion will not pervert language to the unprofitable purposes of conversational mimicrythe friends of literature will never adopt it, as it is actively opposed to pure and grammatical diction” and “it is impossible to acquire a thorough knowledge of english or of any other language, for that

10、matter without being familiar with slang and vulgarism. whoever is uninitiatedwill be at a loss to understand many of the masterpieces of english literature. nayhe will scarcely be able even to understand an english newspaper.” these remarks remarks sum up the paradox of slang very well: “slang is t

11、he foe and the friend of the english language”(qtd.in partridge 1954:21).2.3 sociallinguistic approach to slang as we have mentioned, slang a important component of language, and as language, it, in itself, can not be evaluated as right or wrong. it is just a social phenomenon reflected in language,

12、 so we should take an objective attitude to analyze it. this paper will do it from the perspective of sociolinguistics, because sociolinguistics is that part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon”(trudgill:1983). therefore, the study of language can not

13、be separated from society and culture. 2.4 characteristics of slangamerican slang, as the product of american society, has its distinctive characteristics. according to 硕士论文,there are four distinct features which is rooted in american society, that is its brevity, novelty, instability and plural syn

14、onym. 2.4.1 brevity just as flexner(1975) remarks,brevity may not be the soul of american slang, but it is perhaps the chief feature. the american dictionary of slang also demonstrates that slang seems to prefer short words. this is usually attained by the substitution of simple syllables to express

15、 the meaning of a longer word or expression. simp (stupid person), veep (vice president) and classy (fashionable) are brief and easy to speak out. whats more, some slangs can briefly express the meaning which can not be done by one standard usage such as doodle (scribble absent-mindedly) and frisk (

16、make a body searchespecially refers to patting or touching someones pockets or places where something can be hidden and carried about).2.4.2 noveltyslang words are often invented by people for the pleasure of novelty and imitated by others who like to be in fashion. for example, they use think-machi

17、ne for brain, sparkler for diamond and flying coffin for plane.2.4.3 instabilityinstability is another distinct feature of slangs. unlike other kinds of language, slang words usually do not remain for many years, though some slangs change into standard language after some time. gay, for instance, st

18、arted its life in the sense “ homosexual” in the 1930s, and nowadays is broadly accepted as standard terminology. 2.4.4 rich synonymsamerican slang is characteristic of a wealth of synonyms, which has a close connection with the pursuit of novelty. take money for example, there are such expressions

19、for money as brass, lolly, tin, dough, mazuma, moolah and bread.3. social analysis of slangs from the perspective of gender, age, occupation and social settings to use slangslangs are not only different from other kinds of languages in its characteristics but also has specific features in the slang-

20、users. this part will explain this from the perspectives of the users age, gender and occupation.3.1 gendermost american slang is created and used by males. de klerk (1990, 1992) also found that the gender difference in use and tolerance of slang was leveling out in contemporary society and that the

21、 stereotype of makes being the primary slang users was open to question (qtd. in thomas. c. cooper. 2001). many types of slang words -including the taboo and strongly derogatory ones, those referring to women, work, money, whiskey, politics, transportation, sports and the like-refer primarily to mal

22、e endeavor and interest. the majority of entries in all slang dictionaries could be labeled “primarily masculine use” (flexner, 1960: xxiv).3.2 ageage also influences the use of slangs. american youths, especially the teenagers and college students, are the main consumers and makers of american slan

23、gs. they are not afraid of making mistakes, and full of curiosity. they are always ready to challenge traditional conventions and customs. therefore, many fashionable slangs are created and wide spread by these young people.3.3 occupationslangs also have something to do with ones occupation. general

24、ly speaking, the higher education required for the occupation, the lower tolerance will be for slang.4. social reasons of slangniceforo provided the following fifteen reasons for using slang. slang, he believes, is employed because of one or more of these reasons. ( qtd. in partridge 1954:6-7):(1) i

25、n sheer high spirits, by the young in heart as well as by the young in years; “just for the fun of the thing”; in playfulness or waggishness.(2) as an exercise either in wit and ingenuity or in humor. (the motive behind this is usually self-display or snobbishness, emulation or responsiveness, delig

26、ht in virtuosity.)(3) to be “different” to be novel.(4) to be picturesque (either positively or-as in the wish to avoid insipidity-negatively).(5) to be unmistakably arresting, even startling.(6) to escape from cliches, or to be brief and concise. (actuated by impatience with existing terms.)(7) to

27、enrich the language. (this deliberateness is rare save among the well-educated, cockneys forming the most notable exception; it is literary rather than spontaneous.)(8) to lend an air of solidity, concreteness, to the abstract; ofearthiness to the idealistic; of immediacy and appositeness tothe remo

28、te.(9) to lessen the sting of, or on the other hand to giveadditional point to, a refusal, a rejection, a recantation. toreduce, perhaps also to disperse, the solemnity, the pomposity,the excessive seriousness of a conversation. to soften thetragedy, to lighten or to “prettify” the inevitability of

29、death ormadness, or to mask the ugliness or the pity of profoundturpitude (e.g., treachery, ingratitude);and/or thus to enablethe speaker or his auditor or both to endure, to “carry on”.(10)to speak or write down to an inferior, or to amuse asuperior public; or merely to be on a colloquial level with eitherones audience or ones subject matter.(11) for ease of social intercourse.(12) to induce either fr


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